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Teachings on Discipleship – As Outlined in the Mahatma Letters

21 november 2018

By S.S. Varma.

119 Pages | First edition 1995 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170592674.

Dutch translation: Leringen over Leerlingschap - Zoals Geschetst in de Brieven van de Meesters | Published in 2001 | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9061750814.

The letters of the Mahatmas were received sometimes phenomenally and at other times in the ordinary way by post. They were not written in the usual way but precipitated. Though they are more than a hundred years old, and deal with persons no longer living and events long passed, the wisdom communicated through them is timeless. The story of the beginning of the correspondence and its continuance is inextricably bound with the history of the Theosophical Society. Probably there is nothing so unique in theosophical literature as these letters by the Adepts, who inspired the formation of the Theosophical Society and whose messenger Madame H.P. Blavatsky (HPB) was.

From Chapter 4 - 'The Way to the Masters' (p. 71):

" The popular idea that the Guru helps at times of difficulties probably is not quite correct. HPB was cured several times, but it has to be specially noted that it was not to help her, but in the interest of the work. In her own battles, she was left to her own devices. Thus it has been made clear that right up to Adeptship one has to depend on oneself alone:

The fact is, that to the last and supreme initiation every 'chela' - (and even some adepts) - is left to his or her own device and counsel. We have to fight our own battles, and the familiar adage - 'the adept becomes, he is not made', is true to the letter. "

auteur: Varma, S.S.
ISBN: 8170592674

Prijs: € 9,50

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Teachings on Discipleship – As Outlined in the Mahatma Letters

21 november 2018

By S.S. Varma.

119 Pages | First edition 1995 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170592674.

Dutch translation: Leringen over Leerlingschap – Zoals Geschetst in de Brieven van de Meesters | Published in 2001 | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9061750814.

The letters of the Mahatmas were received sometimes phenomenally and at other times in the ordinary way by post. They were not written in the usual way but precipitated. Though they are more than a hundred years old, and deal with persons no longer living and events long passed, the wisdom communicated through them is timeless. The story of the beginning of the correspondence and its continuance is inextricably bound with the history of the Theosophical Society. Probably there is nothing so unique in theosophical literature as these letters by the Adepts, who inspired the formation of the Theosophical Society and whose messenger Madame H.P. Blavatsky (HPB) was.

From Chapter 4 – ‘The Way to the Masters’ (p. 71):

” The popular idea that the Guru helps at times of difficulties probably is not quite correct. HPB was cured several times, but it has to be specially noted that it was not to help her, but in the interest of the work. In her own battles, she was left to her own devices. Thus it has been made clear that right up to Adeptship one has to depend on oneself alone:

The fact is, that to the last and supreme initiation every ‘chela’ – (and even some adepts) – is left to his or her own device and counsel. We have to fight our own battles, and the familiar adage – ’the adept becomes, he is not made’, is true to the letter. “