Studies in the Middle Way – Being Thoughts on Buddhism Applied
By Christmas Humphreys (1901 – 1983).
169 Pages | Softcover | Published in 1984 | Curzon Press and the Theosophical Publishing House U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835603067.
This work sets out to emphasize the inner life as a constant moving on and the mover as a pilgrim travelling along an ancient Way. This Way to ultimate Reality was called by Gautama the Buddha the ‘Middle Way’, the Path between the introverted life of contemplation and the extrovert life of action in the world of men. Whilst this book as a whole is of no one school of Buddhism, it aims toward an understanding and also an application of Buddhist principles in Western society, and a means whereby that Way may be traversed.
A Western Approach to Zen
By C. Humphreys.
212 Pages | 5th printing 1999 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835605507.
‘ Satori is a stage along the way, a gateless gate that must be entered on the path to enlightenment. ‘
With profound inspiration and consummate compassion, the founder of the Buddhist Society in London invites serious students of spiritual evolution to us Western techniques to achieve satori, the experience of unity and divinity in all aspects of being. Each of us must stumble and bump our way in darkness and confusion along the path to enlightenment. In penetrating, genuine, and inspiring prose, Humphreys refocuses the Wisdom of Zen for the Western reader and illuminates that arduous road.
An Abridgement of The Secret Doctrine
260 pages | Paperback | Quest Books, 1996
Explore the Wisdom of the Ages
This abridgement presents the central insights of the original text in accessible form, simplified by the selection of those pasages that are most interesting and relevant for the contemporary reader.
The creation of the universe and the nature of humanity as taught by the Ancient Wisdom. An abridgement of the original 1500 page work, The Secret Doctrine.

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) was born of a noble family in Russia. She became a student of metaphysical lore, and traveled to many lands, including Tibet, in search of hidden knowledge. In the 1870s she went to New York and, with Col. Henry S. Olcott and others, formed the Theosophical Society, an organization dedicated to: – Fellowship among all peoples of the world – Encouragement of the comparative study of religion, philosophy, and science – Investigation of the unexplained powers and forces at work in nature and in humankind.
The Search Within – a Course in Meditation
160 pages | Paperback | Theosophical Publishing House, 1991 ISBN 0722910045
A practical course, quoting from a variety of sources, leads the seeker through the twelve themes thought to be essential for those who search for the Self Within.
Christmas Humphreys (1901-1983) was born in London, the descendant of a line of lawyers. In 1924 he was called to the bar, having read Law at Cambridge. In the same year he founded the Buddhist Lodge of the Theosophical Society, which became The Buddhist Society, led by the author until his death nearly 60 years later. He was regarded as one of the foremost authorities on the religion in Britain, writing some 20 books on the subject.
Other titles by the author:
– Studies in the Middle Way
– A Western Approach to Zen