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Initiation – Retreat with Kurt Leland – ITC Naarden 5-9 december 2024

2 oktober 2024

Initiation – Retreat with Kurt Leland
Dates 5-9 December 2024
Organized by the International Theosophical Centre Naarden
With support of the Theosophical Society in the Netherlands
Venue International Theosophical Centre, Besant Hall, Meentweg 9, 1411 GR Naarden

Initiation is one of the most intriguing and mysterious subjects encountered among the teachings of the Theosophical Society, suggesting that there are various steps and stages by which to gauge our spiritual development. Yet, historically, such teachings have been among the most likely to be misunderstood and misused and the least likely to affect our daily lives in any practical or recognizable way.

In the morning programs, we will examine the subject of Initiation from several perspectives. First, we will probe the term itself, looking into its various uses and meanings to come up with a working definition. Next, we will examine the subject of “Initiation Then,” covering the teachings presented in the Mahatma Letters and the writings of H. P. Blavatsky, as well as those of Annie Besant (The Masters) and Charles W. Leadbeater (The Masters and the Path).

In “Two Paths or Three?,” we will investigate the frequently described “Path of the Mystic” and “Path of the Occultist” and probe the question of whether there might be a third path. It seems that Mystics are drawn to develop the Will (Atman) and Omniscience; Empaths to develop the Heart (Buddhi) and Omnipresence; and Seers or Occultists to develop the Mind (Manas) and Omniscience.

“Initiation Now” will discuss ways to make Theosophical teachings on Initiation relevant to our daily lives by cultivating what Besant called “The Mind of the Master.”

In the afternoon, we will participate in workshop/discussions designed to make practical the theories of Initiation presented each morning: “A Basic Spiritual Practice,” “The Three Ladders; Powers and Laws, Beings and Needs, Bodies and Planes,” and “The Dedicated Life: Discovering Our Personal Path toward ‘The Mind of the Master.’” On the final day, we will learn a more advanced spiritual practice that can support us in living in a spiritually dedicated life: “The Temple of Serenity.”

This is an experiential program, involving periods of discussion, questions and answer, and meditation. On two of the evenings, there will be a special program entitled “In the Twilight,” whose purpose is to create a safe space for building community through sharing our inner lives, experiences on our personal spiritual paths, whether mystical, empathic, visionary, or otherwise. On the final evening, we will delve into the story and music of Wagner’s opera, Parsifal, as a drama of Initiation. This presentation will be based on a beautiful set of magic lantern slides from 1912 discovered in the archives of the Theosophical Society in America.

Let it be clear that this program focuses on Theosophical teachings about Initiation as a means of self-exploration and development; no ceremonies will be conducted and no Initiations conferred.

Kurt Leland
A National Lecturer for the Theosophical Society in America, Mr. Leland has published nine books on subjects such as astral projection, the afterlife, the chakras, and the spiritual effects of composing, performing, and listening to music. He is now working on a book about living and working with nature spirits and devas (angels).

Thursday 5 December
16.00 – 18.00 arrival
18.00    dinner
20.00    brief orientation
Friday 6 December
8.00       meditation
8.30       breakfast
9.30       welcome day visitors, coffee
10.00    Introduction, “Initiation Then”
12.30    lunch
14.00    “A Basic Spiritual Practice for Daily Living”
18.00    dinner
20.00    “Sharing the Inner Life: A Prelude to ‘In the Twilight.”
Saturday 7 December
8.00       meditation
8.30       breakfast
9.30       welcome day visitors, coffee
10.00    Introduction, “Two Paths or Three?”
12.30    lunch
14.00    “The Three Ladders: Powers and Laws, Beings and Needs, Bodies and Planes”
18.00    dinner
20.00    “In the Twilight”
Sunday 8 December
8.00       meditation
8.30       breakfast
9.30       welcome day visitors, coffee
10.00    Introduction, “Initiation Now”
12.30    lunch
14.00    “The Dedicated Life: Discovering Our Personal Path toward ‘The Mind of the Master”
18.00    dinner
20.00    “Wagner’s Parsifal as a Drama of Initiation”
Monday 9 December
8.00       meditation
8.30       breakfast
9.30       welcome day visitors, coffee
10.00    “The Temple of Serenity”
12.30    lunch
14.00    Departure

Mission of the Theosophical Society
To serve humanity by cultivating an ever-deepening understanding and realization of the Ageless Wisdom, spiritual self-transformation, and the Unity of all Life.
Mission of the ITC Naarden
To serve humanity as a spiritual study and retreat centre, inviting people to work on the process of inner transformation.
ITC is an ashram Any stay at the ITC is meant to promote quietness of mind, peace, and a harmonious life. Therefore, only vegetarian meals and non-alcoholic beverages are consumed, while smoking or using drugs on the estate is not allowed.

Venue International Theosophical Centre, Besant Hall, Meentweg 9, 1411 GR Naarden
For those who come to ITC for the first time, it is advised to download the route description and map on the ITC site as TomTom (navigation equipment) leads to the wrong place.
Although the teachings presented in this workshop are based on those of the Theosophical Society (Adyar), participants from all spiritual paths are welcome.
Registration and payments
Registration can be done through the link to the registration form: The link gives all information about lodging facilities, meals, costs and payments.