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4 augustus 2023

Basic Theosophy – The Living Wisdom

Door Geoffrey Hodson

571 Pagina’s | Seventh Reprint 2023 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House | ISBN 9788170591702

Tegenwoordig is er een groeiende ontevredenheid over het steriele mechanische raamwerk dat ons leven is gaan domineren. In dit boek geeft Geoffrey Hodson ons terug wat we onbewust hebben opgegeven toen we voor een ​​cultuur van materiële productie hebben gekozen! De filosofie is geen dromerige wereldontkennende doctrine, maar bevestigt eerder de goddelijkheid van het universum, de onsterfelijkheid van de ziel van de mens en de ultieme eenheid van de schepping met het absolute. Dit is de tijdloze wijsheid waarover in Veda’s, Purana’s en Upanishads wordt verteld. Het is een boodschap over de werkelijkheid, over wetenschap, kunst, filosofie, psychologie, kosmologie, geneeskunde en wiskunde die geïntegreerde elementen vormen in de wetenschap van het leven. Hodsons helderziendheid stelde hem in staat een intiem begrip te verwerven van de universaliteit van het zijn, kennis en vreugde en een diepe en oprechte sympathie voor de schepping te verwerven. Hij heeft een enorme hoeveelheid materiaal gesynthetiseerd met een indrukwekkende helderheid die deze tekst ideaal maakt voor degenen die op hun spirituele reis gaan.

De waarde van dit boek ligt in zijn eenvoud en toepasbaarheid op het dagelijks leven. De geest overwinnen en zuiverheid van hart bereiken, is de innerlijke vrede bereiken die we allemaal zoeken.

Author: Geoffrey Hodson
ISBN: 9788170591702

Prijs: € 22,50

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Man And The Universe – A Quest

By A.R. Bakshi, Foreword by Radha S. Burnier (1923 – 2013).

136 Pages | First edition 1994 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170592313.

The ‘Universe’ and ‘Man’, have both been the subject of study by great thinkers through the ages. Man and the Universe – A Quest presents some of the main principles of occult teaching to the ordinary reader and also supplies the serious student with sufficient material for original study offering profuse references to The Secret Doctrine (1888).

From Chapter VII – ‘Laws of Nature & Universal Truth and Order’ (p. 92 & 93):

” The whole life of the universe, according to the Ancients, is a part of a great artistic process cast into rhythmic phenomenal occurrences such as death and rebirth, creation and destruction, time and eternity, space and void, each occurrence symbolises an eternal cosmic movement. This concept of beauty and art in cosmic motion is symbolised as a female aspect of creative energy called in Indian mysticism ‘Durgā’ (the invincible), whose laws are impregnable. “

Auteur: Bakshi, A.R,
ISBN: 8170592313
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Prijs: € 7,95

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The Apocalypse and Initiation

By Daisy E. Grove.

131 Pages | First Adyar Edition 2005 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170594626.

The first part of the book explains the symbolism of the Apocalypse. An enigma to orthodoxy, this word has been interpreted in countless ways and speculated upon for the hidden meaning it is intended to convey. Significantly it found inclusion in the Christian Canon and has been preserved unaltered through centuries.

In the second part, the author explains that apocalypse is indeed ‘unveiling’ of what had been hidden, and goes on to present the Mystery-Drama of Initiation, in seven principal acts/episodes based on the authorized version of the Bible. The drama ends with the marriage, symbolizing the union of the Soul and the Spirit.

From Chapter 5 – ‘Animal Symbols’ (p. 47):

” The horn is a universal symbol of power, therefore the horns of this bogus lamb indicate the power that it exerts in its own realm. The horns of animals are their strength and defence, the leader of a flock being the horned male. Hence, the horns of the ram (Aries) associated with man’s intellectual principle symbolizes his ruling faculty or powers of leadership. In biblical language, to lift up the horn, exalt the horn, cut off the horn, always refers to powers strengthened, abused or weakened. The speech of the pseudo-lamb, compared to that of a dragon, is pretended knowledge, for the dragon, like the serpent, is a familiar emblem of Wisdom. “


Prijs: € 8,75

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The Mahā Chohan’s Letter

By Curuppumullage Jinarājadāsa (1875–1953).

30 Pages | First edition, second reprint 2004 | Paperback | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170592593.

This ‘letter’, from the Adept known as the Mahā Chohan, to A.P. Sinnett, is in fact an abridged report of an interview with him. Short though it is, it contains practically the charter for the work and development of the Theosophical Society through the ages, according to Mr. Jinarājadāsa. His commentary provides the proper perspective to understand the importance of the letter.

Auteur: Jinarājadāsa, C.
ISBN: 8170592593

Prijs: € 2,75

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Selected Studies in ‘The Secret Doctrine’

By Salomon Lancri, translated by Ianthe H. Hoskins.

86 Pages | The English translation was published in 1977 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House Limited, London | ISBN: 0722950713.

French original: Introduction á l’Étude de ‘La Doctrine Secrète’ | Published in 1967 | Editions Adyar, Paris | ISBN: 9782850001420.

Theosophy, or Divine Wisdom, is a hidden science. It is also the ‘Science of the Hidden’. Its field is the invisible. It maintains that everything perceived by the senses has secret depth; the surface of objects, their ‘exterior horizon’, is but the boundary of a ‘darkness filled full with visibility‘, a phrase used by Maurice Merleau-Ponty (Le Visible et L’Invisible, 1964). This ‘second visibility’ makes it possible for those, who have developed the necessary psychic faculties to explore the occult dimension of the universe. It is this interior horizon of things, that is the object of Theosophical Investigation,

From the Foreword (p. 11):

” On close observation, you will find that it was never the intention of the Occultists really to conceal what they had been writing from the earnest determined students, but rather to lock up their information for safety-sake, in a secure safe-box, the key to which is – intuition. The degree of diligence and zeal with which the hidden meaning is sought by the student, is generally the test – how far he or she is entitled to the possession of the so buried treasure. ” – From: The Mahatma Letters to Alfred Percy Sinnett, p. 275.

Auteur: Lancri, S.
ISBN: 0722950713

Prijs: € 10,00

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The Yoga of the Christ – The Way to the Centre

By Ravi Ravindra.

316 Pages | First published in 1990, first reprint 2007 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170594472.

Ook uitgegeven door Inner Traditions, Rochester Vermont, USA als The Gospel of John in the Light of Indian Mysticism

‘He, who is near me is near the fire, and he who is far from me is far from the Kingdom.’

The only reason that I, an outsider to the Christian tradition and not particularly learned in it, write about one of its most sacred texts is because of my love for it. The first time, I encountered it, I was much moved by The Gospel According to St. John. Since then I have read this Gospel many times. Always it leaves me in an uplifted internal state: I feel myself called by a mysterious and higher voice.

In our contemporary pluralistic world, where a cross-cultural communication has increasingly become a matter of necessity for global survival, a new consciousness is emerging. One of the major features of this new consciousness is a non-sectarian spirituality. A universal spirituality is at the very root of all traditions, but it is continually lost in theological exclusivism, or in scholastic partiality, or in evangelical enthusiasm, and it needs to be rediscovered and restated anew again and again. Anybody, who would approach a major work of a religious tradition with a global perspective, and with an effort to discover the universal truths in it, will aid the development of the new consciousness in the right direction.

From Chapter 21 – ‘A New Beginning’ (p. 297):

” Each one of us must begin anew, perhaps again and again, if we wish to come to the deathless Beginning. Jesus Christ said. in a non-canonical saying found on some papyri discovered in Oxyrhynchus in Egypt at the end of the nineteenth century: ‘Let not him, who seeks cease until he finds, and when he finds he shall be astonished. Astonished he shall reach the Kingdom, and having reached the Kingdom, he shall rest. “

Auteur: Ravindra, R.
ISBN: 8170594472

Prijs: € 17,50

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The Science of the Sacraments

By Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).

630 Pages | First edition 1920, 10th reprint 1997 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170592968.

The Science of Sacraments can be defined as ‘a new idea of Church worship’, for it presents a clairvoyant description of the inner or invisible side of the traditional Catholic rites. The central theme of the book is that a sacrament is ‘an outer and visible sign of an inner, spiritual grace‘. The author examines the far-reaching effect of ceremonies like the Holy Eucharist, which benefit not only those attending, but also the community at large with its strong radiance of peace.

The Rt. Revd Charles Webster Leadbeater was acclaimed as one of the great clairvoyants in this century. He wrote many books including The Chakras, Man Visible and Invisible, The Hidden Side of Things and Thought Forms (with Annie Besant). He was for a number of years Presiding Bishop of the Liberal Catholic Church, which seeks to combine the preservation of the Catholic sacraments with the widest measure of freedom of thought and interpretation of the Scriptures.

From the Appendix (p. 608):

” Do not believe in a thing said merely because it is said; nor in traditions because they have been handed down from antiquity; nor in rumours, as such; nor in writings by sages, merely because they have been handed down from antiquity; nor in rumours, as such; nor in writings by sages, merely because sages wrote them; nor in fancies that you may suspect to have been inspired in you by an Angel (that is, in presumed spiritual inspiration); nor in inferences drawn from some haphazard assumption you may have made; nor because of what seems an analogical necessity; nor on the mere authority of your own teachers or masters. But we are to believe when the writing, doctrine or saying is corroborated by our own reason and consciousness. For this I have taught you, not to believe merely because you have heard; but when you believe of your own consciousness, then to act accordingly and abundantly. ”  – Kalama Sutta of the Anguttara Nikaya.

Auteur: Leadbeater, C.W.
ISBN: 8170592968

Prijs: € 20,00

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To Be and How to Be

By Peggy Rubin.

287 Pages | First Quest Edition 2010 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN:  9780835608534.

‘ The play of life is a daring adventure. Live it for all it’s worth and say yes! No matter what . . .

So says author and popular Sacred Theatre workshop leader Peggy Rubin. Drawing on decades of experience, she helps us take the leading role in our own life by tapping into the nine powers of the theatre, including Story, Expression, Point of View, Conflict and Celebration. With imaginative exercises throughout, her long-awaited book is fun, profound, and exuberantly transformative!

From the ‘Prologue’ (p. 2):

” This book uses the traditional theatre as a metaphor for framing and living life. I think of it as a dialogue between us. We will be talking about how actors work as they prepare and play their roles and how their training can provide ways for us all to live more buoyantly. First, may I share some thoughts about how I believe the theatre began as a sacred act, how your life is a sacred art form, and why I call what we are doing together Sacred Theatre.

Let us return to the ancient firelight and our ancestor’s celebration over the roasting meat. We can imagine the excitement as the first actor rises to enact the story of the hunt; we can almost hear the accompanying sounds and feel his listener’s enormous gratitude for the animal that gave its life to provide protein and also gave them this reason to celebrate – and, incidentally, to invent the theatre. “

Auteur: Rubin, P.
ISBN: 9780835608534

Prijs: € 17,95

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The Causal Body and the Ego

By Arthur E. Powell (1882 – 1969).

355 Pages | First published in 1928, second edition, second reprint 2016 | Softcover | The Theosophical House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170594239.

The causal body is the vehicle of the immortal principle of a human being, the Ego, which survives the death and disintegration of the lower bodies – physical, astral and mental. It acts as a receptacle for the essence of a human being’s experiences and lessons in various incarnations. In the causal body also lies the creative power of meditation.

This classic work by Colonel Arthur E. Powell is part of a series of books seeking to provide a condensed synthesis of the considerable literature given by well-known Theosophical writers. Other books in the series are: The Etheric Double – The Health Aura, The Astral Body and Other Astral Phenomena, The Mental Body and The Solar System.

From Chapter XV – ‘Functions of the Causal Body’ (p. 89):

” The causal body owes its name to the fact that in it reside the causes, which manifest themselves as effects in the lower planes. For it is the experiences of past lives, stored in the causal body, which are the cause of the general attitude taken up towards life, and the actions undertaken. In Sanskrit, the causal body is known as the Kārana Sharira, Kārana meaning ‘cause’. Briefly, we may say that the causal body has two main functions:

  1. To act as a vehicle for the Ego: the causal body is the ‘body of Manas’, the form-aspect of the individual, the true man, the Thinker.

  2. To act as a receptacle or storehouse for the essence of the man’s experiences in his various incarnations. The causal body is that into, which is woven everything, which can endure, and in which are stored the germs of qualities, to be carried over to the next incarnation. Hence, one sees that the lower manifestation of the man, i.e. his expression in his mental, astral and physical bodies, depends ultimately upon the growth and development of the real man himself, the one ‘for whom the hour never strikes’. “


Auteur: Powell, A.E.
ISBN: 9788170594239

Prijs: € 23,50

The Golden Rules of Buddhism

Compiled by Henry Steel Olcott (1832 – 1907).

28 Pages | First printed as Pamphlet in 1887, 2nd edition 1891, 3rd edition 1902, Adyar Pamphlet 1918, 1st reprint 1938, 2nd reprint 1944, 3rd reprint 1967, 4th reprint 1984 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 0835670783.

The too prevalent ignorance among adult Sinhalese Buddhists of the ethical code of their religion leads me to issue this little compilation. Similar moral precepts exist by hundreds in the Buddhist scriptures; from which also all the quotations in this little work are derived. Orientalists and other impartial persons admit that no religion in the world contains a more sublime system of moral values than Buddhism. But if we wish this to become known to Buddhist children, we, adult Buddhists, must take the task upon ourselves.

From page 12:


” Parents should:

  1. Restrain their children from vice.

  2. Train them in virtue.

  3. Have them taught Arts and Sciences.

  4. Provide them with suitable wives and husbands (at least valid for the ancient times).

  5. Give them an inheritance. “

Auteur: Olcott, H.S.
ISBN: 0835670783

Prijs: € 3,00

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Gaia’s Hidden Life: The Unseen Intelligence of Nature

Compiled by Shirley Nicholson and Brenda Rosen.

290 Pages | A Quest Original 1992 | Softcover | Quest Books U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835606851.

Esoteric philosophy has always maintained that everything in nature is alive. This enticing anthology suggests that science is beginning to move closer to this viewpoint. New perspectives on the Native American, Celtic, Theosophical and mystical Christian traditions are offered unveiling the seamless, interconnected web of life linking human beings and the natural world. Contributors include:

  • James Lovelock – father of the Gaia Movement
  • Joan Halifax – anthropologist
  • Thomas Berry – Jesuit ecologist
  • Dorothy Maclean – co-founder Findhorn Community
  • Serge King – Hawaiian shaman
  • And many more . . .

From Chapter – ‘Invoking Angelic Beings’ by Geoffrey Hodson (p. 289):

Angels of Nature

” Hail, devas of the earth and sky!
Come to our aid;
Give fertility to our fields
Give life to all our seeds,
That this our earth may be fruitful.

Hail, devas of the earth and sky!
Come to our aid;
Share with us the labours of our world
That the divinity within may be set free . . . “

Auteur: Nicholson, S. / Rosen, B.
ISBN: 9780835606851

Prijs: € 17,70

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The Etheric Double – The Health Aura

By Arthur Edward Powell (1882 – 1969).

156 Pages | First published in 1925, 1969, 1979, second edition, first reprint 2015 | Hardcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170595632.

This classic tekst has long been used as a resource book by students and scholars of astral phenomena. It’s subject is the subtle body, which all human beings possess, physical in nature but invisible to ordinary eyes. Of interest to healers, body workers, and all students of esoteric lore, Powell’s discussion of the anatomy of the subtle body, its energy centres and functions, is perceptive and comprehensive.  The others in the series are: The Mental Body, The Astral Body and Other Astral Phenomena, The Causal Body and the Ego and The Solar System.

From Chapter I – ‘General Description’ (p.3):

” It is important to notice, that the dense body and the Etheric Double vary together as to their quality; hence one who sets himself deliberately to purify his dense body, at the same time automatically refines its etheric counterpart. Into the composition of the Etheric Double must enter something of all the different grades of etheric matter, but the proportions may vary greatly, and are determined by several factors, such as the race, sub-race, and type of man, as well as by his individual karma. “

Auteur: Powell, A.E.
ISBN: 9788170595632

Prijs: € 14,00

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Rāja Yoga – A Simplified and Practical Course (1972 edition)

By Wallace Slater.

105 Pages | First edition 1968, reprinted in 1972 | Hardcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, London | No ISBN.

NB: This is an older edition, the most recent 2006 edition can be purchased in our Webshop here.

Of all forms of yoga, which are taught and practised in the East, Rāja Yoga is considered the kingly science; it aims at the development of man’s full potential and the expression of his inner spiritual ‘Self’. In this small volume, the author offers the basic technique of this ancient classic system of yoga in a graded practical ‘do-it-yourself” course divided into 10 lessons.

The instructions include posture, right attitudes and, most importantly, methods of meditation. This simplified course will be of inestimable value in aiding the student to find a means of inner quiet amidst the rush and turmoil of a busy life, to discover new insights and to realize himself as an integrated human being.

From the Introduction (p. 1):

” The term ‘yoga’ is now generally applied to many forms of asceticism, meditation and spiritual training whether practised by Hindus, Buddhists or Christians. It is, however, primarily an ancient Indian form of discipline, which has been modified by later Indian writers, adopted by Buddhists and practised in the West in many different forms by people professing the Christian faith or none. It is therefore to India, that we look for the original source material.

Yoga, derived from ‘yuj’, implies, ‘ to bind together’, ’to yoke’, and, in this sense, its practice is to unite the individual spirit of man with the greater Spirit of God (Īśvara), or with the Oversoul of humanity. But first, there must be an unbinding, a separation of the external from the internal, of the ‘profane world’ from the spirit. This is achieved by various yoga practices, which aim to withdraw consciousness from the periphery to the centre, from the material world of our outward senses to a calm, inner centre of reality, variously called Spirit, truth, Wisdom, the ‘Self’, ātman. “

Auteur: Slater, W.

Prijs: € 6,00

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The Hidden Wisdom in the Holy Bible – Volume II

By Geoffrey Hodson (1886 – 1983).

408 Pages | First edition 1967, 2nd & revised edition 1972, reprinted in 1986 | Hardcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 0835607054.

The Holy Bible belongs to a special category of literature. Mystics, Kabbalists, and students of sacred texts regard the Scriptures as allegorical, constructed of symbols, analogies, and parables, woven into a tapestry of meaning that holds the age-old truths of existence.

From ‘The Hidden Wisdom and why It is concealed’ (p. ix):

” The greatest degree of power, which occult science can bestow is to be derived from knowledge of the unity and interaction between the Macrocosm and the Microcosm, the Universe and Man. ‘The mystery of the earthly and mortal man is after the mystery of the supernal and immortal One’, wrote Éliphas Lévi (1810 – 1875), Lao Tzu (6th century BC) also expresses this truth in his words: ‘The Universe is a man on a larger scale’. “

The late Geoffrey Hodson is the author of The Brotherhood of Angels and Men and Clairvoyant Investigations.

Auteur: Hodson, G.
ISBN: 0835670570

Prijs: € 9,00

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Principles of Theosophical Work

By Iqbal Kishen Taimni (1898–1978).

148 Pages | Published and revised in 1991, second edition 2016 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170595885.

The members of the Theosophical Society are spread throughout the world. In order to organize the Society’s work efficiently, it is imperative that the members have a clear understanding of its aims and the general principles, that should guide them in planning and execution of their work.

This book fulfils this requirement admirably, by listening the activities and their objectives in great detail, and suggesting ways and means of achieving them in an efficient manner. It lays down the qualifications and preparation of a Theosophical worker. It lists the different kinds of work at the National Section level, the Theosophical training centre level and Lodge level, and how each of these need to be organized.

From Chapter 1 – ‘The Divine Plan and the Theosophical Society’ (p. 5 & 6):

” This (Theosophical) Movement has at least three well-defined, though unspecified functions in the present times. These may be stated as follows:

  1. To give to humanity certain deeper truths of life, which are needed for taking the next step in human evolution.
  2. To instil certain universal guiding principles like Brotherhood into the minds of people in general, so that it may become possible to usher in a better world order.
  3. To provide agents in the outer world, who understand the Plan in a general way and can thus consciously cooperate with the Elder Brethren in the work, which they are doing for the betterment of the human race.

It has thus be seen that the founding of the Theosophical Society is part of a definite move to lift a corner of the veil, which has hidden so far from humanity life’s deeper mysteries and those, who hold the keys to these mysteries. “

Auteur: Taimni, I.K.
ISBN: 9788170595885

Prijs: € 11,00

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The Child

By Maria Montessori (1870 – 1952).

20 Pages | Reprinted from The Theosophist 1941, 10th reprint 1986 | Booklet | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170590302.

We all know that the age of development is the most important period of the whole life. Moral malnutrition and intoxication of the spirit are as fatal for the Soul of man as physical malnutrition is for the health of his or her body. Therefore, child-education is the most important problem of humanity.

From page 18:

” Certainly here is the key to all pedagogy: to know how to recognize the precious instinct of concentration in order to make use of it in the teaching of reading, writing and counting and, later on, of grammar, arithmetic, foreign languages, science, etc. After all, every psychologist is of the opinion that there is only one way of teaching, that of arousing in the student the deepest interest and at the same time, a constant and vivacious attention. So the whole thing resolves itself in this, to make use of those intimate and hidden forces of the child for his or her education. “

Auteur: Montessori, M.
ISBN: 8170590302

Prijs: € 1,60

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Education as Service

By Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895–1986).

116 Pages | Second edition, second reprint 2010 | Hardcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170594826.

” The office of the teacher is the most sacred and the most important to the nation, because it builds the characters of boys and girls, who will be its future citizens. “

So declared the world-renowned spiritual Teacher, J. Krishnamurti, when at the age of seventeen he wrote this book. In his previous valuable little work At the Feet of the Master, written when he was fourteen, he made available to the world the instructions he received from his Master on the four Qualifications for the spiritual path – Love, Discrimination, Desirelessness and Good Conduct. Here, the author shows how they can be applied to the life of the teacher and the student, and be of universal benefit.

From page 113:

” You must trust yourself. You say you know yourself too well. If you feel so, you do not know yourself; you know only the weak outer husk, which has fallen often into the mire. But you – the real you – you are a spark of God’s own fire, and God, who is almighty, is in you, and because of that there is nothing that you cannot do if you will “

Auteur: Krishnamurti, J.
ISBN: 9788170594826

Prijs: € 7,75

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Viveka-Cudamani or Crest-Jewel of Wisdom of Śrī Samkarācārya

Text in Devanāgarī and translation by Mohini Mohun Chatterji (1858 – 1936).

228 Pages | First edition 1932, 2nd to 5th reprints 1947 – 1983, 6th reprint 1995, 7th reprint 1999 | Hardcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar |  ISBN: 8170592526.

The English translation appeared for the first time in Vols. VII (1885 – 18886 and IX (1887 – 1888) of The Theosophist.

Vivekachudamani literally means ‘crest jewel of wisdom’. It is an important work of Śrī Samkarācārya, one of the greatest sages of Ancient India. Endowed with lofty and sharp intellect, he wrote many incisive commentaries on great standard works of Hindu philosophy. But they are beyond the reach of those, who have not attained a high proficiency in Sanskrit and other collateral philosophical disciplines. Here in Vivekachudamani he distils the quintessence of what he taught, that is, the non-dual or Vedanta or Advaita Vedanta in easy Sanskrit verses, whose sublimity of content is matched only by their lyrical beauty. Each verse is presented here with a free-running English translation.





Auteur: Chatterji, M.M.
ISBN: 8170592526

Prijs: € 8,50

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On Knowing Oneself – A Theosophical Approach

By Danielle Audoin (1926 – 1917).

118 Pages | Adyar Editions – first edition, first reprint 2005 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170592755.

Dutch translation: Een Benadering van Theosofie | Published in 1990 | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750628.

French originalConnais-toi Toi-même – A la lumière de la Théosophie (latest edition 2004)The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar.

Theosophical literature covers a vast field and throws light on age-old questions concerning the human being, the universe, and the Divine ground of existence. In this book, Madame Audoin presents the human being, who exists at different levels of consciousness, from a Theosophical point of view. Step by step she shows there is possiblity of unlimited unfoldment of consciousness, beginning with the first steps on the road to self-knowledge.

This is a clearly presented introduction to an important aspect of the Ageless Wisdom, highlighting its fundamental teachings about the human journey to Ultimate Reality.

From Chapter 3 – ‘The Physical Body’ (p. 35):

” We know that everything is vibration. Purifying and refining our physical body means making it capable of responding to finer and finer vibrations and at the same time incapable of reacting to the coarser vibrations, not only physical but also astral and mental. We can thus gradually transform our physical body. We know our cells are renewed every seven years and thus, if we change our diet, we can change the vibratory capacity of the physical body. “


Auteur: Audoin, D.
ISBN: 8170592755

Prijs: € 5,50

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By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

50 Pages | First edition 1963, third edition, first reprint 2016 | Paperback | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170594642.

Annie Besant (1847 – 1933), second President of the Theosophical Society (1907 – 1933) was described as a ‘Diamond Soul’, for she had many brilliant facets to her character. She was an outstanding orator of her time, a champion of human freedom, educationist, philanthropist and author with more than three hundred books and pamphlets to her credit. She also guided thousands of men and women all over the world in their spiritual quest.

In 1896, Dr. Annie Besant gave four Convention Lectures on Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism and Chrisitianity at Adyar, Madras, on the twenty-first anniversary of the Theosophical Society, the President-Founder, Colonel Henry Steel Olcott (1832 – 1907), being in the Chair. In 1901, she continued the series with another four lectures on Islam, Jainism, Sikhism and Theosophy or ‘Divine Wisdom’ as the common source of all religions at the twenty-sixth anniversary, Colonel Olcott again presiding. Each of the lectures on the seven religions has been published as a separate booklet with the exception of the lecture on Divine Wisdom, and the whole series as a single volume under the title Seven Great Religions.

From page 44:

”  The Buddha asks from his disciples, as the first qualification, that opening of the mind, which is identical with discrimination, or viveka – discrimination between the permanent and the impermanent. The second step is that regarding action, which teaches indifference to the fruits of action and is identical with vairāgya. Then follow the six qualities of the mind, the same six that are taught in Hinduism. Fourthly, the deep longing for liberation, the same as the mumukshā; and lastly, the gotrabhu, the same as adhikāri, when the man is ready for Initiation. “


Auteur: Besant, A.
ISBN: 9788170594642

Prijs: € 3,50

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By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

47 Pages | First edition 1963, third edition 2005 | Paperback | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170594677.

Annie Besant (1847 – 1933), second President of the Theosophical Society (1907 – 1933) was described as a ‘Diamond Soul’, for she had many brilliant facets to her character. She was an outstanding orator of her time, a champion of human freedom, educationist, philanthropist and author with more than three hundred books and pamphlets to her credit. She also guided thousands of men and women all over the world in their spiritual quest.

In 1896, Dr. Annie Besant gave four Convention Lectures on Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism and Chrisitianity at Adyar, Madras, on the twenty-first anniversary of the Theosophical Society, the President-Founder, Colonel Henry Steel Olcott (1832 – 1907), being in the Chair. In 1901, she continued the series with another four lectures on Islam, Jainism, Sikhism and Theosophy or ‘Divine Wisdom’ as the common source of all religions at the twenty-sixth anniversary, Colonel Olcott again presiding. Each of the lectures on the seven religions has been published as a separate booklet with the exception of the lecture on Divine Wisdom, and the whole series as a single volume under the title Seven Great Religions.

From page 1/2:

” Most people in thinking of the Sikh think of a gallant warrior, a brave soldier. But we shall err seriously if we look on him as only, or even as fundamentally a fighter. The movement itself is fundamentally a religious one. It grew up in the midst of Hinduism, having for its ideal the joining together of the Hindus and the Muslims in one league of love to God and service to man. The thought of its founder, Guru Nānak, as we find it expressed not only in his words, but far more in his life, was to join together these warring elements of the Indian people on a platform, that both could accept. “


Auteur: Besant, A.
ISBN: 8170594677

Prijs: € 3,50

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By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

21 Pages | First edition 1949, second edition 2005 | Paperback | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170594707.

Annie Besant (1847 – 1933), second President of the Theosophical Society (1907 – 1933) was described as a ‘Diamond Soul’, for she had many brilliant facets to her character. She was an outstanding orator of her time, a champion of human freedom, educationist, philanthropist and author with more than three hundred books and pamphlets to her credit. She also guided thousands of men and women all over the world in their spiritual quest.

In 1896, Dr. Annie Besant gave four Convention Lectures on Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism and Chrisitianity at Adyar, Madras, on the twenty-first anniversary of the Theosophical Society, the President-Founder, Colonel Henry Steel Olcott (1832 – 1907), being in the Chair. In 1901, she continued the series with another four lectures on Islam, Jainism, Sikhism and Theosophy or ‘Divine Wisdom’ as the common source of all religions at the twenty-sixth anniversary, Colonel Olcott again presiding. Each of the lectures on the seven religions has been published as a separate booklet with the exception of the lecture on Divine Wisdom, and the whole series as a single volume under the title Seven Great Religions.

From page 1/2:

” One might almost sum up Jainism in a phrase, that we find in the Sutra Kritānga, that man by injuring no living creature reaches the Nirvāna, which is peace. That is a phrase, that seems to carry with it the whole of this religion – peace: peace between man and man, peace between man and animal, peace everywhere and in all things, a perfect Brotherhood of all that lives. Such is the ideal of the Jain, that he endeavours to realize upon earth. “

Auteur: Besant, A.
ISBN: 8170594707

Prijs: € 3,50

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By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

45 Pages | First edition 1963, third edition 2005 | Paperback | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170594650.

Annie Besant (1847 – 1933), second President of the Theosophical Society (1907 – 1933) was described as a ‘Diamond Soul’, for she had many brilliant facets to her character. She was an outstanding orator of her time, a champion of human freedom, educationist, philanthropist and author with more than three hundred books and pamphlets to her credit. She also guided thousands of men and women all over the world in their spiritual quest.

In 1896, Dr. Annie Besant gave four Convention Lectures on Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism and Chrisitianity at Adyar, Madras, on the twenty-first anniversary of the Theosophical Society, the President-Founder, Colonel Henry Steel Olcott (1832 – 1907), being in the Chair. In 1901, she continued the series with another four lectures on Islam, Jainism, Sikhism and Theosophy or ‘Divine Wisdom’ as the common source of all religions at the twenty-sixth anniversary, Colonel Olcott again presiding. Each of the lectures on the seven religions has been published as a separate booklet with the exception of the lecture on Divine Wisdom, and the whole series as a single volume under the title Seven Great Religions.

From page 44/45:

” Thus universe succeeds universe, each aiding its successors until our thought fails to express itself, and the human faculty sinks down unable to soar further. Such, most imperfectly expressed, is the religion founded in immemorial antiquity, that has come down from the rshi-s. Such ought to be your religion, heirs of the past, descendants of those mighty ones! Just in so far as you live it, in so far are your really their heirs. Just in so far as this is dear to you and practised by you, are you learning the lesson of evolution as it was taught by them, and given to the people they instructed. Just so far are you profiting by opportunities greater than those offered to any other nation, opportunities that, wasted, will be bewailed by you under less favourable conditions in many a life to come. “

Auteur: Besant, A.
ISBN: 8170594650

Prijs: € 3,50

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Madame Blavatsky and Soobiah

By an anonymous author.

22 Pages | Published during the International Convention 1991 | Booklet | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN:


When Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) and Henry Steel Olcott (1832 – 1907) visited Madras in 1882 and lectured in the Georgetown area, Grandhi Muthuswami Chetty who was a judge, listened to them. Though he was a rich man, he was spiritually dissatisfied, and though a Hindu desired to be converted to another religion. Muthuswami’s enquiring mind was kindled by the two foreign lecturers. He wrote down several questions about whether he should opt for another religion and left those papers in a cupboard in his house before he went to sleep in the night. Next morning, when he woke up and looked in the cupboard, to his amazement he found that all his questions had been answered.  Muthuswami was convinced by the answers and never became a convert, for he joined the Theosophical Society.

From page 18:

” Good bye dearest Soobhiya & may the Masters bless and protect you. If you do come it will be the happiest day I will have had in these three years of exile! . . . I hope your dear wife and children are all well. Give them my blessing if they accept it.

Yours ever affectionately,

H.P. Blavatsky

I send you my Lucifer, Love to all friends – if there are any left.

H.P.B. “

auteur: Anon.

Prijs: € 2,27

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A Textbook of Theosophy

By Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).

203 Pages | First edition, 16th reprint 2016 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170592501.

A Textbook of Theosophy is an ideal primer for the student of Theosophy. It suggests that Theosophy comprises the best of religion, science and philosophy. The book presents a concise, clear description of the evolution of human beings and the solar system, and describes the divine inner nature of each one of us. Moreover, through discussing reincarnation and the purpose of life, it leads us to understand the after-death state. The book urges us to rise to the highest good within us: ‘God is Good, man is immortal, and as we sow, so must we reap.’

From Chapter 1 ‘What Theosophy is’ (p. 5 & 6):

” The existence of Perfected Men, and the possibility of coming into touch with them and being taught by them, are prominent among the great new thruths which Theosophy brings to the Western world. Another of them is the stupendous fact that the world is not drifting blindly into anarchy, but that its progress is under the control of a perfectly organized hierarchy, so that final failure even for the tiniest of its units is of all impossibilities the most impossible. “

auteur: Leadbeater, C.W.
ISBN: 9788170592501

Prijs: € 9,90

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Seven Great Religions

By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

319 Pages | Third edition, 2nd reprint, 2013 | Paperback | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170595083.

The religious life is a life of love and understanding, serving to unite all people and all beings in one Whole. In this brilliant series of lectures, Annie Besant, former President of The Theosophical Society (1907 – 1933), delves into the world’s Seven Great Religions and their intended role of uniting and elevating the world.

Small in compass, but peerless in depth and wisdom, this collection provides essential knowledge about Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Jainism, and Sikhism, culminating in the fountainhead of all religions, the Divine Wisdom of Theosophy. In this book, students of Religion, as well as practitioners will find a source of inspiration and knowledge, urging all towards purity of life, universal love and aspiration to Truth.

From page 314:

” In the coming civilization men shall love each other, and worship under many forms the One, the Indivisible. For the truth is that the Divine Wisdom is like the sun in heaven that shines upon every part of the earth. It shines down into every man’s compound, no matter how high the walls that he may build around it, for the sun is higher than all. So does the Divine Wisdom shine down into every religion; and though a man build barriers, the sun of the Divine Wisdom is higher than them all and it shines on every man’s face and illuminates it. There are many faiths, because mankind needs manas, the mind, in order to grow and develop. Take a ray of the sunlight and pass it through a prism; on the other side, seven colours will be painted. Take the spiritual truth and pass it through the prism of the human intellect, and the one white Truth shines out in seven different colours. “

auteur: Besant, A.
ISBN: 9788170595083

Prijs: € 15,00

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Is Theosophy a Religion?

By Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891).

48 Pages | First edition, fourth reprint 2004 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170590310.

‘Theosophy is not a Religion‘ says Madame Blavatsky; it is Religion itself, the Wisdom Religion from which individual religions have sprung. It is the one bond of unitym whicb is so universal and all-embracing, that no man as no speck – from the gods and mortals down to animals, the blade of grass and atom – can be outside of its light. Therefore, any organization or body of that name must be necessarily be a Universal Brotherhood.

Theosophy can be practised by Christian or heathen, Jew or Gentile, by agnostic or materialist and atheist, provided that no one of these is a bigoted fanaticm who refuses to recognize as his brother or sister a person outside his own special creed or belief. Theosophy embraces every science in life, moral and physical, because it shows the connection of man and all things in the universe with each other.

From the Introduction:

” Religion is the best armour that man can have, but it is the worst cloak.  – Bunyan.

It is no exaggeration to say that there never was – during the present nineteenth century, at any rate – a movement, social or religious, so terribly misunderstood, or more blundered about than Theosophy – whether regarded theoretically as a code of ethics, or practically, in its objective expression, i.e.. the Society known by that name. “

auteur: Blavatsky, H.P.
ISBN: 8170590310

Prijs: € 2,50

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Esoteric Buddhism

By Alfred Percy Sinnett (1840 – 1921).

212 Pages | Adyar First Edition 2008 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170595434.

This book was published in 1883 and probably constituted the earliest sketch of esoteric teachings given in plain language. ‘Karma’ and ‘Reincarnation’ and other such terms, almost unknown in the West, thereafter came to be used in literary and theological circles.

The author candidly acknowledges that it was the ‘favour’ (of the Adepts) rather than ‘effort’ on his part that helped the writing of the book. He received teachings of great Spiritual Teachers or Mahatmas through Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891). The book gives occult details concerning the Universe and its planets, going beyond the material world.

From page 212:

” In that which really constitutes Buddhism we find a sublime simplicity, like that of Nature herself – one Law running into infinite ramifications – complexities of detail, it is true, as Nature herself is infinitely complex in her manifestations, however unchangeably uniform in her purposes, but always the immutable doctrine of causes and their effects, which in turn become causes again in an endless cyclic progression . . . “

auteur: Sinnett, A.P.
ISBN: 9788170595434

Prijs: € 15,00

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HPB Teaches – An Anthology

By Michael Gomes.

579 Pages | First edition, first reprint 2006 | Hardcover | The Theosophical Society, Adyar | ISBN: 8170593972.

With a title like H.P.B. Teaches, the reader may wonder: ‘teaches what‘? HPB herself gives the answer: ‘metaphysics, psychology, philosophy, ancient religions, zoology, natural sciences’. One might add occult symbolism, spiritual evolution, guidance on moral and social issues, after death states, cycles and human destiny. Aside from the major books she is famous for – Isis Unveiled (1877), The Secret Doctrine (1888), The Key to Theosophy and The Voice of Silence (1889) – it is estimated that in a brief span of seventeen years, from 1874 to 1891, Mme. Blavatsky wrote close to one thousand articles, essays, and letters to journals, which in many cases focus within the space of a few pages on the topics listed above.

For the first time in one volume a representative selection of articles by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), co-founder of the Theosophical Society, is available. The forty articles in this book cover every facet of HPB’s writings in English, including one of her semi-fictional stories.

From page 21:

” Many thousand years ago the wise King Solomon declared that ‘There is nothing new under the Sun’, and the words of this very wise man ought to be repeated till the farthest ends of time. There is not a science, nor a modern discovery in any secretion of it, but was known to the Cabalists thousands of years since. This will appear a bold and ridiculous assertion, I know: and one apparently unconfirmed by any authority. But I will answer that where truth stares one in the face, there can be no other authority than one’s senses. “

auteur: Gomes, M.
ISBN: 8170593972

Prijs: € 22,80

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The Perfume of Egypt – And Other Weird Stories

By Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934).

271 Pages | First edition, 7th reprint 2004 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 817059457X.

The author of this book, Charles Webster Leadbeater was a clairvoyant whose range of experience of occult phenomena and unusual happenings waa extraordinary. The Perfume of Egypt is a collection of ‘weird stories’, mostly about ghosts, which is both fascinating and informative, because they represent either personal experiences of the author or what he had heard directly from authentic sources.

Mr. Leadbeater himself brings to attention in his Foreword (page viii):

” I have written other and more serious books, in which such things as these are scientifically explained; in this volume my only desire is to help my readers to pass pleasantly a few hours of leisure time. “

auteur: Leadbeater, C.W.
ISBN: 817059457X

Prijs: € 9,50

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Dynamics of the Psychic World – Comments by H.P. Blavatsky

Comments by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) compiled by Lina Psaltis.

132 Pages | 1972, Second reprint 2006 | Hard cover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170594863.

Psychic phenomena, magic, hypnotism, spiritualism, planes of perception, dreams, and spiritual progress – these are some of the subjects discussed in this collection of excertps from the writings of one of the most famous occultists of history:

In this small book the compiler has drawn together from various sources some of the important and interesting statements made by H.P. Blavatsky more than a century ago on subjects, which are arousing wide interest today. Her comments not only reveal something of her profound knowledge and wisdom, but are also fascinating, informative and relevant. They contain valuable advice to those who would dabble in psychic realms without being aware of their dangers and pitfalls.

From page 104/105:

” The key in each degree is the ‘aspirant himself’. It is not the fear of God, which is the beginning of Wisdom, but the knowledge of SELF which is WISDOM ITSELF. How grand and true appears, thus, to the student of Occultism who has commenced to realize some of the foregoing truths, the answer given by the Delphic Oracle to all who came seeking after Occult Wisdom – words repeated and enforced again and again by the wise Socrates: MAN KNOW THYSELF . . . ” 

  • From: Collected Writings, Vol. IX, p. 162.
auteur: Blavatsky, H.P./Psaltis, L. (comp.)
ISBN: 8170594863

Prijs: € 9,00

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Esoteric Psychology – The Theosophical Janus

By John S. Gordon.

36 Pages | Soft cover | August 2008 | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | No ISBN.

‘The Blavatsky Lecture’  delivered at the Summer School of The Foundation for Theosophical Studies, Wills Hall, The University of Bristol, Sunday August 2008.

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), as we know, at least once remarked that ‘Theosophy is not for dumbskulls!’ By that, her writings clearly demonstrate, she meant that the operative principles behind this all-embracing form of wisdom-philosophy have to be studied carefully and followed in practice before it can even begin to be properly understood. However, those principles are not be taken on board like some religious ritual, driven by blind faith and a happy assumption that somebody else will take up the full responsibility for explaining their full significance.

What Theosophy is and how it works cannot really be understood other than through direct experience of the principles behind the operation of consciousness itself is regarded by the cutting edge of modern science as the next major frontier to be crossed, it is this subject which I propose to address today – although not perhaps in the manner which an orthodox scientist might adopt.

auteur: Gordon, J.S.

Prijs: € 4,00

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Esoteric Buddhism

By Alfred Percy Sinnett (1840 – 1921).

212 Pages | Adyar First Edition 2008 | Paperback | ISBN: 9788170595434.

This book was published in 1883 and probably constituted the earliest sketch of esoteric teachings given in plain language. ‘Karma’ and ‘Reincarnation’ and other such terms, almost unknown in the West, thereafter came to be used in literary and theological circles.

The author candidly acknowledges that it was the ‘favour’ (of the Adepts) rather than ‘effort’ on his part that helped the writing of the book. He received teachings of great Spiritual Teachers or Mahatmas through Helena P. Blavatsky (1831 – 1891). The book gives occult details concerning the Universe and its planets, going beyond the material world.

From page 212:

” In that which really constitutes Buddhism we find a sublime simplicity, like that of Nature herself – one Law running into infinite ramifications – complexities of detail, it is true, as Nature herself is infinitely complex in her manifestations, however unchangeably uniform in her purposes, but always the immutable doctrine of causes and their effects, which in turn become causes again in an endless cyclic progression . . . “

auteur: Sinnett, A.P.
ISBN: 9788170595434

Prijs: € 8,50

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Light on the Path – And an Essay on Karma (Adyar Mini)

By Mabel Collins (1851 – 1927).

86 Pages | Third Adyar Edition, 1st reprint 2013 | Hardcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170595823.

‘These rules are written for all disciples’. As we have it present, this book was dictated by Master Hilarion through the mediumship of Mabel Collins. Master Hilarion received it from his own teacher, the ‘Great One’, who among Theosophical students is sometimes called ‘The Venetian’; but even He is the author only of part of it. It has passed through three phases.

Light on the Path was the first of three treatises, which occupy a unique position in our Theosophical literature – directions from those who have trodden the Path to those, who desire to read it.

auteur: Collins, M.
ISBN: 9788170595823

Prijs: € 4,50

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The Doctrine of the Heart – Extracts from Letters of Indian Friends to Annie Besant, with her Foreword

By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

87 Pages | First edition, 5th reprint, 2011 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170594406.


This series of papers consist chiefly of extracts from letters received by from Indian friends. They contain thoughts that have been found helpful, and hence worth sharing with others. They are intended for those, who seek to learn to separate head-learning from ‘Soul-Wisdom’ and to live the higher life.

Auteur: Besant, A.
ISBN: 9788170594406

Prijs: € 5,50

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Mahābhārata – The Story of the Great War

By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

305 Pages | 7th Reprint, 2017 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170591832.

Mahābhārata is ‘one of the greatest books in the world‘ says Annie Besant (1847 – 1933), eminent scholar of Hinduïsm as well as Comparative Religion, and International President of the Theosophical Society (1907 – 1933), in the introduction to this book. It is the story of the Aryan race in India some 5.000 years ago and includes an account of the epic war between the Pandavas and Kauravas.

This book is based on notes of lectures delivered by Besant at the Central Hindu College Beneras (now Varanasi) in the first decade of this century. She describes the Mahābhārata as a great teacher of Ethics and Philosophy, an it is also history. The original Sanskrit verse, she says, ‘is the greatest poem in the world’.

Auteur: Besant. A
ISBN: 9788170591832

Prijs: € 10,00

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By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

78 Pages | 6th Edition, 2011 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170595687.

´Dharma´ is a term, which has now become part of the world vocabulary, but very few know the range and depth of its meaning. Annie Besant (1847 / 1933), having studied the great discourse on dharma of Bhisma in the Mahābhārata, introduces this complex and deep subject to the lay reader. Morality or dharma is subtle, varying from individual to individual, for it is the law by which inner nature unfolds in each one from his or her particular stage of evolution. This is a subject of great relevance to all individuals and nations of the world, treated in this book with the innate Wisdom and intuitive insight of the author.

Auteur: Besant, A
ISBN: 9788170595687

Prijs: € 6,00

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The Ancient Wisdom – An Outline of Theosophical Teachings

By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

440 Pages | Second edition, 2015 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170595939.

The essence of Theosophical teachings, ‘sufficiently plain to serve the elementary student and sufficiently full to lay a sound foundation for further knowledge‘, is how Annie Besant (1847 – 1933) describes this work. It is an introduction to that ‘Universal Wisdom’, which has been called Theosophy, Brahmā vidyā, the Perennial Philosophy and so on, and provides an all-embracing religion and ethic, as well as a philosophy that is conducive to right understanding and right living.

Even those who have a little knowledge of the Ancient Wisdom can experience the illumination, peace, joy and strength it brings into one’s life. For more than one century, Annie Besant’s exposition has brought light to thousands of seekers.

Auteur: Besant, A
ISBN: 9788170595939

Prijs: € 18,50

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The Pathway to Perfection. A treatise on the Path of swift Unfoldment.

By Geoffrey Hodson (1886 – 1983).

35 Pages | First Edition 1954, 4th Reprint 2005 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170590213.

In this book, which is a successor to his earlier work, Meditations on the Occult Life, Geoffrey Hodson communicates the essence of the teachings of Theosophy on the path of swift unfoldment. It gives us some understanding of the whole process of man’s evolution to a state of perfection. The reader glimpses the opportunities, difficulties, pitfalls and ups and downs of the entire journey from Man to Superman.

Mr Hodson wrote about forty theosophical books based on his occult investigations, and was awarded the Subba Row Medal in 1954 for his contributions to theosophical literature.


Author: Hodson, Geoffrey
ISBN: 8170590213
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Reincarnation, Fact or Fallacy? – An Examination and Exposition of the Doctrine of Rebirth

By Geoffrey Hodson (1886 – 1983).

87 Pages | First Edition 1951, 7th printing 1980 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: unknown.

From the remotest time, belief in the doctrine of reincarnation has proved an inspiration to countless people, while to others it has been a violation of true religious teaching. In this little book, Mr Geoffrey Hodson, who studied the subject carefully, discusses basic questions of life such as suffering and divine justice, human destiny, child prodigies and the remembrance of past lives in the light of the Ancient wisdom, to show that the doctrine is in fact, a fact and not fallacy.

Mr Hodson wrote about forty theosophical books based on his occult investigations, and was awarded the Subba Row Medal in 1954 for his contributions to theosophical literature.

Auteur: Hodson, G.

Prijs: € 2,95

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A Yoga of Light

By Geoffrey Hodson (1886 – 1983).

26 Pages | 13th reprint 2014 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170590149.

The first objective of meditation is to discover one’s own Spiritual Selfhood. The second objective is to realize that the Spiritual Self is forever an integral part of the Spiritual Self of the universe. This booklet is offered as preliminary guidance to those who seek a well-tried and safe method.

Geoffrey Hodson was born and educated in England, but later lived in New Zealand. A serious student of the Ancient wisdom he strove continuously for the spiritual regeneration of mankind until his death in 1983. Throughout his seventy years of membership, he lectured for the Theosophical Society in most parts of the world. Mr Hodson wrote about forty theosophical books based on his occult investigations, and was awarded the Subba Row Medal in 1954 for his contributions to theosophical literature.


Author: Hodson, Geoffrey
ISBN : 9788170590149

Prijs: € 3,00

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Man’s Supersensory and Spiritual Powers

By Geoffrey Hodson (1886 – 1983).

193 Pages | First Edition, 7th Reprint 2005 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170593220.

Man undoubtedly possesses, in however rudimentary a form, certain supersensory powers. Their unfoldment can be hastened through Raja Yoga as the chief means. Included in this volume are talks by the author broadcast over the air in Australia. They are a guide to managing human life and developing the character needed for such unfoldment. However it is not the development of psychic powers that is man’s supreme goal, but ‘Self-realization’. Psychic powers are only by-products in the spiritual process of seeking ‘Realization’ and are not ends in themselves . . .



Author: Hodson, Geoffrey
ISBN: 8170593220

Prijs: € 8,00

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The Wisdom of the Upanishads

By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

101 pages | First edition, 9th reprint (2007) | Paperback | Four lectures ath the 31st anniversary Convention of the Theosophical Society at Adyar, December 1906 | The Theosophical Publishing House Adyar | ISBN: 8170590299.

From the Foreword:

” Little need be said in sending out this booklet to tge world. It is an attempt, a very humble attempt, to draw a few drops from the ancient wells of Aryan wisdom, and to offer them to quench the thirst of weary Souls, traveling through the desert of, seeking for Truth. The Upanishad-s are unique in the sacred literature of the world. They stand alone a beacon-lights on a mountain-peak, showing how high man may climb, how much of the Light of the Self may shine out through the vessel of clay, how truly God may speak through man. To speak on them, to write on them, seems presumption for such a one as myself, and yet it may be that help will come to some of my brethren even in this way . . .  “


Author: Besant
ISBN: 8170590299

Prijs: € 4,00

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Addresses to new Members of the Theosophical Society

By an anonymous author with Adresses of several renown Theosophists.

46 Pages | Second edition 2010 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: unknown.

With Adresses of: Henry Steel Olcott (1832 – 1907), Annie Besant (1847 – 1933), Charles W. Leadbeater (1854 – 1934), George S. Arundale (1878 – 1945), C. Jinarājadāsa (1875 –  1953), N. Sri Ram (1889 – 1973) and Radha Burnier (1923 – 2013).

From the Address of C. Jinarājadāsa:

” My Brother, I address you as a brother and not as a friend, because our whole basis of the work of our Society is based upon the attempt to realize and practise the significance of the great Law of Brotherhood. When you signed up your application to join, you read what are the Three Objects of the Society; but of these the first and foremost is that of Universal Brotherhood […] ” (p. 27).

Auteur: Anon.
ISBN: Unknown

Prijs: € 2,25

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Theosophy as the masters see it, as outlined in the “Letters from the masters of the Wisdom”

250 pages | Paperback | TPH Adyar, 2000

A summary of the teachings of the Mahatmas by a noted Theosophist and feminist.

Clara Codd was born in England in 1876 and early in life rejected conventional mores. Rebelling against all oppression and injustice she plunged into the suffragette movement. But her meeting Col. H. S. Olcott, President-Founder of the Theosophical Society proved a turning point in her life. Foregoing her active role in the women’s social and political union, she joined the Theosophical Society. As an International Lecturer for the Society, she had an unrivaled opportunity to observe human nature, which enabled her to speak and write lucidly on various aspects of life.

auteur: Codd Clara M.
ISBN: 8170593360

Prijs: € 6,00

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The Technique Of The Spiritual Life

125 pages | paperback | TPH Adyar, 2002

More and more Souls are seeking inwardly, trying to find the way to divine realization. It is man’s destiny that one day he must learn to plunge into the mysterious depths of his own glorious being, for only there is to be found true wisdom and the real power to help.

auteur: Codd Clara M.
ISBN: 8170593824
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Clara Codd was born in England in 1876 and early in life rejected conventional mores. Rebelling against all oppression and injustice she plunged into the suffragette movement. But her meeting Col. H. S. Olcott, President-Founder of the Theosophical Society proved a turning point in her life. Foregoing her active role in the women’s social and political union, she joined the Theosophical Society. As an International Lecturer for the Society, she had an unrivaled opportunity to observe human nature, which enabled her to speak and write lucidly on various aspects of life.


Prijs: € 5,25

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Meditation its practice and results

109 pages | paperback | TPH Adyar, 2005

Learn how to realize your inner possibilities and solve life’s riddles through meditation.

Clara Codd was born in England in 1876 and early in life rejected conventional mores. Rebelling against all oppression and injustice she plunged into the suffragette movement. But her meeting Col. H. S. Olcott, President-Founder of the Theosophical Society proved a turning point in her life. Foregoing her active role in the women’s social and political union, she joined the Theosophical Society. As an International Lecturer for the Society, she had an unrivaled opportunity to observe human nature, which enabled her to speak and write lucidly on various aspects of life.

auteur: Codd Clara M.
ISBN: 8170590442

Prijs: € 4,00

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The ageless wisdom of life

269 pages | hardcover| TPH Adyar, 1993

Clara Codd was born in England in 1876 and early in life rejected conventional mores. Rebelling against all oppression and injustice she plunged into the suffragette movement. But her meeting Col. H. S. Olcott, President-Founder of the Theosophical Society proved a turning point in her life. Foregoing her active role in the women’s social and political union, she joined the Theosophical Society. As an International Lecturer for the Society, she had an unrivaled opportunity to observe human nature, which enabled her to speak and write lucidly on various aspects of life.

auteur: Codd Clara M.
ISBN: 8170592194
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She joined the Theosophical Society at age 27. In her autobiography, So Rich a Life, Clara states, “I had come home at last after long wandering. I had found the beginning of the way.” Three years later Clara was appointed the first national lecturer for the English Section. Later she served as National Secretary (president) of the Australian and South African Sections. Clara Codd’s Theosophical career lasted nearly 70 years, during which time she traveled to virtually every continent


Prijs: € 11,50

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The Human Journey – Quest for Self-Transformation

By Joy Mills (1920 – 2015).

37 Pages | Adyar Pamphlet New Series #4, published in 2002 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170593549.

‘The pivotal doctrine of esoteric philosophy admits no privileges or special gifts in man, save those won by his own Ego through personal effort and merit throughout a long series of metempsychoses and reincarnations‘. – The Secret Doctrine, Vol. I, p. 17.

The search for human identity has been the subject of great literature, great art, music and philosophy throughout the ages. To approach any understanding of this human identity, and therefore to recognize the journey or the work on which we are engaged as human beings, we may begin by acknowledging the various facts which compose our individual identity. We have physical bodies, with their unique characteristics; we have feelings, thoughts, aspirations, and, in times of deep inner reflection or profound meditation, an awareness of something more, beyond yet near, neither wholly of ourselves nor wholly other, something indefinable yet real and true. H.P. Blavatsky, in setting forth the perennial philosophy, defined the human as a ‘saptaparna’, a seven-leaved plant. The seven ‘leaves’ or principles, as they are generally called, are variously given in theosophical literature.

From Page 13:

” To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths

Of all the western stars . . .

It may be that the gulfs will wash us down:

It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,

. . . that which we are;

One equal temper of heroic hearts,

Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will

To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. “

auteur: Mills, J.
ISBN: 8170593549
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Joy Mills has been a member of The Theosophical Society since 1940. She has served as President of the Theosophical Society in America, General Secretary of the Australian Section, and International Vice-President. She has lectured in more than 50 countries, and worked as Director of the Krotona Institute of Theosophy, in Ojai, California.


Prijs: € 1,50

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Adyar Through the Lens (DVD)

DVD | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, 2011

A presentation of the buildings and places, flora and fauna of a unique campus.

Established by the Founders of the Theosophical Society, H.P. Blavatsky and H.S. Olcott, in December 1882, Adyar has been the Society’s International Headquarters ever since. Besides its peaceful and uplifting atmosphere this centre is rich in historical and architectural features. It is widely recognized as a safe sanctuary for many animals, birds and plants. This DVD presentation captures the beauty and importance of Adyar as an ashrama dedicated to the unity of Life.

auteur: Anonymous

Prijs: € 14,00

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