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Yogic Practice – Yama and Niyama

27 november 2018

By S.S. Varma.

28 Pages | First edition 1991, first reprint 2002 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170591805.

Dutch translation: De Beoefening van Yoga - Yama en Niyama (1995, 2011) | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750918.

Yoga literally means 'unification', unification of the individual soul and the Oversoul and herewith unification of all that is. Everybody realizes he or she is one with the Divine, thus should realize he or she is one with everybody else. This is spirituality. Although this total unification marks its final goal, 'yoga' could be understood as much as 'the way towards'.

This booklet includes rules of ethical behavior. Yama comprises virtues, such as abstaining oneself from violence, lies and betrayal, robbery, unchastity and greed. Niyama covers living up to these commandments relating to purity, contentment, abstinence, self-study and self-surrender to God. In this little publication, Varma reveals the true essence of these virtues.

From page 17:

" Before dealing with the five elements of Niyama, it may be useful to consider the distinction between the Yamas and the Niyamas. Both seem to point at a common purpose - the transmutation of the lower nature to serve as a suitable vehicle of the Divine Life. The practices included in Yama are moral and prohibitive and lay the foundation of a yogic life, while those in Niyama are disciplinary and constructive in character and aim at organizing the life of the spiritual aspirant. "

auteur: Varma, S.S.
ISBN: 8170591805

Prijs: € 2,50

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Yogic Practice – Yama and Niyama

27 november 2018

By S.S. Varma.

28 Pages | First edition 1991, first reprint 2002 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170591805.

Dutch translation: De Beoefening van Yoga – Yama en Niyama (1995, 2011) | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750918.

Yoga literally means ‘unification’, unification of the individual soul and the Oversoul and herewith unification of all that is. Everybody realizes he or she is one with the Divine, thus should realize he or she is one with everybody else. This is spirituality. Although this total unification marks its final goal, ‘yoga’ could be understood as much as ’the way towards’.

This booklet includes rules of ethical behavior. Yama comprises virtues, such as abstaining oneself from violence, lies and betrayal, robbery, unchastity and greed. Niyama covers living up to these commandments relating to purity, contentment, abstinence, self-study and self-surrender to God. In this little publication, Varma reveals the true essence of these virtues.

From page 17:

” Before dealing with the five elements of Niyama, it may be useful to consider the distinction between the Yamas and the Niyamas. Both seem to point at a common purpose – the transmutation of the lower nature to serve as a suitable vehicle of the Divine Life. The practices included in Yama are moral and prohibitive and lay the foundation of a yogic life, while those in Niyama are disciplinary and constructive in character and aim at organizing the life of the spiritual aspirant. “