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Atlantis – The Antediluvian World

3 september 2021

By Ignatius Donnelly (1831 - 1901).

203 Pages | 2021, oorspronkelijke druk in 1882 | Paperback | Compass Circle | ISBN: 9798589853346.

Plato has preserved for us the history of Atlantis. If our views are correct, it is one of the most valuable records which have come down to us from antiquity.

Plato lived 400 years before the birth of Christ. His ancestor, Solon, was the great lawgiver of Athens 600 years before the Christian era. Solon visited Egypt. Plutarch says, ''Solon attempted in verse a large description, or rather fabulous account of the Atlantic Island, which he had learned from the wise men of Sais, and which particularly concerned the Athenians; but by reason of his age, not want of leisure (as Plato would have it), he was apprehensive the work would be too much for him, and therefore did not through with it. These verses are a proof that business was not the hinderance: ''I grow in learning as I grow in age.''
And again: ''Wine, wit, and beauty still their charms bestow, Light all the shades of life, and cheer us as we go.''
--Ignatius Donnelly
Taken from Atlantis: The Antediluvian World

Author: Donnelly, I.
ISBN: 9798589853346

Prijs: € 17,95

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Atlantis – The Antediluvian World

3 september 2021

By Ignatius Donnelly (1831 – 1901).

203 Pages | 2021, oorspronkelijke druk in 1882 | Paperback | Compass Circle | ISBN: 9798589853346.

Plato has preserved for us the history of Atlantis. If our views are correct, it is one of the most valuable records which have come down to us from antiquity.

Plato lived 400 years before the birth of Christ. His ancestor, Solon, was the great lawgiver of Athens 600 years before the Christian era. Solon visited Egypt. Plutarch says, ”Solon attempted in verse a large description, or rather fabulous account of the Atlantic Island, which he had learned from the wise men of Sais, and which particularly concerned the Athenians; but by reason of his age, not want of leisure (as Plato would have it), he was apprehensive the work would be too much for him, and therefore did not through with it. These verses are a proof that business was not the hinderance: ”I grow in learning as I grow in age.”
And again: ”Wine, wit, and beauty still their charms bestow, Light all the shades of life, and cheer us as we go.”
–Ignatius Donnelly
Taken from Atlantis: The Antediluvian World