Beyond the Postmodern Mind – The Place of Meaning in a Global Civilization (2003 edition)
By Huston Smith (1919- 2016).
295 Pages | First Quest Edition 1984, 2nd edition 1989, 3rd printing 1992, 3rd edition 2003 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835608301.
NB: This is the latest and third edition: the second, hence cheaper edition of this book can be purchased in our Webshop here.
This study was first published in 1982 and is considered a classic in its disciplined analysis of contemporary reductionist philosophy. It explores the limits of science and points society’s way out of the dark woods where science has stranded us. Smith uses the term ‘modern’ mind to denote the so-called Enlightenment outlook of Newtonian physics and rationalism, which cut the ground from under the religious foundations of Western life. In the ‘post-modern’ age of the late nineteenth and the twentieth centuries, people lost their humanistic confidence.
Although science may have won a battle ove religion, it has in the process undermined its own empirical foundation: and having destroyed confidence in intuitive revelation, the mind is (as H.G. Wells once suggested) ‘at the end of its tether’. Despite the ravages of analytical philosophy and existentialism, Smith feels there is a fundamental view of reality, that flourishes throughout the world under various disguises. The uneasy post-modern mind, Smith says, awaits discernment of a new metaphysics.
From Chapter 3 – ‘Perennial Philosophy, Primordial Philosophy’ (p. 64):
” A life, that identifies primarily with its physical pleasures and needs (getting and spending we lay waste our days) is superficial;
one that advances its attention to the mind can be interesting if it moves on to the heart (synonym for soul), it can be good.
And if it passes on to spirit – that saving self-forgetfulness and egalitarianism in which one’s personal interests loom no larger than those of others – it would be perfect. “
This Dynamic Universe
Edited by Corona Trew and E. Lester Smith.
167 Pages | Copyright 1983 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 083560232X.
Offered in this book is a valuable link between the occult concepts that appear in the Magnum Opus of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s (1831 – 1891) The Secret Doctrine (1888) and the latest theories of science. This Dynamic Universe is quite unique as a resource for the serious student of creation and evolution, clarifying as it does, some of the more difficult principles dealing with man and the cosmos.
From Chapter 5 – ‘References to Fohat in The Secret Doctrine‘ (p. 30):
” The Manifested Universe (therefore) is pervaded by duality; which is, as it were, the very essence of its Ex-istence as ‘Manifestation’. But just as the opposite poles of Subject and Object, Spirit and Matter, are but aspects of the One Unity, in which they are synthesized, so, in the Manifested Universe, there is ’that’, which links Spirit to Matter, Subject to Object.
This something at present unknown to Western speculation, is called by the Occultists Fohat. It is the ‘bridge’ by which the Ideas existing in the Divine Thought are impressed on Cosmic Substance as the ‘Laws of Nature’. Fohat is thus the dynamic energy of Cosmic ideation; or regarded from the other side, it is the intelligent medium, the guiding power of all manifestation, the ‘Thought Divine’ transmitted and made manifest through the Dhyan Chohans, the Architects of the visible World. “
Waarheid is een Land zonder Paden – Een Reis met Krishnamurti
Door Ingram Smith.
230 Pagina’s | 1991 Editie | Softcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9789061750659.
Engels origineel: Truth is a Pathless Land – A Journey with Krishnamurti | Uitgegeven in 1989 | Theosophical Publishing House.
Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986) reisde tijdens zijn leven de hele wereld rond om met mensen uit alle continenten de problemen des levens te bespreken. Daarbij stond hem steeds voor ogen, dat geen enkele organisatie of georganiseerde godsdienst de mens tot waarheid kan brengen. In spirituele aangelegenheden bestond er voor hem geen autoriteit, geen leider of goeroe. In plaats daarvan moet ieder mens zijn eigen leraar en leerling zijn.
Zijn toespraken zijn verschenen in talloze boeken, en over zijn levensloop zijn een aantal biografieën verschenen. De Australische radiopresentator Ingram Smith raakte in de veertiger jaren betrokken bij het opnemen en uitzenden van Krishnamurti’s toespraken. Jarenlang zou Smith van dichtbij meemaken hoe Krishnamurti omging met de vele zoekers naar waarheid, die naar hem toe kwamen.
In dit boek geeft Smith een persoonlijk verslag van zijn ervaringen met Krishnamurti. Hierin wordt op indringende wijze duidelijke gemaakt hoe men – met vallen en opstaan – iets van de visie van Krishnamurti in zijn eigen leven gestalte kan geven.
Afkomstig van bladzijde 224:
” Op andere momenten (zoals me onlangs overkwam) komt de oude vraag weer op: wat moet ik doen? Moet er iets worden gedaan? Is er iets dat ik kan doen? Ik vroeg het hardop, direct aan mezelf: Wat..kan..ik..doen? Ik luisterde. Geen antwoord. Ik wachtte. Er kwam.. niets. De leegheid bleef. Toen, in de stilte, heel plotseling kwam het besef dat de heelheid, die ik gezocht had (maar niet gevonden) aanwezig was – niet ‘daarbuiten’ in tijd en ruimte, niet ergens anders, maar werkelijk hier en nu. De stilte danste door me heen. Ik zag dat, zodra het brein/denken stopt met malen en stil is, de gezochte gelukzalige dimensie er al is.
Het was volkomen duidelijk dat zolang de zoeker doorgaat met zoeken, de zoeker ‘ikzelf’, zal blijven bestaan. En verder, dat de zoeker het gezochte is. Want wat je zoekt is de projectie van de zoeker. Ik had de zoeker gezocht, het ‘ik’. Dit zag ik allemaal doordat het bewustzijn niet met iets bezig was. Dat was alles. Een opwindende levendigheid was een dynamische leegheid geworden, die niet niet leeg is – ruimte gevuld met energie. Terwijl ik daar zat vloeiden plotseling innerlijke en uiterlijke ruimte in elkaar over en waren ondeelbaar een. Later besefte ik dat iedere ademhaling, iedere in- en uitademing de tijdloze eenheid herstelt. “

Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986) reisde tijdens zijn leven de hele wereld rond om met mensen uit alle continenten de problemen van het leven te bespreken. Daarbij stond hem steeds voor ogen dat geen enkele organisatie of georganiseerde godsdienst de mens tot waarheid kan brengen. In spirituele aangelegenheden bestond er voor hem geen autoriteit, geen leider of goeroe. In plaats daarvan moet ieder mens zijn eigen leraar en leerling zijn. Zijn toespraken zijn verschenen in talloze boeken, en over zijn levensloop zijn een aantal biografieën verschenen. De Australische radiopresentator Ingram Smith raakte in de veertiger jaren betrokken bij het opnemen en uitzenden van Krishnamurti’s toespraken. Jarenlang zou Smith van dichtbij meemaken hoe Krishnamurti omging met de vele zoekers naar waarheid die naar hem toe kwamen. Ingram Smith is verbonden geweest aan de Australische omroeporganisatie ABC en is auteur of redacteur van vele boeken. Hij werd in Australië bekend als producent van het programma Scope (zienswijze).
A Dictionary of Gnosticism
273 pages | Paperback | Quest Books, 2009
An amazing storehouse of information, A Dictionary of Gnosticism, contains nearly 1,700 entries, from Aachiaram, an angel in the Secret Book of John, to the Zostrianos, a third-century Gnostic text that recounts a series of revelations on the successive stages of the soul’s ascent. With an easy-to-read introduction explaining who the Gnostics were and what Gnosticism is, Smith delivers a whirlwind tour through the ancient and diverse history of this captivating movement.

As editor of The Gnostic magazine and author of several books on apocryphal scriptures, Andrew Phillip Smith draws on his extensive knowledge of Gnosticism to provide a succinct yet thorough compilation for scholars and spiritual seekers alike. Smith not only defines the terminology of the Nag Hammadi library and the ancient Gnostics, but also their successors such as the Manichaeans, Mandaeans and Cathars. His definitions also cover Hermeticism, the apocrypha, medieval heresy, dualism, and the modern Gnostic revival. “Andrew Phillips Smith offers us yet another key opportunity to expand our knowledge of Gnosticism. A fascinating, solidly-researched key resource for students, academics, and practitioners alike “A ‘beacon of Light’ for our time! Highly recommended.”— Dr Karen Ralls, Oxford, author of The Templars and the Grail. Blockbuster films like The Matrix and Stigmata have helped fuel the continued fascination with Gnosticism, a pre-Christian Western religion based on the direct knowledge of the Divine, which itself provides salvation. Although The Matrix conveys complex concepts like archons and dualism with marvelous simplicity, Gnostic texts do anything but. Curious new students of Gnosticism find they are swiftly bombarded with numerous foreign, often un-translated, and barely pronounceable terms like ‘Acinetos’ and ‘Deitharbathas’. Now for the first time, a comprehensive guide to all aspects of Gnosticism and related spirituality is available to the public in a straightforward dictionary. Andrew Phillip Smith was born and grew up in Penarth in south Wales in the United Kingdom and took his degree in computer science at the University College of Wales, Swansea. From 1987, Andrew worked in computing in London, including a two-year stint providing technical support for the publishers Harcourt Brace. From 1997-2007 Andrew lived in Northern California near the Sierra Nevada mountain range, where he began his writing career. In his time he has busked on the streets of London playing a small harp, delivered leaflets, worked as a security guard, as a letterpress printer and as a librarian to a private library. Andrew’s previous titles include The Gnostics: History, Tradition, Scriptures, Influence and several books in Skylight Paths’ annotated and explained series: The Lost Sayings of Jesus, The Gospel of Philip, and Gnostic Writings on the Soul. He now lives in Dublin, Ireland, with his wife Tessa Finn and his son Dylan.
The Chaldean Account of Genesis
By George Smith (1840 – 1876).
319 Pages | Secret Doctrine Reference Series 1977; photographic reproduction of 1876 edition, with illustrations | Hardcover | Wizards Bookshelf, San Diego, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0913510661.
The complete title of the work is:
The Chaldean Account of Genesis – Containing the Description of Creation, the Fall of Man, the Deluge, the Tower of Babel, the Times of the Patriarchs and Nimrod; Babylonian Fables, and Legends of the Gods; from the Cuneiform Inscriptions.
George Smith (1840 – 1876) was an English Assyriologist, who earned worldwide fame in 1872 by his translation of the Chaldaean account of the Deluge, which was read before the Society of Biblical Archaeology on the 3rd of December.
From Chapter I – ‘The Discovery of the Genesis Legends’ (p. B):
” The fragments of the Chaldean historian Berosus, preserved in the works of various later writers, have shown that the Babylonians were acquainted with traditions referring to the Creation, the period before the Flood, the Deluge and other matters forming part of Genesis. “
Beyond the Postmodern Mind – The Place of Meaning in a Global Civilization (1989 edition)
By Huston Smith. (1919- 2016).
281 Pages | First Quest Edition 1984, 2nd edition 1989, 3rd printing 1992. | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835606473.
NB: This is the second edition (1989): its latest and third edition (2003) can be purchased in our Webshop here.
This study was first published in 1982 and is considered a classic in its disciplined analysis of contemporary reductionist philosophy. It explores the limits of science and points society’s way out of the dark woods where science has stranded us. Smith uses the term ‘modern’ mind to denote the so-called Enlightenment outlook of Newtonian physics and rationalism, which cut the ground from under the religious foundations of Western life. In the ‘post-modern’ age of the late nineteenth and the twentieth centuries, people lost their humanistic confidence.
Although science may have won a battle ove religion, it has in the process undermined its own empirical foundation: and having destroyed confidence in intuitive revelation, the mind is (as H.G. Wells once suggested) ‘at the end of its tether’. Despite the ravages of analytical philosophy and existentialism, Smith feels there is a fundamental view of reality, that flourishes throughout the world under various disguises. The uneasy post-modern mind, Smith says, awaits discernment of a new metaphysics.
From Chapter 3 – ‘Perennial Philosophy, Primordial Philosophy’ (p. 70):
” A life, that identifies primarily with its physical pleasures and needs (getting and spending we lay waste our days) is superficial;
one that advances its attention to the mind can be interesting if it moves on to the heart (synonym for soul), it can be good.
And if it passes on to spirit – that saving self-forgetfulness and egalitarianism in which one’s personal interests loom no larger than those of others – it would be perfect. “
Our Last Adventure – A Commonsense Guide to Death and After
By E. Lester Smith.
100 Pages | 1985 | Paperback | Theosophical Publishing House, London/| ISBN: 0722951221.
Dr. E. Lester Smith has been a member of the Theosophical Society for sixty years and, after his retirement, edited Intelligence Came First, for which he won the Subba Row Medal of that Society. Throughout his working life he has written about 100 research papers in various scientific and medical journals in England and America. In Our Last Adventure he adds another dimension to his work – research into death and beyond.
From the Prologue:
” There is a journey ahead that none of us can avoid – our last adventure, death and beyond. If you travel abroad, it is wise to take a map and a guide to the country. Most people face death totally unprepared. Some are scared and refuse even to think or talk about it; others are resigned or willing to go when their time comes; very, very few have any clear idea of what lies ahead… In the chapters which follow, I have tried to write a commonsense guide to the next world. “

E. Lester Smith spent most of his long life in scientific research. He wrote several books and booklets, including Inner Adventures, This Dynamic Universe, and Vitamin B-12. The many honors awarded for his work include the prized distinction of Fellow of the Royal Society and the Lindley Medal of the Royal Horticultural Society in Great Britain. Other titles by the author: – Intelligence Came First – This Dynamic Universe
Intelligence Came First – Life and Mind in the Field of Cosmic Consciousness
Edited by Ernest Lester Smith (1904 – 1992) with revisions by Patrick Milburn.
221 Pages | Published in 1975, second edition 1990 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 083560627.
‘This is a remarkable book‘, said the Chicago Daily News. ‘It indicates that a new synthesis is in the works, which is understood by many people might restore the confidence of our whole civilization’.
This new edition, with revisions by biologist Patrick Milburn, incorporates the latest ideas in biology, physics and theology. It takes a fresh look at a world, whose secrets are essential to understanding the nature of our own reality and cites recent scientific surprises about our world. Starting from the premise that consciousness is a fact of nature, since it is a universal experience, the book hypothesizes that intelligence is primal and that the cosmos is grounded in, and pervaded by Intelligence.
This hypothesis comes from experience as true as the beauty of the sunrise over the sea and is supported by science. The book offers a reinterpretation of science from a transformed standpoint. It refutes traditional scientific theory, that preaches the role of ‘blind’ matter and blind chance in the universe. The further our science penetrates into the order of reality, the more intricate the mathematical harmonies that are revealed. In living forms, we find an unfoldment of intelligence, a type of creative design that is functional and expressive in variety. The origin and evolution of life on Earth are part of a cosmological process, one that flows from the sun into the depths of space.
Chapter 14 – Toward a Synthesis (p. 209):
” Thus we see, though still from afar, that the world of which we are so intimately a part is ultimately a reality woven of shared experience – a field of consciousness in which, as T.S. Eliot expressed it, all truths have their time and place. In such a sense, we are coming home to our own true place in nature.
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time
Through the unknown remembered gate
Where the last of earth left to discover
Is that which was the beginning;
At the source of the longest river
The voice of the hidden waterfall
And the Children in the apple-tree
Not known because not looked for
But heard, half-heard, in the silence
Between two waves of the sea. “
Inner Adventures – Thought, Intuition and Beyond
By Ernest Lester Smith (1904 – 1992).
233 Pages | A Quest Original, First Edition 1988 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835606279.
‘Adventures in Higher Thought! Probes Mind and Beyond’!
This book explores Mystical Consciousness, Intuition, Holism, Dreaming, Memory, Bio-Feedback, Brain Rhythms, Information Processing, Mind-Brain Interface. Smith shows how ancient seers and Eastern mystics already have reached greater Wisdom through higher states of consciousness. Whole truth, he reasons, generally available only to a person, who has made considerable progress in spiritual living and reached the higher self inside each one of us.
From the Epilogue:
” If a worldly person were to ask me if I believe in reincarnation, I should be tempted to answer, ‘No, what you regard as yourself will not reincarnate.’ It is the inner being, barely recognized through a worldly life, that returns. Thus, we may say that the personality is immortal, though not everlasting, since it persists for a while after death. The individuality, the transpersonal spiritual nature, is everlasting though not eternal, since it persists through a long series of incarnations. Only the Spirit, the divine nature, of which we are as yet only dimly aware, is eternal. It abides quiescent in its timeless realm, until we are ready to return to the Source whence we came, following in the footsteps of men like the Buddha and the Christ. “