Initiation, Human and Solar
By Alice Bailey (1880 – 1949).
240 Pages | 2017, twentieth edition, original printed in 1922 | Paperback | Lucis Publishing Company, New York | ISBN: 9781791784904.
An initiation is an expansion of consciousness–a means of opening the mind and heart to a recognition of what already exists in reality.
One of the great values of this book is that it stretches the mind towards a new conception of the intense activity involved at all levels of consciousness on the planet to create conditions in which evolutionary growth can proceed. The work of the planetary Hierarchy, and of some of the responsible workers within the Hierarchy, is outlined in a way which brings everyday human life into focus as an outer expression of qualified purpose through the Ashrams of the Masters. The inter-relationship and interaction of the many kingdoms and centres of consciousness are revealed as tending towards the complete integration and alignment of our Planetary Logos within the systemic whole.
The Labours of Hercules – An Astrological Interpretation
By Alice Bailey (1880 – 1949).
229 Pages | 2018, eighth edition | Paperback | Lucis Publishing Company, New York | ISBN: 9780853301370.
The story of the dramatic experiences of the great and ancient Son of God, Hercules or Herakles, will give us a synthetic picture of the progress of the soul from ignorance to wisdom, from material desire to spiritual achievement…. Its theme will be found to be so inclusive that all of us, struggling in our present modern life, can make application to ourselves of the tests and trials, the failures and achievements of this heroic Figure, who strove, centuries ago, towards the same goal as we do.
A secondary object of this study is to present an aspect of astrology which will differ from that usually expressed. We shall trace the story of Hercules as he passed through the twelve signs of the zodiac. In each sign he expressed its characteristics, and in each signm he achieved some fresh knowledge of himself, and through that knowledge demonstrated the power of the sign and acquired the gifts which the sign conferred. In each of the signs we shall find him surmounting his natural tendencies, controlling and governing his destiny, and demonstrating the fact that the stars incline, but do not control.
De Dood, het Grote Avontuur
Door Alice Bailey (1880 – 1949).
152 Pagina’s | 2012, tweede druk | Paperback | Lucis Publishing Company, New York | ISBN: 9789062718177.
”De dood kan meer zijn dan we in eerste instantie denken en kan op vele verschillende manieren tegemoet worden getreden. We kunnen er een bepaalde plaats voor inruimen in leven en gedachten, we kunnen er ons op voorbereiden als iets dat weliswaar onvermijdelijk is, maar wat eenvoudig de brenger van veranderingen genoemd kan worden. Op die manier maken we het proces van de dood tot een geordend deel van ons gehele levensdoel. We kunnen leven met het bewustzijn van onsterfelijkheid en dat zal extra kleur en schoonheid geven aan het leven. We kunnen het bewustzijn van onze toekomstige overgang ontwikkelen en leven in de verwachting van dat wonder. Wanneer de dood wordt beschouwd en gezien als een inleiding tot verdere levende ervaringen dan krijgt hij een geheel andere betekenis, dan wordt het een mystieke ervaring, een vorm van inwijding.”
In dit boek zijn een aantal uitspraken van Alice Bailey over de dood en sterven samengebracht. De tijd is gekomen waarin de dood niet langer uit het dagelijkse leven wordt verbannen. Meer inzicht in wat sterven betekent maakt dat de dood zijn angstaanjagendheid verliest. Een positieve benadering ervan leidt tot een intens en harmonieus ‘leven’.
Telepathy, and the Etheric Vehicle
By Alice Bailey (1880 – 1949).
219 Pages | 2018, Sixteenth edition, original printed in 1950 | Paperback | Lucis Publishing Company, New York | ISBN: 9780853301165.
The entire subject of telepathic communication can be approached under a more subjective designation or name, but one which is interpretive of the more universal and prior stage than that of direct telepathic reception. The occultist ever approaches the subject connected with the evolutionary process from the angle of the whole and then the part, from the periphery to the centre, from the universal to the particular. Among Themselves, the Masters do not deal with telepathy as a science warranting consideration, endeavor and impartion; They are concerned primarily with the Science of Impression.
The Seventh Ray: Revealer of the New Age
By Alice Bailey (1880 – 1949).
228 Pages | 2011, second edition | Paperback | Lucis Publishing Company, New York | ISBN: 9780853301417.
Seven basic energies, called the seven rays, stream forth from the centre formed by the impact of the will of God upon divine substance, demonstrating the seven qualities of Deity.
Today two rays of great potency are functioning simultaneously: The Seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order or Ritual is coming into manifestation: the sixth Ray of Idealism and Devotion is slowly passing out. This is bringing about a situation which is described in ancient archives in the following terms: ”A time of rending, when the mountains, which have sheltered, fall from their high places and the voices of men are lost in the crash and thunder of the fall.” Such periods come only rarely, and each time they come a peculiarly significant priod ofdivine activity is ushered in: old things pass away, yet the ancient landmarks are restored.
To aid men and women endeavouring to prepare themselves for group service during this transitional era, the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul suggested the study of all that he had written on the seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order. The Seventh Ray: Revealer of the New Age is a compilation of those statements found throughout the books Djwhal Khul wrote with Alice Bailey.
The Soul and Its Mechanism
By Alice Bailey (1880 – 1949).
165 Pages | 2019, fourteenth edition, first printing in 1930 | Paperback | Lucis Publishing Company, New York | ISBN: 9780853301158.
It is an established and accepted occult fact that the soul works through the mechanism of the threefold personality in stimulating the three worlds of human evolution–the mental, the emotional and etheric/physical planes of consciousness.
It is said that the aspirant to discipleship really needs to know only two things: the constitution of man and the next steps ahead. In this book the way the human constitution actually functions in its component parts is made abundantly clear. It is an accepted goal for the aspirant that he learns to make of his personality equipment an instrument for the soul to use.
Ponder on This
By Alice Bailey (1880 – 1949).
539 Pages | 2019, twelfth edition, first printing in 1971 | Paperback | Lucis Publishing Company, New York | ISBN: 9780853301318.
”Scattered through all my writings over the years is a mass of information which needs collating and bringing together as a basis for the instruction of disciples in training for an initiation. ”
–Djwhal Khul, The Rays and the Initiations
The present compilation by a student is an attempt in this direction.
A Treatise on White Magic
By Alice Bailey (1880 – 1949).
705 Pages | 2018, twenty second edition, original printed in 1934 | Paperback | Lucis Publishing Company, New York | ISBN: 9780853301233.
This book contains Fifteen Rules for Magic, and for soul control, based on these words in the Bhagavad-Gita: ”Though I am Unborn, the soul that passes not away, though I am the Lord of Being, yet as Lord over My nature I become manifest, through the magical power of the soul.”
The soul unmanifest in its essential being, manifest through the nature of its personality equipment, is always a source of mystery. It evades the analytical concrete mind: it reveals its true self to the illumined mind fused with the open heart, seeking not to grasp and to hold for personal progress, but to wield the magical power in service. The power of the soul is always available to the one who seeks, as an aspirant to accepted discipleship, to become of practical service in his own peculiar times, state and environment.
The book closes with a rousing call to the soul in all aspirants: ”I close with an appeal to all who read these instructions, to rally their forces, to renew their vows of dedication to the service of humanity, to subordinate their own ideas and wishes to the group good, to take their eyes off themselves and fix them anew upon the vision. . . . Let all students make up their minds in this day of emergency and of opportunity to sacrifice all they have to the helping of humanity. ”
From Intellect to Intuition
By Alice Bailey (1880 – 1949).
275 Pages | 2019, nineteenth edition, original printed in 1932 | Paperback | Lucis Publishing Company, New York | ISBN: 9780853301080.
In this era of a rapid increase in human intelligence and capacity to use the mind we run the risk of overemphasis on intellectualism. ”The mind is the slayer of the Real” is a well-known reflection of an inherent danger.
In this book ”From Intellect to Intuition”, development of the intellect, while necessary, is shown as a means to an end and one step on the way to a fully awakened and active mental body.
Between the intellect and the intuition a gap exists until it has been consciously bridged through meditation. Meditation is sometimes defined as ”thinking in the heart”, correct meditation proceeds only when the heart and mind function together in unison. To touch the intuition, therefore, this blending of heart and mind is a necessity. Right use of the mind in meditation opens consciousness to the beauty, truth and goodness of the soul, through the five stages of concentation-meditation-contemplation-illumination-inspiration. These five stages lead to union with the soul – the ”son of mind” – and direct knowledge of divinty creating an instrument of intelligence for the soul to use in daily life.
Glamour, a World Problem
By Alice Bailey (1880 – 1949).
290 Pages | 2017, twelfth edition, original printed in 1950 | Paperback | Lucis Publishing Company, New York | ISBN: 9780853301097.
This book deals with the misconceptions existing on all levels of the personality life-maya on the etheric level; glamour on the emotional plane; and illusion on the mental plane; climaxing in the sum total of all three combined in the personality-the so-called dweller on the threshold.
A higher form of energy must be brought to bear on the blocked condition. This means in practical terms, maya must be subjected to the inspiration and idealism of the emotional plane; glamour to the illumination of the mental plane; illusions to the light of the intuition, a buddhic energy; and the dweller on the threshold must be confronted by the Angel of the Presence, the soul.
As this clarity and transformation of the personality proceed in the individual, he can begin to serve consciously, preferably in group formation, to lift and enlighten the world condition.
Initiation, Human and Solar
By Alice Bailey (1880 – 1949).
240 Pages | 2017, twentieth edition, original printed in 1922 | Paperback | Lucis Publishing Company, New York | ISBN: 9780853301103
An initiation is an expansion of consciousness–a means of opening the mind and heart to a recognition of what already exists in reality.
One of the great values of this book is that it stretches the mind towards a new conception of the intense activity involved at all levels of consciousness on the planet to create conditions in which evolutionary growth can proceed. The work of the planetary Hierarchy, and of some of the responsible workers within the Hierarchy, is outlined in a way which brings everyday human life into focus as an outer expression of qualified purpose through the Ashrams of the Masters. The inter-relationship and interaction of the many kingdoms and centres of consciousness are revealed as tending towards the complete integration and alignment of our Planetary Logos within the systemic whole.
The Seven Rays of Life
By Alice Bailey (1880 – 1949).
365 Pages | 2019, fifth edition, original printed in 1995 | Paperback | Lucis Publishing Company, New York | ISBN: 9780853301424.
The Seven Rays
The teaching on the seven rays can enable all true servers to work with greater skill and effectiveness in their chosen field of activity.
As Alice Bailey wrote, a study of the rays will mean that ”…we shall have a practical method of analysis whereby we can arrive at a right understanding of ourselves as ensouling entities, and at a wiser comprehension of our fellowmen. We can then deal more intelligently with ourselves, with our children, and with our friends and associates. We shall find ourselves able to cooperate more wisely with the Plan as it is seeking expression at any particular time”.
The Soul, the Quality of Life
By Alice Bailey (1880 – 1949).
307 Pages | 2020, sixth edition, original printed in 1974 | Paperback | Lucis Publishing Company, New York | ISBN: 9780853301325.
Nothing under heaven can arrest the progress of the human soul on its long pilgrimage from darkness to light, from the unreal to the real, from death to immortality, and from ignorance to wisdom.
— Djwhal Khul
Problems of Humanity
The Consciousness of the Atom – A series of lectures delivered in New York City, Winter of 1921-22.
By Alice Bailey (1880 – 1949)
76 pages | 2018 | Softcover | A Mystical World Reprints, Lyndhurst | ISBN: 9781987721454
This is a series of seven lectures given in New York in the winter of 1921-1922.
1. The field of evolution
2. The evolution of substance
3. The evolution of form, or group evolution
4. The evolution of Man, the Thinker
5. The evolution of consciousness
6. The goal of evolution
7. Cosmic evolution