The Secret Doctrine
By Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), abridged & annotated by Michael Gomes.
255 Pages | 2009 | Paperback | Penguin Group, London | ISBN:9781585427086.
Madame Blavatsky’s masterpiece of occult philosophy is now sealed down to its essentials, providing the most readable, accessible experience ever of modern history’s seminal work of esoterica.
The Secret Doctrine, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s magnum opus on the origin and development of the universe and humanity itself, is arguably the most famous, and perhaps the most influential, occult book ever written. Its publication in 1888 generated in the West a groundwell of interest in esoteric philosophies, the effects of which are still being felt in literature and philosophy, in alternative and mainstream religious traditions, and in popular culture around the world. Yet the book’s availability typically has been limited to hefty, expensive, two-volume editions, its length and price long eluding the grasp of most readers.
Now this single-volume edition, abridged and annotated by historian and Theosophical scholar Michael Gomes, places the ideas and key sections of The Secret Doctrine within reach of all who are curious. In particular, Gomes provides a critical sounding of the book’s renowned stanzas on the genesis of life and the cosmos–mysterious passages that Blavatsky said originated from a primeval source and that form the heart of The Secret Doctrine, Gomes meticulously scales down the book’s most important writings on symbolism to their essentials, and offers notes and a glossary to illuminate arcane references. His historical and literary introduction casts new light on some of the book’s sources and on the career of its brilliant and enigmatic author, one of the most intriguing personages of recent history.
At once compact and representative of the work as a whole, this new edition of The Secret Doctine brings unprecedented accessibility to the esoteric classic of the modern era.
The Multitudinous Universe – Blavatsky Lecture 2017
25 Pages | Blavatsky Lecture 2017 | Soft cover | The Theosophical Publishing House, London | No ISBN.
‘The Blavatsky Lecture’ is one of the most prestigious presentations in the Theosophical Society. Partly, because of its longevity, continuity, subject matter, the eminence of its presenters, and the fact that for hundred years these lectures have been available as separate publications, the Blavatsky Lecture has achieved a unique position among Theosophical talks. It is the equivalent of the Academy Awards of Theosophy.
From page 20:
” One of the enduring benefits of Theosophy is that it is practical. Certainly, its teachings are filled with high ideas and often difficult concepts that challenge our thinking. How can the teachings on rounds, races, manvantara, dhyani chohans, sevenfold planes of being, etc. be claimed as ‘practical’? One way that H.P Blavatsky described Theosophy was, the accumulated Wisdom of the ages tested and verified by generations of seers, To the mentally lazy or obtuse it will always remain a riddle. The Wisdom is constant and unchanging, and has been accessible throughout the ages to those, who approach it properly. From the beginning one of the demands has been that the mental principle becomes consciously active. “
HPB Teaches – An Anthology
579 Pages | First edition, first reprint 2006 | Hardcover | The Theosophical Society, Adyar | ISBN: 8170593972.
With a title like H.P.B. Teaches, the reader may wonder: ‘teaches what‘? HPB herself gives the answer: ‘metaphysics, psychology, philosophy, ancient religions, zoology, natural sciences’. One might add occult symbolism, spiritual evolution, guidance on moral and social issues, after death states, cycles and human destiny. Aside from the major books she is famous for – Isis Unveiled (1877), The Secret Doctrine (1888), The Key to Theosophy and The Voice of Silence (1889) – it is estimated that in a brief span of seventeen years, from 1874 to 1891, Mme. Blavatsky wrote close to one thousand articles, essays, and letters to journals, which in many cases focus within the space of a few pages on the topics listed above.
For the first time in one volume a representative selection of articles by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), co-founder of the Theosophical Society, is available. The forty articles in this book cover every facet of HPB’s writings in English, including one of her semi-fictional stories.
From page 21:
” Many thousand years ago the wise King Solomon declared that ‘There is nothing new under the Sun’, and the words of this very wise man ought to be repeated till the farthest ends of time. There is not a science, nor a modern discovery in any secretion of it, but was known to the Cabalists thousands of years since. This will appear a bold and ridiculous assertion, I know: and one apparently unconfirmed by any authority. But I will answer that where truth stares one in the face, there can be no other authority than one’s senses. “
Colonel Olcott and the Healing Arts – Blavatsky Lecture 2007
49 Pages | Blavatsky Lecture 2007 | Softcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, London | No ISBN.
On August 29, 1882, Colonel Henry Steel Olcott (1832 – 1907), President-Founder of the Theosophical Society, was in Galle, Ceylon, on a lecturing tour to raise funds for the opening of the schools for Buddhist children. One of the people who came forward to contribute was a man, whose arm and leg had been paralyzed for eight years. Olcott, who had read the literature on animal magnetism, or mesmerism as it was also termed, and magnetic healing in his youth, says he was moved to try some healing passes with his hands over the man’s arm, telling him that he hoped he might feel better.
Later that evening the gentleman returned to thank the Colonel, saying indeed his condition had improved. This encouraged Olcott to treat the arm again. There was a marked improvement when he returned the next morning, and, after two more days of treatment, he could move his arm and open and close his hand. Olcott also tried working on the man’s leg, which responded well enough to allow his to walk freely and even run. To show his thanks, the now-healed man brought a friend, who was also paralyzed. When he was cured, others came in increasing numbers, to the point, the Colonel recalled, ‘within a week or so my house was besieged by sick persons from dawn until late night, all clamoring for the laying on of my hands’.
Within the space of a year, he would treat some 8.000 people, until, at the verge of his own health breaking down, he was ordered by his teacher to stop. This little-known episode in the work undertaken by Olcott offers and instructive glimpse into the revival of alternative healing that was occuring at the time and which has now entered the mainstream.
The Secret Doctrine – Abridged and Annotated by Michael Gomes
By Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), abridged and annotated by Michael Gomes.
257 Pages | Published in 2009 | Softcover | Tarcher/ Penguin Books | ISBN: 9781585427086.
The Secret Doctrine, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s masterwork on the origin and evolution of the universe and humanity itself, is arguably the most famous, and perhaps the most influential, occult book ever written. Published since 1888 only in expensive, two-volume editions of some 1400 pages, it has long eluded the grasp of modern readers- until now.
This single-volume edition, abridged and annotated by historian and Theosophical scholar Michael Gomes, places the ideas of The Secret Doctrine within reach of all who are curious. In particular, Gomes provides a critical sounding of the book’s famous stanzas on the genesis of life and the cosmos – mysterious passages that Blavatsky said originated from a primeval source and which form the heart of The Secret Doctrine. Gomes scrupulously scales down the book’s key writings on symbolism to their essentials, and offers notes and a glossary to illuminate arcane references. His historical and literary introduction casts new light on some of the book’s sources and on the career of its brilliant and elusive author, one of the most intriguing personages of the nineteenth century. At once compact and representative of the work as a whole, this new edition of The Secret Doctrine brings unprecedented accessibility to the key esoteric classic of the modern era.
The Dawning of the Theosophical Movement
By Michael Gomes.
248 Pages | First edition 1847 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835606236.
It all began in 1874 on a farm in Chittenden, Vermont, at that time a mecca for spiritualists. There, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), Russian born noblewoman, world traveler, respected psychic, outspoken iconoclast, first met Henry Steel Olcott (1832 – 1907), lawyer, journalist, Civil War administrative hero. It was on November 17, 1875 that this initial meeting culminated in the founding of the Theosophical Society.
Historical researcher Michael Gomes charts the dramatic origins of the theosophical movement, one of the most influential philosophical systems to arise during the last hundred years. In this skillfully woven story of the early years of theosophy, the author re-creates the key events involving Blavatsky, Olcott and a small group of like-minded occultists. His account covers the publication of Blavatsky’s ‘occult encyclopedia’ Isis Unveiled, concluding with the pilgrimage to India by the ’theosophical twins’.
Keeping the Link Unbroken – Theosophical Studies Presented to Ted G. Davy
196 Pages | Copyright 2004 | Softcover | TRM – Theosophical Research Monographs | ISBN: 0974188905.
Theosophical Studies Presented to Ted G. Davy on His Seventy-fifth Birthday.
One of the writers in the present Volume, trying to articulate the contribution of Ted G. Davy to the field of Theosophical research, sent in the following: ‘He is not famous. It may be that when at last his life comes to an end, he will leave no more trace of his sojourn on this earth than a stone thrown into a river leaves on the surface of the water. Yet it may be that the way of life he has chosen for himself may have an evergrowing influence over his fellow men, so that, long after his death perhaps, it may be realized that there lived in this age a very remarkable creature. “
‘Remarkable’ would certainly be the word agreed upon by most of the presenters in this Volume. Aside from his role as mentor, friend, advisor to many in the field of Theosophical studies for almost half a century, Ted Davy functioned as editor of The Canadian Theosophist from 1961 – 1991. Continuing the tradition of its founder, A.E.S. Smythe, the Journal was regarded as ‘the conscience of the Theosophical movement‘.
From the end page:
” An Acrostic for Doris and Ted Davy by John Robert Colombo
Taken from the Index to H.P. Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine (1888: 3rd ed., reprinted 1928).
‘A strange story – a legend rather – ‘ Section XLI, ‘The Doctrine of Avataras, ‘ Volume III.* * *
Doors of ancient dwellings
One manifested
Rounds, actuality of seven
Immetalized, light
Scale, angelic beings
Thought, abstract absolute
Earth-born cement, nitrogen
Dinosaurians of gigantic proportions
Dazzling face, great king
Astral, action comes from the North
Vault, starry
Year of Brahma. “