The Technique Of The Spiritual Life
125 pages | paperback | TPH Adyar, 2002
More and more Souls are seeking inwardly, trying to find the way to divine realization. It is man's destiny that one day he must learn to plunge into the mysterious depths of his own glorious being, for only there is to be found true wisdom and the real power to help.
Clara Codd was born in England in 1876 and early in life rejected conventional mores. Rebelling against all oppression and injustice she plunged into the suffragette movement. But her meeting Col. H. S. Olcott, President-Founder of the Theosophical Society proved a turning point in her life. Foregoing her active role in the women's social and political union, she joined the Theosophical Society. As an International Lecturer for the Society, she had an unrivaled opportunity to observe human nature, which enabled her to speak and write lucidly on various aspects of life.

The Technique Of The Spiritual Life
125 pages | paperback | TPH Adyar, 2002
More and more Souls are seeking inwardly, trying to find the way to divine realization. It is man’s destiny that one day he must learn to plunge into the mysterious depths of his own glorious being, for only there is to be found true wisdom and the real power to help.