Creative Evolution – A Physicist’s Resolution Between Darwinism and Intelligent Design
By Amit Goswami.
339 Pages | First Quest edition 2008 | Hardcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835608589.
It's an open secret that fossil gaps - discontinuities in fossil lineages - threaten the validity of Darwin's theory of evolution. At the same time, by denying evolution altogether, intelligent design thinkers fly in the face of scientific data. But let's not throw the babies out with the bathwater, says quantum physicist Amit Goswami. The idea of intelligent design does contain substance with which neo-Darwinists must come to terms. And if Darwin's theory is seen at best as incomplete, able only to explain evolution's continuous epochs, then there's room for both evolution and God.
Dr. Goswami’s central theme is that pure consciousness, not matter, is the primary force in the universe. This view differs radically from mainstream theories that see evolution as the result of simple physical reactions. It also differs from intelligent-design arguments that posit a clockmaker God who fabricated the universe. This view differs radically from mainstream theories that see evolution as the result of simple physical reactions.
From Chapter 21 - 'Evolution - The Next Step' (p. 307):
" Someone once said, 'Man has learned to fly like a bird in the sky: man has also learned to swim like a fish in the ocean; but, alas, man has yet to learn to walk like a human being on this earth. ' What does it mean to be fully rational, let alone fully human? Human beings began with a tremendous leap in the capacity for making representations of the mind. A major privilege of being human is in developing the rational capacity fully. As the philosopher Ken Wilber emphasizes, however, at each level of the great chain of being, the previous level must be integrated. Only when humans have integrated the vital mind can we said to fulfill our full potential for rationality.
Have we fully integrated our vital body in our mental being? In view of the current state of mind-body disease and healing (see Chapter 15), we are far from it. We express emotions and suppress emotions, but we haven't learned to meditate on them. We share the base instinctual emotions with animals. We are so insecure, so prone to succumb to these base instincts, that we sometimes suppress even the noble emotions associated with our higher chakras, beginning with the heart. "
Biology, Dr. Goswami says, must come to terms with feeling, meaning and the purposefulness of life. The key is the idea of creativity in biological development, which reconciles evolution with intelligent design by a purposive designer. Hence, the book’s title: Creative Evolution. What’s more, when the question of life’s purposefulness and the existence of the designer is reconciled with neo-Darwinism, other difficulties of biology are resolved. The result is a paradigm shift for biology and the vision of a coherent whole that the author calls "Science within Consciousness." It’s an open secret that fossil gaps—discontinuities in fossil lineages—threaten the validity of Darwin’s theory of evolution. At the same time, by denying evolution altogether, intelligent-design thinkers fly in the face of scientific data. But let’s not throw out the babies with the bathwater, says quantum physicist Amit Goswami. The idea of intelligent design does contain substance with which neo-Darwinists must come to terms. And if Darwin’s theory is seen at best as incomplete, able only to explain evolution’s continuous epochs, then there’s room for both evolution and God. Other titles by the author: - Creative Evolution (DVD) - God Is Not Dead (CD) - God Is Not Dead (DVD) - Physics of the Soul: Pts 1-3 (CD) - The Visionary Window: A Quantum Physicist's Guide to Enlightenment - Visionary Window—Quantum Physicist's: Guide to Enlightenment: Pts 1-5 (CD)

Creative Evolution – A Physicist’s Resolution Between Darwinism and Intelligent Design
By Amit Goswami.
339 Pages | First Quest edition 2008 | Hardcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835608589.
It’s an open secret that fossil gaps – discontinuities in fossil lineages – threaten the validity of Darwin’s theory of evolution. At the same time, by denying evolution altogether, intelligent design thinkers fly in the face of scientific data. But let’s not throw the babies out with the bathwater, says quantum physicist Amit Goswami. The idea of intelligent design does contain substance with which neo-Darwinists must come to terms. And if Darwin’s theory is seen at best as incomplete, able only to explain evolution’s continuous epochs, then there’s room for both evolution and God.
Dr. Goswami’s central theme is that pure consciousness, not matter, is the primary force in the universe. This view differs radically from mainstream theories that see evolution as the result of simple physical reactions. It also differs from intelligent-design arguments that posit a clockmaker God who fabricated the universe. This view differs radically from mainstream theories that see evolution as the result of simple physical reactions.
From Chapter 21 – ‘Evolution – The Next Step’ (p. 307):
” Someone once said, ‘Man has learned to fly like a bird in the sky: man has also learned to swim like a fish in the ocean; but, alas, man has yet to learn to walk like a human being on this earth. ‘ What does it mean to be fully rational, let alone fully human? Human beings began with a tremendous leap in the capacity for making representations of the mind. A major privilege of being human is in developing the rational capacity fully. As the philosopher Ken Wilber emphasizes, however, at each level of the great chain of being, the previous level must be integrated. Only when humans have integrated the vital mind can we said to fulfill our full potential for rationality.
Have we fully integrated our vital body in our mental being? In view of the current state of mind-body disease and healing (see Chapter 15), we are far from it. We express emotions and suppress emotions, but we haven’t learned to meditate on them. We share the base instinctual emotions with animals. We are so insecure, so prone to succumb to these base instincts, that we sometimes suppress even the noble emotions associated with our higher chakras, beginning with the heart. “