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Voices on the Threshold of Tomorrow – 145 Views of the New Millennium

10 maart 2020

Edited by Georg Feuerstein and Trisha Lamb Feuerstein.

442 Pages | First Quest Edition 1993 | Quest Books U.S.A. | Softcover | ISBN: 0835606929.

What does the future hold? What kind of world will our children inherit? These questions are especially relevant today as we approach a new millennium. Voices on the Threshold of Tomorrow, compiled by Georg Feuerstein and Trisha Lamb Feuerstein, opens the doorway into that unknown future. This book:

  • Is a symphony of outspoken, spontaneous, passionate, prophetic voices and visions from the premier thinkers of today.
  • Contains succinct statements, in which 145 leading personalities, scientists, artists, politicians, educators, yogis, theologians, writers, environmentalists, and other theorists of the possible confess their hopes and fears about the future.

From Chapter 23 - 'Gini Graham Scott' (p. 65):

Finding the Middle Ground:

" Writing this shortly after the election of 1992, I feel a new spirit of hope and change and a new coming together across party, ethnic, religious, and generational lines to begin a new healing. I believe that the 80s have been a time of focus on individuality, personal freedom, and material gain that we have gone too far in this direction. But now havind realized this, we are snapping back in the other direction toward a concern with community, personal responsibility, and a more altruistic outlook toward others. I feel this is a good and much-needed corrective, although the risk is of going too far in this direction, so that we become too conformist and look too much to the power of the state for guidance, just as we concentrated too much on glorifying business and business values in the 1980s. What is important id finding a middle ground, and my hope is that in this period of transition we a re now going through, we can find it. To a great extent, this swing we are experiencing is part of what has always been the human condition and paradox - the conflict between personal desire and the good of the community, the conflict between individuality and the state. The sages throughout history have always stressed the need for balance and harmony between ourselves and the world around us. "

auteur: Feuerstein, G.
ISBN: 0835606929
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Voices on the Threshold of Tomorrow – 145 Views of the New Millennium

10 maart 2020

Edited by Georg Feuerstein and Trisha Lamb Feuerstein.

442 Pages | First Quest Edition 1993 | Quest Books U.S.A. | Softcover | ISBN: 0835606929.

What does the future hold? What kind of world will our children inherit? These questions are especially relevant today as we approach a new millennium. Voices on the Threshold of Tomorrow, compiled by Georg Feuerstein and Trisha Lamb Feuerstein, opens the doorway into that unknown future. This book:

  • Is a symphony of outspoken, spontaneous, passionate, prophetic voices and visions from the premier thinkers of today.
  • Contains succinct statements, in which 145 leading personalities, scientists, artists, politicians, educators, yogis, theologians, writers, environmentalists, and other theorists of the possible confess their hopes and fears about the future.

From Chapter 23 – ‘Gini Graham Scott’ (p. 65):

Finding the Middle Ground:

” Writing this shortly after the election of 1992, I feel a new spirit of hope and change and a new coming together across party, ethnic, religious, and generational lines to begin a new healing. I believe that the 80s have been a time of focus on individuality, personal freedom, and material gain that we have gone too far in this direction. But now havind realized this, we are snapping back in the other direction toward a concern with community, personal responsibility, and a more altruistic outlook toward others. I feel this is a good and much-needed corrective, although the risk is of going too far in this direction, so that we become too conformist and look too much to the power of the state for guidance, just as we concentrated too much on glorifying business and business values in the 1980s. What is important id finding a middle ground, and my hope is that in this period of transition we a re now going through, we can find it. To a great extent, this swing we are experiencing is part of what has always been the human condition and paradox – the conflict between personal desire and the good of the community, the conflict between individuality and the state. The sages throughout history have always stressed the need for balance and harmony between ourselves and the world around us. “