Mary’s Vineyard – Daily Meditations, Readings and Revelations
193 Pages | First Quest Edition 1996, photographs included | Hardcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835607453.
‘Celebrate the Sacred Feminine in this rapturous Hymn to Mary, the Mother Goddess of Christianity’.
Each day of the year is highlighted by a reading drawn from the visionary words of Mary’s devotees or from the revelations of the Mother herself as she has appeared in modern times. Each month is introduced by an innovative meditation to help us put Mary’s words into practice to heal, guide, and inspire our daily lives. Harvey’s & Hanut’s stunning photogrpahs make this book a gift to cherish all year.
From Chapter – ‘January’ (p. 17):
January 8th:
” The entire ancient world, from Asia Minor to the Nile and from Greece to the Indus Valley, abounds in figurines of the naked female form, in various attitudes of the all-supporting, all-including Goddess . . . and so it came to pass that, in the end and to our day, Mary, Queen of Martyrs, became the sole inheritor of all the names and forms, sorrows, joys and consolations, of the Goddess-Mother in the Western world: Seat of Wisdom, Vessel of Honor, Mystical Rose, House of Gold, Gate of Heaven, Morning Star, Refuge of Sinners, Queen of Angels, Queen of Peace. “ – Joseph Campbell.
Celebrate the Solstice – Honoring the Earth’s Seasonal Rhythms through Festival and Ceremony
By Richard Heinberg, Foreword by Dolores LaChapelle.
199 Pages | A Quest Original 1993 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835606937.
Rejoice in the Seasonal Festivals of the Earth . . .
Seasonal festivals are not cultural relics. They are joyous, fun, mischievous, profound, life-affirming events that connect us deeply with the Earth, the heavens, and the wellspring of being within us. This engaging book tells the history and meaning of the Solstices, encourages the practice of full-bodied, ecstatic rituals of seasonal renewal, and gives practical suggestions for how to celebrate them in contemporary times.
- Discover the ancient roots of Christmas-tide customs.
- Honor the Goddess in all of her Names by celebrating the June Solstice as a Festival of the Divine Feminine.
- Learn how cultures around the world honored their connectedness with the Earth rhythms.
- Create life-affirming celebrations of the Solstices – alone, with friends or family, in the wilderness, or in the city.
From Chapter 3 – ‘The First Solstice Festivals’ (p.27):
” Each year, for about a week before and after the winter solstice, light from the rising Sun passes through a boxed slot above the doorway of Newgrange and shine the entire length of the corridor to the far wall of the central chamber (a distance of over eighty feet), illuminating a stone basin positioned below a series of intricate carvings of interlocked spirals, eye shapes, and rayed solar discs. For about seventeen minutes the inner sanctuaryis softly lit; then the finger of sunlight slowly creeps back across the stone floor, and darkness returns. The effect is stunning, and the effort spent to obtain it must have been enormous. “
Venus is geen Vamp – Het Vrouwbeeld in 35.000 Jaar Venuskunst
Door Annine van der Meer.
456 Pages | Uitgegeven in 2009 | Softcover | Academie PanSophia i.s.m. A3 Boeken, Geesteren | ISBN: 9789077408674.
In dit boek maakt Annine van der Meer een einde aan het geseksualiseerde, gedemoniseerde en patriarchale beeld van de Oervrouw. Ze rekent af met het vrouwloze beeld van de prehistorie, zoals de Vaderlandse geschiedenis ons voorschotelt. Als een ware pionier brengt Annine van der Meer orde in de chaos van de Venuskunst, de sacrale voorchristelijke vrouwelijke kunst, die te maken heeft met leven, dood en wedergeboorte. En dan blijkt, dat er geen sprake is van chaos, maar van een coherente symbooltaal, die universeel en mondiaal is. Dat vrouwelijke kunst – in tegenstelling tot mannelijke kunst – in grote hoeveelheden is vervaardigd volgens een uniform standaardmodel, dat over vele millennia is overgeleverd. Het bewijs wordt geleverd dat vrouwelijkheid gerespecteerd is en centraal geeft gestaan zonder daarbij de balans met het mannelijke in de oude egalitaire samenlevingen te verstoren.
Dit boek bestaat uit twee delen. In deel I brengt de schrijfster de Venuskunst in kaart met een typologie en classificatie van soorten en stijlen. Varianten en lichaamshoudingen plaatst ze in een chronologisch kader tegen de achtergrond van een complexer wordende samenleving. De kunst spiegelt de natuur en de man-vrouwverhouding in die cultuur. Over de hele linie laat Venuskunst een verharding en militarisering van de samenleving zien, waarin de positie van de vrouw en dus het vrouwbeeld verslechtert.
- DEEL 1: behandelt de periode 35.000 – 10.000 v. Chr. – vanaf het moment dat de vroeg-moderne mens zich in Europa verspreidt tot het moment dat de laatste ijstijd afloopt en de overgang van jagen en voedselverzamelen naar landbouw inzet.
- DEEL 2: behandelt de verschillende thema’s en de bijbehorende symbolen per cultuur en chronologisch vanaf 10.000 v. Chr. tot het jaar o. De thema’s zijn: Venus’ vormen en getallen. haar lievelingsplekken, haar partnerdieren, haar geliefde bomen en planten, haar opvallendste lichaamsdelen, haar favoriete kleding, hoofdtooi en uitrusting, en haar kenmerkende lichaamshoudingen. Tot slot is er aandacht voor Maria, die veel van Venus’ symbooltaal meeneemt naar de christelijke periode.
Afkomstig uit Hoofdstuk 6: ‘Haar favoriete Kleding, Hoofdtooi en Uitrusting’ (blz. 355):
” Cyprus is het eiland van Aphrodite. Hier is door de eeuwen heen zo veel vrouwelijke kunst gevonden, dat het modebeeld zich goed laat volgen. Aan de basis ligt een oeroude natuurreligie en vruchtbaarheidscultus rond de Anassa of de soevereine, die vanaf 3.000 aantoonbaar in de kunst aanwezig is. Zij leeft voort in volksverhalen als de Righena (van het Latijnse ‘regina’ of koningin). Er wordt verhaald dat zij in velden, grotten, bronnen en bergen leeft. Het liefst verblijft zij in afgelegen grotten hoog in de bergen. Zij is liefdevol, maar kan ook wreed zijn; ook naar haar minnaar toe. Zij ondergaat Oosterse invloeden uit Egypte en Klein-Azië. Een hele tijd loopt zij naar goed oud-Oosters gebruik naakt of in doorschijnende kleding. Vanaf de 12de en 11de eeuw bereiken de Kretenzers en Grieken het eiland; ze vermengen zich met de inheemse bevolking. Nu ‘vergriekst’ de Anassa tot de Griekse godin, die later Aphrodite wordt genoemd. “
On the Wings of Shekhinah – Rediscovering Judaism’s Divine Feminine
210 Pages | First Quest Edition 2008 | Softcover | Quest Books U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835608619.
Denied and suppressed for thousands of years, the Divine Feminine returns at a time when the breakdown of traditional belief leaves us desperate for love, for security, for protection, for wisdom, for meaning. It leaves us yearning for a nurturing and cultivation of our whole being, that we might be adequate stewards of the coming planetary civilization.
Luminous and astute, this invaluable resource follows the journey of the Shekhinah through Jewish Scripture, Midrash, and Kabbalah, concluding with her rise among Jewish feminists, who understand that the Feminine Face of God is necessary to the health both of soul and world. Author Rabbi Novick also offers profound visualizations to help us connect personally with the Shekhinah. At the heart of the Mystery, we discover Shekhinah as our hope, our beckoning evolutionairy vision, and our point of contact with the spiritual genius, that resides within each of us.
From Chapter 11 – ‘Contemporary Jewish Feminism and the Return of Shekhinah (p. 129):
” If we could take flight on the wings of Shekhinah, here is what we might see. Flying over the majority of synagogues of North America, we would see women rabbis and cantors lead prayers. We would notice that they, and some women in their congregations, are wearing ’tallitot’ (prayer shawls) and ‘kippot’ (skullcaps), although more likely in colors and designs, that reflect the feminine. We would see women and girls standing on the ‘bimah’ (pulpit) reading from the Torah, as part of Shabbat services or bat mitzvah ceremonies in Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist, and Renewal congregations.
We would hear women teachers of Thorah, brilliant exegetes explaining holy texts, embodying what it means to be part of the generations of sages. We would encounter female trustees on synagogue boards and serving as presidents of congregations. Refreshments for the ‘oneg’ (socials after services) might be provided by men or families as opposed to the all-female cooking, baking, and hospitality roles of the past. In effect, the presence of women in leadership of Jewish communal life suggests, that our access to Shekhinah formerly connected with spiritual teachings and literature, has become apparent through women and girls calling the Divine Feminine back to earth. Perhaps this trend can be regarded as an extension of the teachings of the great Chasidic master Dov Baer, the Maggid of Mezeritch, who urged his followers to pray for the return of Shekhinah to our planet. “
Lalitā Sahasranāma with Bhāskararāya’s Commentary
By Bhāskararāya (1690–1785), general editor K. Kunjunni Raya. hon. director. Translated into English by R. Ananthakrishna Sastry.
402 Pages | 6th Reprint 1988, 1st edition 1899 (T.P.H. ed.); Adyar Library General Series, Volume 11 | Hardcover | The Adyar Library & Research Center | ISBN: 8185141037.
The Lalitā Sahasranāma is a sacred text to Hindu worshippers of the Goddess Lalitā Devi, also called Tripurāsundarī or the Divine Mother. It contains the 1000 names of Lalitā organized in hymns (stotras) and represents the only sahasranāma not repeating a single Name. Lalitā translates etymologically as She Who Plays. Sahasranāma is a Sanskrit term, which means A 1000 Names. Bhāskararāya extensively highlights Name 1 – 1000 in this magnificent work. At the end, a Sanskrit compendium of the Lalitā Sahasranāma is enclosed.
Bhāskararāya is widely considered an authority on all questions pertaining to the worship of the Mother Goddess in Hinduism. The worship of Shakti involves many hidden meanings of mantras and coded passages. It is said that these meanings were revealed to Bhāskararāya by the Goddess Herself.
The Language of MA – The Primal Mother: The Evolution of the Female Image in 40,000 Years of Global Venus Art
587 Pages | Published in 2013 | Softcover | Uitgeverij A3 Boeken | ISBN: 9789082031300.
This is the first pioneering study of global ‘Venuses’, who are part of an ancient and contemporary art traditionally called ‘Venus Art’ – the Art of Primal Mother(s), the Art of the female ancestors. Venus Art reflects the consciousness of egalitarian societies of peace, in which women and feminine values play or have played a central role, in which MA or the MATER or MOTHER and the primal mothers of the clan are central.
To date Venus Art has been understood, neglected and not integrally researched. The Art has become eroticised and sexualised. The purpose of this book is to rehabilitate Venus Art with Venus seen and honored as manifestation of the divine Mother MA.
From Chapter 2 – ‘The Book in a Nutshell’ (p. 15):
” Part 1 consists of eight chapters, part 2 the same. This is no coincidence. Three and four make seven. Seven plus one makes eight. In eight begins a new octave, a new time, a new mankind. In the lemniscate of the eight. the independent feminine and masculine come together in perfect balance. By bringing the forgotten feminine into the picture, balance and connection is created with the masculine. Unity. “

Remember MA • Welcome a new art historical approach that defi nitively maps the contribution of woman to evolution and brings to an end a male world history without women. • Remember the primal mothers, who much later were called ‘Venuses’ and sometimes pin-ups. This book rehabilitates them as the first leaders of humanity. • Learn about a global feminine system of symbols that shows an astonishing consistency and coherency. • Witness how prehistoric cultures produced much more feminine art than masculine art. • Understand why the feminine was pictured so often in old and modern female-friendly societies of peace and balance. • Learn to discern an ancient primal mother from a later goddess, priestess and worshipper. • See how a male system of symbols is laid over the older feminine system of symbols; now the female image is devalued and the world is changed in a valley of tears. • Meet the lost Lady of Old Israel in images and texts and see how she is transculturally transformed into Mary, the Lady of all Nations in Christianity. Dr Annine E.G. van der Meer (1953) is a Dutch historian of religion and holds a PhD in theology from the University of Utrecht. She is the author of several books. She has travelled widely to retrace the universal hidden Mother in sacred texts, art and symbols. She is founder and president of the Dutch PanSophia Academy, school of Wisdom, where she also teaches. In July 2010 33 women of international standing in their particular fields were honoured in the ‘Manifest Female Energy’. Annine van der Meer was one of six Dutch women to be decorated. According to the manifest, they have contributed to transformation processes in the world; a new world, in which feminine and masculine energies mutually inspire each other and are growing towards a new, powerful and creative world order.
Sophia – Goddess of Wisdom, Bride of God
By Caitlin Matthews.
430 Pages | First Quest Edition 2001, third printing 2009 | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835608015.
Sophia, or ‘Wisdom’ in Greek, has been revered in many forms throughout history. From the Dark Goddess of ancient Anatolia; to her Egyptian, Greek, Celtic, and Cabalistic manifestations; to her current forms as Mary and the orthodox St. Sophia. In the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, Sophia sits with God until the creation. Then She falls into matter and becomes manifest in every atom, permeating all things ‘like the sparks that run through charcoal’, as Matthews says. While God is out there,” the Goddess is in here: the mother-wit of practical inspiration and compassion at the heart’s core.
‘ Anyone interested in the feminine face of God throughout the ages will find Sophia an illuminating experience. Caitlin Matthews’ scholarship connects us to past, present, and future in the very depths of our femininity. ‘ – Marion Woodman, Jungian analyst and author of Bone: Dying into Life.
From Chapter 1 – ‘The Black Goddess’ (p. 6):
” The Black Goddess lies at the heart of spiritual knowledge, which is why her image continually appears within many traditions as the Veiled Goddess, the Black Virgin, the Outcast Daughter, the Wailing Widom, the Dark Woman of Knowledge. Our own search for the Goddess is one, that is begun in darkness and unknowing. Ours is the knowing ignorance of the child in the mother’s womb: we have to be born, and we are frightened of the extra womb dimension. Once out of that womb, we begin to be terrified about our origins. But one of the prophecies of Sophia is: ‘I will give thee the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places. ‘ Those treasures of the Divine Feminine liep deep within us, waiting to be discovered . . . “

This definitive work comprehensively establishes a realistic Goddess theology for Westerners in the twenty-first century: – grounding spirituality in daily life and the natural world – learning to work playfully and play seriously – ending the gender war to enjoy sacred marriage Caitlin Matthews is a world-celebrated teacher of Western spirituality and author of over thirty books. With her husband and frequent coauthor John Matthews, she founded the Foundation of Inspirational and Oracular Studies, in their native Great Britain.
Mother of the Universe – Visions of the Goddess, Tantric Hymns of Enlightenment
By Lex Hixon (1941 – 1995).
223 Pages | A Quest Original 1994 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 083560702X.
‘MA! MA! MA’! The Wise Woman Way – so exquisitely brought to life by Lex Hixon in these verses – has been spinning and spiraling since time out of mind, yet its message is as fresh, vital, and empowering as ever. She calls in these poems. She who is matter, mater, mother, Mary. She calls. She calls you. Listen! You may save your life or the earth.
Mother of the Universe presents, through the vivid mode of Goddess worship, the Mother Wisdom which is always unitive, never divisive. These pages do not introduce some philosophical or literary alternative but unveil the living force, which exists at the very heart of awareness as the upward flowing power of liberation and illumination called Mother Kundalini. These poems are existential inquiry. They are Goddess energy.
What is presented in this book are the visionary Hymns of Ramprasad Sen from eighteenth-century Bengal. The author has not worked from the original Bengali tekst. Selected from English translations by Jadunath Sinha of the two hundred fifty extant songs of Ramprasad, these one hundred twenty-six expanded versions have gradually unfolded over the last twelve years, The Bengali verses are shorthand, as lyrics always are. The contemplative versions represent an articulated literary form, designed not to be sung but recited aloud, thereby retaining a sense of the oral tradition, which these poems represent. Rather than using scholarly footnotes, the expanded poems themselves contain commentary on the esoteric Mother Wisdom of India, and more particularly, on the tantric tradition of Bengal, which has its roots in both Buddhism and Hinduism.
From Page 43:
Even the deepest darkness of this world is simply her Light!:
Will the blessed day ever dawn, O Goddess,
when fiery tears stream from these eyes
upon uttering your exalted name?
Will subtle obscurations of the mind dissolve,
as this body dances and tumbles on the ground
in the boundless ecstasy of Kali, Kali, Kali?
Will the day of truth finally arrive
when I cast away every distinction,
free from this and that, here and there?
Will the immense longing of my Soul be fulfilled?
Esoteric scriptures of the Goddess declare:
‘Ma Tara is utterly formless.
She is clear light beyond all form.’
This poet madly responds:
‘Mother exists also as each life, every event.
Open your foolish eyes, cease formless meditation,
and perceive the Goddess everywhere!
Even the deepest darkness of this world
is simply her Light!’ “