An Introduction to the Mahatma Letters
By Virginia Hanson (1898 - 1991).
25 Pages | First Edition 1977, first reprint 1986 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170590256.
Today's Encounter with the Wisdom of the Ages.
The philosophy of The Mahatma Letters is timeless; the story of The Mahatma Letters is in time. What results is a cross-fertilization from which a rare kind of drama emerges - a drama in which, quite unexpectedly at times, one sees oneself and the whole of humankind reflected with pitiless clarity. Tragedy and comedy, courage and cowardice, pathos, compassion, frustration and fulfilment, despair and hope - all these are there as in life through-out the millenia of recorded, and unrecorded history. What is there, in addition, is a perspective which gives it all meaning.
From page 4:
" The question would not arise if those concerned knew something of what an Adept is, as explained in The Mahatma Letters . . . Writing about Themselves, one of Them says: 'None of you have ever formed an accurate idea of the 'Masters' or of the Laws of Occultism they are guided by . . . The Adepts do not advertise Themselves, nor do they seek followers. Their work, for the most part, lies away from the world, whose ways are not their ways. If we understand this, there will be none amongst us ready to lend an ear to persons, who seek to impress others by claiming occult connection with mysterious beings, or that they themselves are the manifestations of such beings. "
An Introduction to the Mahatma Letters
By Virginia Hanson (1898 – 1991).
25 Pages | First Edition 1977, first reprint 1986 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170590256.
Today’s Encounter with the Wisdom of the Ages.
The philosophy of The Mahatma Letters is timeless; the story of The Mahatma Letters is in time. What results is a cross-fertilization from which a rare kind of drama emerges – a drama in which, quite unexpectedly at times, one sees oneself and the whole of humankind reflected with pitiless clarity. Tragedy and comedy, courage and cowardice, pathos, compassion, frustration and fulfilment, despair and hope – all these are there as in life through-out the millenia of recorded, and unrecorded history. What is there, in addition, is a perspective which gives it all meaning.
From page 4:
” The question would not arise if those concerned knew something of what an Adept is, as explained in The Mahatma Letters . . . Writing about Themselves, one of Them says: ‘None of you have ever formed an accurate idea of the ‘Masters’ or of the Laws of Occultism they are guided by . . . The Adepts do not advertise Themselves, nor do they seek followers. Their work, for the most part, lies away from the world, whose ways are not their ways. If we understand this, there will be none amongst us ready to lend an ear to persons, who seek to impress others by claiming occult connection with mysterious beings, or that they themselves are the manifestations of such beings. “