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14 februari 2025

Daily Meditations – Extracts from Letters of the Masters of the Wisdom

Compiled by Katherine A. Beechey

175 Pages |1949, Second edition, fourth reprint 2015 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN 9788170591443

The Wisdom contained in the published letters of the Masters, is not merely for those to whom they were addressed but also for all those seeking to tread the Path of Holiness along the line of Devotion.

Glimpses of that Wisdom can be had through the extracts incorporated by the author into Daily Meditations. She has selected passages suitable to be meditated upon – one each for every day of the year. They are arranged as twelve virtues, with one quality assigned for each month, namely: Unselfishness, Compassion, Truth, Devotion, Purity, Sympathy, Courage, Intuition, Tolerance, Self-reliance, Equilibrium and Perseverance.

From page 43:


” Relative to the population of the world

you may be few in numbers,

but spiritual strength and power depend

not upon numbers.

Rather do they depend upon burning sincerity. “

auteur: Beechey, K.A. (comp.)
ISBN: 9788170591443

Prijs: € 12,50

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The Mahatmas and Their Letters

Door Geoffrey A. Barborka (1897-1982)

422 pages | Gebonden/Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House Adyar, 2006

Two Mahatmas inspired the founding of the Theosophical Society in 1875. But who are the Mahatmas? Are they real persons? How authetic are their letters? What is the story behind their origin?
These and many more questions are answered in the seventeen chapters of this book, which contain facsimiles of the letters and other material of much interest.

An Adyar book, imported from India.

auteur: Barborka, G.A.
ISBN: 8170593948
classic-editor-remember: classic-editor
1: a:2:{s:3:"key";s:23:"classic-editor-remember";s:5:"value";s:14:"classic-editor";}
2: a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:10:"8170593948";}
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Geoffrey Barborka (1897-1982) was a profound student of oriental philosophy, particularly, The Secret Doctrine, source book and classic of modern Theosophy. Professionally, he was a printer, but distinguished himself as a scholar, author, and lecturer on Theosophical topics. Other titles by the author: – The Divine Plan – Glossary of Sanskrit Terms: Pts 1-2 (CD) – H. P. Blavatsky, Tibet and Tulku – The Story of Human Evolution


Prijs: € 16,50

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H.P. Blavatsky, Tibet and Tulku

Door Geoffrey A. Barborka (1897-1982)

476 pages | 2006 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House Adyar | ISBN 8170590086

This work is not intended to be a biography of H P Blavatsky. A major portion is devoted to her writings, particularly to the manner in which they are written. The predominant motif is to describe the superior spiritual status she attained before she commenced her stupendous work as a benefactor of the human race. As there is no single English word that conveys the spiritual powers she acquired, the author turns to the orient, to the land of Tibet, for a suitable term – Tulku. This Tibetan term is clarified along with other little known words and a philosophical exposition is given in an illuminating manner, dealing as it does with some of the mysteries of human life which have been studied for ages in the East.

auteur: Barborka, G.A.
ISBN: 8170590086
classic-editor-remember: classic-editor
1: s:97:"s:89:"s:81:"a:2:{s:3:"key";s:23:"classic-editor-remember";s:5:"value";s:14:"classic-editor";}";";";
2: s:73:"s:65:"s:57:"a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:10:"8170590086";}";";";
3: s:81:"a:2:{s:3:"key";s:23:"classic-editor-remember";s:5:"value";s:14:"classic-editor";}";
4: s:57:"a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:10:"8170590086";}";
Additional DescriptionMore Details

The Theosophist Geoffrey Avery Barborka (1897-1982) was a serious and deep student of H.P. Blavatsky’s life, work and teachings. He conducted for many years classes on Madame Blavatsky’s magnus opus The Secret Doctrine. Probably his most well-known books are The Divine Plan (an indepth commentary on The Secret Doctrine), H.P. Blavatsky, Tibet and Tulku and The Mahatmas and Their Letters.


Prijs: € 27,50

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Een Benadering van Theosofie

Door Danielle Audoin (1926 – 2017)

74 Bladzijden | Uitgegeven in 1990 | Paperback | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750628.

Frans origineelConnais-Toi Toi-même – A la lumière de la Théosophie | Laatste editie 2004The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar.

Engelse vertaling: On Knowing Oneself – A Theosophical Approach | Uitgegeven in 2005 | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170592755.

Theosofische literatuur bestrijkt een enorm gebied en werpt licht op eeuwenoude vragen over de mens, het universum en de goddelijke bestaansgrond. In dit boek presenteert Danielle Audoin de mens, die op verschillende niveaus van bewustzijn bestaat, vanuit een theosofisch standpunt. Stap voor stap laat ze zien dat er een onbeperkte ontplooiing van bewustzijn mogelijk is, te beginnen met de eerste stappen op weg naar zelfkennis.
Dit is een duidelijk gepresenteerde inleiding tot een belangrijk aspect van de Tijdloze Wijsheid, waarin de fundamentele leringen over de menselijke reis naar de Ultieme Realiteit worden benadrukt.

auteur: Audoin, D.
ISBN: 9789061750628
1: s:76:"s:68:"s:60:"a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:13:"9789061750628";}";";";
2: s:60:"a:2:{s:3:"key";s:4:"ISBN";s:5:"value";s:13:"9789061750628";}";

Prijs: € 7,95

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Theosophy – The Truth Revealed

Compiled by the Merseyside Lodge of The Theosophical Society in England. With an Introduction and editorial notes by Geoffrey A. Farthing (1909 – 2004).

58 Pages | Published in 2000 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, London | No ISBN.

Madame Blavatsky was at pains to say in many places what Theosophy is vis-a-vis the current scientific, religious and philosophical views of her time, and to show its relationship to the Theosophical Society, which she and others had founded in New York in 1875. The Society among other things (its three objects) was intended to promulgate a knowledge of Theosophy exists, and to help them to ascend towards it by studying and assimilating its eternal verities. [KEY,57].

From Chapter 2 – ‘Theosophy, the Perennial Wisdom’ (p.9):


” How long, O radiant Gods of Truth, how long shall this terrible mental cecity [blindness] of the nineteenth century Philosophists last? How much longer are they to be told that Theosophy is no national property, no religion, but only the universal code of science and the most transcendental ethics that was ever known; that it lies at the root of every moral philosophy and religion; and that neither Theosophy per se, nor yet its humble unworthy vehicle, the Theosophical Society, has anything whatever to do with any personality or personalities. To identify it with these is to show oneself sadly defective in logic and common sense. [C.W.XI,437]. “

auteur: Anon.

Prijs: € 4,30

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Theosophical Gleanings

By two anonymous students.

76 Pages | Copyright 1978 | Paperback | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835602265.

In this small book have been collected together articles authored by two outstanding students of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s (1831 – 1891) The Secret Doctrine. What makes this collection so unique is that the two authors were contemporaries of Blavatsky, and consequently, their writing reflects the atmosphere, captures the flavor of, the occult community of the late nineteenth century. All who admire  and respect the magnitude of H.P.B.’s philosophy, particularly as expressed in The Secret Doctrine, will find much in this book to enchance their study of the nature of creation and of man.

From Chapter I, ‘Theosophical Gleanings’ or ‘Notes On The Secret Doctrine, Lucifer, Vol. VI, No. 31. London, March 15th, 1890:

” We are literally what our signature says: Two Students, nothing more pretentious. If we are also what has been called ‘communicative learners’, it is because we feel that what have been difficulties to us are probably difficulties to others, and that fellow-students can sometimes lend each other a helping hand over a rough piece of road. In reading ‘The Secret Doctrine’, the student is apt to be confused, even dazed, by the range of erudition, the wealth of illustrations, the abundance of digressions, the number of literary allusions. Devas and Daimons, Dhyani, Buddhas and Kumaras, Yugas and cycles, satyrs and fakirs, alchemists and adept, Manus and Monads, whirl around him in dazzling phantasmagoria, and he rises from hours of effort, his only distinct acquirement a headache.

We have found the most fruitful system of study is to fix on some one thing, to follow it, through all its windings with dogged persistency, steadily hunting it down through the two volumes, disregarding all alluring byways and seductive glades, until there lies before us that one thing in its completeness, with every touch given to it from beginning to end, clear definite, comprehensible. It may be remembered that there was one Proteus who could give the most interesting information, if only you could keep grip on him through all his transformations, until he reassumed his proper shape and became conversable. So, in following the Protean shapes in ‘The Secret Doctrine’, if you can only ‘hang on’ to the end, your reward is true. “

auteur: Anon.
ISBN: 0835602265

Prijs: € 3,50

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Reminiscences of Colonel H.S. Olcott

177 pages | Gebonden/Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House Adyar, 2006

This enlarged edition of Reminiscences of Colonel H.S. Olcott retains the original compilation of articles about this outstanding man and his work, with new sections containing additional information, and quotations taken from his deeply insightful talks and writings for the reader to meditate upon. It is offered as a tribute to a great soul who passed away a hundred years ago on 17 February 1907, and who made an impact in the diverse fields of agricultural science, law, religion, social welfare, education, healing and research. His memory is cherished both on account of his stupendous work and the goodness of his heart.

auteur: Anon./Various Writers
ISBN: 8170595053

Prijs: € 5,00

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The Garden of Theosophy – (Adyar Pamphlet New Series No. 6)

By Mary Anderson.

28 Pages | First Edition 2006 | Softcover| Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170594871.

Theosophy aims to grasp the Wisdom underlying all religions when they are stripped of accretions and superstitions. It offers a philosophy, which renders life intelligible and demonstrates that justice and love guide the cosmos. Its teachings contribute to the unfolding of the latest spiritual nature in the human being, without dependence or fear.

Mary Anderson is the International Secretary for the Theosophical Society. She has lectured widely for the Society in several languages.

From page 5:

” The root of universal brotherhood lies in the origin of humanity, indeed of all the kingdoms of Nature. All beings, even all things that can exist, have one single origin, just as brothers and sisters in a family have the same parents. Love is something that draws us together, that draws us back to the Oneness from which we came and for which we yearn, whether we realize it or not. “

auteur: Anderson, M.
ISBN: 8170594871

Prijs: € 2,00

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Unlocking the Door – Studies in ‘The Key to Theosophy’

By John Algeo.

192 Pages | A Wisdom Tradition Book published in 2001 | Softcover | Olcott Institute of the Theosophical Society in America and The Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton | ISBN: 9780835608121.

A Wisdom Tradition Book, based on Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s (1831 – 1891) Key to Theosophy (1889). Like the original, this is a question and answer outline of the basic teachings of Theosophy. The original ‘key’ was dedicated by Madame Blavatsky to: ‘all her pupils, that they may learn and teach in their turn’.

In his turn, John Algeo offers his teaching in the clear language of our day, and includes ‘Suggestions for Study’ at the end of each chapter. John Algeo was the past president of the Theosophical Society in America from 1993–2002, then as Vice President of the international Theosophical Society in Adyar, Chennai, India until 2008.

From Chapter 4 – ‘The Relations of the Theosophical Society to Theosophy’ (p. 62):

” The Theosophical Society exists to express the Wisdom of Theosophy, but it can do so only imperfectly. And where does it find that Wisdom? From the early days of the Society two traditions have existed in tension with it. One is to compare the exoteric teachings of the great religions, philosophies and sciences: ‘It is only by studying the various great religions and philosophies of humanity, by comparing them dispassionately and with an unbiased mind, that men can hope to arrive at the truth,’ as Blavatsky says at one point in this chapter. The other is to look for the esoteric wellspring of all the exoteric teachings: ’the oldest philosophy in the world, called the Wisdom Religion or the Archaic Doctrine’ . . . or Theosophy, as she says at another point. “

Auteur: Algeo, J.
ISBN: 9780835608121
Additional DescriptionMore Details

John Algeo, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus at the University of Georgia, was Alumni Foundation distinguished Professor of English until his retirement to accept the presidency of the Theosophical Society in America.


Prijs: € 10,50

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Theosophy – An Introductory Study Course

By John Algeo (1930 – 2019).

89 Pages | Original edition 1996, fourth edition 2007 | A4 Softcover, Study Course | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835601900.

This is a study course introducing Theosophy as presented by the Theosophical Society. Have you ever wondered about the ‘big’questions of life?

  • Who am I really?
  • Why is the world the way it is?
  • Where did I come from?
  • What am I doing here?
  • What comes next?
  • When will I find out all these things?

We, human beings, are curious about ourselves and the world around us. That curiosity appears especially in little children, who continually ask why? and what? As we grow older, we may learn to live with our unknowing and stop questions, at least overtly. But, being human, we have a passion for knowing the meaning of things and that passion cannot be wholly surpressed.

From Chapter III – Universal Brotherhood (p. 15):

” The FIRST OBJECT of the Theosophical Society is concerned with Brotherhood:

To form a nucleus of the universal Brotherhood of humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or color.

Brotherhood is the primary focus of Theosophy, because all human beings are related. Indeed, we are all ultimately the same life expressing itself diversely. Because of our interrelatedness, everything each of us does affects everyone else. If humanity as a whole does not learn to live as one family, we will not live at all. Thus, the Theosophical Society is a nucleus  fostering the practical reality of Brotherhood for the furtherance of humanity’s evolution. “

auteur: Algeo, J.
ISBN: 9780835601900

Prijs: € 15,50

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Living Theosophy

27 p. | 1998 | Paperback | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar

Living Theosophy: 1998 Besant Lecture (pamphlet). John Algeo, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus at the University of Georgia, was Alumni Foundation distinguished Professor of English until his retirement to accept the presidency of the Theosophical Society in America from 1993 – 2002.

auteur: Algeo, J.
ISBN: 8170593336

Prijs: € 1,50

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Getting Acquainted With The Secret Doctrine (Study Guide)

By John Algeo.

60 Pages | Study guide, first edition 1981, third edition 2007 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835602099.

This study guide offers an introduction to Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s (1831 – 1891) Secret Doctrine – The Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy (1888) based primarily on the ‘Bowen notes’, which purportedly record Blavatsky’s own advice. The work borrows freely, however, from the Wisdom and practice of many others as well and formulates questions rather than answers.

Students of The Secret Doctrine differ considerably in their attitude toward the book and its study. The attitude adopted here – namely that it is remarkable and indeed a marvellous book, but that it is not free from error or in any sense a ‘sacred’ text – is not universally held. But John Algeo believes that it is in the Spirit of the Ageless Wisdom and The Secret Doctrine that we should respect each other’s views, without necessarily sharing them.

From Chapter 6 – ‘How to Study The Secret Doctrine’ (p. 21):

” The Bowen notes tell us that ‘reading the S.D, page by page as one reads any other book’ – for example, a textbook – ‘will only end in confusion’. The notes also give suggestions on how to go about studying the work. They advise the student to hold fast to four basic ideas:

  1. The fundamental unity of all existence with two aspects: consciousness and substance;

  2. The vitality of all matter;

  3. The microcosmic correspondence of human nature to the great cosmos because of our oneness with it;

  4. The hermetic order of the universe as a Divine Economy, which is simultaneously a hierarchy of power and a network of equality. “

auteur: Algeo, J.
ISBN: 9780835602099

Prijs: € 10,50

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At the Feet of the Master

Door J. Krishnamurti

85 Pagina’s | Third Reprint 2023 | Softcover | Uitgeverij Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN 8170596033

In dit ogenschijnlijk eenvoudige boek waarvan de leringen duizenden harten hebben geraakt, ligt de uitdaging in het leven van die leringen, dus de noodzaak om acht te slaan op elk woord. Het boek is een van de drie theosofische klassiekers die van onschatbare waarde zijn voor aspiranten op het spirituele pad, de andere twee zijn The Voice of the Silence en Light on the Path.

auteur: Krishnamurti, J.
ISBN: 8170596033

Prijs: € 2,00

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The Buddhist and the Theosophical Movements

By Prof. C.V. Agarwal, Ph.D. (passed away in 2009).

104 Pages | First edition 1993, second enlarged edition 2001| Hardcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | No ISBN.

From the Foreword:

” This book relates in detail how Buddhists and Theosophists laboured in friendship to raise Buddhist ideals and teachings to a rightful place of dignity at a time when they were looked down upon under colonial rule “.

Included is interesting information about the great work performed by Colonel Henry Steel Olcott (1832 – 1907) to support the Buddhist cause.


auteur: Agarwal, C.V.

Prijs: € 5,00

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The Secret Gateway – Modern Theosophy and the Ancient Wisdom Tradition

241 pages | 2005 | Paperback | Quest Books

Presenting his own interpretation of the basic Theosophical concepts established in the late nineteenth century by the brilliant mystic, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), Edward Abdill gives us perhaps the first simplified and straightforward written version of the esoteric system that for centuries has often been misunderstood. The book is a perfect guiding tool for all those on the quest to self-discovery and self-transformation.


auteur: Abdill, E.
ISBN: 9780835608428
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Drawing from more than fifty years of experience studying, researching, teaching, and working in Theosophy, Abdill imparts practical, day-to-day examples and illustrative stories detailing how we can live the ancient tradition in contemporary times. Where documented evidence is not available to support various Theosophical themes, Abdill provides exercises that, if practiced, may produce a joyful, enlightening experience able to convince anyone that it’s possible to awaken the principles of Theosophy within us. While several books have been written on modern Theosophy — the ancient wisdom tradition that can be found in every great culture from earliest times to the present — none currently exist today in the form of Edward Abdill’s new title. Presenting his own interpretation of the basic Theosophical concepts established in the late nineteenth century by the brilliant mystic, H. P. Blavatsky, Abdill gives us perhaps the first simplified, straightforward written version of the esoteric system that for centuries has often been misunderstood. Through this concise, easy-to-read introduction to Theosophy, people of all faiths and religions can finally start to bridge the gap that is the realm between science and spirituality. While not restating the whole tradition, this new release uses fresh, contemporary language relevant to people today, unlike that of the previous texts typically written in Victorian language. Putting strong emphasis on the need to have an open mind and an eager intellect, this book also stresses the importance of discovering Theosophical principles within ourselves and from the world around us; the need to experience truth rather than to merely believe or disbelieve what an author or doctrine says. Abdill relates the reader to the “kingdom of heaven” as Jesus taught in the scriptures and reminds us that the kingdom is not necessarily a place where we go when we die, but perhaps the spark of divinity within our own consciousness.


Prijs: € 17,00

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