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THE-1-1 H.P. Blavatsky (Secret Doctrine)

Blavatsky, H.P.
The esoteric writings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky : a synthesis of science, philosophy and religion
Wheaton, Madras, London : Theosophical Publishing House, 1980. – 500 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. – glossary, index.
ISBN 0835605353
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-18
Trefw.: theosofie, esoterie, wetenschap, filosofie, religie, magie, Christendom, kabbala, occultisme, Jodendom, astronomie, Egypte, mysteries, symboliek, astrologie, cyclussen, avatars, Boeddha, reïncarnatie, nirvana, Dzyan

The secret doctrine [1893-1897] : the synthesis of science, religion and philosophy
3rd and revised edition. – London, New York : The Theosophical Publishing Society, The Path Office, 1895. – 335 p. ; 24 cm. – (Index)
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-1IV
Trefw.: theosofie, wetenschap, religie, filosofie, occultisme, karma, reïncarnatie, E. Swedenborg, yoga, bhagavad gita, tijdperken, astrologie, wortelrassen, piramiden, astronomie, Egypte, mensheid, magie, esoterie, logos, kerk, kabbala, jodendom, inwijdingen, hindoeïsme, geest, engelen, dood, denken, dewa’s, kosmologie, Christus, boeddhisme, Atlantis, atma, akasha, goed en kwaad

3rd and revised ed. – London, New York, Madras : Theosophical Publishing Society, Path Office, Theosophist Office, 1893. – xvii, 842 p. ; 25 cm.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-2II
Trefw.: theosofie, wetenschap, religie, filosofie, occultisme, karma, reïncarnatie, onsterfelijkheid, metempsychose, cyclussen, evolutie, E. Swedenborg, yoga, bhagavad gita, tijdperken, astrologie, wortelrassen, piramiden, astronomie, Egypte, mensheid, magie, esoterie, logos, kerk, kabbala, jodendom, inwijdingen, hindoeïsme, geest, engelen, dood, denken, dewa’s, kosmologie, Christus, boeddhisme, Atlantis, atma, akasha, goed en kwaad

3rd and revised ed. – London, New York, Madras : Theosophical Publishing Society, Path Office, Theosophist Office, 1893. – xviii, 740 p. ; 25 cm.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-2I
Trefw.: theosofie, wetenschap, religie, filosofie, occultisme, karma, reïncarnatie, onsterfelijkheid, metempsychose, cyclussen, evolutie, E. Swedenborg, yoga, bhagavad gita, tijdperken, astrologie, wortelrassen, piramiden, astronomie, Egypte, mensheid, magie, esoterie, logos, kerk, kabbala, jodendom, inwijdingen, hindoeïsme, geest, engelen, dood, denken, dewa’s, kosmologie, Christus, boeddhisme, Atlantis, atma, akasha, goed en kwaad

3rd and revised ed. – London ; New York ; Madras : Theosophical Publishing Society ; The Path Office ; Theosophist Office, 1893. – xxii, 740 p. ; 24 cm.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-1I
Trefw.: theosofie, wetenschap, religie, filosofie, occultisme, karma, reïncarnatie, E. Swedenborg, yoga, bhagavad gita, tijdperken, astrologie, wortelrassen, piramiden, astronomie, Egypte, mensheid, magie, esoterie, logos, kerk, kabbala, jodendom, inwijdingen, hindoeïsme, geest, engelen, dood, denken, dewa’s, kosmologie, Christus, boeddhisme, Atlantis, atma, akasha, goed en kwaad

London, Chicago, New York, Benares, Madras : The Theosophical Publishing Society, Theosophical Book Concern, 1897. – xx, 594 p. ; 24 cm.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-1III
Trefw.: theosofie, wetenschap, religie, filosofie, occultisme, karma, reïncarnatie, E. Swedenborg, yoga, bhagavad gita, tijdperken, astrologie, wortelrassen, piramiden, astronomie, Egypte, mensheid, magie, esoterie, logos, kerk, kabbala, jodendom, inwijdingen, hindoeïsme, geest, engelen, dood, denken, dewa’s, kosmologie, Christus, boeddhisme, Atlantis, atma, akasha, goed en kwaad

3rd and revised ed. – London ; New York ; Madras : Theosophical Publishing Society ; The Path Office ; Theosophist Office, 1893. – xvii, 842 p. ; 24 cm.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-1II
Trefw.: theosofie, wetenschap, religie, filosofie, occultisme, karma, reïncarnatie, E. Swedenborg, yoga, bhagavad gita, tijdperken, astrologie, wortelrassen, piramiden, astronomie, Egypte, mensheid, magie, esoterie, logos, kerk, kabbala, jodendom, inwijdingen, hindoeïsme, geest, engelen, dood, denken, dewa’s, kosmologie, Christus, boeddhisme, Atlantis, atma, akasha, goed en kwaad

3rd and revised ed. – London, India : The Theosophical Publishing Society, The Path Office, 1895. – 335 p. ; 25 cm.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-2IV
Trefw.: theosofie, wetenschap, religie, filosofie, occultisme, karma, reïncarnatie, onsterfelijkheid, metempsychose, cyclussen, evolutie, E. Swedenborg, yoga, bhagavad gita, tijdperken, astrologie, wortelrassen, piramiden, astronomie, Egypte, mensheid, magie, esoterie, logos, kerk, kabbala, jodendom, inwijdingen, hindoeïsme, geest, engelen, dood, denken, dewa’s, kosmologie, Christus, boeddhisme, Atlantis, atma, akasha, goed en kwaad

London, Chicago, New York, Benares, Madras : Theosophical Publishing Society, Theosophical Book Concern, 1897. – xx, 594 p. ; 25 cm.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-2III
Trefw.: theosofie, wetenschap, religie, filosofie, occultisme, karma, reïncarnatie, onsterfelijkheid, metempsychose, cyclussen, evolutie, E. Swedenborg, yoga, bhagavad gita, tijdperken, astrologie, wortelrassen, piramiden, astronomie, Egypte, mensheid, magie, esoterie, logos, kerk, kabbala, jodendom, inwijdingen, hindoeïsme, geest, engelen, dood, denken, dewa’s, kosmologie, Christus, boeddhisme, Atlantis, atma, akasha, goed en kwaad

The secret doctrine [1897-1902] : the synthesis of science, religion and philosophy
3rd and revised edition, repr. – London, Benares : Theosophical Publishing Society, 1902. – xvii, 842 p. ; 25 cm.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-3II

3rd and revised edition, repr. – London, Benares : Theosophical Publishing Society, 1902. – xxii, 740 p. ; 25 cm.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-3I

3rd and revised ed., repr. – London, Benares : Theosophical Publishing Society, 1897. – 326 p. ; 25 cm.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-3IV

London, Chicago, New York, Benares, Madras : Theosophical Publishing Society, Theosophical Book Concern, 1897. – xx, 594 p. ; 25 cm.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-3III

The secret doctrine [1897-1905] : the synthesis of science, religion and philosophy
3rd and rev. ed., repr. – London, Benares : The Theosophical Publishing Society, 1905. – xvii, 842 p. ; 25 cm.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-4II

3rd and rev. ed., repr. – London, Benares : The Theosophical Publishing Society, 1905. – xxii, 740 p. ; 25 cm.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-4I

3rd and rev. ed., repr. – London, Benares : Theosophical Publishing Society, 1903. – 326 p. ; 25 cm.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-4IV

London, Chicago, New York, Benares, Madras : Theosophical Publishing Society, Theosophical Book Concern, 1897. – xx, 594 p. ; 25 cm.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-4III

The secret doctrine [1911] : the synthesis of science, religion and philosophy
3rd and rev. ed., repr. – London, Benares : Theosophical Publishing Society, 1911. – xvii842 p. ; 25 cm.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-5II

3rd and rev. ed., repr. – London, Benares : Theosophical Publishing Society, 1911. – 326, 47 p. ; 25 cm.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-5IV

repr. – London, Benares, Chicago : Theosophical Publishing Society, Theosophical Book Concern, 1910. – xviii, 594 p. ; 25 cm.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-5III

3rd and rev. ed., repr. – London, Benares : Theosophical Publishing Society, 1911. – xxii, 740 p. ; 25 cm.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-5I

The secret doctrine [1913] : the synthesis of science, religion and philosophy
3rd and revised ed., repr. – London, Benares : Theosophical Publishing Society, 1913. – 326, 47 p. ; 25 cm.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-6IV

The secret doctrine [1918] : the synthesis of science, religion and philosophy
repr. – London : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1918. – xx, 594 p. ; 25 cm.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-7III

The secret doctrine [1938] : the synthesis of science, religion and philosophy
4th (Adyar) ed. – Adyar, Madras : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1938. – 408 p. ; 25 cm. – additional notes ; bibliography ; additional books for reference.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-8II

4th (Adyar) ed. – Adyar, Madras : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1938. – 344 p. ; 25 cm. – additional notes ; bibliography ; additional books for reference.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-8I

4th (Adyar) ed. – Adyar, Madras : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1938. – 452 p. ; 25 cm. – additional notes ; bibliography ; additional books for reference.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-8III

4th (Adyar) ed. – Adyar, Madras : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1938. – 501 p. ; 25 cm. – index, glossary.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-8VI

4th (Adyar) ed. – Adyar, Madras : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1938. – 576 p. ; 25 cm. – additional notes ; bibliography ; additional books for reference.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-8V

4th (Adyar) ed. – Adyar, Madras : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1938. – 371 p. ; 25 cm. – additional notes ; bibliography ; additional books for reference.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-8IV

The secret doctrine [1950] : the synthesis of science, religion and philosophy
4th (Adyar) ed., repr. – London : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1950. – 344 p. ; 25 cm. – additional notes, bibliography, modern scientific references, additional books for reference.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-9I

4th (Adyar) edition, repr. – London : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1950. – 452 p. ; 25 cm. – additional notes, bibliography, additional books for reference.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-9III

4th (Adyar) ed., repr. – London : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1950. – 408 p. ; 25 cm. – additional notes, bibliography, additional books for reference.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-9II

4th (Adyar) edition, repr. – London : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1950. – 501 p. ; 25 cm. – index, glossary.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-9VI

4th (Adyar) edition, repr. – London : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1950. – 577 p. ; 25 cm. – additional notes, bibliography, additional books for reference.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-9V

4th (Adyar) edition, repr. – London : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1950. – 371 p. ; 25 cm. – additional notes, bibliography, additional books for reference.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-9IV

The secret doctrine [1962] : the synthesis of science, religion and philosophy
5th (Adyar) ed. – Adyar, Madras : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1962. – 575 p. ; 25 cm. – additional notes, bibliography.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-10V

5th (Adyar) ed. – Adyar, Madras : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1962. – 342 p. ; 25 cm. – additional notes, bibliography.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-10I

5th (Adyar) ed. – Adyar, Madras : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1962. – 405 p. ; 25 cm. – additional notes, bibliography.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-10II

5th (Adyar) ed. – Adyar, Madras : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1962. – 450 p. ; 25 cm. – additional notes, bibliography.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-10III

5th (Adyar) ed. – Adyar, Madras : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1962. – 386 p. ; 25 cm. – additional notes, bibliography.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-10IV

5th (Adyar) ed. – Adyar, Madras : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1962. – 488 p. ; 25 cm. – index, glossary.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-10VI

The secret doctrine [1963] : the synthesis of science, religion and philosophy
verbatim with the orginal edition, 1888. – Pasadena, California : Theosophical University Press, 1963. – xiv, 798, xxx p. ; 24 cm. – index.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-11II

verbatim with the orginal edition, 1888. – Pasadena, California : Theosophical University Press, 1963. – xlvii, 676 p. ; 24 cm.
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-11I

The secret doctrine [1971] : the synthesis of science, religion and philosophy
5th (Adyar) ed., repr. – Adyar, London, Wheaton : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1971. – 575 p. ; 25 cm. – additional notes, bibliography.
ISBN 0835671763
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-12V
Trefw.: theosofie, Geheime Leer, wetenschap, religie, filosofie

The secret doctrine [1977] : the synthesis of science, religion and philosophy
fascimile ed. – Pasadena, California : Theosophical University Press, 1977. – xlvii, 676 p. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 0911500006
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-13I

fascimile ed. – Pasadena, California : Theosophical University Press, 1977. – xiv, 798, xxxi p. ; 22 cm. – index.
ISBN 0911500006
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-13II

The secret doctrine [1979]
7th (Adyar) ed. – Adyar, London, Wheaton : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1979. – xx, 817 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. – (Collected Writings ; Vol. II – Anthropogenesis; 1888)
ISBN 0835675254
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-14II

7th (Adyar) ed. – Adyar, London, Wheaton : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1979. – vii, 520 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. – (Collected Writings ; General index and bibliography; 1888) – index.
ISBN 0835675254
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-14III

The secret doctrine [1987]
7th (Adyar) ed., repr. – Adyar, Wheaton, London : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1987. – 84, xlvii, 696 p. ; 25 cm. – (Collected Writings ; Vol. I – Cosmogenesis)
ISBN 817059054X
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-15I

The secret doctrine [1988] : the synthesis of science, religion and philosopy
centennial ed. – Pasadena, California : Theosophical University Press, 1988. – xiv, 798, xxxi. ; 25 cm. – index.
ISBN 1557000026
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-16II

centennial ed. – Pasadena, California : Theosophical University Press, 1888. – xlvii, 676 p. ; 22 cm.
ISBN 1557000026
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-16I

The secret doctrine [1993]
1st Quest ed. – Adyar, Wheaton, London : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1993. – xx, 817 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. – (Collected Writings 1888 ; Vol. II – Anthropogenesis)
ISBN 0835602389
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-17II

1st Quest ed. – Adyar, Wheaton, London : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1993. – vii, 520 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. – (Collected Writings 1888 ; Vol. III – General index and bibliography) – index.
ISBN 0835602389
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-17III

1st Quest ed. – Adyar, Wheaton, London : The Theosophical Publishing House, 1993. – 84, xlvii, 696 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. – (Collected Writings 1888 ; Vol. I – Cosmogenesis)
ISBN 0835602389
sign.: THE-1-1-SECR-17I