REL-11-18 Sacred Books of the East
Bloomfield, M.
Hymns of the Atharva-Veda : together with extracts from the ritual books and the commentaries
Oxford : At the Clarendon Press, 1897. – LXXIV, 708, 8. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; XLII) . – Ind..
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-42
Trefw.: religie, hindoeïsme, veda’s, atharva-veda, atharvaveda, atharwawede, atharwa weda
Bodhisattva, A.
The Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king : a life of Buddha
by Asvaghosha Bodhisattva ; ed. by F. Max Müller ; transl. from Sanskrit into Chinese by Dharmaraksha ; and from Sanskrit into Chinese by Samuel Beal. – repr. – Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 1990. – xxxvii, 380 p. ; 23 cm. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 19) . – notes, index.
ISBN 8120801202
sign.: REL-11-18-MULL-19
Trefw.: religie
Bühler, G.
The laws of Manu : I. The origin of the Manu-smriti according to the Hindus ; The Manu-smriti based on a Dharma-sfitra of the Manavas ; II. The Manava Dh. S. converted into a metrical Smriti by a special school of lawyers ; The Manava Dh. S. chosen for conversion on account of the myths current regarding Manu ; Old and new parts of the work ; The sources of the additions made by the editor of the metrical version ; The position of Bhrigu’s Samhita among the various metrical recensions ; The probable date of Bhrigu’s Samhita ; III. The commentaries of Manu and principles of translation ; THE LAWS OF MANU: The Creation ; Summary of Contents ; Sources of the Law ; Sacraments ; Initiation ; Studentship ; Householder ; Marriage ; Daily Rites ; Sraddhas ; Mode of Subsistence ; Rules for a Snataka ; Veda- Study ; Rules for a Snataka ; Lawful and Forbidden Food ; Impurity ; Purification ; Duties of Women ; Hermits in the Forest ; Ascetics ; The King ; Civil and Criminal Law: Titles of ; Judicial Procedure ; Recovery of Debts ; Witnesses ; Weights of Gold, &c. ; Recovery of Debts ; Deposits ; Sale without Ownership ; Concerns among Partners ; Subtraction of Gifts ; Non-payment of Wages ; Non-performance of Agreement ; Rescission of Sale and Purchase ; Masters and Herdsmen ; Disputes concerning Boundaries ; Defamation ; Assault and Hurt ; Theft ; Violence (Sahasa) ; Adultery ; Miscellaneous Rules ; Duties of Husband and Wife ; Inheritance and Partition ; Gambling and Betting ; Miscellaneous Rules ; Times of Distress: Mixed Castes ; Occupations and Livelihood ; Gifts ; Sacrifices ; Necessity of Penances ; Classification of Crimes ; Penances ; Transmigration ; Supreme Bliss ; Doubtful Points of Law ; Conclusion ; Appendix: Quotations from Manu in the translated Law-Books ; Synopsis of Parallel Passages ; Index ; Additions and Corrections ; Transliteration of Oriental Alphabets adopted for the Translations of the Sacred Books of the East
translated, with extracts from seven commentaries, by G. Bühler ; translated by Various Oriental Scholars ; and edited by F. Max Müller. – Dehli : At the Clarendon Press, 1886. – CXXXVIII, 620 p. ; 23 cm. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; XXV) . – appendix, index.
sign.: REL-11-18-MULL-25
Trefw.: religie, hindoeïsme, Heilige boeken, wetten, Manu
The sacred laws of the Aryas : as taught in the schools of Apastamba Gautama, Vasishtha, and Baudhayana ; pt.1: Apastamba and Gautama
translated by Georg Bühler ; translated by Various Oriental Scholars ; and edited by F. Max Müller. – 2nd ed., revised. – Oxford : At the Clarendon Press, 1897. – LXII, 314 p. ; 23 cm. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 2) . – [notes].
sign.: REL-11-18-MULL-2
Trefw.: religie, hindoeïsme, wetten, Arya’s, filosofie
The sacred laws of the Aryas : as taught in the schools of Apastamba, Guatama, Vasishtha and Baudhayana ; Part 2: Vasishtha and Baudhayana
translated by Georg Bühler ; translated by Various Oriental Scholars ; and edited by F. Max Müller. – repr. – Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 1991. – xlv, 360 p. ; 22 cm. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 14) . – index.
ISBN 8120801156
sign.: REL-11-18-MULL-14
Trefw.: religie, hindoeïsme, wetten, Arya’s
Cowell, E.B.
Buddhist Mahayana texts : part I : the Buddha-Karita of Asvaghosha (transl. by E.B. Cowell); part II : the larger Sukhavati-vyuha; the smaller Sukhavati-vyuha; the Vagrakkhedika; the larger Pragna-paramita-hridaya-sutra; the smaller Pragna-paramita-hridaya-sutra (transl. by F. Max Müller); the Amitayur-dhyana-sutra (transl. by J. Takakusu)
ed. by F. Max Müller ; transl. by Various Oriental Scholars. – reprinted. – Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 1990. – xiii, 207, xxvi. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 49)
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-49
Trefw.: religie
Darmesteter, J.
The Zend-Avesta ; Part I: The Vendîdâd : Introduction: Chapter I. The Discovery of the Zend-Avesta ; Chapter II. The Interpretation of the Zend-Avesta ; Chapter III. The Formation of the Zend-Avesta ; Chapter IV. The Origin of the Avesta Religion ; Chapter V. The Vendîdâd ; Vendîdâd: Fargard I ; Fargard II. Yima (gamshêd) ; Fargard III. The Earth ; Fargard IV. Contracts and Outrages ; Fargard V ; Fargard VI ; Fargard VII ; Fargard VIII ; Fargard IX. The nine nights’ Barashnûm ; Fargard X ; Fargard XI ; Fargard XII ; Fargard XIII. The Dog ; Fargard XIV ; Fargard XV ; Fargard XVI ; Fargard XVII ; Fargard XVIII ; Fargard XIX ; Fargard XX. Thrita, the First Healer ; Fargard XXI. Waters and Light ; Fargard XXII
translated by James Darmesteter ; edited by F. Max Müller. – 2nd. – Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1895. – LXXXIX, 390, 7 p. ; 23 cm. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; IV)
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-4
Trefw.: religie, Zoroaster, zoroastrianisme, mythologie, Zend-Avesta
The Zend-Avesta ; Part II: The Sîrôzahs, Yasts, and Nyâyis : Introduction ; Sîrôzahs: Preliminary Observations to the Yasts and Sîrôzahs ; Sîrôzah I ; Sîrôzah II ; Yasts: I. Ormazd Yast ; II. Haptân Yast ; III. Ardibehist Yast ; IV. Khordâd Yast ; V. Âbân Yast ; VI. Khôrshêd Yast ; VII. Mâh Yast ; VIII. Tîr Yast ; IX. Gôs Yast ; X. Mihir Yast ; XI. Srôsh Yast Hâdhôkht ; XII. Rashn Yast ; XIII. Farvardîn Yast ; XIV. Bahrâm Yast ; XV. Râm Yast ; XVI. Dîn Yast ; XVII. Ashi Yast ; XVIII. Âstâd Yast ; XIX. Zamyâd Yast ; XX. Vanant Yast ; XXI. Yast Fragment ; Yast XXII ; XXIII. Âfrîn ; aighambar Zartûst ; XXIV. Vîstâsp Yast ; Nyâyis: I. Khôrshêd Nyâyis ; II. Mihir Nyâyis ; III. Mâh Nyâyis ; IV. Âbân Nyâyis ; V. Âtas Nyâyis ; Index to Volumes IV and XXIII
translated by James Darmesteter ; edited by F. Max Müller. – Oxford : At the Clarendon Press, 1883. – VIII, 384, 7. ; 23 cm. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; XXIII) . – index.
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-23
Trefw.: religie
Eggeling, J.
The Satapatha-Brahmana part I : according to the text of the Madhyandina School, books I and II
ed. by F. Max Müller ; transl. by Various Oriental Scholars. – reprint. – Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 1994. – xxxii, 480. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 26) . – Ind..
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-26
Trefw.: religie
Oxford : At the Clarendon Press, 1882. – XLVIII, 456. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; XII)
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-12
The Satapatha-Brahmana part III : according to the text of the Madhyanadina School, part III: books V, VI, and VII
Oxford : At the Clarendon Press, 1894. – XXVII, 424. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; XLI)
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-41
The Satapatha-Brahmana part IV : according to the text of the Madhyandina School, part IV: books VIII, IX, and X
Oxford : At the Clarendon Press, 1897. – XXVII, 410. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; XLIII)
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-43
The Satapatha-Brahmana part V : according to the text of the Madhyandina School, books XI, XII, XIII, and XIV
Oxford : At the Clarendon Press, 1900. – LI, 596, 7. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; XLIV) . – Ind..
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-44
Jacobi, H.
Gaina sutras [=Jaina sutras] part II : Uttarâdhyayana, Sûtrakritânga
ed. by F. Max Müller ; transl. by Various Oriental Scholars. – reprint. – Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 1995. – xli, 456. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 45) . – Ind..
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-45
Trefw.: religie
Jaina sutras : Part 1. The Âkârânga Sûtra. The Kalpa Sûtra
ed. by F. Max Müller ; transl. by Various Oriental Scholars. – repr. – Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 1994. – liii, 324. ; 22 cm. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 22) . – index.
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-22
Trefw.: religie, hindoeïsme, jaina sutras, Âkârânga Sûtra, Kalpa Sûtra
Jolly, J.
The institutes of vishnu
ed. by F. Max Müller ; transl. by various oriental scholars. – reprinted. – Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publihers Private Limited, 1992. – xxxvii, 316. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 7) . – Ind..
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-7
Trefw.: religie
The minor law-books part I : part I : Narada Brihaspati
ed. by F. Max Müller ; transl. by Various Oriental Scholars. – reprint. – Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 1994. – xxiv, 396. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 33)
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-33
Trefw.: religie
Kern, H.
The Saddharma-Pundarîka : or the lotus of the true law
ed. by F. Max Müller ; transl. by Various Oriental Scholars. – reprint. – Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 1994. – xlii, 454. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 21) . – Ind..
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-21
Trefw.: religie
Legge, J.
II. The sacred books of China : the texts of confucianism : the Yi King
ed. by F. Max Müller ; translated by James Legge. – 2nd ed. – Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1899. – xxi, 448 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 16) . – appendices.
sign.: REL-11-18-MULL-16
Trefw.: religie, China, confusianisme, Yi King
The sacred books of China : the texts of confucianism : part I : the shu king; the religious portion of the shih king; the hsiao king
reprint. – Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 1996. – xxx, 492. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 3)
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-3
Trefw.: religie, China, Shu, Thang, Yu, Hsia, Shang, Kau, Shih, Hsiao
ed. by F. Max Müller ; transl. by Various Oriental Scholars. – reprinted. – Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 1992. – 484. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 27)
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-27
Trefw.: religie, China
ed. by F. Max Müller ; transl. by Various Oriental Scholars. – reprint. – Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 1992. – viii, 496. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 28) . – Ind..
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-28
Trefw.: religie, China
II. The sacred books of China : the texts of tâoism : the writings of Kwang-3Ze, books XVIII-XXXIII ; the Thâi-Shang tractate of actions and their retributions, appendixes I-VIII
edited by F. Max Müller ; translated by James Legge. – Oxford : At the Clarendon Press, 1891. – 340, 8 p. ; 23 cm. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; XL) . – index.
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-40
Trefw.: religie, China, Kwang Ze, taoisme
I. The sacred books of China : the texts of taoism ; The Tâo Teh King ; The writing of Kwang-Tzu
ed. by. F. Max Müller ; transl. by James Legge. – Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1891. – xxii, 396, 7 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 39)
sign.: REL-11-18-MULL-39
Trefw.: religie, China, taoisme
Mills, L.H.
The Zend-Avesta ; Part 3: The Yasna, Visparad, Âfrînagân, Gahs, and miscellaneous fragments : Introduction ; The Gâthas: Introduction ; Yasna XXIX ; Yasna XXVIII ; Yasna XXX ; Yasna XXXI ; Yasna XXXII ; Yasna XXXIII ; Yasna XXXIV ; Yasna XLIII ; Yasna XLIV ; Yasna XLV ; Yasna XLVI ; Yasna XLVII ; Yasna XLVIII ; Yasna XLIX ; Yasna L ; Yasna LI ; Yasna LIII ; The Yasna: Yasna I. The Sacrifice Commences ; Yasna II. The Sacrifice Continues ; Yasna III. The Yasna Advances to the Naming of the Objects of Propitiation ; Yasna IV. The Offering Takes Place ; Yasna V ; Yasna VI. The Sacrifice ; Continues With Fuller Expression ; Yasna VII. Presentation of Offerings by the Priest with the Object of Propitiation Named ; Yasna VIII. Offering of the Meat-Offering in Particular ; Yasna IX. The Hôm Yast ; Yasna X ; Yasna XI. Prelude To The H(a)oma-Offering ; Yasna XII. The Mazdayasnian Confession ; Yasna XIII. Invocations and Dedications ; Yasna XIV. Dedications ; Yasna XV. The Sacrifice Continues ; Yasna XVI. The Sacrifice Continues with Increased Fulness of Expression ; Yasna XVII. To the Fires, Waters, Plants, ; &c. ; Yasna XVIII ; Yasna XIX. Zand or Commentary on the Ahuna-vairya Formulas ; Yasna XX. Zand, or Commentary, on the Ashem Vohû ; Yasna XXI. Catechetical Zand, Or Commentary Upon The Yênhê Hâtãm ; Yasna XXII. The Sacrifice Continues ; Yasna XXIII. The Fravashis of the Saints; Prayers for Their Approach ; Yasna XXIV. Presentations ; Yasna XXV ; Yasna XXVI. The Fravashis; Sacrifice and Praise to Them ; Yasna XXVII. Prelude to the Chief Recital of the Ahuna-vairya ; Yasna XXXV. Yasna Haptanghâiti ; Yasna XXXVI. To Ahura and the Fire ; Yasna XXXVII. To Ahura, the Holy Creation, the Fravashis of the Just, and the Bountiful Immortals ; Yasna XXXVIII. To the Earth and the Sacred Waters ; Yasna XXXIX. To the Soul of the Kine, &c ; Yasna XL. Prayers for Helpers ; Yasna XLI. A Prayer to Ahura as the King, the Life, and the Rewarder ; Yasna XLII. A Supplement to the Haptanghâiti ; Yasna LII. A Prayer for Sanctity and its Benefits ; Yasna LIV. The Airyemâ-ishyô ; Yasna LV. The Worship of the Gâthas as Concluded, and That of the Staota Yêsnya as Beginning ; Yasna LVI. Introduction to the Srôsh Yast ; Yasna LVII. The Srôsh Yast ; Yasna LVIII. The Fshûshô-Mãthra ; Yasna LIX. Mutual Blessings ; Yasna LX. Prayers for the Dwelling of the Sacrificer ; Yasna LXI ; Yasna LXII ; Yasna LXIII ; Yasna LXIX ; Yasna LXV. To Ardvi Sûra Anâhita, And The Waters ; Yasna LXVI. To the Ahurian One ; Yasna LXVII ; Yasna LXVIII. To the Ahurian One, and the Waters ; Yasna LXIX ; Yasna LXX. To the Bountiful ; immortals, and the Institutions of Religion ; Yasna LXXI. The Yasna Concluding ; Yasna LXXII ; Visparad: Visparad I ; Visparad II ; Visparad III ; Visparad IV ; Visparad V ; Visparad VI ; Visparad VII ; Visparad VIII ; Visparad IX ; Visparad X ; Visparad XI ; Visparad XII ; Visparad XIII ; Visparad XIV ; Visparad XV ; Visparad XVI ; Visparad XVII ; Visparad XVIII ; Visparad XIX ; Visparad XX ; Visparad XXI ; Visparad XXII ; Visparad XXIII ; Âfrînagân: I. Âfrînagân Gahanbâr ; II. Âfrînagân Gâtha ; III. Âfrînagân ; Rapithvin ; The Gâhs: I. The Gâh Hâvan ; II. Gâh Rapithvin ; III. Gâh Uziren ; IV. Gâh Aiwisrûthrima ; V. Gâh Ushahin ; Miscellaneous Fragments: I ; II ; III ; IV ; V ; VI ; VII ; VIII ; IX ; Index
translated by L.H. Mills ; edited by F. Max Müller. – Oxford : At the Clarendon Press, 1887. – XLVII, 404, 7 p. ; 23 cm. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; XXXI) . – index.
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-31
Trefw.: religie
Müller, F.M.
The Dhammapada : a collection of verses: being one of the canonical books of the Buddhists
translated from the Pali by F. Max Müller. – 2nd ed., revised. – Oxford : At the Clarendon Press, 1898. – LXIII, 212, 8 p. ; 23 cm. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; X) . – index.
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-10
Trefw.: religie, boeddhisme, Dhammapada
The Upanishads : Part I : The Khândogya-Upanishad ; The Talavakâra-Upanishad ; The Aitareya-Âranyaka ; The Kaushîtaki-Brâhmana-Upanishad and the Vâgasaneyi-Samhitâ-Upanishad.
transl. by F. Max Müller ; edited by F. Max Müller . – Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1900. – ci, 320, 7 p. ; 23 cm. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. I)
sign.: REL-11-18-MULL-1
Trefw.: upanishaden, hindoeïsme, meditatie, contemplatie, ceremonieën, Brahma
The Upanishads : Part II : The Katha-Upanishad ; The Mundaka-Upanishad ; The Taittirîyaka-Upanishad ; The Brihadâranyaka-Upanishad ; The Svetâsvatara-Upanishad ; The Prasña-Upanishad ; and the Maitrâyani-Upanishad
translated by F. Max Müller ; edited by F. Max Müller. – Oxford : At the Clarendon Press, 1900. – lii, 350, 7 p. ; 23 cm. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; VOL. XV ; part II)
sign.: REL-11-18-MULL-15
Trefw.: religie, upanishaden, hindoeïsme, Brahma
Vedic hymns part I : part I: hymns to the Maruts, Rudra, Vayu, and Vata
Oxford : At the Clarendon Press, 1891. – CXXV, 556, 7. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; XXXII) . – Ind..
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-32
Oldenberg, H.
The Grihya-Sutras part I : rules of vedic domestic ceremonies: part I: Sankhayana-Grihya-Sutra, Asvalayana-Grihya-Sutra, Paraskara-Grihya-Sutra, Khadira-Grihya-Sutra
Dehli : At the Clarendon Press, 1886. – 440. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; XXIX)
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-29
Oxford : At the Clarendon Press, 1886. – 440. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; XXIX)
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-29A
The Grihya-Sutras part II : part II: rules of vedic domestic ceremonies, part II: Gobhila, Hiranyakesin, Apastamba
Samengest. door F. Max Müller ; F. Max Müller (Apastamba, Yagna-Paribhasha-Sutras). – Oxford : At the Clarendon Press, 1892. – XXXIX, 376. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; XXX) . – Ind..
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-30
Samengest. door F. Max Müller ; F. Max Müller (Apastamba, Yagna-Paribhasha-Sutras). – Oxford : At the Clarendon Press, 1892. – XXXIX, 376. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; XXX) . – Ind..
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-30A
Vedic hymns part II : part II : hymns to Agni (Mandalas I-V)
ed. by F. Max Müller ; transl. by Various Oriental Scholars. – reprint. – Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 1994. – x, 500. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 46) . – Ind..
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-46
Trefw.: religie
Palmer, E.H.
The qur’an : part I : chapters I to XVI
ed. by F. Max Müller ; transl. by various oriental scholars. – reprint. – Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 1993. – x, 362. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 9) . – Ind..
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-9
Trefw.: religie, Islam, koran
ed. by F. Max Müller ; transl. by various oriental scholars. – reprint. – Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 1994. – cxviii, 268. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 6)
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-6
Trefw.: religie, Islam
Rhys Davids, T.W.
Buddhist-suttas : 1. Mahâ-parinibbâna suttanta; 2. The dhamma-kakka-ppavattana sutta; 3. The tevigga suttanta; 4. The âkankheyya sutta; 5. The ketokhila sutta; 6. The mahâ-sudassana suttanta; 7. The sabbâsava sutta
ed. by F. Max Müller ; transl. by various oriental scholars. – reprint. – Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 1994. – xlviii, 320. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 11) . – Ind..
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-11
Trefw.: religie
The questions of King Milinda
ed. by F. Max Müller ; transl. by Various Oriental Scholars. – reprint. – Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 1993. – xxxvii, 388. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 35) . – Ind..
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-35
ed. by F. Max Müller ; transl. by Various Oriental Scholars. – reprint. – Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 1992. – xlix, 320. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 35) . – Ind..
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-35
Trefw.: religie
Vinaya texts part I : the patimokkha; the mahavagga I-IV
ed. by F. Max Müller ; Various oriental scholars. – reprinted. – Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 1990. – xxxvii, 360. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 13)
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-13
Trefw.: religie
Vinaya texts part II : part II: the Mahavagga, V-X, the Kullavagga, I-III
reprinted. – Dehli : Motilal Banarsidass, 1965. – 444. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; XVII)
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-17
Vinaya texts part III : part III: the Kullavaga, Iv-XII
reprinted. – Dehli : Motilal Banarsidass, 1965. – 444. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; XX) . – Ind..
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-20
Telang, K.T.
The Bhagavadgîtâ with the Sanatsugâtîya and the Anugîtâ
edited by F. Max Müller ; translated by Kashinath Trimbak Telang. – Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1882. – 446, 32 p. ; 23 cm. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. VIII) . – index.
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-8
Trefw.: religie, bhagavad gita, hindoeïsme
Thibaut, G.
The vedanta-sutras part I: with the commentary by Sankarakarya
ed. by F. Max Müller ; transl. by Various Oriental Scholars. – reprinted. – Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 1992. – cxxviii, 448. ; … cm. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 34)
sign.: REL-11-18-MULL-34
Trefw.: religie, hindoeïsme, vedanta, vedanta sutra’s, Badarayana, brahmanisme, veda’s, India, filosofie
The vedanta-sutras part II: with the commentary by Sankarakarya
Oxford : At the Clarendon Press, 1896. – 508, 8. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; XXXVIII) . – Ind..
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-48
Trefw.: religie, hindoeïsme, vedanta, vedanta sutra’s, Badarayana, brahmanisme, veda’s, India, filosofie
The vedanta-sutras part III : with the commentary by Ramanuja
ed. by F. Max Müller ; transl. by Various Oriental Scholars. – reprinted. – Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 1990. – xi, 800. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 48) . – Ind..
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-48
Trefw.: religie
West, E.W.
Pahlavi texts : part I : the bundahis, bahman yast, and shâyast lâ-shâyast
reprint. – Dehli : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 1993. – lxxiv, 438. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 5) . – Ind..
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-5
Trefw.: religie, Avesta
ed. by F. Max Müller ; transl. by Various Oriental Scholars. – reprint. – Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 1994. – xxx, 484. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 18) . – Ind..
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-18
Trefw.: religie
ed. by F. Max Müller ; transl. by Various Oriental Scholars. – reprint. – Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 1994. – xlviii, 504. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 37) . – Ind..
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-37
Trefw.: religie
ed. by F. Max Müller ; transl. by Various Oriental Scholars. – reprint. – Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 1994. – xlviii. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 24) . – Ind..
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-24
Trefw.: religie
Pahlavi texts part V : part V : marvels of Zoroastianism
ed. by F. Max Müller ; transl. by Various Oriental Scholars. – reprint. – Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 1994. – xlvii, 186. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 47) . – Ind..
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-47
Trefw.: religie
Winternitz, M.
A general index to the names and subject-matter of the Sacred Books of the East
ed. by F. Max Müller; pref. by A.A. Macdonell ; transl. by Various Oriental Scholars. – reprint. – Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited, 1995. – xiv, (2), 688. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. 50) . – Ind..
sign.: REL-11-18-MUL-50
Trefw.: religie