An Enduring Philosopher (T. Subba Row) – A Sequel to A Lonely Disciple
61 Pages | First limited edition 1995 | Softcover | Prapti Books, Madras, India | No ISBN.
T. Subba Row, an outstanding figure in the early days of the Theosophical Society after the Founders, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 - 1891) and Colonel Henry Steel Olcott (1832 - 1917) came to India, was highly respected for his wide-ranging erudition and knowledge of esoteric philosophy and practice. He had many things to reveal on Occult Science and Philosophy. This slim volume, second in the series, includes seven essays vividly written.
From page VI:
" . . . You are wrong in distrusting Subba Row's writings. He does not write willingly, to be sure, but he will never make a false statement. - Ten to one - it will never receive the attention it deserves - Why? Simply, because his statements contain sober facts, and that what your prefer generally is fiction so long as the latter dovetails with, and answers preconceived theories. "
- Master K.H. in: 'Letter No. 93' (Winter 1883) The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett.

An Enduring Philosopher (T. Subba Row) – A Sequel to A Lonely Disciple
61 Pages | First limited edition 1995 | Softcover | Prapti Books, Madras, India | No ISBN.
T. Subba Row, an outstanding figure in the early days of the Theosophical Society after the Founders, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) and Colonel Henry Steel Olcott (1832 – 1917) came to India, was highly respected for his wide-ranging erudition and knowledge of esoteric philosophy and practice. He had many things to reveal on Occult Science and Philosophy. This slim volume, second in the series, includes seven essays vividly written.
From page VI:
” . . . You are wrong in distrusting Subba Row’s writings. He does not write willingly, to be sure, but he will never make a false statement. – Ten to one – it will never receive the attention it deserves – Why? Simply, because his statements contain sober facts, and that what your prefer generally is fiction so long as the latter dovetails with, and answers preconceived theories. ”
- Master K.H. in: ‘Letter No. 93’ (Winter 1883) The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett.