The Occult Training of the Hindus
By Ernest Egerton Wood (1883 - 1965).
120 Pages | First edition 1931, 2nd edition 1952, 3rd edition 1990 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 817059149X.
As soon as one speaks in the Western world about Occultism in India, the imagination flies to travellers' stories of marvels that they have seen in this country, of occurences demanding for their explanation faculties of sense, powers of consciousness and facts of nature beyond the common experience of humankind. Regarding these, I could personally relate a number of uncommon experiences, sprinkled among the events of a great many years spent in this land.
From page 120:
" Occultism may be defined as the use of the hidden powers in man to discover the hidden life in the world. It has thus rightfully been said, that it is ātmavidyā, the science of the Self, and that its object is to discover the Divine Mind in Nature and in oneself. Through the faculties and powers of the personality a man comes in contact with phenomena, and learns through them, as a child with toys. But with the powers of the higher Self - its will and love and thought, working in outward things, but unshaken by them, and not confused by personality - a man may penetrate through the veil of appearances, and the hidden reality in him will deal with the hidden reality behind phenomena. This man works through intuition - no longer a child, he deals with realities, not with toys. Such is the occultist, and to such goal is directed the occult training of the Hindus. "

The Occult Training of the Hindus
By Ernest Egerton Wood (1883 – 1965).
120 Pages | First edition 1931, 2nd edition 1952, 3rd edition 1990 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 817059149X.
As soon as one speaks in the Western world about Occultism in India, the imagination flies to travellers’ stories of marvels that they have seen in this country, of occurences demanding for their explanation faculties of sense, powers of consciousness and facts of nature beyond the common experience of humankind. Regarding these, I could personally relate a number of uncommon experiences, sprinkled among the events of a great many years spent in this land.
From page 120:
” Occultism may be defined as the use of the hidden powers in man to discover the hidden life in the world. It has thus rightfully been said, that it is ātmavidyā, the science of the Self, and that its object is to discover the Divine Mind in Nature and in oneself. Through the faculties and powers of the personality a man comes in contact with phenomena, and learns through them, as a child with toys. But with the powers of the higher Self – its will and love and thought, working in outward things, but unshaken by them, and not confused by personality – a man may penetrate through the veil of appearances, and the hidden reality in him will deal with the hidden reality behind phenomena. This man works through intuition – no longer a child, he deals with realities, not with toys. Such is the occultist, and to such goal is directed the occult training of the Hindus. “