The Tao and Mother Goose
By Robert Carter.
186 Pages | A Quest Original, first edition 1988 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835606317.
Art instructor Robert Carter’s illustrated book is both enjoyable and informative, written in an engaging style. Rhymes of Mother Goose, he suggests, frequently are spiritual parables. He compares many of the famous aphorisms from Lao Tsu’s Tao Teh Ching. noting similarities of viewpoints. Carter feels that teachings of the Chinese philosopher and even Mother Goose nursery rhymes are addressed to some deeper level within each one of us. Consequently, a simple word, phrase, or idea in this meditative picture book might spark something deep within the reader.
From ‘Chapter III – Mother Goose’ (p. 51):
” In Greece, of course, it was Aphrodite herself, who rode on the goose. Aphrodite was Goddess of love and beauty, among many other things, and filled the creative function of The Great Goddess, in that she symbolized the fertile and regenerative powers of nature, like the goose, in three realms: on land, in the sea and in the air. She was a female ruling principle of Nature. And from the illustration we can imagine that she might almost be the one being described in the rhyme:
Old Mother Goose, when
She wanted to wander,
Would ride through the air
On a very fine Gander. “
Symbolic Directions in Modern Astrology
By Charles E.O. Carter (1887 – 1968).
88 Pages | First published in 1929, second edition 1946, reprinted in 1984 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, London | ISBN: 722951450.
In a sense of course, all Astrology is in part astronomical, for astronomy furnishes at least some of the symbols, which we use in the most abstract system, to wit, the Sun, Moon, and planets, and to some extent the Houses and the Zodiac, which begin from astronomical datum-points. But when we desire to progress the natus or radical figure and study its changes as indicative of the development of a human life, an acute difference may arise as between an astronomical method and a symbolic one. In both cases it is true that the measure of time is symbolic, be it a day to a year or the passage of a degree of right ascension over the meridian to a year. But in the primary and secondary systems, the movements of the planets are not symbolic but actual, whether denominated real or apparent. In the symbolic methods the movement is a mere arbitrary assumption, used for the sake of practical convenience.
From the Introduction (p. 11):
” In time, simplicity and completeness may be combined in one. Thus, we may look forward to the construction of a complete and harmonious system of Symbolic Directing, founded on basic but simple principles. However, it is well to recollect that the material plane can never perfectly reflect the Ideal Realm, and, therefore, such a system may require supplementing for practical purposes. This may well be the function of the astronomical methods, such as secondaries, transits and lunations. “
Essays on the Foundations of Astrology
By Charles E.O. Carter (1887 – 1968).
179 Pages | Softcover | First published in 1947, second edition 1978 | Theosophical Publishing House, London | ISBN: 0722951329.
Charles Carter (1887-1968), the greatest British astrologer of the twentieth century, wrote this book in London during World War II. It was his first book in more than a dozen years. It is the author’s hope that it may contain some ideas that are worth preserving and possess novelty, although much that it contains will necessarily be reminiscent of what has appeared in his earlier works.
From Chapter I – ‘The Sun, Moon and Minor Planets’ (p. 9):
” To the Ancients there were, of course, seven planets. That agreed admirably with, and perhaps was the origin and prime example of, the septenary principle they loved so well. The seven were the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The first two they call respectively the Greater and Lesser Luminaries. Mercury was a sort of odd man out; he was the messenger of the Gods, changeable by nature and accepting the value of whatever other planet or planets with which he might be in close aspect. Then came Venus and Jupiter, respectively the Lesser and Greater Benefits, naturally disposed to goodness in morals and to success and happiness; and lastly Mars and Saturn, were the Lesser and Greater Malefics, indicative of evil habits and dispositions and of difficult circumstances. This scheme simply and well-balanced, seemed to the medieval mind self-evidently true. In the arrangement of opposed good and evil planets, each considered as being ruled by an angel or archangel with innumerable subordinated spiritual beings, we seem to see a clear trace of Zoroastrian thought. The benefits are the servants of Ormuzd, the malefic are the agents of Ahriman. “
Carter’s books, penetrating & full of unique insights, are ideal for intermediate & advanced astrologers. They are, in fact, virtually in a class by themselves. Carter’s books are organic wholes. He shows how individual astrological factors combine to create living, breathing people. It is this constant interplay of factors, and Carter’s brilliant, lucid exposition, that makes his books so precious. C.E.O. Carter (1887 – 1968) was the most outstanding British astrologer of the 20th century. After the death of Alan Leo, Carter ran Leo’s Astrological Lodge at the Theosophical Society, from 1920 to the 1952. He was first Principal of the Faculty of Astrological Studies, which he helped found in 1948. He edited The Astrologer’s Quarterly from 1926 until 1959. During his lifetime, most of his books were published by the Theosphical Society.
An Encyclopaedia of Psychological Astrology
By Charles E.O. Carter (1887 – 1968).
199 Pages | First published in 1924, fourth edition in 1954, reprinted | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, London | ISBN: 722950691.
Together with:
This work is an attempt to produce a useful astrological Encyclopaedia of Character, and, as far as data permit, of Disease. That part of astrological study, which comes under the term ‘destiny’ (i.e. financial success, marriage etc.) I have omitted, because it is fully discussed in an increasing number of sound text-books. Naturally, in writing a book of this description, which is original in design, and to a large extent, in matter, the author has been strictly limited by data. Properly there can be no other limit to an ‘Encyclopaedia’ of any sort: so long as one’s studies continue. so long can one go on collecting and collating evidence. It is therefore the author’s hope, should this work appear to win the approval of the astrological world, at a later date to bring out a fresh recension, amplified by the results of further investigations and cleansed, if I may say so, by the purgatorial fires of criticism, which a book of this kind, in which almost every statement is fair game for discussion, is sure to arouse.
From the ‘Special Note’ (p. 11):
” Of late years it has been especially borne home to me that we are apt to exaggerate the difference between so-called ‘good’ and ‘bad’ aspects. Both in compiling cases for my book Astrological Aspects and in examining horoscopes for the present work, I have noticed that the same bodies will, in a class of similar cases, occur again and again in aspect, but that the nature of the aspect is far from constant. Further, in making lists of persons with two bodies in ‘good’ aspect and of other persons with the same bodies in ‘bad’ aspect, it was often difficult to see that the former had been any more fortunate in the matters involved than those in the second category, and, in other cases, those with ‘bad’ aspects seemed no worse off than those, who had ‘good’ ones. This statement may call forth the protests of many, but I invite the incredulous to collect a few dozen cases and study them, as I have done. “
The Astrology Of Accidents – Investigations and Research
By C.E.O. Carter.
123 Pages | First published in 1932, reprinted in 1978 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, London | ISBN: 722950594.
One of the most important areas in looking at a horoscope is interpreting from the aspects indications of possible accidents; and the subject is made all the more difficult by defining what constitutes an accident. The author defines it as ‘a bodily mishap occasioned without intent either on the part of the sufferer or the agent (if any) inflicting it’. There are various gradations of accidents, and in the research for this book, one of the primary considerations was to discover if possible any factors that are common to all serious accidents. Here with the evidence of statistics are 168 cases from Britain and the United States, which will assist astrologers in examining charts.
From the ‘Preliminary Considerations’ (p. 17):
” Our first investigations must be directed to discover, it possible, any factors that are common to all serious accidents, or at least occur more frequently than mere probability would explain. My total collection, at the time of ‘closing the lists’ for tables, comprised 168 cases. These may be roughly divided as follows: asphyxiation (5), drowning (14), burns (19), scalds (9), gunshots (4), blows (21), crushings (9), wounds and cuts (7), vehicular (22), falls (32), machinery (5), railway (3), poisons (1), explosions (4), miscellaneous (10) and animals (3). Some of this book was written before all of these had come to hand, hence the above figures may not exactly agree with others given in Part Two, which also contains cases that came in after the tables had been finished. “
C.E.O. Carter (1887 – 1968) was the most outstanding British astrologer of the 20th century. After the death of Alan Leo, Carter ran Leo’s Astrological Lodge at the Theosophical Society, from 1920 to the 1952. He was first Principal of the Faculty of Astrological Studies, which he helped found in 1948. He edited The Astrologer’s Quarterly from 1926 until 1959. Carter’s books, penetrating & full of unique insights, are ideal for intermediate & advanced astrologers. They are, in fact, virtually in a class by themselves. Instead of a book on synastry, or forecasting, or horary or elections, Carter’s books are organic wholes. Instead of treating aspects in one chapter, signs in another, and planets in a third, Carter shows how individual astrological factors combine to create living, breathing people. For example, Carter tells us that a cardinal grand cross has one sort of effect if it falls in succedent houses, quite another if it falls angular. It is this constant interplay of factors, and Carter’s brilliant, lucid exposition, that makes his books so precious.