The Occult Way (Part II)
By Captain P.G. Bowen (1882 – 1940).
36 Pages (NB: the book begins on page 188 with page 224 as its final page) | 1985 edition | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, London | No ISBN.
From the Foreword:
” Instead of Notes, which are a usual and indeed a necessary accompaniment to lessons, such as those given in Part I of this book, I give in the lessons that follow some questions asked by Learners, and my own answers thereto. The questions are not inventions of my own, but are selections from a volume of queries actually propounded by students, who have heard the subject matter of the various lessons expounded by me in lectures, or have had private correspondence with me concerning it.
The question I have chosen to answer here have been selected for two reasons: first, because a majority of students appear to be interested in the points, upon which they bear, and second, because the answers they evoke serve in some measure to fill up the wider gaps, which the lessons inevitably contain. To fill all gaps in teachings, such as I have given would naturally be impossible, and even if possible would not be desirable. To give just enough leading to induce in the Learner a desire to travel for himself/herself is always my aim, not give him/her so much as to cause him/her to feel that effort of his/her own is unnecessary.
Each question in each of the lessons, which follow is designated by a letter (Question A, Question B. etc.), and related to the passage or paragraph similarly marked in the lesson in Part I to which that in Part II corresponds. Each lesson in Part II related to a lesson of corresponding number in Part I. “
The Occult Way
By Captain P.G. Bowen (1882 – 1940).
176 Pages | Original edition 1936, revised edition 1978 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House London | ISBN: 0722950713.
Among the strongest influences in the literary life of Ireland in the early Decades of this Century was the Hermetic Society founded by ‘AE’ for the study of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s (1831 – 1891) teachings. It was a meeting place for young writers, poets, and intellectuals, and in 1933 there arrived Captain P.G, Bowen, whose father had been among Madame Blavatsky’s circle of students in London. Recognizing in Bowen a kindred spirit, ‘AE’ put him in charge of the Hermetic Society and urged him to write an account of the path of self-development taught in the Schools of the Mystery tradition. The Occult Way is Bowen’s attempt to present this practical aspect of the Hermetic philosophy. Written in the austere spirit of Light on the Path, the seven Lessons seek to teach the aspirant to know himself and to depend on himself alone. A book for all serious students of practical occultism.
From page 76:
” Look, O my son, for the STAR! The STAR, O Child, who would be a Man or Woman, will gleam upon you as the Night wanes, and the Storms of the Dark Hours die away into a Peace that is Herald of the Dawn. That STAR does not rise nor does it set: IT holds a fixed place beyond the clouds in the depths of a speckless sky; but not until the Thunders are hushed and the Storm Fog shreds apart can its Golden Light descend to earth and dispel the gloom of your Night.
Know, O son, that this Nature in which you live and labour is, like the mid-air about high mountains, the Playground and the Battleground of the Gods of Storm. Not until you dominate those Angels of Strife, and marshal them in legions obedient to your word, will the Clouds of their Breath of Fury lift and the DAWN STAR illumine the Sleeping Earth. Then, and only then, while STAR FIRE flames upon the WAY, may you rest with PEACE, and raise the veil from her face. “
Madame Blavatsky on How to Study Theosophy
By Robert Bowen (1815 – 1908).
18 Pages | First published in 1960, reprinted in 1967, first Indian edition 1979, 3rd reprint 1973 – 1992, 4th reprint 1997 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170591910.
Robert Bowen’s personal notes on the teachings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) provide an invaluable aid to the student today. They offer insights into the study and understanding of the essentials of Theosophy, particularly of Madame Blavatsky’s major work The Secret Doctrine (1888). They also point to their impact on the mind of the serious student, who is urged to go beyond verbal expositions of Theosophy to the depth of experience where alone truth is revealed.
From page 12:
” (D) Fourth and last basic idea to be held is that expressed in the Great Hermetic Axiom. It really sums up and synthesizes all the others. As is the Inner, so is the Outer; as is the Great so is the Small; as it is Above, so it is Below; there is but ONE LIFE AND LAW; and he that worth it, is ONE. Nothing is Inner, nothing is Outer; nothing is Great, nothing is Small; nothing is High, nothing is Low, in the Divine Economy. “
Hatha Yoga – The Occult Science of Health
By Captain P.G. Bowen (1882 – 1940).
19 Pages | A rare edition from 19xx | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, London | No ISBN.
The interpretation of the term Hatha Yoga, suggested by the sub-title of this paper, is one which may cause a little surprise, and perhaps, disagreement. Speaking in the widest sense, however, the interpretation is entirely correct, as I hope to make clear before I finish.
From: ‘Yoga What It Is’ (p. 3):
” The teWm YOGA literally translated means UNION. It refers to the process of harmonising, or unifying all departments or aspects of the individual Man with the inner, or central Principle, until the whole Life, and all that goes to make up that very comprehensive term, becomes balanced accurately, as it should be, on its AXIS. When this condition is attained all the outer departments swing accurately about the mathematical point (position, without dimension) which is the centre, and which itself, being merely abstract POSITION, does not move at all, and because of this fact governs the relative movements of outer sections of the wheel. This condition of balance constitutes perfection of individual development.