When the Sun moves Northward – The Way of Initiation (A Quest Miniature)
By Mabel Collins (1851-1927).
160 Pages | First Quest Edition 1987, A Quest Miniature | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835606141.
Dutch translation: Als de Zon Noordwaards Gaat | Published in 2004 | Uitgeverij Gabriël | ISBN 9080501735.
Mabel Collins, author of The Light On the Path, explores the link between the mystic recurrence of the Earth’s cycles of birth, death and rebirth with the seasonal regeneration of our own spiritual nature. Her meditative prose beautifully evokes the time-less sense of cosmic renewal and the consequent growth of consciousness that has its germination deep within those reflective months of quietude when the sun moves northward.
” I am often asked about the question of Time in regard to the great Ceremonies which take place at midnight when the spirits of men are most completely released from their bodies during the recurrent periods of light and darkness on the earth. Midnight means the deepest depth of the darkness: it has no connection with the arbitrary hours. Therefore, in time there is necessarily a difference according to what places on earth the disciples are dwelling in: and, as time does not exist except as an arbitrary temporary convenience, once outside the body man loses the sense of it. ” – Mabel Collins (1923).
From Chapter VII (p. 86):
” Now comes the awful test of obedience. The moment of decision, which arrive to the man, and to the disciple, as a climax to a series of events, these come within the domain and power of mankind. There are other far more awful moments when the hand of a supreme power interferes in the affairs of men, and when the man, even though he be a disciple, is helpless. There are decisions made in a court above us all, from which there is no appeal, which are carried out inexorably. Then there is no decision to be made by the man himself; he can only rebel or obey. The religious man calls this supreme power which gives, and takes away, God: occultists see it in the working of the law of Karma. Be it what it may, if the man rebels against it, the disciple may not. “
Light on the Path – And an Essay on Karma (Adyar Mini)
By Mabel Collins (1851 – 1927).
86 Pages | Third Adyar Edition, 1st reprint 2013 | Hardcover | The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 9788170595823.
‘These rules are written for all disciples’. As we have it present, this book was dictated by Master Hilarion through the mediumship of Mabel Collins. Master Hilarion received it from his own teacher, the ‘Great One’, who among Theosophical students is sometimes called ‘The Venetian’; but even He is the author only of part of it. It has passed through three phases.
Light on the Path was the first of three treatises, which occupy a unique position in our Theosophical literature – directions from those who have trodden the Path to those, who desire to read it.
The Transparent Jewel
By Mabel Collins (1851-1927).
142 Pages | Facsimile edition of the original 1913 publication | Softcover | Kessinger Publications LCC, Montana U.S.A. | ISBN: 1564599140.
This ‘jewel’ of which Mabel Collins is writing, is no diamond dug out of the darkness of the earth, but is no less a thing than the mind of man when it has been drawn from the darkness of material life and become perfectly clear. It then, when directed upon any object, is able to entirely perceive and understand it, by the same method that a rock-crystal takes on the hue of a coloured substance with which it is brought into contact. This is the condition of conscious trance-like clairvoyance, which is attained by those who practise what is called the ‘Yoga of devotion’. Hence, this book is important to anyone in ‘Yoga’.
From page 106:
” By light is here meant the light of entire passivity, which is identical with that of the Soul, ever blissful and free. The covering consists of the phenomenal which is a result of ‘Karma’. By the practice of prāṇāyāma this covering is removed, and the real nature of the Soul is realised for once and for ever. The mind (Aphorism LIII.) then becomes fit for being quite absorbed in the subject thought of. ‘Absorption’ has to be carried to the extent of forgetting the act, and of becoming the thing thought of; it is then the Yoga trance or ‘samādhi’. “
The Idyll of the White Lotus
By Mabel Collins (1851-1927), with an explanation by Swami T. Subba Row (1856 – 1890).
206 Pages | First edition 1884, 2nd to 9th reprint 1896 – 1973, second edition 2000 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170593999.
Dutch translation: De Idylle van de Witte Lotus | Ankh-Hermes | ISBN: 9789020255409.
This tale of a young seer in a decadent temple in Ancient Egypt is at once gripping and profound. It depicts the evolution of a Soul from weakness to strength, from ignorance to insight – a pure but unthinking child becomes a wise messenger.
From the Prologue:
” Behold, I stood alone, one among many, an isolated individual in the midst of a united crowd. And I was alone, because among the all the men my brethren, who knew, I alone was the man who both knew and taught. I taught the believers at the gate, and was driven to do this by the power dwelled in the sanctuary. I had no escape, for in that deep darkness of the most sacred shrine, I beheld the light of the inner life and was driven to reveal it, and by it was upheld and made strong. For indeed, although I died, it took ten priests of the temple to accomplish my death, and even then they but ignorantly thought themselves powerful. “
Our Glorious Future
By Mabel Collins (1851 – 1927).
115 Pages | First edition 1915, second edition 1917; this is the facsimile of 1917 | Kessinger Publishing Company, Montana | ISBN: 156459503X.
‘The Interpretation of Light on the Path’.
- The Disciple
- Attend You to Them
- The Masters
- Sight
- Hearing
- Speech
- Stability.
- The Transmutation of Desire
- Work and Effort-Separateness-Sensation
- The Retreat – The Advance – The Blooming of the Flower
- Contemplation – The Study of Mankind – The Study of the Self – The Logos
- The Gifts of the Disciple – The Use of the Gifts – The Victory
- Epilogue – ‘I and my Father’.
From the Epilogue – ‘I and my Father’ (p. 115):
” ‘In my Father’s house are many mansions’, said the Master. One I have now seen myself, and it proves to me more plainly even than the experiences of the wondrous day when I saw the glorious writing (Light on the Path) on the wall, that now it is before the Christ those who are disciples must be strong enough to stand with the feet washed in the blood of the heart. I have seen Him with His feet stained with His own heart’s blood, and only so can we present ourselves before Him in His own likeness. “
Light on the Path and an Essay on Karma (Standard)
By Mabel Collins (1851-1927).
81 Pages | First Adyar Edition 1911, Adyar Centenary Edition 1982, second reprint 2000 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170590116.
Dutch publication: Licht op het Pad, part of the publication Drie Wegen, Een Pad | First published in 2006 | Hardcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9061750881.
‘A TREATISE, Written for the personal use of those, who are ignorant of the Eastern Wisdom and who desire to enter within its influence. Written down by MC’.
The book itself begins with the statement, that ‘These rules are written for all disciples’. The latter description is surely the more accurate one, as the history of the book will show. As we have it at present it was dictated by the Master Hilarion through the mediumship of M.C. – a lady well known in Theosophical circles, who at one time collaborated with Helena Petrovna Blavatsky in the editorship of Lucifer. The Master Hilarion received it from his own Teacher, the Great One. One, who among Theosophical students is sometimes called ‘The Venetian’; but even He is the author only of part of it. It has passed through three phases; let us set them down in order.
” These rules are written for all disciples: Attend you to them.Before the eyes can see they must be incapable of tears. Before the ear can hear it must have lost its sensitiveness. Before the voice can speak in the presence of the Masters it must have lost the power to wound. Before the soul can stand in the presence of the Masters its feet must be washed in the blood of the heart. “
By Mabel Collins (1851-1927).
71 Pages |Facsimile of the original 1905 edition |Softcover | Kessinger Publishing Company, Montana U.S.A. | ISBN: 1564599094.
The following essay is an effort towards the freeing of our consciousness from the limitation in which it habitually dwells, and which exits only by means of certain illusions that are common to all men.
ILLUSION 1. – That man is imprisoned in the body.
ILLUSION 2. – That the Unborn are unknown.
ILLUSION 3. – That there is any secret in the Mind of the memory from man.
ILLUSION 4. – That the earth exists apart from man.
ILLUSION 5. – That Nature is indifferent to Man.
From ILLUSION 3 (p. 47):
” The memory of man is a great storehouse, filled to overflowing with the wonderful experiences of incarnated life, of life between the incarnations and of the thoughts and feelings brought both from above and below – from that depth of material life to which passion and desire take us, and from the Great White Throne before which we do obeisance in our high moments of inspiration and adoration. Nothing is lost or forgotten, or passed by. “
The Blossom and the Fruit – A True Story of a Black Magician
By Mabel Collins (1851-1927).
332 Pages | Facsimile edition of the original 1890 publication | Softcover | Kessinger Publications LCC, Montana U.S.A. | ISBN: 1564597032.
‘Only – One facet of the stone, One ray of the star, One petal of the flower of life, But the one that stands outermost and faces us who are men and women’.
This strange story has come from a far country and was brought in a mysterious manner; we claim only to be the scribes and the editors. We therefore ask that the reader will accept the theory of the reincarnation of Souls as a fact.
From the Introduction (p. 16):
” At last Wild Blossom’s Soul woke from its sleep, satiated; the hunger returned to gnaw at her heart; the longing to know reasserted itself. Holding tight the hand she held in hers, she sprang from the soft couch on which she lay. Then, for the first time, she noticed that the ground was so soft and pleasant, because there, where she had lain, had drifted great heaps of the fallen fruit blossoms. “
Drie Wegen, Eén Pad
Door Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986), Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) en Mabel Collins (1851 – 1927), vertaald door Louis Geertman en Ali Ritsema.
223 Pagina’s | Eerste druk 2006 | Hardcover | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland | ISBN: 9061750881.
English edition: Inspirations from Ancient Wisdom: At the Feet of the Master, Light on the Path, the Voice of the Silence | published in 1999 | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 978-0835607735.
Deze bundel omvat drie standaardwerken – drie ‘Gidsen’ voor het spirituele pad – op het gebied van spirituele ontwikkeling: De Stem van de Stilte, Licht op het Pad en Aan de Voeten van de Meester. De waarde van hun verschijning in de moderne wereld in de 19de, vroeg 20ste eeuw valt niet eenvoudig te omschrijven. Met gemak kan evenwel worden gezegd, dat zij mede aan de basis hebben gestaan van al wat men vandaag weet over de spirituele reis, het Pad, de verlichting, of de ultieme bevrijding uit het bestaan van aardse beperkingen. Zij geven lessen over ethiek, over de universeel geldende wet van compassie, over karma – of de wet van evenwicht – over hoe te handelen in onze zoektocht naar spiritualiteit.
Hun doel beperkt zich niet tot een algemeen gevoel van welzijn, maar is uiteindelijk om een omvattend beeld te geven van de heiligheid van het leven en een helpende hand te zijn voor de innerlijke mens, die worstelt om zijn ware gedaante aan de wereld te tonen.
Afkomstig van blz. 223:
” Wachtend op het Woord van de Meester,
Uitziend naar het Verborgen Licht;
Luisterend om zijn bevelen op te vangen
In het heetst van de strijd;
Zijn kleinste teken ziend
Over de hoofden van het gewoel;
Zijn zwakste fluistering horend
Boven het luidste aardse gezang. “
De waarde van de verschijning van deze drie werken in de moderne wereld in de negentiende, vroeg twintigste eeuw valt niet eenvoudig te omschrijven. Met gemak kan evenwel worden gezegd dat zij mede aan de basis hebben gestaan van al wat men vandaag weet over de spirituele reis, het Pad, de verlichting, of de ultieme bevrijding uit het bestaan van aardse beperkingen. Zij geven lessen over ethiek, over de universeel geldende wet van compassie, over karma – of de wet van evenwicht – over hoe te handelen in onze zoektocht naar spiritualiteit. Hun doel beperkt zich niet tot een algemeen gevoel van welzijn, maar is uiteindelijk om een omvattend beeld te geven van de heiligheid van het leven en een helpende hand te zijn voor de innerlijke mens die worstelt om zijn ware gedaante aan de wereld te tonen.