A Guide to Work in the Theosophical Society
164 Pages | First edition 1959, second revised edition 2007 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar.| ISBN: 9788170595229.
This book is a new edition of To Form a Nucleus, a comprehensive guide to work in the Theosophical Society. It covers all aspects of the work of the Sections and Lodges of the Society, and gives information on the formation of the Lodges, the maintenance and running of their premises, libraries, book sales, propaganda material, the organization of talks and lectures, the administrative work of office-bearers and so on. An excellent reference book for Lodges as well as individual members.
From Chapter X - The Theosophical Worker (p. 164):
" It is essentially fear of the unknown and dependence on the known that create the bleak and barren state of indecision. Fear, therefore is to be sought out and brought to the surface in our lives and dissipated, and dependence is to be recognized and challenged as to its worth. It is not enough that our Theosophy should come to us on good authority. We shall never be happy until we bring it to the test of living experience and find sacrifice is a reliable way of life. Then, we shall be happy and effective workers and not merely dutiful ones. "

A Guide to Work in the Theosophical Society
164 Pages | First edition 1959, second revised edition 2007 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar.| ISBN: 9788170595229.
This book is a new edition of To Form a Nucleus, a comprehensive guide to work in the Theosophical Society. It covers all aspects of the work of the Sections and Lodges of the Society, and gives information on the formation of the Lodges, the maintenance and running of their premises, libraries, book sales, propaganda material, the organization of talks and lectures, the administrative work of office-bearers and so on. An excellent reference book for Lodges as well as individual members.
From Chapter X – The Theosophical Worker (p. 164):
” It is essentially fear of the unknown and dependence on the known that create the bleak and barren state of indecision. Fear, therefore is to be sought out and brought to the surface in our lives and dissipated, and dependence is to be recognized and challenged as to its worth. It is not enough that our Theosophy should come to us on good authority. We shall never be happy until we bring it to the test of living experience and find sacrifice is a reliable way of life. Then, we shall be happy and effective workers and not merely dutiful ones. “