A Flame of Learning – Krishnamurti with Teachers
By Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895–1986).
205 Pages | Copyright 1993 | Softcover | Mirananda, Den Haag | ISBN: 9062718299.
Many educators and parents have found Krishnamurti’s insights into the human condition and the nature of learning especially relevant to the education of children. For them and for others, who wish to live sanely and wisely in a world of growing confusion and who wish their children to do the same, this book will be a valued addition to his previous works.
In discussions with teachers at Brockwood Park School, which he founded in England in 1969, Krishnamurti assumes the role of a person coming to teach in such as school. Frankly and directly, he explores the new teacher’s relationship with the school, with his colleagues and especially with students, questioning the nature of freedom and authority, the place of motive and self-interest, the source of fear and violence, and the possiblity of awakening intelligence and sensitivity to order. In the course of the exploration, they go into the nature of investigation itself, and consider the necessity for the clarity of observation and communication.
Above all, Krishnamurti challenges the teachers – and the reader – to look at the need for radical psychological change, and to consider the possibility of such change in all human beings.
” My concern . . . is to awaken this intelligence in my students, so that they will be free. “
Het Einde van Tijd – Jiddu Krishnamurti en David Bohm
Gesprekken tussen Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986) en David Bohm (1917 – 1992), Voorwoord door David Skitt.
492 Pages | Eerste druk oktober 2019 | Softcover | Synthese, een imprint van Milinda Uitgevers BV | ISBN: 9789062711574.
Engels origineel: The Ending of Time – Where Philosophy and Physics Meet | Copyright 1985, 2014 Krishnamurti Foundation Trust Ltd. | HarperOne, New York.
In dit boek worden de urgente en actuele problemen van onze tijd vanuit een unieke invalshoek belicht. Het bevat een aantal fascinerende dialogen tussen twee grote denkers van onze tijd: de gerespecteerde filosoof Jiddu Krishnamurti en de beroemde natuurkundige David Bohm. De dialogen vonden plaats in Amerika en Engeland tussen april en september 1980. Zij gaan in gesprek over wat ten grondslag ligt aan de eindeloze conflicten, waar de mensheid al eeuwenlang onder gebukt gaat. Samen onderzoeken ze de fundamentele oorzaak hiervan en wat wij daaraan kunnen doen.
Diepgaand bespreken ze essentiële zaken als goed en kwaad, het denken en bewustzijn, en de wezenlijke aard van ons bestaan, vanuit zowel een spirituele als wetenschappelijke invalshoek. Aan bod komen onder andere het verschil tussen het brein en de geest, de betekenis van sterven en de relatie van het individu tot de maatschappij. Uit een aantal revolutionaire inzichten, die gedurende deze gesprekkken naar voren komen, blijkt dat het achterlaten van ons idee van tijd nog wel eens een nieuw begin voor de mensheid zou kunnen inluiden.
Afkomstig uit: Hoofdstuk I – ‘De Oorsprong van Psychologische Conflicten’ (blz. 15):
1 April 1980, Ojai, California.
” Jiddu Krishnamurti: Waar zullen we beginnen? Ik zou de vraag willen stellen of de mensheid een verkeerde weg is ingeslagen.
David Bohm: Een verkeerde weg? Dat moet wel, maar lang geleden denk ik.
JK: Dat denk ik ook. Lang geleden. Daar lijkt het wel op. Waarom? Zoals ik het zie – en ik ben alleen maar aan het onderzoeken – heeft de mensen altijd geprobeerd iets te ‘worden’.
DB: Ja, dat zou kunnen. Ik werd geraakt door iets wat ik ooit las, waarin stond dat de mens vijf – of zesduizend jaar geleden de verkeerde kant opging, toen hij eenmaal in staat was anderen te beroven en slaven ging houden. Uitbuiten en beroven werden daarna het belangrijkste doel in het leven.
JK: Ja, maar er is ook het gevoel dat je innerlijk iets moet worden.
DB: We zouden duidelijk moeten maken wat het verband daartussen is. Wat voor soort ‘worden’ heeft hiervoor gezorgd? In plaats van constructief bezig te zijn door nieuwe technieken, gereedschappen en dergelijke uit te vinden, vonden mensen het op een gegeven moment gemakkelijker om hun buren te beroven. Wat wilden ze worden?
JK: Conflicten zijn de oorsprong van dit alles geweest.
DB: Maar wat was het conflict? Als we ons in die mensen van lang geleden konden verplaatsen, hoe zouden we dan tegen dat conflict aankijken?
JK: Wat is de oorsprong van conflicten? Niet alleen van die in de buitenwereld, maar ook van de enorme innerlijke conflicten van de mens. Wat is de oorsprong daarvan?
DB: Het lijkt door tegenstrijdige verlangens te komen.
JK: Nee, komt het doordat je volgens alle religies iets moet worden? Dat je iets moet bereiken?
DB: Maar wat maakte dat mensen dat wilden? Waarom waren ze niet tevreden met wat ze waren? Want religie zou niet aangeslagen zijn als mensen het niet aantrekkelijk hadden gevonden om méér te worden. “
Exploration into Insight (Gollancz 1991 Edition)
By Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986).
190 Pages | Softcover | First published in Great Britain in 1979. This is the 1991 Edition. There is also a 2001 edition available here. | Softcover | Victor Gollancz Ltd., London | ISBN: 057505154x.
Exploration into Insight is a series of dialogues that Krishnamurti held in India over many decades with friends and serious enquirers. Among them were Achyut Patwardhan, Pupul Jayakar, Maurice Friedman and others, who had gathered around him since the forties. The dialogues cover a wide range of subjects. The concern in these dialogues is the freedom of the mind from the bondages of memory and time, a mutation in consciousness and the arising of insight that gives deep roots of steadiness to the mind. The processes of self-knowing are investigated with rare vigour and intensity. There is in these dialogues a relentless questioning, probing, a ‘listening’ and a ‘seeing’. The way in which these dialogues unfold is unique in itself. They are not questions and answers or even just an exhange of opinion. They form a new genre of communication typical of Krishnamurti – that of a deep listening, a tentative beginning and an exploration that leads to fresh perceptions. For those interested in delving into the processes of self-understanding, this is an extraordinary book.
From Chapter ‘How Deep Can One Travel?’ (p. 37 & 38):
” Krishnamurti: I live a very, very superficial life and I want to found out for myself if there is any depth which is not measurable and I see thought cannot reach it because thought is a measure, thought is time, thought is the response of the past; therefore thought cannot possibly touch it. Then, what will bring this about? If thought cannot touch it and that is the only instrument man has, then, what is he to do? Thought, in its movement, in its function, has created this world which is superficial in which I live, of which I am. That is obvious. Now, is it possible for the mind without the usage of thought, to touch something which is fathomless? Not just some moments in my sleep of when I am walking by myself, but to live there. My mind says the depth must be discovered, to let the mind be of the quality of that – I must be aware of that strange fathomless depth of something which is unnamed. ”
Exploration into Insight (Krishnamurti Foundation 2001 Edition)
By Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986).
Softcover | First edition 1979, reprints 1982, 1986, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1996 & 1997. This edition was published in 2001| Krishnamurti Foundation Trust Ltd., Hampshire. With permission of the Krishnamurti Foundation India | ISBN: 8187326328.
Exploration into Insight is a series of dialogues that Krishnamurti held in India over many decades with friends and serious enquirers. Among them were Achyut Patwardhan, Pupul Jayakar, Maurice Friedman and others, who had gathered around him since the forties. The dialogues cover a wide range of subjects. The concern in these dialogues is the freedom of the mind from the bondages of memory and time, a mutation in consciousness and the arising of insight that gives deep roots of steadiness to the mind. The processes of self-knowing are investigated with rare vigour and intensity. There is in these dialogues a relentless questioning, probing, a ‘listening’ and a ‘seeing’. The way in which these dialogues unfold is unique in itself. They are not questions and answers or even just an exhange of opinion. They form a new genre of communication typical of Krishnamurti – that of a deep listening, a tentative beginning and an exploration that leads to fresh perceptions. For those interested in delving into the processes of self-understanding, this is an extraordinary book.
From Chapter ‘How Deep Can One Travel?’ (p. 37 & 38):
” Krishnamurti: I live a very, very superficial life and I want to found out for myself if there is any depth which is not measurable and I see thought cannot reach it because thought is a measure, thought is time, thought is the response of the past; therefore thought cannot possibly touch it. Then, what will bring this about? If thought cannot touch it and that is the only instrument man has, then, what is he to do? Thought, in its movement, in its function, has created this world which is superficial in which I live, of which I am. That is obvious. Now, is it possible for the mind without the usage of thought, to touch something which is fathomless? Not just some moments in my sleep of when I am walking by myself, but to live there. My mind says the depth must be discovered, to let the mind be of the quality of that – I must be aware of that strange fathomless depth of something which is unnamed. ”
Krishnamurti on Education
By Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986).
158 Pages | First published in 1954, this is the 1998 edition | Softcover | Krishnamurti Foundation, India | ISBN: 818732600X.
This book is the outcome of talks and discussions held by Krishnamurti with the students and teachers of Rishi Valley School in Andhra Pradesh and Rajghat Besant School in Varanasi. Krishnamurti regards education as of prime significance in the communication of that which is central to the transformation of the human mind and the creation of a new culture. As the topics in these stimulating talks and discussions reveal, he questions the very roots of our culture so that a comprehensive view on education emerges.
Krishnamurti’s challenge is addressed not only to the structure of education, but to the very nature and quality of man’s mind and life. Unlike all other attempts to salvage or suggest alternatives to the educational system, his approach breaks through the frontiers of particular cultures and establishes an entirely new set of values. To Krishnamurti, a new mind is possible only when the religious spirit and the scientific attitude form part of the same consciousness. While he gives emphasis to the cultivation of the intellect, he lays far greater stress on a heightened critical awareness of the inner and outer world.
From page 9:
” If you begin to think, to observe, to learn, not from books, but learn for yourself by watching, listening to everything that is happening around you, you will grow up to be a different human being. One who cares, who has affection, who loves people. Perhaps if you live that way, you might find a truly religious life. “
Can Humanity Change? – J. Krishnamurti in Dialogue with Buddhists
Door Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986).
224 Pages | Published in 2005 | Softcover | Krishnamurti Foundation, India | ISBN: 8187326573.
Many have considered Buddhism to be the religion closest in sprit to J.Krishnamurti’s spiritual teaching– even though the great teacher was famous for urging students to seek truth outside organized religion. This record of an historic encounter between Krishnamurti and a group of Buddhist scholars provides a unique opportunity to see what the great teacher had to say himself about Buddhist teachings. The conversations, which took place at Brockwood Park in England in the late 1970s, focus on human consciousness and its potential for transformation. Participants include Walpola Rahula, the renowned Sri Lankan Buddhist monk and scholar, author of the classic introductory text What the Buddha Taught.
From Chapter – ‘Are You Not Saying What The Buddha Said’? (p. 7):
” Walhula Rahula: Scriptures and all our knowledge condition human beings, there is no doubt about that. But I should say that knowledge is not absolutely unnecessary. Buddha has pointed out very clearly that if you want to cross the river and there is no bridge, you build a boat and cross with its help. But if, on the other shore, you think, Oh this boat has been very useful, very helpful to me, I can’t leave it here, I will carry it on shoulders, that is a wrong action. What you should say is: Of course this boat was very helpful to me, but I have crossed the river, it is no more use to me, so I’ll leave it here for somebody else. That is the attitude toward knowledge and learning. Buddha says that even the teachings, not only that, even the virtues, the so-called moral virtues, are also like the boat and have a relative and conditioned value. “
The conversations, which took place at Brockwood Park in England in the late 1970’s focus on human consciousness and its potential for transformation. Participants include Walpola Rahula, the renowned Sri Lankan Buddhist monk and scholar, author of the classic introductory text “What the Buddha Taught”.
A Wholly Different Way of Living – Krishnamurti in Dialogue with Prof. Anderson
Door Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986).
269 Pages | Published in 1991 | Softcover | Krishnamurti Foundation India, Chennai | ISBN: 818732614X.
At a time of unprecedented outer change in the political and social spheres, is there a fundamental inner change that is demanded of each one of us? In the eighteen dialogues with Professor Allan W. Anderson, Emeritus Professor of Religious Studies at San Diego State University, J. Krishnamurti indicates that pinning our hopes on organized religion, science, political idealogy or the market economy not only fails to address basic human problems but actually creates them.
The way out of our difficulties, Krishnamurti states, can only start in the mind of each one of us, in an awareness of the way we actually perceive life, ourselves and others. Professor Anderson, throughout these dialogues, refers to many passages of Western and Eastern religious scriptures that he believes have been misunderstood and which in fact support Krishnamurti’s statements. The dialogues reproduced in an edited and slightly abridged version in this book, took place at San Diego State University from 18 to 28 February 1974.
From Dialogue XIV – ‘Death, Life and Love are Indivisible – The Nature of Immortality’ (p. 193):
” That’s the most absurd thing. Now what we are discussing, sir, is the understanding of death, its relation to living and this thing called love. One cannot possibly understand the immensity – and it is immense – of this thing called death unless there is real freedom from fear. That’s why we talked sometime ago about the problem of fear. Unless the mind really frees itself from fear there is no possibility of understanding the extraordinary beauty, strength, and vitality of death. “
Fire in the mind – dialogues with Krishnamurti
351 pages | Paperback | Penguin Books, 1995
Inspired and inspiring dialogues with one of the great teachers of our time.
Published on the birth centenary of J. Krishnamurti, Fire in the Mind is a book of important discussions conducted with Krishnamurti. Held from the end of the 1960s to 28 December 1985, seven weeks before his death on 17 February 1986, these dialogues cover a vast ocean of human concerns—fear, sorrow, death, time, culture, ageing and the renewal of the brain. They also explore subjects that are central to scientific research today, such as the questions of biological survival, the nature of consciousness, artificial intelligence, computers and the mechanical mind.
At the Feet of the Master
Door J. Krishnamurti
85 Pagina’s | Third Reprint 2023 | Softcover | Uitgeverij Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN 8170596033
In dit ogenschijnlijk eenvoudige boek waarvan de leringen duizenden harten hebben geraakt, ligt de uitdaging in het leven van die leringen, dus de noodzaak om acht te slaan op elk woord. Het boek is een van de drie theosofische klassiekers die van onschatbare waarde zijn voor aspiranten op het spirituele pad, de andere twee zijn The Voice of the Silence en Light on the Path.