REL-15-1 Zoroastrianisme
Anklesaria, D.A.
Talks on Zoroastrianism
London : Rangoon Times, 193X. – [8] 81 p. : foto van dochter. ; 22 cm.
sign.: REL-15-ANKL-1
Trefw.: zoroaster, zoroastrianisme, zoroastrisme, goed en kwaad
Bemmelen, D.J. van
Zarathustra, de eerste profeet van Christus ; de Gatha’s van Zarathustra
[door] D.J. van Bemmelen. – Zeist : Vrij Geestesleven, 1967. – 203 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. – (Parthenon boeken ; 1) . – overzicht der Perzische literatuur, voornaamste geraadpleegde werken.
sign.: REL-15-1-BEMM-1
Trefw.: religie, Zarathustra, Perzië, profeten, zoroaster, Perzische godsdiensten, antroposofie, mysteriën
Boyce, M.
Zoroastrians, their religious beliefs and practices
Mary Boyce. – London ; Boston and Henley : Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979. – xxi, 252 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.. – bibliography, index.
ISBN 0710001215
sign.: REL-15-1-BOYC-1
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, geloof
Brodbeck, A.
Zoroaster : ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Geschichte der Religionen und philosophischen Systeme des Morgen- und Abendlandes
von Adolf Brodbeck . – Leipzig : Verlag von Wilhelm Friedrich, 1893. – XII, 346 p. ; 22 cm.. – alphabetisches Verzeichnis der wichtigsten Begriffe in Zoroaster’s Religion.
sign.: REL-15-1-BROD-1
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, geschiedenis, filosofie
Casartelli, L.C.
Some marriage and funeral customs of ancient Persia: Pehlevi notes. VI. Oriental testimonies regarding Khvêtûk-Das ; Astodans, and the Avestic funeral prescriptions
by L.C. Casartelli. – repr. – z.p. : z.u., 189X. – [6], 8 p. ; 25 cm.
Reprinted from the Babylonian and Oriental Record 1890
sign.: REL-15-1-CASA-1
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, bruiloften, rituelen, begrafenissen
Coyajee, J.C.
The future of Zoroastrianism
J.C. Coyajee. – Bombay : Jehangir B. Karani’s Sons, 19XX. – 21 p. ; 22 cm.
sign.: REL-15-1-COYA-1 (D6)
Trefw.: religie, Zoroaster, theosofie, wetenschap, symboliek
Dabu, D.K.S.
Message of Zarathushtra : a manual of Zoroastrianism, the religion of the Parsis
by Khurshed S. Dabu ; with a foreword by Rustom P. Masani. – 2nd ed. – Bombay : The New Book Co, 1959. – xii, 187 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.
sign.: REL-15-1-DABU-1
Trefw.: religie, zoroaoster, Zarathustra, Parsi
Dantzig, G.J.A.
De gâthâ’s van Zarathoestra
vert. en bew. door G.J.A. van Dantzig. – Deventer : Kluwer, 1967. – 115 p. ; 18 cm. – (Orientserie) . – literatuurlijst.
ISBN 9020245074
sign.: REL-15-1-DANT-1
Trefw.: religie, Zoroaster, gâthâ’s, Zarathoestra, Perzische godsdienst
Darmesteter, J.
Ormazd et Ahriman : leurs origines et leur histoire de Haurvatât and Ameretât : essay sur la mythologie de l’Avesta
James Darmesteter. – réimpression. – Amsterdam : Oriental Press, 1971. – [6], 360, [6], 91 p. ; 23 cm.
sign.: REL-15-1-DARM-2
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, Perzië, Ormazd, Ahriman, Haurvatat, geschiedenis, Avesta, Zend-Avesta
The Zend-Avesta ; Part I: The Vendîdâd : Introduction: Chapter I. The Discovery of the Zend-Avesta ; Chapter II. The Interpretation of the Zend-Avesta ; Chapter III. The Formation of the Zend-Avesta ; Chapter IV. The Origin of the Avesta Religion ; Chapter V. The Vendîdâd ; Vendîdâd: Fargard I ; Fargard II. Yima (gamshêd) ; Fargard III. The Earth ; Fargard IV. Contracts and Outrages ; Fargard V ; Fargard VI ; Fargard VII ; Fargard VIII ; Fargard IX. The nine nights’ Barashnûm ; Fargard X ; Fargard XI ; Fargard XII ; Fargard XIII. The Dog ; Fargard XIV ; Fargard XV ; Fargard XVI ; Fargard XVII ; Fargard XVIII ; Fargard XIX ; Fargard XX. Thrita, the First Healer ; Fargard XXI. Waters and Light ; Fargard XXII
translated by James Darmesteter ; edited by F. Max Müller. – Oxford : At the Clarendon Press, 1880. – cii, 240, 32 p. ; 23 cm. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; Vol. IV)
sign.: REL-15-1-DARM-1
Trefw.: religie, Zoroaster, zoroastrianisme, mythologie, Zend-Avesta
The Zend-Avesta ; Part II: The Sîrôzahs, Yasts, and Nyâyis : Introduction ; Sîrôzahs: Preliminary Observations to the Yasts and Sîrôzahs ; Sîrôzah I ; Sîrôzah II ; Yasts: I. Ormazd Yast ; II. Haptân Yast ; III. Ardibehist Yast ; IV. Khordâd Yast ; V. Âbân Yast ; VI. Khôrshêd Yast ; VII. Mâh Yast ; VIII. Tîr Yast ; IX. Gôs Yast ; X. Mihir Yast ; XI. Srôsh Yast Hâdhôkht ; XII. Rashn Yast ; XIII. Farvardîn Yast ; XIV. Bahrâm Yast ; XV. Râm Yast ; XVI. Dîn Yast ; XVII. Ashi Yast ; XVIII. Âstâd Yast ; XIX. Zamyâd Yast ; XX. Vanant Yast ; XXI. Yast Fragment ; Yast XXII ; XXIII. Âfrîn ; aighambar Zartûst ; XXIV. Vîstâsp Yast ; Nyâyis: I. Khôrshêd Nyâyis ; II. Mihir Nyâyis ; III. Mâh Nyâyis ; IV. Âbân Nyâyis ; V. Âtas Nyâyis ; Index to Volumes IV and XXIII
translated by James Darmesteter ; edited by F. Max Müller. – repr. – Delhi, Varanasi, Patna : Motilal Banarsidass, 1965. – viii, 384 p. ; 23 cm. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; XXIII) . – index.
sign.: REL-15-1-DARM-2
Trefw.: religie
Dhalla, M.N.
Zoroastrian civilization : from the earliest times to the downfall of the last Zoroastrian empire, 651 A.D.
by Maneckji Nusservanji Dhalla. – New York : Oxford University Press, 1922. – xxviii, 395 p. ; 23 cm.. – bibliography.
sign.: REL-15-1-DHAL-1
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, beschavingen, geschiedenis
Duchesne-Guillemin, J.
Ormazd et Ahriman : aventure dualiste dans l’antiquité
par J. Duchesne-Guillemin. – Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 1953. – 153 p. ; 19 cm. – (Mythes et religions ; 31)
sign.: REL-15-1-DUCH-1
Trefw.: religie, Zoroastrianisme, Parsen, symboliek, Zoroaster
Symbols and values in Zoroastrianism : their survival and renewal
Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin. – New York : Harper and Row, [1966]. – xvii, 167 p. : plates. ; 22 cm. – (Religious perspectives ; 15)
sign.: REL-15-1-DUCH-3
Trefw.: religie, Zoroastrianisme, Parsen, symboliek, Zoroaster
Eberhardt, P.
Das Rufen des Zarathushtra (die Gathas des Awestra)
ein Versuch ihren Sinn zu geben von Paul Eberhardt. – Jena : Eugen Diederichs, 1913. – [4], 81 p. ; 22 cm.
sign.: REL-15-1-EBER-1
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, Zarathustra
Fechner, G.T.
Zend-Avesta : Gedanken über die Dinge des Himmels und des Jenseits vom Standpunkte der Naturbetrachtung
G.Th. Fechner. Frei bearbeitet und verkürzt herausgegeben von Max Fischer. – Leipzig : Im Insel Verlang, 1919. – XI, 294 p. ; 24 cm. – (Der Dom : Bücher der Deutschen Mystik)
sign.: REL-15-1-FECH-2
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, zend-avesta, onsterfelijkheid, God, natuurfilosofie
Zend-Avesta, oder über die Dinge des Himmels und des Jenseits : vom Standpunkt der Naturbetrachtung ; 1
von Gustav Theodor Fechner. – 3. Aufl. – Hamburg und Leipzig : Verlag von Leopold Voss, 1906. – XXI, 360 p. ; 24 cm. – (Zend-Avesta ; Erster Band)
sign.: REL-15-1-FECH-1I
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, zend-avesta, onsterfelijkheid, God, natuurfilosofie
Zend-Avesta, oder über die Dinge des Himmels und des Jenseits : vom Standpunkt der Naturbetrachtung ; 2
von Gustav Theodor Fechner. – 3. Aufl. – Hamburg und Leipzig : Verlag von Leopold Voss, 1906. – IV, 434 p. ; 24 cm. – (Zend-Avesta ; Zweiter Band) . – Namenverzeichnis.
sign.: REL-15-1-FECH-1II
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, zend-avesta, onsterfelijkheid, God, natuurfilosofie
von Gustav Theodor Fechner. – 3. Aufl. – Hamburg und Leipzig : Verlag von Leopold Voss, 1906. – IV, 434 p. ; 24 cm. – (Zend-Avesta ; Zweiter Band) . – Namenverzeichnis.
sign.: REL-15-1-FECH-1IIa
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, zend-avesta, onsterfelijkheid, God, natuurfilosofie
Geschichten aus dem Schahnameh
Firdausi ; ausgewählt und übertragen von Uta von Witzleben. – Düsseldorf ; Köln : Eugen Diederichs Verlag, 1960. – 283 p. ; 19 cm. – (Diederichs Taschenausgeben ; 21)
sign.: REL-15-1-FIRD-1
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, Schahnameh
Geldner, K.F.
Avesta : die heiligen Bücher der Parsen I: Prolegomena ; Yasna
im Auftrag der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wisschenschaften in Wien herausgegeben von Karl F. Geldner. – Stuttgart : Verlag von W. Kohlhammer, 1895, 1896. – LVI, IV, 237 p. ; 35 cm. – (Avesta ; I)
sign.: REL-15-1-GELD-1I
Trefw.: religie, Avesta, zoroaster, Parsen, Yasna, Perzische godsdienst
Avesta : die heiligen Bücher der Parsen II: Vispered und Khorde Avesta
im Auftrag der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wisschenschaften in Wien herausgegeben von Karl F. Geldner. – Stuttgart : Verlag von W. Kolhammer, 1889. – 277 p. ; 35 cm. – (Avesta ; II)
sign.: REL-15-1-GELD-1II
Trefw.: religie, Avesta, zoroaster, Vispered, Khorde Avesta, Perzische godsdienst
Avesta : die heiligen Bücher der Parsen III: Vendidad
im Auftrag der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wisschenschaften in Wien herausgegeben von Karl F. Geldner. – Stuttgart : Verlag von W. Kolhammer, 1895. – 139 p. ; 35 cm. – (Avesta ; III)
sign.: REL-15-1-GELD-1III
Trefw.: religie, Avesta, zoroaster, Parsen, Vendidad, Perzische godsdienst
Greenlees, D.
The gospel of Zarathushtra
edited and in part newly translated from the Gathas and from the Avesta and Pehlevi Books with a running commentary and historical introduction by Duncan Greenlees. – Adyar, Madras : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1951. – cxi, 301 p. ; 19 cm. – (The World Gospel Series ; 5)
“Good thoughts, good words, good deeds”. – sources, index, books for reference.
sign.: REL-15-1-GREE-1
Trefw.: religie, zoroastrianisme, God, hemel, onsterfelijken, dood, ziel na de dood, verlichting, theosofie
edited and in part newly translated from the Gathas and from the Avesta and Pehlevi Books with a running commentary and historical introduction by Duncan Greenlees. – 2nd repr. – Adyar, Madras : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1995. – cxi, 301 p. ; 19 cm. – (The World Gospel Series ; 5) . – sources, index, books for reference.
ISBN 8170592577
sign.: REL-15-GRE-1
Trefw.: religie, zoroastrianisme, God, hemel, onsterfelijken, dood, ziel na de dood, verlichting, theosofie
edited and in part newly translated from the Gathas and from the Avesta and Pehlevi Books with a running commentary and historical introduction by Duncan Greenlees. – Adyar, Madras : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1951. – cxi, 301 p. ; 19 cm. – (The World Gospel Series ; 5)
“Good thoughts, good words, good deeds”. – sources, index, books for reference.
sign.: REL-15-1-GREE-1a
Trefw.: religie, zoroastrianisme, God, hemel, onsterfelijken, dood, ziel na de dood, verlichting, theosofie
Haug, M.
Essays on the sacred language, writings and religion of the Parsis : studies on Zoroastrian religion and the Zend-Avesta ; their origins, development, structure, texts and linguistic composition
Martin Haug ; edited by Edward W. West ; with a biographical memoir of the author by Edward P. Evans. – repr. – Amsterdam : Philo Press, 1971. – xlviii, 427, [4] p. ; 19 cm. – (appendix, index)
ISBN 9060222520
sign.: REL-15-1-HAUG-1a
Trefw.: religie, Zoroaster, godsdiensten, oude tradities, culturen, Parsen, Zend-Avesta, geschiedenis, studies, geschriften, taalkunde, vertalingen
Essays on the sacred language, writings, and religion of the Parsis
by Martin Haug ; edited and enlarged by E.W. West ; to which is also added a biographical memoir of the late Dr. Haug by Professor E.P. Evans. – popular ed. – London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co, [1907]. – xlviii, 427 p. ; 21 cm. – (Trübner’s Oriental Series) . – index.
sign.: REL-15-1-HAUG-1
Trefw.: religie, Zoroaster, godsdiensten, oude tradities, culturen, Parsen, Zend-Avesta, geschiedenis, studies, geschriften, taalkunde, vertalingen
Irani, D.J.
The divine songs of Zarathushtra
by D.J. Irani; with an introduction by Rabindranath Tagore. – London ; New York : George Allen & Unwin Ltd ; The Macmillan Co, [1924]. – 79 p. ; 20 cm.
sign.: REL-15-1-IRAN-1
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, Zarathustra, gedichten
The path to happiness, or the ethical teachings of Zoroaster
by D.J. Irani ; foreword by Sir Jehangir C. Coyajee Kt.. – Bombay : Jehangir B. Karani’s Sons, 1939. – 63 p. ; 18 cm.
sign.: REL-15-1-IRAN-2
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, Zarathustra, gedichten
Kaus, M.F.B.
The desatir : or the sacred writings of the ancient Persian prophets ; together with the commentary of the Fifth Sasan
translated by Mulla Firuz Bin Kaus ; edited and republished by Dhunjeebhoy Jamsetjee Medhora. – republished. – Bombay : Education Society’s Press, Byculla, 1888. – ii, 13, 190, [2] p. ; 21 cm.. – list of the Persian books of the Parsees.
sign.: REL-15-1-KAUS-3 (BWK1)
Trefw.: religie, Perzië, Desatir, geheime geschriften, profeten, commentaren, zoroaster, Fifth Sasan
translated by Mulla Firuz Bin Kaus ; edited and republished by Dhunjeebhoy Jamsetjee Medhora. – photographic copy of the 1888 ed. – San Diego : Wizards Bookshelf, 1975. – ii, 13, 190, [2] p. ; 21 cm. – (Secret Doctrine Reference Series) . – list of the Persian books of the Parsees.
ISBN 0913510335
sign.: REL-15-1KAUS-3a
Trefw.: religie, Perzië, Desatir, geheime geschriften, profeten, commentaren, zoroaster, Fifth Sasan
I. The Desatir or sacred writings of the ancient Persian prophets ; in the original tongue ; together with the ancient Persian version and commentary of the Fifth Sasan
carefully published by Mulla Firuz Bin Kaus, who has subjoinend a copious glossary of the obsolete and technical Persian terms ; to which is added an English translation of the Desâtîr and commentary. – Bombay : J.F. de Jesus, 1818. – z.p.. ; 21 cm. – (Vol. I)
sign.: REL-15-1-KAUS-1 (BWK1)
Trefw.: religie, Perzië, Desatir, geheime geschriften, profeten, commentaren, zoroaster, Fifth Sasan
II. The Desatir or sacred writings of the ancient Persian prophets ; in the original tongue ; together with the ancient Persian version and commentary of the Fifth Sasan
carefully published by Mulla Firuz Bin Kaus, who has subjoinend a copious glossary of the obsolete and technical Persian terms ; to which is added an English translation of the Desâtîr and commentary. – Bombay : J.F. Jesus, 1818. – IX, 203 p. ; 21 cm. – (Vol. II)
sign.: REL-15-1-KAUS-2 (BWK1)
Trefw.: religie, Perzië, Desatir, geheime geschriften, profeten, commentaren, zoroaster, Fifth Sasan
Kazemzadeh-Iranschähr, H.
Die Gathas von Zarathushtra
aus dem Persischen übers. und erläutert von H. Kazemzadeh-Iranschähr. – Berlijn-Steglitz : Orientalischer Zeitschriftenverlag Iranschähr, 1930. – 109, [3] p. ; 22 cm.
sign.: REL-15-1-KAZE-1
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, Zarathustra, gatha’s
Laing, S.
A modern Zoroastrian
by Samuel Laing. – 2nd [cheap] ed, rev. and brought up to date by Joseph McCabe. – London : Watts & Co, 1904. – 128 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.. – index.
sign.: REL-15-1-LAIN-1
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, wetenschap
Lommel, H.
Die Religion Zarathustras : nach dem Awesta dargestellt
von Herman Lommel. – Tübingen : Mohr, 1930. – viii, 290 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.. – Nachweis der angeführten Awesta-stellen, Sach- und Wort-Verzeichnis.
sign.: REL-15-1-LOMM-1
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, Parsen, Avesta, Zend-Avesta
Mehta, P.D.
Zarathoestra : het transcendente zien
P.D. Mehta ; [vert. uit het Engels door Vivian Franken]. – Katwijk aan Zee : Servire, cop. 1989. – 168 p. ; 20 cm.
Vert. van: Zarathushtra : the transcendental vision. – Shaftesbury : Element Books, 1985
ISBN 9063252676
sign.: REL-15-1-MEHT-1
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, Zarathoestra
P.D. Mehta ; [vert. uit het Engels door Vivian Franken]. – Katwijk aan Zee : Servire, cop. 1989. – 168 p. ; 20 cm.
Vert. van: Zarathushtra : the transcendental vision. – Shaftesbury : Element Books, 1985
ISBN 9063252676
sign.: REL-15-MEH-1
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, Zarathoestra
Mills, L.H.
Avesta eschatology compared with the Books of Daniel and Revelations, being supplementary to Zarathushtra, Philo, the Achaemenids and Israel
by Lawrence H. Mills. – Chicago, London : The Open Court Publishing Company ; Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co, 1908. – VII, 85 p. ; 24 cm.
sign.: REL-15-1-MILL-2
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, zend-avesta
The Zend-Avesta ; Part 3: The Yasna, Visparad, Âfrînagân, Gahs, and miscellaneous fragments : Introduction ; The Gâthas: Introduction ; Yasna XXIX ; Yasna XXVIII ; Yasna XXX ; Yasna XXXI ; Yasna XXXII ; Yasna XXXIII ; Yasna XXXIV ; Yasna XLIII ; Yasna XLIV ; Yasna XLV ; Yasna XLVI ; Yasna XLVII ; Yasna XLVIII ; Yasna XLIX ; Yasna L ; Yasna LI ; Yasna LIII ; The Yasna: Yasna I. The Sacrifice Commences ; Yasna II. The Sacrifice Continues ; Yasna III. The Yasna Advances to the Naming of the Objects of Propitiation ; Yasna IV. The Offering Takes Place ; Yasna V ; Yasna VI. The Sacrifice ; Continues With Fuller Expression ; Yasna VII. Presentation of Offerings by the Priest with the Object of Propitiation Named ; Yasna VIII. Offering of the Meat-Offering in Particular ; Yasna IX. The Hôm Yast ; Yasna X ; Yasna XI. Prelude To The H(a)oma-Offering ; Yasna XII. The Mazdayasnian Confession ; Yasna XIII. Invocations and Dedications ; Yasna XIV. Dedications ; Yasna XV. The Sacrifice Continues ; Yasna XVI. The Sacrifice Continues with Increased Fulness of Expression ; Yasna XVII. To the Fires, Waters, Plants, ; &c. ; Yasna XVIII ; Yasna XIX. Zand or Commentary on the Ahuna-vairya Formulas ; Yasna XX. Zand, or Commentary, on the Ashem Vohû ; Yasna XXI. Catechetical Zand, Or Commentary Upon The Yênhê Hâtãm ; Yasna XXII. The Sacrifice Continues ; Yasna XXIII. The Fravashis of the Saints; Prayers for Their Approach ; Yasna XXIV. Presentations ; Yasna XXV ; Yasna XXVI. The Fravashis; Sacrifice and Praise to Them ; Yasna XXVII. Prelude to the Chief Recital of the Ahuna-vairya ; Yasna XXXV. Yasna Haptanghâiti ; Yasna XXXVI. To Ahura and the Fire ; Yasna XXXVII. To Ahura, the Holy Creation, the Fravashis of the Just, and the Bountiful Immortals ; Yasna XXXVIII. To the Earth and the Sacred Waters ; Yasna XXXIX. To the Soul of the Kine, &c ; Yasna XL. Prayers for Helpers ; Yasna XLI. A Prayer to Ahura as the King, the Life, and the Rewarder ; Yasna XLII. A Supplement to the Haptanghâiti ; Yasna LII. A Prayer for Sanctity and its Benefits ; Yasna LIV. The Airyemâ-ishyô ; Yasna LV. The Worship of the Gâthas as Concluded, and That of the Staota Yêsnya as Beginning ; Yasna LVI. Introduction to the Srôsh Yast ; Yasna LVII. The Srôsh Yast ; Yasna LVIII. The Fshûshô-Mãthra ; Yasna LIX. Mutual Blessings ; Yasna LX. Prayers for the Dwelling of the Sacrificer ; Yasna LXI ; Yasna LXII ; Yasna LXIII ; Yasna LXIX ; Yasna LXV. To Ardvi Sûra Anâhita, And The Waters ; Yasna LXVI. To the Ahurian One ; Yasna LXVII ; Yasna LXVIII. To the Ahurian One, and the Waters ; Yasna LXIX ; Yasna LXX. To the Bountiful ; immortals, and the Institutions of Religion ; Yasna LXXI. The Yasna Concluding ; Yasna LXXII ; Visparad: Visparad I ; Visparad II ; Visparad III ; Visparad IV ; Visparad V ; Visparad VI ; Visparad VII ; Visparad VIII ; Visparad IX ; Visparad X ; Visparad XI ; Visparad XII ; Visparad XIII ; Visparad XIV ; Visparad XV ; Visparad XVI ; Visparad XVII ; Visparad XVIII ; Visparad XIX ; Visparad XX ; Visparad XXI ; Visparad XXII ; Visparad XXIII ; Âfrînagân: I. Âfrînagân Gahanbâr ; II. Âfrînagân Gâtha ; III. Âfrînagân ; Rapithvin ; The Gâhs: I. The Gâh Hâvan ; II. Gâh Rapithvin ; III. Gâh Uziren ; IV. Gâh Aiwisrûthrima ; V. Gâh Ushahin ; Miscellaneous Fragments: I ; II ; III ; IV ; V ; VI ; VII ; VIII ; IX ; Index
translated by L.H. Mills ; edited by F. Max Müller. – repr. – Delhi, Varanasi, Patna : Motilal Banarsidass, 1965. – xlvii, 400 p. ; 23 cm. – (The Sacred Books of the East ; XXXI) . – index.
sign.: REL-15-1-MILL-1
Trefw.: religie
Moulton, J.H.
Early Zoroastrianism : lectures delivered at Oxford and in London, February to May 1912
by James Hope Moulton. – London : Williams and Norgate, 1913. – xviii, 468 p. ; 22 cm. – (The Hibbert lectures ; Second Series) . – index.
sign.: REL-15-1-MOUL-1
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, Zarathustra, profeten, kwaad, magi, Fravashis, Israel, magie, gathas
Olcott, H.S.
The spirit of Zoroastrianism : a lecture deliverd at the Town Hall, Bombay, on 14th february, 1882
by H.S. Olcott. – Adyar, Madras : Theosophical Publishing House, 1913. – 51 p. ; 19 cm. – (Adyar Pamphlets ; No. 23)
sign.: REL-15-1-OLCO-1
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, theosofie
by H.S. Olcott. – Adyar, Madras : Theosophical Publishing House, 1913. – 51 p. ; 19 cm. – (Adyar Pamphlets ; No. 23)
sign.: REL-15-1-OLCO-1a
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, theosofie
Rogers, R.W.
A history of ancient Persia from its earliest beginnings to the death of Alexander the Great
by Robert William Rogers. – New York, London : Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1929. – XV, 393 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.. – appendix, index.
sign.: REL-15-1-ROGE-1
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, Perzië, Iran, geschiedenis
Spencer, H.S.
Are the gathas pre-vedic? and the age of Zarathusthra
by H.S. Spencer ; with a foreword by Jatindra Mohan Chatterjee. – Poona : H.P. Vaswani, 1965. – x, 126 p. ; 22 cm.. – appendix.
sign.: REL-15-1-SPEN-1
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, Zarathustra, gatha’s
Springett, B.H.
Zoroaster : the great teacher
by Bernard H. Springett. – London : William Rider & Son, 1923. – 73, [6] p. ; 18 cm.
sign.: REL-15-1-SPRI-1
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster
Taraporewala, I.J.S.
The religion of Zarathushtra
I.J.S. Taraporewala. – Adyar : Theosophical Publishing House, 1926. – ix, 180 p. ; 17 cm.
sign.: REL-15-1-TAR-1
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, Zarathustra, theosofie
Tiele, C.P.
De godsdienst van Zarathustra van haar ontstaan in Baktrië tot den val van het Oud-Perzische rijk
door C.P. Tiele. – Haarlem : A.C. Kruseman, 1864. – XX, 306 p., [7] bl. pl. : ill., platen. ; 28 cm. – (De voornaaamste godsdiensten)
Jaar van uitgave op vooplat: 1865. – aanteekeningen, verkaring der platen.
sign.: REL-15-1-TIEL-1
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, Zarathustra, godsdiensten, Perzië, geschiedenis, dualisme, schepping, zoroastrianisme, leringen, goed en kwaad, oudheid
Haarlem : Kruseman, 1864. – XX, 306 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. – (De voornaaamste godsdiensten) . – aanteekeningen, verkaring der platen.
sign.: REL-15-TIEL-1
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, Zarathustra, godsdiensten, Perzië, geschiedenis, dualisme, schepping, zoroastrianisme, leringen, goed en kwaad, oudheid
Haarlem : Kruseman, 1864. – XX, 306 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. – (De voornaaamste godsdiensten) . – aanteekeningen, verkaring der platen.
sign.: REL-15-TIEL-1a
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, Zarathustra, godsdiensten, Perzië, geschiedenis, dualisme, schepping, zoroastrianisme, leringen, goed en kwaad, oudheid
Venkataramanan, S.G.
Fundamentals of Zoroastrianism
comp. by S.G. Venkataramanan. – Adyar, London, Wheaton : Theosophical Publishing House, 1969. – xi, 15 p. ; 19 cm. – ([Fundamentals of Pamphlets])
sign.: REL-15-1-VENK-1
Trefw.: religie, Perzie, zoroaster, Zarathustra, beginselen, theosofie
comp. by S.G. Venkataramanan. – Adyar, London, Wheaton : Theosophical Publishing House, 1969. – xi, 15 p. ; 19 cm. – ([Fundamentals of Pamphlets])
sign.: REL-15-1-VENK-1a
Trefw.: religie, Perzie, zoroaster, Zarathustra, beginselen, theosofie
Verhulst, C.
De boodschap van Zarathoeshtra, de profeet van het oude Iran
bewerkt en van een inleiding en aanteekeningen voorzien door Carolus Verhulst. – Den Haag : Servire, [1931]. – 128 p. ; 19 cm. – (De Onsterfelijken) . – geraadpleegde werken.
sign.: REL-15-1-VERH-1
Trefw.: religie, Zoroaster, Zarathoestra, Zoroastrianisme, Ahoenavaiti, Ushtavaiti, Spenta-mainyoesh, Kshashtra, Ishti
bewerkt en van een inleiding en aanteekeningen voorzien door Carolus Verhulst. – Den Haag : Servire, [1931]. – 128 p. ; 19 cm. – (De Onsterfelijken) . – geraadpleegde werken.
sign.: REL-15-1-VERH-1a
Trefw.: religie, Zoroaster, Zarathoestra, Zoroastrianisme, Ahoenavaiti, Ushtavaiti, Spenta-mainyoesh, Kshashtra, Ishti
Den Haag : Servire, 1931. – 128. ; 19 cm. – (De Onsterfelijken: reeks monografieën)
sign.: REL-15-VERH-1a
Trefw.: religie, Zoroaster, Zarathoestra, Zoroastrianisme, Ahoenavaiti, Ushtavaiti, Spenta-mainyoesh, Kshashtra, Ishti
Bewerkt en van een inleiding en aanteekeningen voorzien door Carolus Verhulst. – Den Haag : Servire, 1931. – 128 p. ; 19 cm. – (De Onsterfelijken: reeks monografieën)
sign.: REL-15-VERH-1
Trefw.: religie, Zoroaster, Zarathoestra, Zoroastrianisme, Ahoenavaiti, Ushtavaiti, Spenta-mainyoesh, Kshashtra, Ishti
Widengren, G.
Die Religionen Irans
von Geo Widengren. – Stuttgart : W. Kohlhammer Verlag, 1965. – XV, 393, [2] p. : ill. ; 24 cm.. – Literaturverzeichnis, Namen- und Sachregister, Stellenregister.
sign.: REL-15-1-WIDE-1
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, Iran
A zoroastrian ritual of communion and dedication
Bombay : Theosophical Bulletin Office, [1941]. – ?. ; .. cm. – (177/179)
Based on the old traditions and landmarks of ancient Avesta and Iranian
sign.: REL-15-1-ANO-6
Trefw.: religie, zoroaster, rituelen