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ESO-5-5 C. Clymer

Betiero, J.T.
Nedoure : priestess of the Magi or Blazing Star : an historical romance based on records elucidating the conflict between white and black magic ; together with much of the teachings and practices of both
by J.T. Betiero ; introduction and notes by R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown, Penna. : Philosophical Publishing Company, 1958. – 248 p. ; 24 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-BETI-1
Trefw.: esoterie, rozenkruisers, Nedoure, Magi, romans, magie, witte magie, zwarte magie, leringen, occulte romans

Clymer, R.S.
The age of treason : the carefully and deliberately planned methods developed by the vicious element of humanity for the mental deterioration and moral debasement of the mass as a means to their enslavement : based on their own writings and means already confessedly employed ; destroy the mind and feelings of man and nothing els matters
by R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown : The Humanitarian Society, 1957. – 273 p. ; 24 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-1
Trefw.: esoterie, rozenkruisers, humanisme, menselijke rechten, slavernij

III. The book of rosicruciae : a condensed history of the Fraternitas Rosae Crucis, or Rosy Cross, the men woh made the Order possible, and those who maintained the Fraternity throughout the centuries, together with the fundamental teachings of these men according to the actual record in the archives of the Fraternity
by R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown : The Philosophical Publishing Company, 1949. – xxxii, 288, (28) p. ; 24 cm. – (The Book of Rosicruciae ; Vol. III)
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-2III
Trefw.: esoterie, rozeskruizers, geschiedenis, spiritualiteit, microcosmos, macrocosmos, mystici

II. The book of rosicruciae : a condensed history of the Fraternitas Rosae Crucis, or Rosy Cross, the men woh made the Order possible, and those who maintained the Fraternity throughout the centuries, together with the fundamental teachings of these men according to the actual record in the archives of the Fraternity
R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown : The Philosophical Publishing Comapany, 1947. – xxxii, 270 p. ; 24 cm. – (The Book of Rosicruciae ; Vol. II)
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-2II
Trefw.: esoterie, rozenkruisers, geschiedenis, spiritualiteit, microcosmos, macrocosmos, mystici

I. The book of rosicruciae : a condensed history of the Fraternitas Rosae Crucis, or Rosy Cross, the men woh made the Order possible, and those who maintained the Fraternity throughout the centuries, together with the fundamental teachings of these men according to the actual record in the archives of the Fraternity
by R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown : The Philosophical Publishing Company, 1946. – xxviii, 286 p. ; 24 cm. – (The Book of Rosicruciae ; Vol. I)
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-2I
Trefw.: esoterie, rozenkruisers, geschiedenis, spiritualiteit, microcosmos, macrocosmos, mystici

IV. The book of rosicruciae : index : also detailed description of several very important texts for students of the occult
R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown : Philosophical Publishing Company, 1947. – (6), 9, (7) p. ; 24 cm. – (The Book of Rosicruciae ; [IV] : Index)
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-2IV
Trefw.: esoterie, rozenkruisers, indexen

The brotherhood of the rosy cross : The first world parliament and meeting of the council of seven ; The consecration of Washington, the deliverer ; Fulfilment of the prophecy
R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown : The Rosicrucian Foundation, 1935. – (8), 75 p. ; 26 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-3
Trefw.: esoterie, rozenkruisers, parlement, Washington, voorspellingen

Christisis : a course of study in higher soul culture as a means to awaken the maind to the truth, the way and the life; then drecting the faculties of the awakenend mind to bring about soul consciousness, better known as Christification
by R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown : The Philosophical Publishing , 1945. – x, 234 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-4
Trefw.: esotherie, rozenkruisers, Christus, ziel, geestelijke ontwikkeling, waarheid

A compendium of occult laws : the selection, arrangement and apllication of the most important of occult and Arcane laws taught by the Masters of the August Fraternities of Initioation, and the practice of the laws in the development of the foufould nature of man in attaining success and mastership on all planes of activity
R. Swinburne Clymer. – completely revised edition. – Quakertown, Penna. : The Philosophical Publishing Company, 1966. – 311 p. ; 24 cm. – (Rosicurcian Series)
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-5
Trefw.: esoterie, occulte wetten, hermetisch concept, inwijdingen, wetenschap, alchemie, rozenkruisers, occultisme, hermetica, leringen, filosofie

Diet : a key to health : the selection and combination of foods for the prevention or cure of disease
by R. Swinburne Clymer. – new enlarged edition. – Philadelphia : Franklin Publishing company, 1966. – xv, 211 p. ; 24 cm. – index.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-6
Trefw.: esoterie, diëten, gezondheid, ziekte, voeding, vitamines, esoterie, rozenkruisers

The divine law : the path to mastership : a full explanation of the laws governing the inner development necessary to attain to philosophic initiation or mastership together with a detailed account of the priests of AEth or priesthood of Melchizedek
by R. S. Swinburne Clymer. – quakertown : The Philosophical Publishing, 1949. – xiii, 24, 230, 26 p. ; 24 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-7
Trefw.: esoterie, rozenkruisers, kosmische wetten, inwijdingen, meesterschap, Melchizedek, AEth

The fraternitatis rosae crucis : an attempt ot harmonize the spirit of the writtings of those who are known to have been Rozicrucians and a comparison of the statements of those recognizes as authorities
with extensive analysis and annotations by R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown : The Philosophical Publishing , 1929. – XXIV, 221 p. ; 23 cm. – index.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-8
Trefw.: esoterie, rozenkruisers, magie, alchemie, kabbala, mystiek

IV. The great work : its neophytes : a text specially prepared for those no longer satisfied with the world of matter and temporal affairs and seeking spiritual reality, and for those on the path and well on the way to soul conciousness and spiritual initiation
R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown : Berly Hall Corporation, 1964. – 285 p. ; 24 cm. – (The Great Work ; Volume Four)
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-9IV
Trefw.: esoterie, het pad, spirituele ontwikkeling, ziel, inwijdingen, rozenkruisers

I. The great work : spiritual initiation : a text specially prepared for those no longer satisfied with the world of matter and temporal affairs and seeking spiritual reality, and for those on the path and well on the way to soul conciousness and spiritual initiation
by R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown : Philosophical Publishing Company, 1961. – 270 p. ; 24 cm. – (The Great Work ; Volume One)
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-9I
Trefw.: esoterie, het pad, spirituele ontwikkeling, ziel, inwijdingen, rozenkruisers

II. The great work : the coming masters : a text specially prepared for those no longer satisfied with the world of matter and temporal affairs and seeking spiritual reality, and for those on the path and well on the way to soul conciousness and spiritual initiation
R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown : Philosophical Publisheng Company, 1962. – 280 p. ; 24 cm. – (The Great Work ; Volume Two)
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-9II
Trefw.: esoterie, het pad, spirituele ontwikkeling, ziel, inwijdingen, rozenkruisers

III. The great work : the unknown members of the council to three : a text specially prepared for those no longer satisfied with the world of matter and temporal affairs and seeking spiritual reality, and for those on the path and well on the way to soul conciousness and spiritual initiation
R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown : Beverly Hall Corporation, 1963. – 309 p. ; 24 cm. – (The Great Work ; Volume Three)
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-9III
Trefw.: esoterie, het pad, spirituele ontwikkeling, ziel, inwijdingen, rozenkruisers

The hidden teachings of the initiate masters : the simplified Arcane, esoteric and occult teachings of the initiates and masters in the initiatory schools of past ages : the interpretation of the divine law which governs in the new order of the ages
R.Swinburne Clymer. – enlarged and completely revised. – Quakertown : The Philosophical Publishing Company, 1957. – 268 p. ; 24 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-10
Trefw.: esoterie, meesters, occultisme, goddelijke wetten, inwijdingen, rozenkruisers

The interpretation of St. John : an exposition of the Divine drama; the Nazarene’s life and what it teaches to man. the glory or tragedy of man’s soul in the exercise of its inherend capability to become divine. Non-political and without creed other than the absoluteness of the Christos within man. The recognition of the achievement of all men irrespective of race, color or creed
R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown : The Philosophical Publishing Company, 1953. – 266 p. ; 24 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-11
Trefw.: esoterie, St. John, Jezus, ziel, goddelijkheid, Christos

I. The interpretation of St. Matthew : an impartial interpretation of the divine laws taught in the book of St. Matthew directing the seeker on the path to the way of life, to spiritual light, and the ultimate complete freedom of man. Non-political and without creed; the recognaition of all races and color gauged by their achievements
by R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown : The Philosophical Publishing, 1945. – xvi, 250, 35 p. ; 24 cm. – (The Interpretation of St. Matthew ; Volume One) – appendix.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-12I
Trefw.: esotherie, goddelijke wetten, spiritualiteit, vrijheid, St. Matthew, Bijbel, rozenkruisers

II. The interpretation of St. Matthew : an impartial interpretation of the divine laws taught in the book of St. Matthew directing the seeker on the path to the way of life, to spiritual light, and the ultimate complete freedom of man. Non-political and without creed; the recognaition of all races and color gauged by their achievements
by R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown : The Philosophical Publishing, 1945. – xxxii, 284 p. ; 24 cm. – (The Interpretation of St. Matthew ; Volume Two)
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-12II
Trefw.: esotherie, goddelijke wetten, spiritualiteit, vrijheid, St. Matthew, Bijbel

Making health certain : a philosophical and inspirational treatise on the estabishment and maintenance of health through a constructive mental attitude
by R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown : The Humanitarian Society “Beverly Hall”, 1902. – 192 p. ; 24 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-13
Trefw.: esoterie, gezondheid, genezing, ziekte, dood, rozenkruisers

Manual order of service and ritual church illumination : prepared especially for the priests and ministers consecrated and ordained to the service of God, in the prieshood of Melchizedek and Church of Illumination
by R. Swinburne Clymer. – limited edition. – Quakertown : The Philosophical Publishing Company, 1952. – 100 p. ; 22 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-14
Trefw.: esoterie, Melchizedek, verlichte kerk, rozenkruisers

The mysteries of Osiris or ancient egyptian initiation : Setting forth the symbolism, mythology, legends and parables. Beginning with the outer religious systems of the Egyptians, primarily based on the drama of the heavens; together with the inner or esoteric interpretations as taught in the lesser and greater mysteries active throughout the ages, including the present
R. Swinborne Clymer. – completely revised ed. – Quakertown : The Philosophical Publishing, 1951. – xiv, 287, (18) p. ; 24 cm. – index.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-15
Trefw.: esoterie, symboliek, mythologie, legenden, parables, Egypte, Osiris, Isis, Mirtha, Mizriam

The mystery of sex and race regeneration : a sane sensible and reasonable approach to the highly important but much involved prblem of sex from the natural, maral and religious aspects and having the regeneration of the race in view.
by R. Swinburne Clymer. – 4th ed. – Quakertown : The Philosophical Publishing Company, 1950. – 273 p. ; 24 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-1

by R. Swinburne Clymer. – 4th ed. – Quakertown : The Philosophical Publishing Company, 1950. – 273 p. ; 24 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-16
Trefw.: esoterie, sex, moraal, regeneratie, menopauze, puberteit, huwelijk

The mysticism of masonry : the key to the correct interpretation of masonic symbolism, one harmonious with both the ancient osirian teachings and those of the new dispensation
R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown : The Philosophical Publishing Company, 1924. – 184 p . ; 24 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-17
Trefw.: esoterie, mystici, rozenkruisers, vrijmetselarij, symboliek, symbolen, Egypte, Osiris, Heilige Graal, ziel, mysteriën

The natura physician : inculcating the natura system of therpeutics for the prevention and elimination of disease : Volume I + Volume II
R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown : The Philosophical Publishing Company, 1932. – 202, (10), 86 p. ; 24 cm. – (Volume I + Volume II) – index.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-18
Trefw.: esoterie, gezondheid, genezing, ziekte, rozenkruisers

Nature’s healing agents : the medicines of nature (or the natura system)
R. Swinburne Clymer. – new enlarged 4th edition. – Philadelphia : Dorrance & Company, 1963. – xiii, 230 p. ; 24 cm. – addendum, clinical index, general index.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-19
Trefw.: esoterie, natuur, genezing, kruiden, ziekte, voeding, rozenkruisers

Occult science : the republication, completely revised, and reinterpretation of two important texts: “Occult science” by L.H. Anderson, M.D. ; “Occult Science” (Science Occulté) by Dr. Gerard Encausse, known as Papus
by R. Swinburne Clymer. – republication, completely revised and reinterpretation. – Quakertown : Philosophical Publishing Company, 1954. – 271 p. ; 24 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-20
Trefw.: esoterie, occultisme, rozenkruisers, vrijmetselarij, magi, Moses, oude wijsheid, L.H. Anderson, Papus, theosofie

The philosophy of fire : The philosophy of fire is the foundation of the secret doctrine and the ancient mysteries; upon it have been and are now built all occult and arcane fraternities. The light is the life of man; the soul of mand could not exist without it. He who finds the light within himself has found God.
R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown : The Philosophical Publishing Company, 1942. – xxvi, 267 p. ; 24 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-21
Trefw.: esoterie, vuur, filosofie, oude wijsheid, occultisme, ziel, leven, licht, God

The philosophy of fire : arcanum of the spiritual light : The philosophy of fire – the light – is the foundation of the Secret Doctrine and ancient mysteries. Upon it has been built, or it is the basis of, all living religions; all legitmate occult and arcane fraternities. The fire wramth is the life of man. The soul could not exist without the light. He who succeeds in finding the light within himself will have found God and assured his own immortality.
by R.S. Clymer. – 5th completely revised edition. – Quakertown : Beverly Hall Corporation “Beverly Hall”, 1964. – xxvii, 261 p. ; 24 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-21a
Trefw.: esoterie, occultisme, spiritualiteit, geheime leer, vuur, licht, leven, mysteries, religie

The philosophy of immortality : known also as the philosophy of a beautiful life : Teachings of a sublime philosophy, a morality of virgin purity ; A spiritual concept which, if lived, will enable mortal man, a son of the earth, to become a son of God, knowing both good and evil ; Immortalizing himself by choosing the good
comletely rev., greatly enlarg., together with claryfing footnotes by R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown, Penna. : Philosophical Publishing Company, 1960. – 251p. ; 24 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-30
Trefw.: esoterie, rozenkruisers, filosofie, onsterfelijkheid, onsterfelijk leven, reïncarnatie, goed en kwaad

II. The Rosicrucian Fraternity in America : authentic and spurious organizations : Book VII – An answer to Lewis’ White Book “D” and a thorough exposé of his fraudulent scheme and family racket
by R. Swinburne Clymer. – library ed. – Quakertown, Pa. : The Rosicrucian Foundation, 1935. – 959 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. – (Volume II)
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-23II
Trefw.: esoterie, rozenkruisers, Clymer, Lewis

I. The Rosicrucian Fraternity in America : authentic and spurious organizations : ; as considered and dealt with in treatises originally published and issued in monograph form, now republished, with important additions, in this permanent volume as separate Books to retain their original form, as follows: Book I – The brotherhood of the Rosy Cross ; Book II – The militia – door in the temple ; Book III – A challenge and the answer ; Book IV – Rosicrucian names – exlusive right to use ; Book V – An exposé of the imperator of AMORC ; Book VI – Randolph and the Supreme Grand Dome in France – first american grand master of the rosicrucians
by R. Swinburne Clymer. – librarian ed. – Quakertown, Pa. : The Rosicrucian Foundation, 1935. – [19], 464 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. – (Volume I)
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLY-M-23I
Trefw.: esoterie, rozenkruisers, Clymer, AMORC, rozenkruis, Randolph

The Rosy Cross: its teachings : The Fraternatis Rosae Crucis: the door into the august fraternity. The modern manifestoes issued by the Brotherhood, Order, Temple, and Fraternity of the Rosy Cross : i.e., the Fraternatis Rosae Crucis since its foundation now made applicable to present day conditions, and for the guidance of those seeking a more perfect (balanced) life
by R. Swinburne Clymer. – [6th ed., completely rev.]. . – Quakertown : Beverly Hall Corporation “Beverly Hall”, [1965]. – xxvi, 287 p. ; 24 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-24
Trefw.: esoterie, rozenkruisers, August Fraternity, broederschap, manifesten

The sacred college of the ancient mysteries : a text book giving in full the lectures delivered at the official convocation of the sacred college held during the months of May and June, 1917. Also the “Fete of the Roses”, the official easter or June festival of the American Illuminati
by R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown : The Philosophical Publishing Co., 1917. – 192 p. ; 23 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-25
Trefw.: esoterie, oude wijsheid, rozenkruisers, Heilige Graal, Merlijn, Lancelot, Percefal, Galahad, koning Arthur

The science of spiritual alchemy : a semi-private txt especially prepared for neophytes entering the August Fraternity for study and training : All interpretations and statements made are based on the religious standpoint and the highest spiritual concepts by a dedicated servant of God
R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown : The Philosophical Publishing Company, 1959. – 235 p. ; 24 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-26
Trefw.: esoterie, neophyte, studie, training, spiritualiteit, alchemie

The science of the soul : the art and science of building an illuminated and immortal soul; the method for the attainment of soul or cosmic consciousness and oneness with God; the spiritual ethics for the new age
by R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown : The Philosophical Publishing Co., 1944. – xv, 287 p. ; 24 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-27
Trefw.: esoterie, ziel, bevrijding, kosmisch bewustzijn, spiritueel ethiek, nieuwe tijd, kunst, wetenschap

The sons of god : the mystical interpretation of the teachings of the masters : a foreshadowing of the coming work of the messenger of the new age
by R. Swinburne Clymer. – (authorized edition). – Quakertown : The Philosophical Publishing Company, 1925. – 178 p. ; 24 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-28
Trefw.: esoterie, meesters, boodschapper van de nieuwe tijd

Soul conciousness is the way to christhood : the mystical interpretation of the teachings of the illuminati
by R. Swinburne Clymer. – (authorized edition) . – Quakertown : The Philosophical Publishing Company, 1925. – 173 p. ; 24 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-29
Trefw.: esoterie, verlichting, Christus, mystiek

Soul consciousness or philosophic initiation : an interpretation of the teachings and the way of life, followed by all master initiates of the authentic secret schools since the time of Egypt. : Prepared for those seeking to become brethren of light and members of the new order of the ages
by R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown : The Philosophical Publishing Company, 1955. – 268 p. ; 24 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-30
Trefw.: esoterie, meesters, inwijding, ziel, bewustzijn, oude wijsheid, Egypte

The teachings of the masters : the wisdom of the ages : an exposition of the ever-active and constantly operating spiritual laws, applicable not only to the regeneration of man, changing mortality into immortality, transmuting the “son of man into a son of God”, but equally potent in helping man to achieve success and economic independence; healt, strength of body, and the peace of maind and heart called “Heaven”.
enlarged and completely revised, together with many additions, by R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown : The Philosophical Publishing Company, 1952. – 14, 256 p. ; 24 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-31
Trefw.: esoterie, oude wijsheid, meesters, onsterfelijkheid, regeneratie, gezondheid, hemel

The way to godhood : second text book on the new life that shall lead man from weakness, disease, and death, to freedom from these things, and to strength and power before unknown. Companion book to “The way to life and immortality”
by R. Swinburne Clymer. – Allentown : The Philosophical Publishing Co., 1914. – 192 p. ; 24 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-33
Trefw.: esoterie, goddelijkheid, onsterfelijkheid, leven

The way to happiness : a positive inspirational philosophy developing an optimism tha even misfortune cannot obliterate
by R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown : The Humanitaian Society “Beverly Hall”, 1920. – 215 p. ; 23 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-33
Trefw.: esoteri, gelukzaligheid, filosofie

The way to life and immortality : a positive philosphy leading man away from “sin”, which is weakness, illness and disease, sorrow and failure; and to manhood, succesful achievement, godliness and immortality
by R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown, Penna. : The Philosphical Publishing Co., 1948. – XX, 244 p. ; 24 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-CLYM-34
Trefw.: esoterie, leven, onsterfelijkheid, reïncarnatie, gezondheid, genezing, zonde, dood, angst, religie, god, ziekte, geloof

Dowd, F.B.
The way : a text book for the student of rosicrucian philosophy
by Freeman B. Dowd ; foreword R. Swinburne Clymer. – Philosophical Publishing Co. : Quakertown, Pa., 1917. – 160 p. ; 23 cm. – fundamental laws.
sign.: ESO-5-5-DOWD-1
Trefw.: esoterie, rozenkruisers, filosofie, Clymer

McDaniel, I.G.
Lamp of the soul : the cosmic purpose of man, as diclosed by the fundamental wisdom of all races, is to develop a conscious soul; the factors, methods, and casual means involved in realizing this state, and the findings of modern sciences and philosophy connected therewith, are herein discussed
by Ivan G. McDaniel. – Quakertown, Pennsylvania : Philosophical Publishing Co., 1942. – xxii, x, 513, li p. ; 24 cm. – (Rosicrucian Series) – index.
sign.: ESO-5-5-MCDA-1
Trefw.: esoterie, rozenkruisers, Clymer, ziel, kosmos, wijsheid, rassen, bewustzijn, cyclussen, evolutie, biologie, vooruitgang, leven op aarde, ruimte, tijd, samenleving, psychologie, verlichting, zen, mystiek, ego, God

Randolph, P.B.
Ravalette : the rosicrucian’s story
by Paschal Beverly Randolph ; prologue, notes and epilogue by R. Swinburne Clymer. – Quakertown, Pa. : Philosophical Publishing Company, 1939. – 283, [2] p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
sign.: ESO-5-5-RAND-1
Trefw.: esoterie, rozenkruisers, Ravalette