The Flight of the Eagle
By Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 - 1986).
180 Pages | Published in 1972, 2005 edition | Krishnamurti Foundation, London, England | ISBN: 9788187326366.
Dutch translation: De Adelaar in Zijn Vlucht | 221 Pagina's | Eerste druk 1974, tweede druk 2015 | Synthese, een imprint van Milinda Uitgevers B.V. | ISBN: 9788187326366.
'In its flight, the eagle leaves no trace; yet a man of science does. If we wish to investigate the problem of freedom, not only do we need to incorporate the scientific approach, we also need to incorporate the flight of the eagle, which leaves no trace! '
The Flight of the Eagle contains twelve speeches presented by Krishnamurti in Londen, Amsterdam, Paris and Saanen in 1969. Behaving like an eagle, he flies from one European capital to the other and everywhere he spreads the core of his message: the solution to human problems, such as fear, violence and separation concentrates on a refined understanding of the problem. The answer cannot be discovered outside the question, it is silently present in the question itself. As humans, we are generally so driven in our quest of finding answers, we are seldomly capable of becoming aware of the problem in a diligent manner. And so, we are often standing in the way, preventing herewith a real solution to emerge.
Many consider The Flight of the Eagle to represent one of the most important publications of Krishnamurti. It deals with essential subjects, such as freedom, change, violence, peace and an openness for the unknown.
From Chapter 1 - 'Freedom; Thinking, Pleasure and Suffering:
" What is fear? (Do not take at face value what a speaker says - if I may suggest this. He has no authority, he is no teacher, no guru. Because when he is a teacher, you are his followers and if you are followers, you ruin both yourselves and the teacher). We aim to discover truth in this problem of fear so thoroughly, the mind will never be fearful again and because of this will be inwardly, psychologically, liberated from being dependent on others. The beauty of being liberated is one leaves no trace . . . "

The Flight of the Eagle
By Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986).
180 Pages | Published in 1972, 2005 edition | Krishnamurti Foundation, London, England | ISBN: 9788187326366.
Dutch translation: De Adelaar in Zijn Vlucht | 221 Pagina’s | Eerste druk 1974, tweede druk 2015 | Synthese, een imprint van Milinda Uitgevers B.V. | ISBN: 9788187326366.
‘In its flight, the eagle leaves no trace; yet a man of science does. If we wish to investigate the problem of freedom, not only do we need to incorporate the scientific approach, we also need to incorporate the flight of the eagle, which leaves no trace! ‘
The Flight of the Eagle contains twelve speeches presented by Krishnamurti in Londen, Amsterdam, Paris and Saanen in 1969. Behaving like an eagle, he flies from one European capital to the other and everywhere he spreads the core of his message: the solution to human problems, such as fear, violence and separation concentrates on a refined understanding of the problem. The answer cannot be discovered outside the question, it is silently present in the question itself. As humans, we are generally so driven in our quest of finding answers, we are seldomly capable of becoming aware of the problem in a diligent manner. And so, we are often standing in the way, preventing herewith a real solution to emerge.
Many consider The Flight of the Eagle to represent one of the most important publications of Krishnamurti. It deals with essential subjects, such as freedom, change, violence, peace and an openness for the unknown.
From Chapter 1 – ‘Freedom; Thinking, Pleasure and Suffering:
” What is fear? (Do not take at face value what a speaker says – if I may suggest this. He has no authority, he is no teacher, no guru. Because when he is a teacher, you are his followers and if you are followers, you ruin both yourselves and the teacher). We aim to discover truth in this problem of fear so thoroughly, the mind will never be fearful again and because of this will be inwardly, psychologically, liberated from being dependent on others. The beauty of being liberated is one leaves no trace . . . “