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Kunst & Cultuur

30 juli 2021

Art & Theosophy

By Martin Firrell and A.L. Pogosky.

94 Pages | 2019 | Hardcover | Martil Firrell Company / Modern Theosophy, London | ISBN: 9781912622061.

Martin Firrell is a contemporary theosophist and a public artist using language in public space to engage directly with the public. His work promotes constructive dialogues about marginalisation, equality and more equitable social organisation, with the aim of making the world more humane.

Aleksandra Loginovna Pogosskaia, A.L. Pogosky, or Madame Pogosky was a Russian emigre, an activist and business woman promoting Russian art in the West. She became a member of the Theosophical Society in 1909 drawn to the Society’s object of forming a ‘universal brotherhood of humanity’. She applied this idea to communal work in the arts.

”Not all theosophists are artists but perhaps all artists would benefit consideably from being theosophists.”
–Martin Firrell, 2019

”Money is well taken care of. It is only the world’s handicrafts that are neglected, uncared for.”
–A.L. Pogosky, 1917

Author: Firrell, M. / Pogosky, A.L.
ISBN: 9781912622061

Prijs: € 16,95

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Venus is geen Vamp – Het Vrouwbeeld in 35.000 Jaar Venuskunst

Door Annine van der Meer.

456 Pages | Uitgegeven in 2009 | Softcover | Academie PanSophia i.s.m. A3 Boeken, Geesteren | ISBN: 9789077408674.

In dit boek maakt Annine van der Meer een einde aan het geseksualiseerde, gedemoniseerde en patriarchale beeld van de Oervrouw. Ze rekent af met het vrouwloze beeld van de prehistorie, zoals de Vaderlandse geschiedenis ons voorschotelt. Als een ware pionier brengt Annine van der Meer orde in de chaos van de Venuskunst, de sacrale voorchristelijke vrouwelijke kunst, die te maken heeft met leven, dood en wedergeboorte. En dan blijkt, dat er geen sprake is van chaos, maar van een coherente symbooltaal, die universeel en mondiaal is. Dat vrouwelijke kunst – in tegenstelling tot mannelijke kunst – in grote hoeveelheden is vervaardigd volgens een uniform standaardmodel, dat over vele millennia is overgeleverd. Het bewijs wordt geleverd dat vrouwelijkheid gerespecteerd is en centraal geeft gestaan zonder daarbij de balans met het mannelijke in de oude egalitaire samenlevingen te verstoren.

Dit boek bestaat uit twee delen. In deel I brengt de schrijfster de Venuskunst in kaart met een typologie en classificatie van soorten en stijlen. Varianten en lichaamshoudingen plaatst ze in een chronologisch kader tegen de achtergrond van een complexer wordende samenleving. De kunst spiegelt de natuur en de man-vrouwverhouding in die cultuur. Over de hele linie laat Venuskunst een verharding en militarisering van de samenleving zien, waarin de positie van de vrouw en dus het vrouwbeeld verslechtert.

  • DEEL 1: behandelt de periode 35.000 – 10.000 v. Chr. – vanaf het moment dat de vroeg-moderne mens zich in Europa verspreidt tot het moment dat de laatste ijstijd afloopt en de overgang van jagen en voedselverzamelen naar landbouw inzet.
  • DEEL 2: behandelt de verschillende thema’s en de bijbehorende symbolen per cultuur en chronologisch vanaf 10.000 v. Chr. tot het jaar o. De thema’s zijn: Venus’ vormen en getallen. haar lievelingsplekken, haar partnerdieren, haar geliefde bomen en planten, haar opvallendste lichaamsdelen, haar favoriete kleding, hoofdtooi en uitrusting, en haar kenmerkende lichaamshoudingen. Tot slot is er aandacht voor Maria, die veel van Venus’ symbooltaal meeneemt naar de christelijke periode.

Afkomstig uit Hoofdstuk 6: ‘Haar favoriete Kleding, Hoofdtooi en Uitrusting’ (blz. 355):


” Cyprus is het eiland van Aphrodite. Hier is door de eeuwen heen zo veel vrouwelijke kunst gevonden, dat het modebeeld zich goed laat volgen. Aan de basis ligt een oeroude natuurreligie en vruchtbaarheidscultus rond de Anassa of de soevereine, die vanaf 3.000 aantoonbaar in de kunst aanwezig is. Zij leeft voort in volksverhalen als de Righena (van het Latijnse ‘regina’ of koningin). Er wordt verhaald dat zij in velden, grotten, bronnen en bergen leeft. Het liefst verblijft zij in afgelegen grotten hoog in de bergen. Zij is liefdevol, maar kan ook wreed zijn; ook naar haar minnaar toe. Zij ondergaat Oosterse invloeden uit Egypte en Klein-Azië. Een hele tijd loopt zij naar goed oud-Oosters gebruik naakt of in doorschijnende kleding. Vanaf de 12de en 11de eeuw bereiken de Kretenzers en Grieken het eiland; ze vermengen zich met de inheemse bevolking. Nu ‘vergriekst’ de Anassa tot de Griekse godin, die later Aphrodite wordt genoemd. “

Auteur: Van der Meer, A.
ISBN: 9789077408674

Prijs: € 20,00

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The Language of MA – The Primal Mother: The Evolution of the Female Image in 40,000 Years of Global Venus Art

By Dr. Annine van der Meer.

587 Pages | Published in 2013 | Softcover | Uitgeverij A3 Boeken | ISBN: 9789082031300.

This is the first pioneering study of global ‘Venuses’, who are part of an ancient and contemporary art traditionally called ‘Venus Art’ – the Art of Primal Mother(s), the Art of the female ancestors. Venus Art reflects the consciousness of egalitarian societies of peace, in which women and feminine values play or have played a central role, in which MA or the MATER or MOTHER and the primal mothers of the clan are central.

To date Venus Art has been understood, neglected and not integrally researched. The Art has become eroticised and sexualised. The purpose of this book is to rehabilitate Venus Art with Venus seen and honored as manifestation of the divine Mother MA.

From Chapter 2 – ‘The Book in a Nutshell’ (p. 15):

” Part 1 consists of eight chapters, part 2 the same. This is no coincidence. Three and four make seven. Seven plus one makes eight. In eight begins a new octave, a new time, a new mankind. In the lemniscate of the eight. the independent feminine and masculine come together in perfect balance. By bringing the forgotten feminine into the picture, balance and connection is created with the masculine. Unity. “



Auteur: Van der Meer, A.
ISBN: 9789082031300
Additional DescriptionMore Details

Remember MA • Welcome a new art historical approach that defi nitively maps the contribution of woman to evolution and brings to an end a male world history without women. • Remember the primal mothers, who much later were called ‘Venuses’ and sometimes pin-ups. This book rehabilitates them as the first leaders of humanity. • Learn about a global feminine system of symbols that shows an astonishing consistency and coherency. • Witness how prehistoric cultures produced much more feminine art than masculine art. • Understand why the feminine was pictured so often in old and modern female-friendly societies of peace and balance. • Learn to discern an ancient primal mother from a later goddess, priestess and worshipper. • See how a male system of symbols is laid over the older feminine system of symbols; now the female image is devalued and the world is changed in a valley of tears. • Meet the lost Lady of Old Israel in images and texts and see how she is transculturally transformed into Mary, the Lady of all Nations in Christianity. Dr Annine E.G. van der Meer (1953) is a Dutch historian of religion and holds a PhD in theology from the University of Utrecht. She is the author of several books. She has travelled widely to retrace the universal hidden Mother in sacred texts, art and symbols. She is founder and president of the Dutch PanSophia Academy, school of Wisdom, where she also teaches. In July 2010 33 women of international standing in their particular fields were honoured in the ‘Manifest Female Energy’. Annine van der Meer was one of six Dutch women to be decorated. According to the manifest, they have contributed to transformation processes in the world; a new world, in which feminine and masculine energies mutually inspire each other and are growing towards a new, powerful and creative world order.


Prijs: € 29,95

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This Matter of Culture

By Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986), edited by Rajagopalacharya Desikacharya (commonly D. Rajagopal) (1900–1993).

224 Pages | First edition 1964, reprinted in 1992 & 1994, this edition was first published in 2001 and reprinted in 2004 | Softcover | Krishnamurti Foundation India | ISBN: 8187326263.

This Matter of Culture consists of Krishnamurti’s talks and discussions with the students, parents and teachers of the schools he founded in India, and has been chosen by Parabola Magazine as ‘one of the hundred best spiritual books of the century’. Ever since it was brought out in 1964, it has been published world-wide in 22 languages and has remained a popular book on education. Here, Krishnamurti defines, in unmistakable terms, the real function of education, as also the purpose of human life:

‘The function of education is to bring about a release of energy in the pursuit of goodness, truth, or God, which in turn makes the individual a true human being and therefore the right kind of citizen.’

‘It is also our problem to find out what God is, because that is the very foundation of our life. A house cannot stand for long without a proper foundation, and all the cunning inventions of man will be meaningless if we are not seeking out what is God or truth.’

From Chapter XIII (p. 99):

” That is why it is very important that we should be rightly educated – educated not to be smothered by tradition, not to fall into the destiny of a particular racial, cultural or family group, educated not to become mechanical beings moving towards a predetermined end. The man, who understands this whole process, who breaks away from it and stands alone, creates his own momentum; and if his action is a breaking away from the false towards the truth, then, that momentum itself becomes the truth. Such men are free from destiny. “

auteur: Krishnamurti, J/Rjagopal, D (ed.)
ISBN: 8187326263
Additional DescriptionMore Details

This Matter of Culture consists of Krishnamurti’s talks and discussions with the students, parents and teachers of the schools he founded in India, and has been chosen by parabala magazine as ‘one of the hundred best spiritual books of the century’. Every since it was brought out in 1964, it has been published world-wide in 22 languages and has remained a popular book on education. Here Krishnamurti defines, in unmistakable terms, the real function of education, as also the purpose of human life:


Prijs: € 8,50

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Nicholas & Helena Roerich: The Spiritual Journey of Two Great Artists and Peacemakers

By Ruth A. Drayer.

357 Pages | First Quest Edition 2005 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835608435.

The world has never before so needed Nicholas and Helena Roerich’s vision of universal brotherhood. Early twentieth-century Russian mystics, they sought to unite humanity through art and culture. Nicholas created over 7.000 paintings, some of which appear here in full color. Helena, a gifted healer, wrote the revered Agni Yoga series. Ruth Drayer weaves their teachings with their journeys to the most dangerous regions of Central Asia, where they were the first Caucasians many people had seen.

A Noble Peace Price nominee, Nicholas inspired the Roerich Peace Pact signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and twenty-two countries. Secretary of Agriculture Henry Wallace, who admired Roerich, sent him to Mongolia to find drought-resistant grasses. But the true mission (did Wallace know?) was to locate Shambhala and create a ‘New Country’ to usher in an era of world peace. In a way the couple could not foresee, the venture did indeed change the course of history.

Here is the definite work – the only one that reveals how intimately the Roerich’s beliefs directed their lives and that features Helena as a leading spiritual force and pioneering feminist.

From Chapter 15 – ‘Into Tibet’:

” The Master explained, ‘Truly the experience of journeying gives the best key to the realization of cosmic lives. The true traveler reflects lucidly on the path, which lies behind and clearly expresses the desired direction. He will appraise former circumstances and will foresee the better possibilities. “

auteur: Drayer, R.A.
ISBN: 9780835608435

Prijs: € 25,95

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The Yoga of Beauty

By Dr. Laurence J. Bendit.

24 Pages | First edition, third reprint 2004 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 817059281X.

Here Dr. Laurence J. Bendit  has dealt with the subject of beauty from the Theosophical point of view, principally to say that beauty transforms consciousness. It links the spiritual with the psychical. In his words, ‘ takes down shutters in the mind‘, and the real artist must be open to the inner world of Nature, who is the greatest creative artist, being unconditioned by past experiences. The search for beauty is a form of yoga.

From page 19:

” The discipline of the seeker after God as Beauty, here consists, as in all other forms of seeking, in removing the factors which stand between him and what he seeks. Patañjali tells us that if we want to find Truth, we do not have to move from where we are, but simply to take down the shutters in our minds, to stop letting the mind interfere with our perceptions. We then see what has been within reach of us all of the time. So it is with the aesthetic: a matter of allowing the vision of the Beautiful to flow into us freely and without obstruction. “

auteur: Bendit, L.J.
ISBN: 817059281X

Prijs: € 2,00

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