The Animal Kingdom, A Spiritual Perspective
By Alice Bailey (1880 – 1949).
982019 Pages | 2019, third edition, first edition 2005 | Paperback | Lucis Publishing Company, New York | ISBN: 9780853301455.
Is there a higher purpose behind the relationships we have with domesticated animals? The answer is a resounding ”yes!” The Animal Kingdom, A Spiritual Perspective will deepen our understanding of the mystery of the animal kingdom.
This book explains the divine purpose of our association with domesticated animals, and the important role humanity has to play in their evolution.
The Animal Kingdom, A Spiritual Perspective is a thought-provoking compilation of extracts from the books of Alice A. Bailey, who wrote:
”The service humanity is to render is that of producing unity, harmony, and beauty in nature, through blending into one functioning, related unity the soul in all forms. This is achieved individually at first, then it takes place in group formation, and finally it demonstrates through an entire kingdom in nature.”
–Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, Vol. II, pp. 363-64
Little Tyke – The True Story of a Gentle Vegetarian Lionness
By Georges H. Westbeau.
150 Pages | Copyright 1975, first Re-Quest edition 1986 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835606058.
Born to be a bewildered and frustrated mother on a somber September day, the lionness Little Tyke set the world thinking anew. She was to fire the deepest thoughts within us and to remind us of an ancient prophecy. She was to bring out out heart-felt tenderness in a most unexpected manner.
A tragedy and a miracle were to occur minutes apart. The tragedy took only seconds. The miracle would last nine years, and to many it lasts to this very day . . .
From Chapter ‘The Vegetarian’ (p. 32, 33 & 34).
“At four years of age Little Tyke was a mature African lionness, and she weighed three hundred and fifty-two pounds. Every year, she became more gentle. We had practically given up the hope of creating in Little Tyke a taste for meat, […] On one occasion, I asked a young visitor this question, and it was he, who put my mind at ease. He turned to look at me with serious eyes, then asked; ‘Don’t you read your Bible?’ I admitted, I didn’t read it as much as I probably should. He continued; ‘Read Genesis 1:30 and you will get your answer. ‘ At my first opportunity I got my Bible and turned to the passage he had indicated. To my astonishment, I read these words:
‘And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat; and it was so.’
We didn’t worry anymore about Little Tyke’s diet. We had already worked out one which she loved. It consisted of cooked cereals, raw eggs and milk. Did she thrive on it? Well, one of this country’s most able zoo curators said Little Tyke was the best of her species he had ever viewed! “
Animal Welfare and Nature: Hindu Scriptural Perspectives (Second Edition)
By G. Naganathan, Foreword by Dr. Karan Singh with an Introduction by Dr. Michael W. Fox.
30 Pages |This book was originally a publication of the Centre of Respect for Life and Environment, Washington. First edition 1991, second edition 2000. With illustrations | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170594170.
In the Hindu view of life, all creation is linked together by a golden thread, because all manifestation has sprung from the eternal Brahman – Ishvasyamidam Sarvam Yatkincha Jagatyam Jagat – as the Upanishad has it. The seers of the Vedas, therefore prayed for the Welfare not only of the human race but for all living creatures, including animals, and indeed even for such apparently inanimate objects as trees and plants. Animals have always played a central role in the Hindu perception. In its mythology every God and Goddess is associated with a particular animal as its vehicle or vahana.
From the Foreword:
” The point that emerges is that animals are not to be looked upon as creatures to be cruelly exploited but as partners with human beings in the spiritual adventure of living. Indeed, although hunting was also an old Hindu tradition, it is surely significant that in both our great epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, tragedy should have been triggered by hunting episodes. The whole question of animals as bound to human beings in a benign symbiosis receives considerable attention in the Hindu scriptural tradition, the most popular of which, of course, became the cow, which is still looked upon by millions as sacred. “
Food for Thought
By Adam Moledina.
71 Pages | Published in 1996 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | No ISBN.
Even non-vegetarians, at least the generality of them, may really not be aware of the true enormity of pain and suffering our subhuman brethren have to undergo to meet the fancied needs of man’s palate. Food for Thought shows in graphic intensity the inch-by-inch torture our animals undergo and how in the name of scientific farming we have perfected and continue to perfect torture as a fine art and science. Each sincere reader will have to face the stunning questions: What right do I have to inflict so much suffering on other creatures? Does my subsistence really call for all that? The final decision, of course, is his or hers to take.
From page 63:
” More people are becoming aware of the deplorable conditions to which animals are subjected to live all their lives. The conscientious consumer is now demanding meat, poultry and eggs from animals raised on farms. There are known as ‘free-range’ products. Each of us is responsible for our choices, and for the consequences of our choices. The better informed we are, the more intelligently we are able to weigh the alternatives and make choices that satisfy our conscience. If real change comes about, as it can, it will have to be consumer-led. The bottom line weapon that counts is the shoppping bag.
Can I see another’s woe,
And not be in sorrow too?
Can I see another’s grief
And not seek for kind relief? “
- From: William Blake (1757 – 1827).
When Elephants Weep – The Emotional Lives of Animals
By Jeffrey M. Masson and Susan McCarthy.
268 Pages | Published in 1996 | Softcover | Vintage, London | ISBN: 0099478919.
Fore more than 100 years, scientists have denied that animal experience emotions, yet this remarkable and ground-breaking book proves what animal-lovers have known to be true: wolves, giraffes, elephants, and many other creatures exhibit all kinds of feelings – hope, fear, shame, love, compassion. From Ola, the irritable whale, to Toto, the chimpanzee who nursed his owner back to health, this book collects together for the first time a vast range of case histories, which show the extraordinary complexity of the animal world, and the tumult of emotions that govern it.
From page 223:
” Freedom from exploitation and abuse by humankind should be the inalienable right of every living being. Animals are not there for us to drill holes into, clamp down, dissect, pull apart, render helpless and subject to agonising experiments. They are, like us, endangered species on an endangered planet, and we are the ones, who are endangering them, it and ourselves. They are innocent sufferers in a hell of our making. We owe it to them, at the very least, to refrain from harming them further. If no more, we could leave them be.
When animals are no longer colonised and appropriated by us, we can reach out to our evolutionary cousins. Perhaps then the ancient hope for a deeper emotional connection across the species barrier, for closeness and participation in a realm of feelings now beyond our imagination, will be realised. “
Dieren in de Woonomgeving – De Bevordering van de Huisvesting van Niet-Huisdieren in de Woonomgeving
Door Michiel Haas.
64 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 2003, incl. afbeeldingen| NIBE Publishing- (Nederlands Instituut voor Bouwbiologie en Ecologie), Bussum | ISBN: 9074510086.
Dit is Deel 3 uit de Serie ‘Duurzaam & Gezond Bouwen’.
Het is, door de juiste planten, struiken en bomen aan te planten, mogelijk om in onze onmiddellijke nabijheid natuur te realiseren. Bepaalde soorten trekken bepaalde diersoorten aan. Ook met natuur- en bouwkundige voorzieningen is het mogelijk de aanwezigheid van bepaalde diersoorten te reguleren. Om te bepalen in welke omgeving en onder welke omstandigheden dit dient te gebeuren is echter wel enige kennis van de biologie van dieren en de ecologie vereist.
Dit boekje wil deze kennis op een praktische manier beschikbaar maken, zodat particulieren, maar ook architecten, opdrachtgevers, ontwikkelaars en gemeenten, aan de gang kunnen gaan met het scheppen van stukjes natuur in de directe verblijfsomgeving. Het gaat iedereen aan. We kunnen er meteen mee aan de slag, in het ontwerp, maar ook in de uitwerking. Iedereen kan zijn tuin aanpassen, (meer) planten op het balkon of dak zetten, of gevels laten begroeien. Op die manier kunnen we, met de juiste middelen, de natuur weer dichterbij halen. Hoe meer natuur we in onze directe omgeving aanbrengen, hoe meer verschillende diersoorten we na verloop van tijd zullen aantreffen.
Afkomstig uit de Inleiding (p. 5):
” Veel huizen hadden vroeger een mooi rond gat in het puntje van het dak, bedoeld om de geesten, die zich bij voorkeur in de dakbalken ophielden, naar binnen en naar buiten te kunnen laten gaan. Ook de ziel van de overledenen konden op die wijze het huis verlaten. Dat die openingen ook gebruikt werden door kerkuilen en vleermuizen is een bijkomende zaak. Maar door de verandering van de gewoonte om de geesten niet meer die weg te gunnen, zijn veel nestgelegenheden verloren gegaan. “
Heads & Tails (The People for Animals Edition)
182 Pages | Published in 1994 | Softcover | The Other India Press in association with People for Animals | No ISBN.
This is a cult book. It is a selection from the columns by Maneka Gandhi, which reach 10 million readers through a huge network of newspapers and magazines in India. It is also telecast on six TV channels reaching fifty nations. It is a practical book that makes ahiṃsā (non-violence) the key to a new world. By suggesting simple ways to combat exploitation and cruelty towards animals. It recommends, in the process, a more humane and sustainable lifestyle. Five editions in five months is an all time record. You must read the book to know why. Why it has converted so many to the cause of ahiṃsā and vegetarianism worldwide.
From Part I – ‘All in the Name of Food: Milk, Meat and Violence’ (p. 39):
” We all know that the planet needs healing – and everyone I have come across has asked me what they can do to contribute. After years of trying to discover where the problem begins, I believe now it is with our food choices. These merely don’t affect your own health, but have an impact that extends all over the globe bringing up questions of land use and water use and waste and right to life and forest decimation. Our food choices affect not this one body of yours but your genes – which means the children you will bring into this world. Do you really want to walk around in a poisoned and defective body? “