Uncovering the Wisdom of the Heartmind
By Lin Jensen.
201 Pages | First Quest Edition 1999 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835607755.
'Shaking Down Seed and Other Stories of Ordinary Goodness'.
Every ordinary act of kindness is an expression of the intuitive goodness at the heart of every human being. Zen Buddhists call this inborn compassion the 'Heartmind'. This is exquisitely moving collection of tales helps readers uncover the simple Wisdom of benevolence and sympathy within everyday acts. Each story goes straight to the heart, reminding us what we aspire to be and giving us the confidence that getting there is within reach.
From Chapter - 'Bad Dog - The Journey through Shame to Compassion' (p. 41):
" Within all light is darkness:
But explained it cannot be by darkness
that, one-sided, is alone.
In darkness there is light:
But, here again, by light one-sided
it is not explained.
Light goes with darkness:
As the sequence does of steps in walking.
- Sekito Kisen, in: Sandokai.
Shame is born in betrayal. It matters little whether one is victim or perpetrator, for shame adheres in the event itself. and all who participate, and all who participate are tainted by its presence. "
Lin Jensen’s essays read like Zen-precise poetry inviting us (indeed, compelling us) to "have eyes that risk the present moment." He demonstrates that seeing the world as it is actually means being fully alive. It is not hyperbole to call these teachings transformative. —Sylvia Boorstein, author of Funny, You Don’t Look Buddhist "A feast for the heart. This cornucopia of riches reminds us that compassion and learning happen in the midst of our lives." - Christina Feldman, author of Soul Food and Principles of Meditation Lin Jensen received lay ordination in the Soto school of Zen Buddhism in 1994. After retiring from a thirty-year college teaching career, he began to write essays reflecting his growing spiritual understanding. His stories have been published in Birding, Bird-Watcher's Digest, Turning Wheel, and other journals. He makes his home in Chico, California.

Uncovering the Wisdom of the Heartmind
By Lin Jensen.
201 Pages | First Quest Edition 1999 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835607755.
‘Shaking Down Seed and Other Stories of Ordinary Goodness’.
Every ordinary act of kindness is an expression of the intuitive goodness at the heart of every human being. Zen Buddhists call this inborn compassion the ‘Heartmind’. This is exquisitely moving collection of tales helps readers uncover the simple Wisdom of benevolence and sympathy within everyday acts. Each story goes straight to the heart, reminding us what we aspire to be and giving us the confidence that getting there is within reach.
From Chapter – ‘Bad Dog – The Journey through Shame to Compassion’ (p. 41):
” Within all light is darkness:
But explained it cannot be by darkness
that, one-sided, is alone.
In darkness there is light:
But, here again, by light one-sided
it is not explained.
Light goes with darkness:
As the sequence does of steps in walking.
- Sekito Kisen, in: Sandokai.
Shame is born in betrayal. It matters little whether one is victim or perpetrator, for shame adheres in the event itself. and all who participate, and all who participate are tainted by its presence. “