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17 april 2019

The Golden Rules of Buddhism

Compiled by Henry Steel Olcott (1832 – 1907).

28 Pages | First printed as Pamphlet in 1887, 2nd edition 1891, 3rd edition 1902, Adyar Pamphlet 1918, 1st reprint 1938, 2nd reprint 1944, 3rd reprint 1967, 4th reprint 1984 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 0835670783.

The too prevalent ignorance among adult Sinhalese Buddhists of the ethical code of their religion leads me to issue this little compilation. Similar moral precepts exist by hundreds in the Buddhist scriptures; from which also all the quotations in this little work are derived. Orientalists and other impartial persons admit that no religion in the world contains a more sublime system of moral values than Buddhism. But if we wish this to become known to Buddhist children, we, adult Buddhists, must take the task upon ourselves.

From page 12:


” Parents should:

  1. Restrain their children from vice.

  2. Train them in virtue.

  3. Have them taught Arts and Sciences.

  4. Provide them with suitable wives and husbands (at least valid for the ancient times).

  5. Give them an inheritance. “

Auteur: Olcott, H.S.
ISBN: 0835670783

Prijs: € 3,00

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Colonel Olcott and the Healing Arts – Blavatsky Lecture 2007

By Michael Gomes.

49 Pages | Blavatsky Lecture 2007 | Softcover |  The Theosophical Publishing House, London | No ISBN.

On August 29, 1882, Colonel Henry Steel Olcott (1832 – 1907), President-Founder of the Theosophical Society, was in Galle, Ceylon, on a lecturing tour to raise funds for the opening of the schools for Buddhist children. One of the people who came forward to contribute was a man, whose arm and leg had been paralyzed for eight years. Olcott, who had read the literature on animal magnetism, or mesmerism as it was also termed, and magnetic healing in his youth, says he was moved to try some healing passes with his hands over the man’s arm, telling him that he hoped he might feel better.

Later that evening the gentleman returned to thank the Colonel, saying indeed his condition had improved. This encouraged Olcott to treat the arm again. There was a marked improvement when he returned the next morning, and, after two more days of treatment, he could move his arm and open and close his hand. Olcott also tried working on the man’s leg, which responded well enough to allow his to walk freely and even run. To show his thanks, the now-healed man brought a friend, who was also paralyzed. When he was cured, others came in increasing numbers, to the point, the Colonel recalled, ‘within a week or so my house was besieged by sick persons from dawn until late night, all clamoring for the laying on of my hands’.

Within the space of a year, he would treat some 8.000 people, until, at the verge of his own health breaking down, he was ordered by his teacher to stop. This little-known episode in the work undertaken by Olcott offers and instructive glimpse into the revival of alternative healing that was occuring at the time and which has now entered the mainstream.

auteur: Gomes, M.

Prijs: € 4,00

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Old Diary Leaves – Volume I, 1874-78

490 pages | Paperback | T.P.H. Adyar, India, 2002

Olcott tells of his association with his co-founder, Madame H.P. Blavatsky, and their work together for the cause of Theosophy. He writes of their contacts with the Mahatmas, of travels in many lands, and of the growth of The Theosophical Society from its small beginnings in New York in 1875 to an expanding international movement spread through many parts of the world.
To keep intact the true flavour of the early years of the Theosophical Society, Col. Olcott’s words are presented just as he wrote them .

auteur: Olcott, H.S.
ISBN: 9788170594338
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His comments include references to occasional differences of opinion with his close and trusted colleague, H.P. Blavatsky. These very human differences perhaps will cause the reader to react with a smile of relief, knowing that great leaders such as these were also subject to human frailty and to times of disagreement. Old Diary Leaves gives a personal evaluation only, and is not intended to represent an official history of The Theosophical Society. Henry Steel Olcott was born on 2 August 1832 in Orange, New Jersey. In his early life he became distinguished in the field of agriculture, and then later for his services to the US Government during the Civil War. In 1874, when investigating spiritualistic phenomena for some New York newspapers, he met H.P.Blavatsky and together they became the principal founders of The Theosophical Society. He devoted the rest of his life to work for the Society and related causes. He died on 17 February, 1907 at Adyar, Madras ( now Chennai) , India.


Prijs: € 10,50

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Eminent Theosophists (CD-Rom)

CD Rom | T.P.H. Adyar, India, 2006

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831–91) was perhaps the greatest Occultist of the West in recent times, and an outstanding messenger who presented the Ancient Wisdom for the modern age. With little fanfare she brought to bear powerful influences on human affairs, as is exemplified in her life and works. She did not bring anything new to mankind; in fact she succeeded in the great task of communicating wisdom that is as ancient as mankind.

auteur: Anon.
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Annie Besant (1847–1933), second President of The Theosophical Society from 1907 to 1933, was described as a ‘Diamond Soul’, for she had many brilliant facets to her character. She was an outstanding orator of her time, a champion of human freedom, educationist, philanthropist, and author with more than three hundred books and pamphlets to her credit.

Henry Steel Olcott (1832–1907), President-Founder of the Theosophical Society was born on 2 August 1832 at Orange, New Jersey. Olcott came from an old English Puritan family that had been settled for many generations in the United States.

C. Jinarājadāsa (1875–1953), the fourth President of the Theosophical Society, was educated at Cambridge University, England, and was an exceptional linguist, who lectured fluently in many European languages. His wide range of interests and writings included religion, philosophy, literature, art, science and occult chemistry. He made valuable sketches and notes during the clairvoyant investigations of Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater into the structure of matter.

Charles Webster Leadbeater (1847–1934) was a highly developed clairvoyant who unfolded and perfected his psychic faculties under the guidance of his Adept-Teacher. He commenced clairvoyant investigations in 1893, on occasion collaborating with Annie Besant, the second President of The Theosophical Society, and wrote over thirty books on the spiritual life and the psychic nature of man.

N. Sri Ram (1889–1973), fifth President of The Theosophical Society from 1953 to 1973, dedicated himself to Theosophical work as a young assistant of Dr Besant. He was closely associated with her social, political and educational and other activities, and helped her in editing New India, a daily newspaper that was influential in the struggle for India’s freedom.


Prijs: € 7,50

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Old Diary Leaves – Volume IV 1887 – 1892

By Henry Steel Olcott (1832 – 1907).

537 Pages | First printed 1910, second edition 1931, third printing 1975 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 0835674843.

It is six years since the Third Series of Old Diary Leaves appeared in book form. and it is nine years since the contents of the present Volume were published in the pages of The Theosophist. The author, Henry Steel Olcott, passed over in 1907, and as all who knew him well are aware, the publication of the whole of this ’true history of the Theosophical Society’ was a matter that lay near his heart. There still remains sufficient material to fill one, if not two, additional Volumes, and it is hoped this will appear in due course, for the longer the lapse of time that separates the present membership of the Theosophical Society from its early history, the more important it is that the facts should be placed on record.

For the earlier part of the story, relating to America and India, there was no living authority so well able to bare witness to the facts as the late Co-Founder of the Society. In this present Volume, however, we traverse a period when, owing to to the world-wide spread of the organisation, the touch of the President with the whole of the Society was not so close, and maybe there are those well qualified to write of the development of different Sections, who could effictively supplement the present history so far as their own country is concerned. But such sectional or national histories remain to be written, and in the meantime the record of Colonel Olcott is here to read – and inwardly digest.

From Chapter XXIII – ‘From Stockholm to Kyoto (p. 407):

” The ladies of our local Branch had organised a charming scheme of moral and religious instruction for children, to which they gave the name ‘The Children’s Hour’. A special exhibition of it was given for my information, and it delighted me very much. The motive was to impress upon the youthful minds the idea of the fundamental resemblance between the world religions and the advisability of learning to be kind and tolerant to all men, of whatsoever race or creed. A senior girl represented Theosophia, and other the Founders of religions – Krishna, Zoroaster, Gautama Buddha, Christ, Mohammed, etc. Each of these held a staff carrying a symbolical pennant. A simple, yet excellent dialogue was framed, in which Theosophia put questions to each of the flag-holders, to give him or her the chance to quote from the Scriptures of the Founder of that religion; verses, which embodied the Theosophical spirit. The children wore pretty dresses, there was some little marching and other exercises, and all seemed to enjoy the occasion. “

auteur: Olcott, H.S.
ISBN: 0835674843

Prijs: € 5,00

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Old Diary Leaves – Volume III 1883 – 1887

By Henry Steel Olcott (1832 – 1907).

460 Pages | First printed 1904, second edition 1929, reprinted in 1972 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 0835674800.

The first Volume of these historical sketches covered the period from the meeting of Madame Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) and myself, Henry Steel Olcott, in 1874, to our departure from New York for Bombay in December, 1878. The second Volume tells of our adventures in India and Ceylon, the formation of Branches, the giving of lectures, healings of the sick by hundreds, occult phenomena produced by H.P.B. etc., and brings us down to the Autumn of 1883: at this time we take up the thread of narrative, and go forward to the Month of May, 1887.

I think the reader will agree with me that the subject-matter of this third Volume possesses absorbing interest, quite equal to that in its two preceding Volumes, if not greater. Accounts are given among other things of my meetings with several of the ‘Masters’ in the course of my travels, and of the results of the same, of our removal of the Society’s Headquarters from Bombay to Madras, of H.P.B.’s last departure from her beloved Indian home into exile of an European residence. The troublous time of the Coulomb conspiracy are dealt with in this Volume and the true story of the S.P.R.

From Chapter XXVII – ‘The Opening Ceremony’ (p. 403):

” We are together, Ladies and Gentlemen, upon an occasion that is likely to possess an historical interest in the world of modern culture. The foundation of a Library of such a character as this is among the rarest of events, indeed, it be not unique in modern times. We need not enumerate the great libraries of Western cities, with their millions of Volumes, for they are, rather, huge storehouses of books; not the collections of Oriental literature at the India Office, and in the Royal and National Museums of Europe; nor even the famed Saraswati Mahal, of Tanjore: all these have a character different from our Adyar Library, and do not compete with it. Ours has a definite purpose behind it, a specific line of utility marked out for it from the beginning. It is to be an adjunct to the work of the Theosophical Society; a means of helping to effect the object for which the Society was founded, and which is clearly stated in its constitution. Of the three declared aims of our Society, the first is to form a  nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, without distinction of race, creed, or color. The second is to promote the study of Aryan and other Eastern literatures, religions and sciences. “


auteur: Olcott, H.S.
ISBN: 0835674800

Prijs: € 5,00

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Reminiscences of Colonel H.S. Olcott

177 pages | Gebonden/Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House Adyar, 2006

This enlarged edition of Reminiscences of Colonel H.S. Olcott retains the original compilation of articles about this outstanding man and his work, with new sections containing additional information, and quotations taken from his deeply insightful talks and writings for the reader to meditate upon. It is offered as a tribute to a great soul who passed away a hundred years ago on 17 February 1907, and who made an impact in the diverse fields of agricultural science, law, religion, social welfare, education, healing and research. His memory is cherished both on account of his stupendous work and the goodness of his heart.

auteur: Anon./Various Writers
ISBN: 8170595053

Prijs: € 5,00

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The Buddhist and the Theosophical Movements

By Prof. C.V. Agarwal, Ph.D. (passed away in 2009).

104 Pages | First edition 1993, second enlarged edition 2001| Hardcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | No ISBN.

From the Foreword:

” This book relates in detail how Buddhists and Theosophists laboured in friendship to raise Buddhist ideals and teachings to a rightful place of dignity at a time when they were looked down upon under colonial rule “.

Included is interesting information about the great work performed by Colonel Henry Steel Olcott (1832 – 1907) to support the Buddhist cause.


auteur: Agarwal, C.V.

Prijs: € 5,00

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