Mechanistic and Nonmechanistic Science -An Investigation into the Nature of Consciousness and Form
254 Pages | Copyright 1981, first edition, second printing | Softcover | The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0892131489.
From the Introduction:
The first 8 Chapters of this book are devoted to a critique of modern scientific theories and the parallel introduction of the basic elements of the theoretical system of bhakti-yoga. In the 9th Chapter, Thompson shows how these elements provide the theoretical framework for a practical process of obtaining absolute personal knowledge. The analysis of current mechanistic theories is intended to reveal some of their deficiencies, and to show the need for some kind of nonmechanistic alternative. This analysis does not prove that the systemof bhakti-yoga is the only possible alternative, but it does show that this system is a reasonable candidate.The validity of bhakti-yoga can be demonstrated conclusively only by means of the practical observational process of bhakti-yoga itself, and this is discussed in the 9th Chapter.
" In Mechanistic and Nonmechanistic Science Dr. Thompson makes a number of cogent arguments against the usual scientific picture of life and evolution (which do not accept the existence of higher or subtler levels of organization). He also presents a clear alternative model. I think it is an important book, which would be of interest to many people. "
- Brian Josephson - Nobel Prize for Physics (1973).

Mechanistic and Nonmechanistic Science -An Investigation into the Nature of Consciousness and Form
254 Pages | Copyright 1981, first edition, second printing | Softcover | The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0892131489.
From the Introduction:
The first 8 Chapters of this book are devoted to a critique of modern scientific theories and the parallel introduction of the basic elements of the theoretical system of bhakti-yoga. In the 9th Chapter, Thompson shows how these elements provide the theoretical framework for a practical process of obtaining absolute personal knowledge. The analysis of current mechanistic theories is intended to reveal some of their deficiencies, and to show the need for some kind of nonmechanistic alternative. This analysis does not prove that the systemof bhakti-yoga is the only possible alternative, but it does show that this system is a reasonable candidate.The validity of bhakti-yoga can be demonstrated conclusively only by means of the practical observational process of bhakti-yoga itself, and this is discussed in the 9th Chapter.
” In Mechanistic and Nonmechanistic Science Dr. Thompson makes a number of cogent arguments against the usual scientific picture of life and evolution (which do not accept the existence of higher or subtler levels of organization). He also presents a clear alternative model. I think it is an important book, which would be of interest to many people. “
- Brian Josephson – Nobel Prize for Physics (1973).