Esoteric Keys of Alchemy
Door Paul Foster Case
145 Pagina’s | 2006, first published 1932 | Uitgeverij Ishtar Publishing | ISBN 9780978053512
Terwijl ze ooit alleen toegankelijk waren voor particuliere leden, zijn deze sleutels van esoterische wijsheid nu eindelijk beschikbaar voor het publiek. Ontgrendel de opzettelijk cryptische alchemistische geschriften die zoveel zoekers in verwarring hebben gebracht, en ontdek de verborgen leringen over de ware spirituele en transformationele aard van het alchemistische proces. Verken de historische geschriften van de alchemisten van weleer. Paul Foster Case ontcijferde deze mysteries voor studenten van zijn School of Ageless Wisdom in een stapsgewijs proces. Terwijl hij aan de draad van het tapijt trekt, ontrafelt de hele sluier en vang je een glimp op van de verborgen betekenis en bedoeling. The Esoteric Keys of Alchemy combineert op unieke wijze de leringen van de Westerse Mysterie Traditie met de geschriften van de Yogi’s van het Oosten om de universele aard van die mysteries te onthullen.
Paul Foster Case (3 oktober 1884 – 2 maart 1954) wijdde zijn leven aan het dienen van de mensheid door middel van zijn esoterische beoefening. Hij was een vooraanstaand lid van de rozekruisersorde van de Alpha et Omega onder leiding van S. L. MacGregor Mathers, voordat hij zijn eigen mysterieschool oprichtte, The School of Ageless Wisdom. Later richtte hij de Builders of the Adytum (B.O.T.A.) op, die blijft bestaan als een internationale organisatie die uitgebreide training geeft in de westerse mysterietraditie, tarot, kabbalah en alchemie. Paul Foster Case was een productief schrijver en enkele van zijn boeken zijn: The Kybalion, An Introduction to the Study of the Tarot (1920), A Brief Analysis of the Tarot (1927), The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order (1927), The Book of Tokens (1934), The Great Seal of the United States (1935), The Open Door (1938) en The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages (1947).
Alchemie Wijsheid – Notes & Quotes
Door Dirk Oellibrandt
Pagina’s | 2019 | Softcover | Uitgeverij Du Mai / Life Projects | ISBN 9789402106251
Alchemie is de oorspronkelijke spirituele wetenschap. Het toont ons hoe het leven echt in elkaar zit. Als we verstillen en het leven als de ware meester kunnen zien, ervaren we deze diepe wijsheid.
Dirk Oellibrandt is al meer dan 30 jaar geboeid door alchemie in zijn authentieke vorm. Wij geeft dit op een zeer diepgaande, unieke manier door in zijn lessen en heeft zo al duizenden mensen geraakt en geholpen in het ontdekken en leven van hun ware levenspotentieel.
ln dit boekje vind je de wijsheden die voor zijn studenten een blijvende impact hebben gehad en die ze nog steeds meedragen als inspiratie, op weg naar het “her-inneren” van de grootsheid van leven.
"Veel uitdagingen op ons levenspad
ontstaan doordat we ons ware levenspotentieel
niet gebruiken en iets proberen te zijn
wat niet aansluit op onze ware natuur.
Een pompoenplant zal nooit peren voortbrengen."
Spirituele Alchemie – De Zoektocht naar volmaaktheid.
Door Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov (1900 – 1986), vertaald uit het Frans.
175 Pagina’s | 2017 | Paperback | Drukkerij Wilco, Amersfoort | ISBN: 9789076916446.
Oorspronkelijke titel: Le travail alchimique ou la quete de la perfection
‘Vecht niet tegen je zwakheden en ondeugden, want zij zullen jou verslaan, maar leer ze te gebruiken door ze aan het werk te zetten. Of het nu gaat om jaloersheid, boosheid, hebzucht, ijdelheid enzovoort, je moet weten hoe je ze kunt mobiliseren zodat zij voor jou werken in de door jou gekozen richting. Neem de natuurkrachten, zoals elektriciteit, wind, wolkbreuken, bliksem… Nu de mens weet hoe ze te beheersen en te gebruiken, verrijkt hij zich. En toch zijn dit oorspronkelijk vijandige krachten. Je vindt het normaal om natuurlijke energieën te gebruiken, waarom ben je dan verbaasd als gesproken wordt over het gebruiken van de primitieve energieën die zich in jou bevinden?… Wanneer je de regels van de spirituele alchemie eenmaal kent, zul je in staat zijn alle negatieve krachten die je in overvloed bezit, te transformeren en te gebruiken. ‘
— Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
Verlossing in de alchemie, tweede deel van Psychologie und Alchemie
Door C.G. Jung, vertaling door Pety de Vries-Ek.
303 Pagina’s | 1995, derde druk | Paperback | Lemniscaat, Rotterdam | ISBN 9060699769
Verlossing in de alchemie, tweede deel van Psychologie und Alchemie
Alchemisten worden meestal gezien als een primitief soort chemici; zonderlinge, bijgelovige lieden die trachtten goud te maken uit de wonderlijkste grondstoffen. Het is Jungs verdientse geweest dat hij opnieuw betekenis heeft gegeven aan de raadselachtige alchemistische symboliek. Hij laat zien dat het alchemistische proces een weerspiegeling is van psychische ontwikkelingen. De alchemist is op zoek naar het ‘filosofische goud’, de ‘steen der wijzen’; hij moet de geest in de materie vinden, Christus zien in de steen der wijzen. Voor de alchemist is de mens zowel degene die verlost moet worden, als de verlosser zelf. Uitvoerig gaat Jung in dit boek (het tweede deel van zijn belangrijke werk Psychologie und Alchemie) in op de aard van het alchemistische opus, en met name op de religieuze aspecten ervan. Talloze illustraties verhelderen
Indra’s Net – Alchemy and Chaos Theory as Models for Transformation
By Robert Robertson, Ph.D., Foreword by Allan Combs.
182 Pages | First Quest Edition 2009 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835608626.
‘ Somewhere in the celestial palace of the dancing god Indra, there hangs a fabulous net, that spreads out boundlessly over the cosmos in every direction. The divine craftsman has so cleverly fashioned this net that at every knot there hangs a dazzling jewel, each one so brilliantly polished, that it reflects all the others. As Above, so Below . . . ‘
This image of Indra’s net from a Buddhist Sutra symbolizes the Mystery, that, through our own transformation, each of us is united with everyone and everything else. Author Robin Robertson finds parallel models in ancient Alchemy, which tried to change base metal into gold, and modern chaos theory, which posits that tiny initial changes can have huge and unexpected outcomes – as a butterfly in Brazil might cause a tornado in Texas. Robinson lucidly shows how these two systems reveal the pattern of inner development in any spiritual tradition. No matter what one’s particular calling, these surprising insights can enrich and accelerate the transformative stages of any spiritual seeker.
From Chapter 6 – ‘The Philosopher’s Stone’:
” Central to this book is the understanding that the Opus is within us as much as it is without. As I mentioned in the Introduction, Buddhist philosophy captures this relationship between the world and the psyche through the image of Indra’s net: a vast necklace of shining jewels, all interconnected. It is told thus in the Avatamsaka Sutra:
Far away in the heavenly abode of the great God Indra, there is a wonderful net, which has been hung by some cunning artificer in such a manner that it stretches out infinitely in all directions. In accordance with the extravagant tastes of deities, the artificer has hung a single glittering jewel in each ‘eye’ of the net, and since the net itself is infinite in dimension, the jewels are infinite in number. There hang the Jewels, glittering like stars in the first magnitude, a wonderful sight to behold. If we now arbitrarily select one of these jewels for inspection and look closely at it, we will discover that in its polished surface there are reflected all the other jewels in the net, infinite in number. Not only that, but each of the jewels reflected in this one jewel is also reflecting all the other jewels, so that there is an infinite reflecting process ocurring. “
Embodying Osiris – The Secrets of Alchemical Transformation
275 Pages | First Question edition 2010 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835608800.
A ground-breaking integration of Jungian Psychology, Alchemy and Egyptian Mythology.
The myth of Osiris, dying and resurrecting Egyptian God of vegetation, marks a change that describes the earliest beginnings of the modern psyche. In excavating the myth. Jungian psychologist Thom Cavalli uses alchemy to transmute hidden secrets into sacred knowledge. Here for the first time is an alchemical interpretation of this timeless myth as a guide to spiritual transformation. Osiris’s rebirth symbolizes what alchemists have always seen as the creative power we all have for self-renewal. Cavalli shows us how to access this archetypical God in the quest to integrate body and Soul. To ‘become’ Osiris is to become whole.
From Chapter 2 – ‘Alchemy, Magic and Osiris’ (p. 67):
” Whether I live or die, I am Osiris
I enter in and reappear through you,
I decay in you. I grow in you.
I fall down in you. I fall upon my side.
The Gods are living for me for I live and grow in the corn
That sustains the Honored Ones.
I cover the earth,
Whether I live or die I am Barley,
I am not destroyed. “
– Mojsov, Osiris (8) (see intro., nr. 4). The quote is from The Coffin Texts.
City of Secrets – One Woman’s True-life Journey to the Heart of the Grail Legend
By Patrice Chaplin.
336 Pages | First Quest edition 2008 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835608718.
City of Secrets is, perhaps, the very first nonfiction title to combine the stories of the legendary Grail phenomenon with that of a modern-day love story.
In 1955, fifteen-year-old Patrice flees her predictable English life for sun-drenched Girona, a pre-Roman town in northern Spain. There, she falls in love with José, whose mission is to preserve the town’s ancient Caballistic tradition. Over the years, Patrice returns again and again to her lover and Girona. She meets enthralling characters and hears of visions, an oddly wealthy priest, a fabulous garden owned by a Frenchwoman, and two towers aligned to create a portal to another dimension. The priest is no other than the Abbé Saunière of Rennes-le-Château, and the mysteries linked to him are at the heart of the Grail phenomenon. People Patrice thought she knew well turn out to belong to a secret society guarding Saunière’s legacy. Now it is time, they say, to reveal their secrets, and they ask her to be the messenger.
In support of her revelations, Patrice provides copies of previously unreleased letters, written by Saunière, along with other documented evidence. Her romantic and lucid writing style, which has often been compared to Beat Generation legend Jack Kerouac, will leave readers with no doubt that this book is one-of-a-kind.
Patrice first went to the ancient Spanish town of Girona in 1955 as a fifteen-year-old girl. She fell in love with the town and with Jose, its favorite son. Over the years, as she returns again and again, she sees and hears many unusual things: people talking about a wealthy priest named Abbé Saunière of Rennes-le-Château, an old house with an amazing garden owned by a mysterious Frenchwoman, a strange ceremony in this house, and several intriguing characters, including Jean Cocteau. Later, in 2003, Patrice finally starts to make sense of everything she has seen. Her lifelong friend and former lover, Jose, has a heart attack, and decides it’s time to reveal the secrets he has been guarding from the world. She learns that a private society has for generations held Saunière’s letters and documents after his death in 1917. She also learns Jose has been the society’s custodian for many years. Jose tells Patrice the secret is not in Rennes-le-Château and that it is now her duty to discover the rest. Patrice Chaplin is an internationally renowned playwright and author who has published more than 25 books, plays, and short stories. Her most notable work includes Albany Park, Siesta, which was made into a film staring Jodi Foster and Isabella Rossellini, Into the Darkness Laughing, Hidden Star, Night Fishing, and Death Trap.
A Dictionary of Western Alchemy
By Jordan Stratford, with a Foreword by Jeffrey S. Kupperman, Ph.D.
135 Pages | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835608978.
‘ And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places. ‘ – Isa, 45:3 (King James Version).
From Arabic al-kimia (of Egypt) and old Egyptian khem (black, fertile soil), alchemy is the ancient science of elements and interactions in both the natural and spiritual realms. Spanning 2.500 years and informed by Hermetic and Neoplatonist influences, it has been practiced in the classical Greco-Roman world, medieval Europe and the medieval Middle-East and Orient, and in current esoteric circles.
From page 40:
” This is true and remote from all cover of falsehood.
Whatever is below is similar to that which is above. Through this the marvels of the work of one thing are procured and perfected.
Also, as all things are made from one, by the consideration of one, so all things were made from this one, by conjunction.
The father of it is the sun, the mother the moon.
The wind bore it in the womb, the nurse is the earth, the mother of all perfection.
Its power is perfected if it is turned into earth.
Separate the earth from the fire, the subtle and thin from the crude and coarse, prudently, with modesty and wisdom.
This ascents from the earth into the sky and again descends from the sky to the earth, and receives the power and efficacy of things above and of things below.
By this means you will acquire the glory of the whole world, and so you will drive away all shadows and blindness.
For this by its fortitude snatches the palm from all other fortitude and power. For it is able to penetrate and subdue everything subtle and everything crude and hard.
By this means the world was founded
And hence the marvelous conjunctions of it and admirable effects, since this is the way by which these marvels may be brought about.
And because of this they called me Hermes Trismegistus, since I have the three parts of the wisdom and Philosophy of the whole universe.
My speech is finished which I have spoken concerning the Solar Work. “
From: The Emerald Tablet.
This concise dictionary of alchemy provides clear access to one of the major roots of Western esoteric thought. Alchemists have three main pursuits: the transmutation of base metals into gold by means of the Lapis Philosophorum, the Philosopher’s Stone; the concoction of the Elixir of Life, a universal medicine; and the reconciliation between spirit and matter and direct knowledge of the Divine. The Dictionary of Western Alchemy contains the definition and etymology of hundreds of words and symbols, all relating to these three noble pursuits. Subjects include alchemical processes and procedures, the natural elements and apparatus used, major practitioners and philosophers, and concepts and beliefs. Distinguishing this guide from similar ones is the addition of etymology, which connects the language of alchemy to its Latin, Greek, and Arabic sources. Symbolic pictographs accompany half of the over four hundred entries, and a fascinating illustration from the long tradition of alchemical art introduces each letter of the alphabet. Most important is the author Jordan Stratford’s unique perspective as both a modern Gnostic priest and a Freemason. He brings to bear extensive knowledge of the depth psychology of C. G. Jung, who based his key concept of individuation on the premise that what the ancient alchemists truly sought was inner transformation.
Hidden Wisdom – A Guide to Western Inner Traditions
By Richard Smoley and Jay Kinney.
400 Pages | First edition 1999, revised edition 2006, incl. suggested reading lists per chapter | Softcover | Quest Books U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835608442.
For decades, our modern society has looked to the East for spiritual guidance and renewal. Here is a guide much closer to home. Its subjects range comprehensibly from Jungian psychology to the Kabbalah and Gnosticism, and from Freemasonry and the Templars to Alchemy, Shamanism, the work of Gurdjieff, Neopaganism, Sufism and esoteric Christianity.
Authors Smoley and Kinney speak with sensible, even-handed objectivity, covering the strengths and weaknesses as well as the history and ideas of each tradition. They also end each chapter with a wealth of resources for further exploration. Whether you are just beginning to seek a spiritual practice or want to know more about a particular teaching; Hidden Wisdom is an invaluable resource for finding the Path, that is right for you.
From Chapter 5 – ‘Magicians: Sculptors of the Astral Light’ (p. 105):
” Magic is the traditional science of the secrets of Nature, which has been transmitted to us from the Magi. By means of this science the Adept is invested with a species of relative omnipotence and can operate superhumanly – that is, after a manner which transcends the normal possibility of man. “
Richard Smoley is the former editor of <em>Gnosis</em> magazine and today is editor of Quest Books.
“Covering the gamut from Kabbalah, Gnosticism, and Sufism to shamanism, Neopaganism, Theosophy, and mystical Christianity, Hidden Wisdom is the handbook to the Western wisdom traditions. Also included are the teachings of C.G. Jung, G.I. Gurdjieff, Alice Bailey, and Rudolf Steiner. Authors Smoley and Kinney examine the key figures and movements of these traditions throughout history to offer a balanced and coherent view of esoteric Western practices. Accessible to all readers—whether they’re considering membership or long-term practice of any one tradition or teaching or they’re simply curious about their options—this book lends advice on how to find groups and like-minded individuals and how to best avoid possible pitfalls. This book is a reliable and truly helpful guide. It is clear, intelligent, grounded, and appropriately critical. If you want to add a vital dimension to your life, start with this book and discover a fascinating world that lies hidden all around you”. —Thomas Moore, author of Care of the Soul and Dark Nights of the Soul
The Secret of the Golden Flower – A Chinese Book of Life
Translated and explained by Richard Wilhelm (1873 – 1930), with a commentary by Carl Gustav Jung (1875 – 1961)
149 Pages | First published in 1931; new, revised & augmented edition, 1962 | Softcover | Harcourt Brace & Company, USA | ISBN 9780156799805
The Secret of the Golden Flower, the Treatise that forms the central part of this book, was discovered by Professor Wilhelm, who recognized it as essentially a practical guide to the integration of the personality. His German translation, published in the autumn of 1929 shortly before his death, was immediately hailed by Jung as a link between the insights of the East and his own psychological research, a relationship explored by the great analytical psychologist in a brilliant and significant commentary.
This edition also contains part of another Chinese meditation text, the Hui Ming Ching or The Book of Consciousness and Life, and is illustrated with numerous plates and drawings.
A quotation about ‘detachment’ (p. 122):
A halo of light surrounds the world of the law.
We forget one another, quiet and pure, altogether powerful and empty.
The emptiness is irradiated by the light of the heart of heaven.
The water of the sea is smooth and mirrors the moon its surface.
The clouds disappear in blue space; the mountains shine clear.
Consciousness reverts to contemplation; the moondisk rests alone.
From the Hui Ming Ching