The Gospel of John – In the Light of Indian Mysticism
257 Pages | 2004, fourth edition | Paperback | Inner Traditions, Vermont | ISBN: 9781594770180.
Earlier edition published under the name The Yoga of the Christ.
The Gospel of John differs notably from the other canonical gospels in its overall point of view concerning Jesus Christ and his mission on earth: It is much more cosmological in scale and mystical in nature and has long been considered more esoteric. In The Gospel of John in the Light of Indian Mysticism Ravi Ravindra explores this scripture--which he considers one of the world's great spiritual texts--from a Hindu perspective, taking us into the heart of St. John's words. His commentary on the verses in the gospel eloquently and convincingly reveals the interconnectedness of all faiths and the growing need in today's world for interfaith dialogue. For those concerned with the emergence of a universal spirituality, Ravindra provides a source of light, a translucent pool of wisdom that offers from its depths an immense and lasting spiritual vision.
''A dazzlingly brilliant and cross-cultural study of the most mystical of the books of the Bible, the Gospel of John. Few will finish this book unchanged, either intellectually or spiritually.''
-- Robert Ellwood, author of The Cross and the Grail

The Gospel of John – In the Light of Indian Mysticism
257 Pages | 2004, fourth edition | Paperback | Inner Traditions, Vermont | ISBN: 9781594770180.
Earlier edition published under the name The Yoga of the Christ.
The Gospel of John differs notably from the other canonical gospels in its overall point of view concerning Jesus Christ and his mission on earth: It is much more cosmological in scale and mystical in nature and has long been considered more esoteric. In The Gospel of John in the Light of Indian Mysticism Ravi Ravindra explores this scripture–which he considers one of the world’s great spiritual texts–from a Hindu perspective, taking us into the heart of St. John’s words. His commentary on the verses in the gospel eloquently and convincingly reveals the interconnectedness of all faiths and the growing need in today’s world for interfaith dialogue. For those concerned with the emergence of a universal spirituality, Ravindra provides a source of light, a translucent pool of wisdom that offers from its depths an immense and lasting spiritual vision.
”A dazzlingly brilliant and cross-cultural study of the most mystical of the books of the Bible, the Gospel of John. Few will finish this book unchanged, either intellectually or spiritually.”
— Robert Ellwood, author of The Cross and the Grail