The Mahā Chohan’s Letter
By Curuppumullage Jinarājadāsa (1875–1953).
30 Pages | First edition, second reprint 2004 | Paperback | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170592593.
This 'letter', from the Adept known as the Mahā Chohan, to A.P. Sinnett, is in fact an abridged report of an interview with him. Short though it is, it contains practically the charter for the work and development of the Theosophical Society through the ages, according to Mr. Jinarājadāsa. His commentary provides the proper perspective to understand the importance of the letter.

The Mahā Chohan’s Letter
By Curuppumullage Jinarājadāsa (1875–1953).
30 Pages | First edition, second reprint 2004 | Paperback | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170592593.
This ‘letter’, from the Adept known as the Mahā Chohan, to A.P. Sinnett, is in fact an abridged report of an interview with him. Short though it is, it contains practically the charter for the work and development of the Theosophical Society through the ages, according to Mr. Jinarājadāsa. His commentary provides the proper perspective to understand the importance of the letter.