Little Tyke – The True Story of a Gentle Vegetarian Lionness
By Georges H. Westbeau.
150 Pages | Copyright 1975, first Re-Quest edition 1986 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835606058.
Born to be a bewildered and frustrated mother on a somber September day, the lionness Little Tyke set the world thinking anew. She was to fire the deepest thoughts within us and to remind us of an ancient prophecy. She was to bring out out heart-felt tenderness in a most unexpected manner.
A tragedy and a miracle were to occur minutes apart. The tragedy took only seconds. The miracle would last nine years, and to many it lasts to this very day . . .
From Chapter 'The Vegetarian' (p. 32, 33 & 34).
"At four years of age Little Tyke was a mature African lionness, and she weighed three hundred and fifty-two pounds. Every year, she became more gentle. We had practically given up the hope of creating in Little Tyke a taste for meat, […] On one occasion, I asked a young visitor this question, and it was he, who put my mind at ease. He turned to look at me with serious eyes, then asked; 'Don't you read your Bible?' I admitted, I didn't read it as much as I probably should. He continued; 'Read Genesis 1:30 and you will get your answer. ' At my first opportunity I got my Bible and turned to the passage he had indicated. To my astonishment, I read these words:
'And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat; and it was so.'
We didn't worry anymore about Little Tyke's diet. We had already worked out one which she loved. It consisted of cooked cereals, raw eggs and milk. Did she thrive on it? Well, one of this country's most able zoo curators said Little Tyke was the best of her species he had ever viewed! "

Little Tyke – The True Story of a Gentle Vegetarian Lionness
By Georges H. Westbeau.
150 Pages | Copyright 1975, first Re-Quest edition 1986 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835606058.
Born to be a bewildered and frustrated mother on a somber September day, the lionness Little Tyke set the world thinking anew. She was to fire the deepest thoughts within us and to remind us of an ancient prophecy. She was to bring out out heart-felt tenderness in a most unexpected manner.
A tragedy and a miracle were to occur minutes apart. The tragedy took only seconds. The miracle would last nine years, and to many it lasts to this very day . . .
From Chapter ‘The Vegetarian’ (p. 32, 33 & 34).
“At four years of age Little Tyke was a mature African lionness, and she weighed three hundred and fifty-two pounds. Every year, she became more gentle. We had practically given up the hope of creating in Little Tyke a taste for meat, […] On one occasion, I asked a young visitor this question, and it was he, who put my mind at ease. He turned to look at me with serious eyes, then asked; ‘Don’t you read your Bible?’ I admitted, I didn’t read it as much as I probably should. He continued; ‘Read Genesis 1:30 and you will get your answer. ‘ At my first opportunity I got my Bible and turned to the passage he had indicated. To my astonishment, I read these words:
‘And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat; and it was so.’
We didn’t worry anymore about Little Tyke’s diet. We had already worked out one which she loved. It consisted of cooked cereals, raw eggs and milk. Did she thrive on it? Well, one of this country’s most able zoo curators said Little Tyke was the best of her species he had ever viewed! “