Hatha Yoga – The Occult Science of Health
By Captain P.G. Bowen (1882 - 1940).
19 Pages | A rare edition from 19xx | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, London | No ISBN.
The interpretation of the term Hatha Yoga, suggested by the sub-title of this paper, is one which may cause a little surprise, and perhaps, disagreement. Speaking in the widest sense, however, the interpretation is entirely correct, as I hope to make clear before I finish.
From: 'Yoga What It Is' (p. 3):
" The teWm YOGA literally translated means UNION. It refers to the process of harmonising, or unifying all departments or aspects of the individual Man with the inner, or central Principle, until the whole Life, and all that goes to make up that very comprehensive term, becomes balanced accurately, as it should be, on its AXIS. When this condition is attained all the outer departments swing accurately about the mathematical point (position, without dimension) which is the centre, and which itself, being merely abstract POSITION, does not move at all, and because of this fact governs the relative movements of outer sections of the wheel. This condition of balance constitutes perfection of individual development.

Hatha Yoga – The Occult Science of Health
By Captain P.G. Bowen (1882 – 1940).
19 Pages | A rare edition from 19xx | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, London | No ISBN.
The interpretation of the term Hatha Yoga, suggested by the sub-title of this paper, is one which may cause a little surprise, and perhaps, disagreement. Speaking in the widest sense, however, the interpretation is entirely correct, as I hope to make clear before I finish.
From: ‘Yoga What It Is’ (p. 3):
” The teWm YOGA literally translated means UNION. It refers to the process of harmonising, or unifying all departments or aspects of the individual Man with the inner, or central Principle, until the whole Life, and all that goes to make up that very comprehensive term, becomes balanced accurately, as it should be, on its AXIS. When this condition is attained all the outer departments swing accurately about the mathematical point (position, without dimension) which is the centre, and which itself, being merely abstract POSITION, does not move at all, and because of this fact governs the relative movements of outer sections of the wheel. This condition of balance constitutes perfection of individual development.