An Introduction to Hindu Symbolism
By Iqbal Kishen Taimni (1898–1978).
132 Pages | Second edition, second reprint 2012 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170593065.
'The truth hidden behind the symbols are so magnificent and of such deep import that devotion should become strengthened and not weakened on understanding the inner significance of the symbols', says Dr. I. K. Taimni in his beautiful introduction to the book. Divided into nine chapters, this book helps to attain 'some insight into popular literature like the Purânas', that embody as an integral part of it the highest wisdom though in a veiled form.
Besides dealing with the general principles of Hindu Symbolism, the Symbology of the Śiva-linga, Maheśa, Trideva are elaborately discussed by Dr, I.K. Taimni. The stories of Hiranyakaśipu and Bhasmāsura, the Churning of the Ocean and the Allegory in the Durgā-Saptaśati constitute different chapters.
Besides dealing with the general principles of Hindu Symbolism, the Symbology of Siva-linga, Mahesa, Trideva, are Elaborately discussed by Dr. I. K. Taimni. The stories of Hiranyakasipu and Bhasmasura, the Churning of the Ocean and the Allegory in Durga-Saptasati constitute independent chapters.

An Introduction to Hindu Symbolism
By Iqbal Kishen Taimni (1898–1978).
132 Pages | Second edition, second reprint 2012 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170593065.
‘The truth hidden behind the symbols are so magnificent and of such deep import that devotion should become strengthened and not weakened on understanding the inner significance of the symbols’, says Dr. I. K. Taimni in his beautiful introduction to the book. Divided into nine chapters, this book helps to attain ‘some insight into popular literature like the Purânas‘, that embody as an integral part of it the highest wisdom though in a veiled form.
Besides dealing with the general principles of Hindu Symbolism, the Symbology of the Śiva-linga, Maheśa, Trideva are elaborately discussed by Dr, I.K. Taimni. The stories of Hiranyakaśipu and Bhasmāsura, the Churning of the Ocean and the Allegory in the Durgā-Saptaśati constitute different chapters.