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15 februari 2021

Occulte Woordentolk – Een Handboek van Oosterse en Theosofische Termen

Door Gottfried de Purucker (1874 – 1942).

241 Pagina’s | Tweede en herziene druk 2011 | Hardcover | Theosophical University Press, Den Haag | ISBN: 9789070328955.

Engels origineel: Occult Glossary – A Compendium of Oriental and Theosophical Terms | Eerste editie 1933, tweede en herziene druk 1996 | Theosophical University Press, Pasadena, California | ISBN: 1557000506.

Moderne theosofische literatuur kent ongelooflijk veel termen en concepten afkomstig uit de heilige boeken van de Oudheid. De meeste worden niet vermeld in moderne woordenboeken. Weer andere boeken benaderen deze termen vanuit zo’n grote reikwijdte aan betekenissen, waardoor eenvoudige toepassing en doorgronding van deze termen in gevaar lijkt te komen. Zoals de term ‘occult’ zelf ‘obscuur’ betekent – (bijv. zoals een ster kan worden verduisterd door een maan of planeet), zo kan worden geopperd, dat de filosofische diepgang van deze termen wordt versluierd door lagen van populaire connotaties. Een bondige en betrouwbare gids is nodig om deze gespecialiseerde terminologie te ont’dekken en begrijpelijk te maken. De Occulte Woordentolk speelt in op deze behoefte. Het definieert 300 veelvuldig gebruikte (Sanskriet) termen binnen de metafysica en dient tegelijkertijd als een introductie in de theosofie.

Afkomstig van het schutblad uit het Engels origineel:

“Authentiek occultisme, gescheiden van ethiek, is eenvoudigerwijs ondenkbaar, omdat het onmogelijk is. Er bestaat geen authentiek occultisme, dat geen hoogstaande ethiek insluit begrijpelijk (genoeg) voor het morele verstand der mensheid. Occultisme betekent het bestuderen van de verborgen aspecten van ‘Zijnswording’, de wetenschap van het leven of de universele natuur. (Het) omvat niet alleen fysieke, psychologische en spirituele delen van menszijn, maar ook heeft het een gelijkwaardig en wellicht grotere omvang binnen die studies, die zich concentreren op de structuur, werking en oorsprong en lotsbestemming van het universum. “



Auteur: De Purucker, G.
ISBN: : 9789070328955

Prijs: € 17,50

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A Dictionary of Western Alchemy

By Jordan Stratford, with a Foreword by Jeffrey S. Kupperman, Ph.D.

135 Pages | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835608978.

‘ And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places. ‘ – Isa, 45:3 (King James Version).

From Arabic al-kimia (of Egypt) and old Egyptian khem (black, fertile soil), alchemy is the ancient science of elements and interactions in both the natural and spiritual realms. Spanning 2.500 years and informed by Hermetic and Neoplatonist influences, it has been practiced in the classical Greco-Roman world, medieval Europe and the medieval Middle-East and Orient, and in current esoteric circles.

From page 40:

” This is true and remote from all cover of falsehood.

Whatever is below is similar to that which is above. Through this the marvels of the work of one thing are procured and perfected.

Also, as all things are made from one, by the consideration of one, so all things were made from this one, by conjunction.

The father of it is the sun, the mother the moon.

The wind bore it in the womb, the nurse is the earth, the mother of all perfection. 

Its power is perfected if it is turned into earth.

Separate the earth from the fire, the subtle and thin from the crude and coarse, prudently, with modesty and wisdom. 

This ascents from the earth into the sky and again descends from the sky to the earth, and receives the power and efficacy of things above and of things below.

By this means you will acquire the glory of the whole world, and so you will drive away all shadows and blindness. 

For this by its fortitude snatches the palm from all other fortitude and power. For it is able to penetrate and subdue everything subtle and everything crude and hard. 

By this means the world was founded

And hence the marvelous conjunctions of it and admirable effects, since this is the way by which these marvels may be brought about. 

And because of this they called me Hermes Trismegistus, since I have the three parts of the wisdom and Philosophy of the whole universe.

My speech is finished which I have spoken concerning the Solar Work. “

From: The Emerald Tablet.

auteur: Stratford, Jordan
ISBN: 9780835608978
Additional DescriptionMore Details

This concise dictionary of alchemy provides clear access to one of the major roots of Western esoteric thought. Alchemists have three main pursuits: the transmutation of base metals into gold by means of the Lapis Philosophorum, the Philosopher’s Stone; the concoction of the Elixir of Life, a universal medicine; and the reconciliation between spirit and matter and direct knowledge of the Divine. The Dictionary of Western Alchemy contains the definition and etymology of hundreds of words and symbols, all relating to these three noble pursuits. Subjects include alchemical processes and procedures, the natural elements and apparatus used, major practitioners and philosophers, and concepts and beliefs. Distinguishing this guide from similar ones is the addition of etymology, which connects the language of alchemy to its Latin, Greek, and Arabic sources. Symbolic pictographs accompany half of the over four hundred entries, and a fascinating illustration from the long tradition of alchemical art introduces each letter of the alphabet. Most important is the author Jordan Stratford’s unique perspective as both a modern Gnostic priest and a Freemason. He brings to bear extensive knowledge of the depth psychology of C. G. Jung, who based his key concept of individuation on the premise that what the ancient alchemists truly sought was inner transformation.


Prijs: € 19,95

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A Dictionary of Gnosticism

273 pages | Paperback | Quest Books, 2009

An amazing storehouse of information, A Dictionary of Gnosticism, contains nearly 1,700 entries, from Aachiaram, an angel in the Secret Book of John, to the Zostrianos, a third-century Gnostic text that recounts a series of revelations on the successive stages of the soul’s ascent. With an easy-to-read introduction explaining who the Gnostics were and what Gnosticism is, Smith delivers a whirlwind tour through the ancient and diverse history of this captivating movement.

auteur: Smith, A.P.
ISBN: 9780835608695
Additional DescriptionMore Details

As editor of The Gnostic magazine and author of several books on apocryphal scriptures, Andrew Phillip Smith draws on his extensive knowledge of Gnosticism to provide a succinct yet thorough compilation for scholars and spiritual seekers alike. Smith not only defines the terminology of the Nag Hammadi library and the ancient Gnostics, but also their successors such as the Manichaeans, Mandaeans and Cathars. His definitions also cover Hermeticism, the apocrypha, medieval heresy, dualism, and the modern Gnostic revival. “Andrew Phillips Smith offers us yet another key opportunity to expand our knowledge of Gnosticism. A fascinating, solidly-researched key resource for students, academics, and practitioners alike “A ‘beacon of Light’ for our time! Highly recommended.”— Dr Karen Ralls, Oxford, author of The Templars and the Grail. Blockbuster films like The Matrix and Stigmata have helped fuel the continued fascination with Gnosticism, a pre-Christian Western religion based on the direct knowledge of the Divine, which itself provides salvation. Although The Matrix conveys complex concepts like archons and dualism with marvelous simplicity, Gnostic texts do anything but. Curious new students of Gnosticism find they are swiftly bombarded with numerous foreign, often un-translated, and barely pronounceable terms like ‘Acinetos’ and ‘Deitharbathas’. Now for the first time, a comprehensive guide to all aspects of Gnosticism and related spirituality is available to the public in a straightforward dictionary. Andrew Phillip Smith was born and grew up in Penarth in south Wales in the United Kingdom and took his degree in computer science at the University College of Wales, Swansea. From 1987, Andrew worked in computing in London, including a two-year stint providing technical support for the publishers Harcourt Brace. From 1997-2007 Andrew lived in Northern California near the Sierra Nevada mountain range, where he began his writing career. In his time he has busked on the streets of London playing a small harp, delivered leaflets, worked as a security guard, as a letterpress printer and as a librarian to a private library. Andrew’s previous titles include The Gnostics: History, Tradition, Scriptures, Influence and several books in Skylight Paths’ annotated and explained series: The Lost Sayings of Jesus, The Gospel of Philip, and Gnostic Writings on the Soul. He now lives in Dublin, Ireland, with his wife Tessa Finn and his son Dylan.


Prijs: € 21,95

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Ganesha – Kleine Woordentolk der Geesteswetenschappen

Samengesteld door: Ir. A.J.H. van Leeuwen, A.P. Meyer-Gerhard en N.E. van der Schoot-Groot.

246 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 1969, tweede druk 1977, derde en herziene druk 2012 | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9789061750079.

De occulte literatuur is in de laatste decennia steeds meer in de belangstelling komen te staan. Vele nieuwe gebieden van occultisme, esoteriek, mysticisme, yoga, paranormale wetenschappen en aanverwante aspecten ervan worden in studie genomen. Meer dan vroeger houdt men zich thans bezig met het bestuderen van de verschillende Aziatische godsdiensten, waarbij soms talrijke woorden en begrippen voor de lezer onbekend blijven, zonder de mogelijkheid om de betekenis ervan in een woordenboek op te kunnen zoeken.

auteur: Leeuwen, A.J.H. van/Meyer-Gerhard, A.P./Schoot-Groot, N.E. van der
ISBN: 9789061750079
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Dit kleine woordenboek, dat wij Ganesha noemden naar de hoogste van de Ganadevata’s, de olifantkoppige god, heer van kennis, uit-de-weg-ruimer van hinderpalen, heeft de bedoeling aan deze behoefte van de lezer tegemoet te komen. Het mag uiteraard geen aanspraak maken op volledigheid, maar door het benutten van zoveel mogelijk gegevens uit allerhande woordenboeken, woordenlijsten en andere publicaties, koesteren de samenstellers de hoop dat deze woordentolk enigszins van dienst zal zijn aan de gebruiker ervan.


Prijs: € 17,50

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