For a Wayfarer
Poems by Joy Mills (1920 – 2015).
182 Pages | First Quest Edition 2017 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835609432.
Joy Mills, past president of the American and Australian Theosophical Societies, received the Subba Row Medal from the Society’s General Council in 2010, honoring her major contribution to Theosophical literature. Joy’s poems in this collection were found after her passing. Written over decades, they reveal a love for nature, a keen understanding of life’s complexities, and a deep spiritual Wisdom.
From the front cover:
And Unto Us
” Some-soon upon a high
Far distant hill
Beneath the Sky
We shall find
The fragments of a faith
Lost time out of mind.
‘And unto us . . .’ shall be,
Familiars of the Stars,
The dawning of Infinity. “
Theosofia – Van Innerlijke Wijsheid naar Uiterlijke Transformatie
Joy Mills (1920 – 2015) Special Theosofia, hoofdredacteur Els Rijneker.
59 Bladzijden | Juni 2019 | Tijdschrift | Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | Geen ISBN.
Deze maand, juni 2019, vindt u maar liefst twee Theosofia’s in uw brievenbus: het gebruikelijke nummer met gevarieerde artikelen, en deze special met de Nederlandse versie van een boek van Joy Mills: From Inner to Outer Transformation – Lectures on The Voice of the Silence (UTVN 1996 en 2002). U kent waarschijnlijk allemaal De Stem van de Stilte, het laatste boek van Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, die in 1875 samen met anderen in New York de Theosophical Society (TS) oprichtte. Deze Special bevat de Nederlandse vertaling van een lezingenreeks door Joy Mills over dit prachtige mystieke boekje op ons Internationaal Theosofisch Centrum (ITC) in Naarden, in de zomer van 1991. In april 1992 verschenen deze lezingen al eerder in Theosofia. Voor deze special zijn de teksten enigszins geredigeerd en zijn waar mogelijk de citaten uit De Stem van de Stilte overgenomen uit de meest recente Nederlandse vertaling in Drie Wegen, Eén Pad (UTVN 2006).
De aanleiding dat deze Special ‘Van Innerlijke Wijsheid naar Uiterlijke Transformatie’ juist nu verschijnt, mede op verzoek van de Esoterische School voor Theosofie, is het bijzondere Engelstalige seminar deze maand, juni 2019, met Martin Leiderman: ‘The Voice of the Silence, An Insight into the Mystery and Purpose of our Life’.
Afkomstig van bladzijde 34:
” Als u geen zon kunt zijn, wees dan de nederige planeet. Ja, als het u ontzegd is te stralen als de middagzon op de sneeuwbedekte berg van eeuwige zuiverheid, kies dan, neofiet, een bescheidener loop. Wijs anderen de ‘weg’ – hoe vaag ook, en ook al staat u alleen in de menigte – zoals de avondster doet aan diegenen die hun pad in duisternis bewandelen. ” – Uit: De Stem van de Stile, blz. 155 & 156.
The Human Journey – Quest for Self-Transformation
By Joy Mills (1920 – 2015).
37 Pages | Adyar Pamphlet New Series #4, published in 2002 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170593549.
‘The pivotal doctrine of esoteric philosophy admits no privileges or special gifts in man, save those won by his own Ego through personal effort and merit throughout a long series of metempsychoses and reincarnations‘. – The Secret Doctrine, Vol. I, p. 17.
The search for human identity has been the subject of great literature, great art, music and philosophy throughout the ages. To approach any understanding of this human identity, and therefore to recognize the journey or the work on which we are engaged as human beings, we may begin by acknowledging the various facts which compose our individual identity. We have physical bodies, with their unique characteristics; we have feelings, thoughts, aspirations, and, in times of deep inner reflection or profound meditation, an awareness of something more, beyond yet near, neither wholly of ourselves nor wholly other, something indefinable yet real and true. H.P. Blavatsky, in setting forth the perennial philosophy, defined the human as a ‘saptaparna’, a seven-leaved plant. The seven ‘leaves’ or principles, as they are generally called, are variously given in theosophical literature.
From Page 13:
” To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars . . .
It may be that the gulfs will wash us down:
It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,
. . . that which we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. “

Joy Mills has been a member of The Theosophical Society since 1940. She has served as President of the Theosophical Society in America, General Secretary of the Australian Section, and International Vice-President. She has lectured in more than 50 countries, and worked as Director of the Krotona Institute of Theosophy, in Ojai, California.
The One True Adventure – Theosophy and the Quest for meaning
361 pages | Paperback | Quest Books, 2008
Theosophy is a vision of wholeness for all humanity that inspires a fellowship united in study, meditation, and service. It is an open-minded inquiry into world religions, philosophy, science, and the arts in order to understand the wisdom of the ages, respect the unity of all life, and help people explore their own spiritual path. The ultimate goal: self-transformation.

Mills balances these words of caution with words of inspiration and hope from notable scientists, theologians, philosophers, mystics, novelists, poets, and public servants. Whether citing The New York Times or Madame Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine; quoting the 19th century British explorer Edward Whymper or the Secretary-General of the UN, Mills leads her readers on a fascinating pilgrimage where all those who dare to partake are sure to find love in the pursuit of wisdom. The journey toward transformation is what Joy Mills calls “the one true adventure.” Now in her eighties, Mills shares her remarkable Theosophical insights with audiences across the globe in this thought-provoking collection of essays. The One True Adventure: Theosophy and the Quest for Meaning features a cross-section of her best writings spanning six decades. Revealing a youthful vibrancy throughout the text, she explores ideas that are “eternally applicable to the human condition.” While she acknowledges that the human condition often seems riddled with endless misery and folly, Mills asserts that we have not yet become fully human and that there is great hope in our potential for growth. Before that can happen, however, we must turn our gaze inward. “The struggle to become a person, to become human, takes place within,” she expounds. To become fully human is to uncover “our essential unity, our immortal destiny; our potential divinity.” In The One True Adventure Mills groups her essays to correspond with the four stages in the quest for meaning: The Human Condition, Our Hidden Potential, Esoteric Teachings, and Self-Transformation. This text is not simply the summary of a wise woman. They are also a guidebook to the acquisition of wisdom by anyone who follows their guidance. In her essay “Seek Out the Way,” for instance, Mills employs the metaphor of life as a journey. On the journey of life we participate either as tourists, enjoying life in a superficial sort of way, or as pilgrims, seeking a deeper sense of life’s meaning and purpose. The true quest is not for the passive spectator. To engage fully requires that we are willing to pay the price by assuming full responsibility for our own choices, and “a readiness to risk all for the sake of the journey.”
Op de Drempel van het Heilige Pad – Psychologisch Commentaar op Licht op het Pad
Door Joy Mills (1920 – 2015).
188 Pagina’s | Eerste druk 2004 | Paperback | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9061750865.
Engels origineel: Entering on the Sacred Way – A Psychological Commentary on Light on the Path | Published in 2000 in the Wisdom Tradition Book Series | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835607895.
Het idee van een heilig pad is in alle religieuze tradities te vinden. Het gaat uit van een doel dat tal van benamingen heeft: Zelfrealisatie, verlichting, moksha, satori, bevrijding of redding. Het spirituele pad kent voorwaarden en regels. Joy Mills noemt er een paar: aandacht; een zuiver leven; begeerte zonder gehechtheid; ‘doden’ zonder geweld; onophoudelijke waakzaamheid.
De schrijfster gaat in op het paradoxale karakter van sommige van deze regels. Mills spreekt helder, met ernst en met psychologisch inzicht, over zaken die bedoeld zijn voor de serieuze zoeker naar spiritualiteit. Zij laat zien dat de oude wijsheid nog altijd actueel is.
Afkomstig uit Hoofdstuk 2 – ‘Een Zuiver Leven’ (p. 37):
” De wezenlijke vraag, die we onszelf in iedere situatie weer moeten stellen is: Hoe moeten we de situatie benaderen; hoe moeten onze gedachten en gevoelens in die situatie zijn; welke actie zullen we hierin ondernemen? Wat is, in de vele omstandigheden, die ons van alle kanten belegeren, de richting van de werkelijke vooruitgang?
Pas wanneer onze levens niet langer gehinderd worden door voorbije gehechtheden en evenzeer door verwachtingen voor de toekomst, welke ons onnodig (dat wil zeggen op een blinde manier) binden, kunnen we te rade gaan bij ons innerlijk kompas. Dat kompas moet wijzen naar het Noorden van het Zelf en die daarvan worden afgebogen door de magnetische aantrekkingskracht van vooroordelen of verwarrende emoties. “

De schrijfster gaat in op het paradoxale karakter van sommige van deze regels. Mills spreekt helder, met ernst en met psychologisch inzicht, over zaken die bedoeld zijn voor de serieuze zoeker naar spiritualiteit. Zij laat zien dat de oude wijsheid nog altijd actueel is. De teksten van “Licht op het Pad” en “Karma” zijn in een bijlage opgenomen.
100 Years of Theosophy – History of the Theosophical Society in America
By Joy Mills (1920 – 2015).
215 Pages | First edition 1987 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835602354.
Theosophical history seldom lacked the colorful personalities and intriguing situations that always lend piquancy to human narratives.
Beginning with ‘Birthing and Growing Pains’, concluding with ‘A New Vision is Granted’, historian Joy Mills relates the founding, the growth, the goals achieved and not achieved, the momentous and the less significant vicissitudes that accompanied the theosophical movement in America.
In this meticulously researched work, Mills captures the intense dynamics, the human drama, that is inevitably part and parcel of any revolutionary movement away from society’s established religious pattern. This history of The Theosophical Society in America is, in a very real sense, the history of a small group of spiritually dedicated individuals; people determined to establish a nucleus of Universal Brotherhood and to encourage a search for ‘Truth’ in this world of illusions, dilemmas, sufferings and satisfactions.
100 Years of Theosophy is a definite overview of the evolution of Theosophy and the Theosophical Society in the United States, But it is necessarily more. It is also the story of the people involved. Their daring, their commitment. Their extraordinary spiritual perspective. Their quarrels and their caring. So complete is this chronicle that Dr. Ellwood suggests that it ‘is certain to be the standard history of the Theosophical Society for years to come. ‘
O Hidden Life – An Exposition by Joy Mills
By Joy Mills (1920 – 2015).
14 Pages | Reprinted from The Theosophist, June 1976 | Softcover (Leaflet) | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170592410.
Sometime, in early 1923, Dr. Annie Besant (1847 – 1933), then President of The Theosophical Society, penned some lines that have since become familiar to members throughout the world, have been translated into several languages, and have, indeed, become a nearly indispensable part of ebery Theosophist’s vocabulary. The words have been set to music; they have been chanted and sung; and few gatherings of the Society that have been held since that year have not been opened with the recitation of these words. At every International Convention, successive Presidents of the Society have inaugurated the proceedings with the antiphonal recitation of what has come to be known as the ‘Universal Prayer’ or ‘ Universal Invocation’. Simple in the extreme, the words possess the magical power of a mantram:
” O Hidden Life, vibrant in every atom;
O Hidden Light, shining in every creature;
O Hidden Love, embracing all in Oneness;
May each who feels himself as one with Thee,
Know he is therefore one with every other. “
- (From page 2.)
The Myths of our Lives – A Way to Personal Transformation (Study Course)
By Joy Mills (1920- 2015).
41 Pages | Copyright 1990, 1996 by The Theosophical Society in America | A4 Study Course | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835601160.
While the program is divided in four parts, each part can be expanded into several sessions or compressed into one session. Participants in the program may determine how long or short a course they want it to be. Not included, but recommended, is a fifth section in which group members meet to share in total the myths they have written. Such a sharing is both personally valuable and provides a useful review to the material covered in the course.
From Chapter 4: ‘Creating Rituals’ (p. 26):
” Myth, symbol and ritual are all closely related and are all expressions of archetypical realities, that may or may not be conscious within us. In fact, as we become familiar with the myths of our lives, we may find that we have been performing many rituals quite unconsciously. Sometimes people, who are very much opposed to ritual and ceremony, or who think these are outmoded by contemporary scientific and rational ways of acting, discover they have been performing rituals all their lives and in fact have even been quite unconsciously governed by them. Just as in the preceding sessions we have become aware of the myths of our lives and discovered what archetypes of the heroic journey we are living out, we may now explore whether we can find new ways to live in the world, and even how we can activate the archetypes, that we would like to experience on our hero journey. “
Living in Wisdom – Lectures on ‘The Secret Doctrine’
By Joy Mills (1920 – 2015).
60 Pagina’s | Eerste druk 1994, 2000 editie | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750680.
Dutch translation: Leven in Wijsheid – Lezingen over ‘De Geheime Leer’ | First published in 1989 | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 906175061X.
In the summer of 1988 Joy Mills gave a series of lectures celebrating the centenary of the publication of The Secret Doctrine, by H.P. Blavatsky. This book contains the texts of these lectures. In these lectures, Joy Mills places a special emphasis on the ethical conclusions to be drawn from study of this book. She elaborates on the mythological nature of the content of The Secret Doctrine, particularly where it refers to the origins and development of man. In contemporary language, and with frequent references to the latest developments in physics and biology, the essence of The Secret Doctrine is made more accessible to the modern reader.
Joy Mills has been a member of the Theosophical Society since 1940 and has served as General Secretary of the American Section and the Australian Section, and she was International Vice-President of the T.S.. She was director of the Krotona Institute School of Theosophy in Ojai, California. Her lecture tours have taken her to more than 50 countries.

In the lectures, Joy Mills places a special emphasis on the ethical conclusions to be drawn from study of this book. She elaborates on the mythological nature of the content of The Secret Doctrine, particularly where it refers to the origins and development of man. In contemporary language, and with frequent references to the latest developments in physics and biology, the essence of The Secret Doctrine is made more accessible to the modern reader. Joy Mills has been a member of the Theosophical Society since 1940 and has served as General Secretary of the American Section and the Australian Section, and she was International Vice-President of the T.S.. She was director of the Krotona Institute School of Theosophy in Ojai, California. Her lecture tours have taken her to more than 50 countries.
Leven in Wijsheid – Lezingen over ‘De Geheime Leer’
By Joy Mills (1920 – 2015).
76 Pagina’s | Eerste druk 1989 | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 906175061X.
Engels origineel: Living in Wisdom – Lectures on ‘The Secret Doctrine’ | Eerste druk 1994, 2000 editie | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750680.
‘Leef het Leven als je tot de Wijsheid wilt komen’.
De Geheime Leer van Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) verscheen in 1888 en is nog steeds het belangrijkste werk op het gebied van de theosofische filosofie. In de zomer van 1988 hield de Amerikaans theosofe Joy Mills in Nederland een serie lezingen over dit werk. Dit boek bevat de tekst van deze lezingen.
Zij gaat hierin onder meer in op het mythisch karakter van hetgeen in De Geheime Leer geschreven staat over het ontstaan van de wereld en de wording van de mens. Ook legt zij sterk de nadruk op de ethische gevolgen, die voortvloeien uit deze studies. In eigentijds bewoordingen en met verwijzingen naar nieuwe ontwikkelingen in de wetenschap wordt De Geheime Leer voor de lezer toegankelijk gemaakt.
Afkomstig uit Hoofdstuk 1 – ‘De Geheime Leer: het wekken van een nieuwe Wijze van Denken (blz. 6):
” In de gepubliceerde verzameling van de brieven, die bekend staan als de Mahatma-brieven aan A.P Sinnett komt een erg duidelijke uitspraak voor. Een van hen, Mr. A.O. Hume, vond dat hij, als goed opgeleid Engelsman, orde kon aanbrengen in de leringen van de occulte leer en hij schreef dan ook aan een van zijn adept-leraren: ‘Waarom vertelt u ons niet gewoon wat de occulte leer is en dan zal ik het onder woorden brengen in termen, die voor het Westerse denken redelijk en rationeel en zinvol zijn. ‘
En de adept-leraar antwoordt: ‘Het lijkt misschien vanuit uw Westers gezichtspunt zo dat het enige wat ons te doen staat is het schrijven van een handboek over occultisme. Maar’, zei hij, ‘zo gaat het niet toe in onze scholen (dat wil zeggen in de esoterische traditie), want totdat en tenzij de student voorbereid is om de waarheid te ontvangen of te begrijpen, is er eenvoudig geen waarheid. Niemand houdt deze voor hem of haar achter, hij/zij kan haar gewoon niet begrijpen!’ “

“Leef het leven, als je tot wijsheid wilt komen” De Geheime Leer van H.P. Blavatsky verscheen in 1888 en is nog steeds het belangrijkste werk op het gebied van de theosofische filosofie. In de zomer van 1988 hielt de Amerikaanse theosofe Joy Mills in Nederland een serie lezingen over dit werk. Dit boek bevat de tekst van deze lezingen. Zij gaat hierin onder meer in op het mythisch karakter van hetgeen in De Geheime Leer geschreven staat over het ontstaan van de wereld en de wording van de mens. Ook legt zij sterk de nadruk op de ethische gevolgen die voortvloeien uit deze studies.
From Inner to Outer Transformation – Lectures on ‘The Voice of the Silence’
By Joy Mills (1920- 2015).
94 Pages | First edition 1996, reprint 2002 | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9061750830.
Bij het Juni nummer van Theosofia wordt een ‘Special’ gepubliceerd met de Nederlandse vertaling van dit werk.
‘ Bestride the bird of life, if thou would’st know. ‘
It is the nature of a bird to fly upwards. When one moves to a higher position, for example to a mountain’s peak, one’s vision is greatly extended. There is much more to be seen from an airplane than from a train or an automobile. This does not mean, that the closer view of the terrain, which is seen when one is walking or driving in a car, is not important, but to gain a wider perspective of the entire area one wishes to explore, a view from the heights is essential.
The theosophical worldview gives a panoramic view, and this is an essential part of its uniqueness. Many philosophies and much of science start from a very limited view and stay there; for example, in some cases, the view is only of the physical world, and then the existence of anything beyond the physical or material is posited as perhaps plausible, but not very likely. On the other hand, the theosophical philosophy encourages us to gain the widest view possible, to start not with the physical, but with that which is the ground of our being, the ultimate reality underlying all phenomenal existence.
From Chapter II – ‘Waking up’ (p. 29):
” In the Voice of Silence, we are encouraged to take a wider view, the view a bird would have. And what is that view? From the theosophical perspective, it is a view of the universe. which brings about the profound realization of the unity of all existence. You realize, that our generation, of all generations that have lived on this planet, is the first to have seen our globe whole, that is there are no boundaries. Where are the boundaries? Where are the frontiers?
If our aim is as The Voice of Silence tells us, to ‘follow in the steps of holy Tathagata’, which is to take the Bodhisattva path, then we must see the world and all within it as does a Bodhisattva. It has been said, that a Bodhisattva sees the single thread, that unites all consciousnesses, all beings. […] We know, that there are groups in which there is ancestor worship. There is a truth in this, because the blood is symbolic of the living thread, which connects us with all ancestors and if one goes back far enough, there is only one ancestor, which is the Great Man, Purusha. We are all linked as bloodbrothers then. This was one of the great symbols in mediaeval time, to become bloodbrothers, to mingle the blood. ”

Quotes from the first chapter of this book:
Rooted in one ultimate reality, the universe and all within it proceed by a process of emanation into being. When we say “one ultimate reality” we should not really say “One,” because One implies two. So, rooted in a non-dual ultimate reality, the process was radiation through which emanation occurred and within that inherent lawfulness of the system gave rise to an evolutionary cycle of becoming, which in the human stage is self-directed and self-consciously chosen. The pivotal doctrine of the esoteric philosophy is that there are no special gifts in man, save those won by his own Ego [reincarnating self] throughout a long series of reincarnation and metempsychosis. This is important because it is not simply by living a certain number of lives, reïncarnation, that we come to transformation.
… Consciousness is primary. … Only in the human stage does consciousness become reflective upon itself and therefore self-conscious decision and effort become not only possible but constitute the priveleged choice and the responsible act of every human being. We must choose: responsibility is there.Joy Mills has been a member of the Theosophical Society since 1940 and has served as General Secretary of the American Section and the Australian Section, and she was International Vice-President of the T.S.. She was director of the Krotona Institute School of Theosophy in Ojai, California. Her lecture tours have taken her to more than 50 countries.
Entering on the Sacred Way – A Psychological Commentary on “Light on the Path”
By Joy Mills (1920 – 2015).
201 Pages | Published in 2000 in the Wisdom Tradition Book Series | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835607895.
Dutch translation: Op de Drempel van het Heilig Pad – Een Psychologisch Commentaar op ‘Licht op het Pad’ | Eerste druk 2004 | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9061750865.
The Light on the Path is, according to Joy Mills, ‘a genuine exposition of age-old rules for those who would walk the upland slopes of Wisdom, seeking the Sacred way to inner illumination.’ The aim of her commentary then, in part, was to indicate ’the essential work that must be done on our psychological natures, for it is there that the genuine transformation must take place.’

Joy Mills has been a member of The Theosophical Society since 1940. She has served as President of the Theosophical Society in America, General Secretary of the Australian Section, and International Vice-President. She has lectured in more than 50 countries, and worked as Director of the Krotona Institute of Theosophy, in Ojai, California.
Dharma: De Wet van Ons Beste Wezen
Door Joy Mills (1920 – 2015), vertaald door Fay van Ierlant en Peter Smit.
18 Paginas’s | Brochure | Uitgegeven in 2008 | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9789061750895.
Deze brochure onder de titel: Dharma: The Law of Our Best Being | Een artikel in The Theosophist, januari 2006 | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar.
Misschien is de vervulling van onze individuele unieke roeping wel datgene waardoor wij op onze pelgrimstochten worden geroepen, ofwe nu in staat zijn deze roeping helder en bondig uit te drukken, of dat we alleen maar intuïtief aanvoelen dat er een doel is waarheen wij ons begeven, maar dat we nog niet in woorden kunnen uitdrukken. Er bestaat een begrip dat een bruikbaar antwoord zou kunnen zijn op het onderzoek, dat voor ons ligt. Dat begrip heet ‘dharma’. Dit woord heeft vele betekenissen, maar gaat tegelijkertijd dieper dan elk van de betekenissen, die er aan gegeven kunnen worden.
Afkomstig van blz. 10:
” . . . Er bestaat geen menselijke maatschappij, die gebaseerd is op de erkenning van inherente goedheid en natuurlijke hierarchie, die niet tevens het inzicht bezit in de aard van de werkelijkheid, die samengevat wordt in het woord ‘dharma’: alles omvattende wet, dat wat alle inzichten, elementen en ervaringen van de werkelijkheid ondersteunt en doordringt. “

Er bestaat een begrip dat een bruikbaar antwoord zou kunnen zijn op het onderzoek dat voor ons ligt. Dat begrip heet ‘dharma’. Dit woord heeft vele betekenissen, maar gaat tegelijkertijd dieper dan elk van de betekenissen die er aan gegeven kunnen worden.
The Key to Theosophy – An Abridgement
By Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), edited by Joy Mills (1920 – 2015).
176 Pages | 1972, Third Quest printing 1992 | Paperback | Quest Books, USA.
The Key to Theosophy unlocks the door to understanding the perennial Wisdom. H.P. Blavatsky makes theosophy accessible to the average reader by presenting theosophical concepts in a question-and-answer format. Some fo the topicis covered are evolution, reincarnation, karma, spiritualism, prayer, and spiritual masters. Even though this classic was written in 1889, its answers are still relevant, especially with the current revival of interest in spirituality. Ideal for both spiritual seekers and students of theosophy, this book gives readers a solid introduction to a worldview which gives meaning and purpose to life.
From Chapter V: ‘The Fundamental Teachings of Theosophy’ (p. 35):
” Enquirer: Do you believe in God?
Theosophist: That depends on what you mean by the term.
Enquirer: I mean the God of the Christians, the Father of Jesus. and the Creator: the Biblical God of Moses, in short.
Theosophist: In such a God we do not believe. We reject the idea of a personal, or an extra-cosmic and anthropomorphic God, who is but the gigantic shadow of man, and not of man, at his best either. The God of theology, we say is a bundle of contradictions and a logical impossibility. Therefore we will have nothing to do with him. “