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Mary’s Vineyard – Daily Meditations, Readings and Revelations

17 januari 2020

Andrew Harvey and Eryk Hanut.

193 Pages | First Quest Edition 1996, photographs included | Hardcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835607453.

'Celebrate the Sacred Feminine in this rapturous Hymn to Mary, the Mother Goddess of Christianity'.

Each day of the year is highlighted by a reading drawn from the visionary words of Mary's devotees or from the revelations of the Mother herself as she has appeared in modern times. Each month is introduced by an innovative meditation to help us put Mary's words into practice to heal, guide, and inspire our daily lives. Harvey's & Hanut's stunning photogrpahs make this book a gift to cherish all year.

From Chapter - 'January' (p. 17):

January 8th:

" The entire ancient world, from Asia Minor to the Nile and from Greece to the Indus Valley, abounds in figurines of the naked female form, in various attitudes of the all-supporting, all-including Goddess . . . and so it came to pass that, in the end and to our day, Mary, Queen of Martyrs, became the sole inheritor of all the names and forms, sorrows, joys and consolations, of the Goddess-Mother in the Western world: Seat of Wisdom, Vessel of Honor, Mystical Rose, House of Gold, Gate of Heaven, Morning Star, Refuge of Sinners, Queen of Angels, Queen of Peace. " - Joseph Campbell.

Auteur: Harvey, A./Hanut, E.
ISBN: 0835607453

Prijs: € 18,00

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Mary’s Vineyard – Daily Meditations, Readings and Revelations

17 januari 2020

Andrew Harvey and Eryk Hanut.

193 Pages | First Quest Edition 1996, photographs included | Hardcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835607453.

‘Celebrate the Sacred Feminine in this rapturous Hymn to Mary, the Mother Goddess of Christianity’.

Each day of the year is highlighted by a reading drawn from the visionary words of Mary’s devotees or from the revelations of the Mother herself as she has appeared in modern times. Each month is introduced by an innovative meditation to help us put Mary’s words into practice to heal, guide, and inspire our daily lives. Harvey’s & Hanut’s stunning photogrpahs make this book a gift to cherish all year.

From Chapter – ‘January’ (p. 17):

January 8th:

” The entire ancient world, from Asia Minor to the Nile and from Greece to the Indus Valley, abounds in figurines of the naked female form, in various attitudes of the all-supporting, all-including Goddess . . . and so it came to pass that, in the end and to our day, Mary, Queen of Martyrs, became the sole inheritor of all the names and forms, sorrows, joys and consolations, of the Goddess-Mother in the Western world: Seat of Wisdom, Vessel of Honor, Mystical Rose, House of Gold, Gate of Heaven, Morning Star, Refuge of Sinners, Queen of Angels, Queen of Peace. “ – Joseph Campbell.