Esoteric Psychology – The Theosophical Janus
By John S. Gordon.
36 Pages | Soft cover | August 2008 | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | No ISBN.
'The Blavatsky Lecture' delivered at the Summer School of The Foundation for Theosophical Studies, Wills Hall, The University of Bristol, Sunday August 2008.
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 - 1891), as we know, at least once remarked that 'Theosophy is not for dumbskulls!' By that, her writings clearly demonstrate, she meant that the operative principles behind this all-embracing form of wisdom-philosophy have to be studied carefully and followed in practice before it can even begin to be properly understood. However, those principles are not be taken on board like some religious ritual, driven by blind faith and a happy assumption that somebody else will take up the full responsibility for explaining their full significance.
What Theosophy is and how it works cannot really be understood other than through direct experience of the principles behind the operation of consciousness itself is regarded by the cutting edge of modern science as the next major frontier to be crossed, it is this subject which I propose to address today - although not perhaps in the manner which an orthodox scientist might adopt.

Esoteric Psychology – The Theosophical Janus
By John S. Gordon.
36 Pages | Soft cover | August 2008 | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | No ISBN.
‘The Blavatsky Lecture’ delivered at the Summer School of The Foundation for Theosophical Studies, Wills Hall, The University of Bristol, Sunday August 2008.
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), as we know, at least once remarked that ‘Theosophy is not for dumbskulls!’ By that, her writings clearly demonstrate, she meant that the operative principles behind this all-embracing form of wisdom-philosophy have to be studied carefully and followed in practice before it can even begin to be properly understood. However, those principles are not be taken on board like some religious ritual, driven by blind faith and a happy assumption that somebody else will take up the full responsibility for explaining their full significance.
What Theosophy is and how it works cannot really be understood other than through direct experience of the principles behind the operation of consciousness itself is regarded by the cutting edge of modern science as the next major frontier to be crossed, it is this subject which I propose to address today – although not perhaps in the manner which an orthodox scientist might adopt.