Frodo’s Quest – Living the Myth in The Lord of the Rings
159 Pages | Copyright 2002 by The Theosophical Publishing House in America | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. – ISBN 0835608239
‘Frodo is Everyman’, Lord of the Rings film director Peter Jackson observed at the 2002 Academy Awards ceremony. That is the seminal idea of this unique book exploring the esoteric spiritual meaning of J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic fantasy, which has impacted the inner lives of millions of readers, since it was first published in 1954.
Robert Ellwood, a scholar of world religions, finds ancient wisdom in this twentieth-century bestseller concerning the quests we are all called to go on. ‘Like Frodo‘, he says, ‘we each experience challenges that propel us on our own adventure – finally that of exploring the inner worlds and the meaning of our lives.’
Revisiting Middle-earth as a realm for personal discovery, Ellwood presents Tolkien’s story as a tale of every reader’s higher consciousness, death and rebirth, and triumph over evil. He teaches us also to recognize the characters as archetypes we can meet in ourselves: a spiritual guide like Gandalf, a friend like Sam, or, heaven forbid, shadows like Orcs or Ringwraiths. He also provides meditational exercises to help us overcome the trials we face as we make our lives into great journeys instead of dull routine. So be it! Let the Quest begin!
From Chapter 4 – ‘The Weight of the Past’ (p. 59):
” Whether we are aware of it or not, we are voyagers on a pilgrimage across the seas of space and time, gradually riding with the tides back through storm and sun and to the Halls of Light, our true home, whence we came. But like mariners tacking about on that long crossing, in the anxiety of our separateness we think more of personal action and response than we contemplate oneness. When the self-centered impulse reaches the level of the evil Wizard’s fear, hatred, and power, it amounts to rebellion against the One, and in the dark waters we see the wake of Satan or Sauron. More often, our hopes, we manage to keep the distant polar constellations to starboard as we bear toward the Uttermost West. “
Theosophy – A Modern Expression of the Wisdom of the Ages
226 Pages | A Quest original, first edition 1986, second printing 1994 | Quest Books, The Theosophical Publishing House, London. | ISBN: 0835606074.
Now over hundred years old, the Theosophical Society and its philosophy have grown to be an important voice in today’s world. The theosophical overview of creation is affecting the lives of an increasing number of people. More and more books are being addressed to the ideas of reïncarnation, karma, evolution, the Oneness of all life, the cyclic nature of creation, and the mystery of consciousness.
These are some of the major concepts that emanate from the ancient Wisdom and which are considered by Dr. Ellwood in this book. All of this new attention and respect is not surprising. For though theosophical ideas frequently antedate science as we know it by many millenia, these views, in their broad outline are consistent with present-day scientific knowledge.
From Chapter 3 – ‘The Human Experience’ (p. 104):
” Being, Consciousness and Mind or Bliss, are the divine Trinity within reflecting the cosmic, our ultimate nature and our inward highway to the Oneness of the universe. Yet we mostly know of these levels through their manifestations on more familiair planes, and then only if we are perceptive enough to have amid those manifestations, in the words of the poet:
. . . a sense sublime
Of something far more deeply interfused,
Whose dwelling is the light of the setting suns,
And the round ocean and the living air,
And the blue sky, and in the mind of man;
A motion and a spirit, that impels
All thinking things, all objects of all thought,
And rolls through all things. “
- Worthsworth, ‘Tintern Abbey’.
Nederlandse vertaling: Wat is Theosofie? Kosmos/Z&K Uitgevers, Utrecht/Antwerpen
CWL Speaks – C.W. Leadbeater’s Correspondence concerning the 1906 Crisis in the Theosophical Society
By Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934), compiled by Pedro Oliveira with a Foreword by Robert Ellwood.
316 Pages | Second printing 2018 | Paperback | Olive Tree Publishing ISBN: 9780646973050.
Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854 – 1934) joined the Theosophical Society in 1883 in London and travelled with H.P. Blavatsky (1831 – 1891) to India in 1884. He helped Col. Henry S. Olcott () in his work for Buddhist education in Ceylon, now Sri Lanka. While at the Headquarters of the Theosophical Society at Adyar, Madras, in India, he was taught some meditation exercises by one of Madame Blavatsky’s spiritual Teachers, who had accepted him as a Chela (disciple), in 1884. The exercises helped him to develop the faculty of clairvoyance.
From 1900 to 1905 he was a popular international lecturer for the TS, concentrating his visits to the United States. Some American families wanted their sons to accompany him in his travels to be trained in Theosophical work by him. In 1906, he was charged by the leadership of the American Section of the TS with giving sexual education to some boys under his care. Something still taboo in those days, but nowadays considered to be part of a normal curriculum. Following an enquiry in London, presided over by Col. Olcott, he resigned his membership of the Society.
For many, the episodes of 1906 sealed his image as an immoral man, although he was never charged or prosecuted in any country. He never defended himself of the accusations. After 110 years, all his relevant correspondence regarding that crisis is gathered together in this book. For the first time, his full thoughts and views about those events are presented to the public. Here, CWL speaks.
From page 274:
” One evening, Mr. Leadbeater, on our return to his room after our swim, told me that one of the boys had a remarkable aura. I asked which one, and he said it was the boy named Krishnamurti. I was surprised, for I already knew the boys, as they had been coming to me and to Subramanyam in the evenings to help in connection with their school home work, and it was evident that Krishnamurti was not one of the bright students. Then Mr. Leadbeater told me that Krishnamurti would become a great spiritual leader and a great speaker. I asked, ‘How great?’ As great as Mrs. Besant’? He replied, ‘Much greater’. And shortly after that he said that Krishnamurti would be the vehicle for the Lord Maitreya, the coming Teacher, who inspired Jesus. He was directed to help in training the boy for that purpose, which would be fulfilled, he told me, ‘unless something goes wrong’. This, I want to emphasize, in justice to Mr. Leadbeater. ” (Ernest Wood)
Wat is Theosofie?
By Robert Ellwood, vertaald door Marijke Koekoek.
240 Pagina’s | Eerste editie 1986, Theosophical Publishing House, Nederlandse vertaling 1994 | Soft cover | Kosmos – Z&K Uitgevers, Utrecht / Antwerpen. | ISBN: 9021522586.
De theosofische opvattingen over de schepping hebben in de loop van ruim een eeuw de aandacht en sympathie verworven van een nog steeds groeiend aantal mensen over de hele wereld. Er verschijnen steeds vaker boeken over reïncarnatie, karma, evolutie, de Eenheid van alle leven, de cyclische aard van de schepping en het mysterie van het bewustzijn. Allemaal begrippen die mede door de theosofische school zijn ontwikkeld.
Dat juist in onze tijd de belangstelling voor deze uiterst tolerante leer opnieuw krachtig groeit, heeft niet alleen alles te maken met de huidige drang van de mens naar dieper inzicht in zichzelf, maar ook met de modernste ontwikkelingen op wetenschappelijk gebied die tot inzichten leiden die vaak sterk verwant lijken met de spirituele opvattingen van de theosofen.
Uit Hoofdstuk 4 – ‘Op het Pad’ (p. 139):
Met een kenmerkende theosofische nadruk onderstreept Leadbeater het belang van dienstbaarheid. In het hoofdstuk over de Proeftijd haalt hij een Meester aan:
” Ik weet dat het enige doel in je leven het dienen van de Broederschap is; vergeet niettemin niet dat er hogere stappen voor je liggen, en dat er om vooruitgang op het Pad te boeken wakkere oplettendheid nodig is. Je moet niet alleen bereid zijn te dienen, je moet altijd uitkijken naar gelegenheden – nee gelegenheden scheppen – om in kleine dingen behulpzaam te zijn, zodat wanneer het groter werk komt, je dit niet over het hoofd zult zien. (p. 81). “
The Pilgrim Self
164 Pages | First Quest Edition 1996 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835607399.
” Life is . . . a series of sunrises, with night following behind them – each night a little death, each sunrise a minor birth . . . linked together by a single secret, the secret of who you really are. “
So begins this deceptively simple, poetic jewel of a book by Robert Ellwood, author of the best-selling inspirational classic Finding the Mind. Drawing on the teachings of Theosophist Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), Ellwood describes the individual self as a Pilgrim journeying from life to life, learning, growing, evolving toward that state of infinite purity from which we come and which is our true home.
A spiritual Passages for today’s seeker, Ellwood’s gentle travelogue for the soul points to the deeper meaning of the stages and sign-posts of human life – childhood, adolescence, midlife, aging – offering guidance for the Pilgrim who is each of us, as we walk life’s winding Path.
From Chapter 2 – ‘Chinks of Eternity’ (p. 29):
As the Secret Doctrine puts it:
” The universe is worked and guided, from within outwards. As above, so it is below, as in heaven, so on earth; and man, the microcosm and miniature copy of the macrocosm, is the living witness to this Universal Law and to the mode of its action.
And again:
From Gods to men, from Worlds to atoms, from a Star to a rush-light, from the Sun to the vital heat of the meanest organic being – the world of Form and Existence is an immense chain, the links of which all are connected. “
Finding the Quiet Mind
By Robert Ellwood.
155 Pages | Original edition 1983, seventh printing 2008 | Paperback | Quest Books, Wheaton | ISBN: 9780835605762
If you are interested in calming your mind and reaching inner resources of joy and power for daily living, but are not too concerned about exotic-seeming schools and techniques of meditation. then you are the sort of person for whom Finding the Quiest Mind is intended. In writing this guide to meditation, Ellwood has drawn from teaching experience and from a wide range of material Eastern and Western. Ellwood has endeavored to bring it all together into a coherent synthesis and put it into contemporary language for the modern reader.
The Cross and the Grail – Esoteric Christianity for the 21st Century
193 Pages | First Quest Edition, 1997 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. } ISBN: 0835607607.
Many Christians today yearn for a deeper, more inward practice of their faith. Drawing on the ancient wisdom tradition and the themes and symbols of medieval romance, Robert Ellwood shows Christianity at its most profound to be a philosophical, meditative, and mystical path.
The two symbols at heart of Christian belief – the Cross and Grail – represent the two faces of contemporary Christianity. The Cross is its outward face – masculine, public, exalted. The Grail is its hidden and esoteric face – magical, feminine, sought by many, found only by those who are able to ask the right questions. This book teaches you to ask the right questions. Its readings, stories, prayers, and practices can help you plumb into the hidden depths of a faith you may have taken for granted.
From the Preface (p. x & xi):
” The Grail of medieval and Arthurian and Christian romance, reminds us that the Path is also a great quest for the holy, for that which will transform us and the world. There are many versions of the Grail story. It is not my purpose here to sort them out, and in the end the Holy Grail means something unique to each sincere seeker of the hidden and eternal treasure it represents. However, in one way or another, the narratives generally tell of a knight, who journeys to a blighted land, perhaps ruled over by maimed king. Reaching the country’s center, the knight dares to enter a castle containing as its great treasure a chalice of imperishable brightness, which is guarded by knights and maidens bearing enigmatic tokens, such as a broken sword or a lance dripping blood. The puzzling question: ‘Whom does the Grail serve?’ must be asked by the knight in order to transform himself and restore the wasteland. In all versions there is a feeling of magical and dreamlike strangeness, suggesting, that the story is ultimately about initiation and a transformation taking place inwardly, at the deepest levels of consciousness from which come dream and inspiration. “