From the Outer Court to the Inner Sanctum (A Quest Miniature)
By Annie Besant (1847 - 1933)
158 Pages | 1983 | Paperback | Quest Books, Wheaton | ISBN: 9780835605748
Spirituality never ages. This little volume contains lectures held in 1895, but which are as relevant today as then, if not more so. A Temple on a Mountain top is described. It is encircled by courts, quite similar to the concentric courtyards (prakāram) of a Hindu temple. Aspirants are climbing up the 'Mountain of Evolution' and waiting in the enclosure outside the Temple - 'The Outer Court'. None are in the Outer Court save those who have definitely dedicated themselves to service. Much has to be accomplished in the Outer Court, classified by the author as purification, thought control, character building, spiritual alchemy and 'On the Threshold'. These are to be practised simultaneously, sincerely and continuously.

From the Outer Court to the Inner Sanctum (A Quest Miniature)
By Annie Besant (1847 – 1933)
158 Pages | 1983 | Paperback | Quest Books, Wheaton | ISBN: 9780835605748
Spirituality never ages. This little volume contains lectures held in 1895, but which are as relevant today as then, if not more so. A Temple on a Mountain top is described. It is encircled by courts, quite similar to the concentric courtyards (prakāram) of a Hindu temple. Aspirants are climbing up the ‘Mountain of Evolution’ and waiting in the enclosure outside the Temple – ‘The Outer Court’. None are in the Outer Court save those who have definitely dedicated themselves to service. Much has to be accomplished in the Outer Court, classified by the author as purification, thought control, character building, spiritual alchemy and ‘On the Threshold’. These are to be practised simultaneously, sincerely and continuously.