Saundarya-Laharī – Ocean of Beauty
By Śrī Śaṃkara-Bhagavatpāda with transliteration, English translation, commentary, diagrams and an appendix on Prayoga by Pandit S. Subrahmany Sastri and T.R. Srinivasa Ayyangar.
288 Pages | First published in 1937, sixth printing 1985 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 0835670678.
The Saundarya-laharārī, ’the Ocean of Beauty’, eminently shares the characteristics of a poem displaying the finest touches of poetical fancy, (ii) a Stotra, hymn, in praise of the Goddess Tripurasundarī, (iii) a series of Mantra-s, mystic formulae, to be used by the Upāsaka along with the corresponding Yantra-s, diagrams, wherein the Devī is to be conceived as abiding, and (iv) an exposition of the Agama-s and Tantra-s, bearing on the worship of the Supreme Being in Its aspect of the Śakti, Creative Energy, known as the Śrī-vidyā, embodying the underlying principles of Vaidika-dharma and as such having the sanction of the Veda-s. In its first forty-one stanzas it encompasses the Ananda-laharī, ’the Ocean of the Blisfully Sublime’.
From Page 220:
” 78. Sthiro gangāvartah stana-mukula-romāvali-latā-
nijāvālaṃ kuṇdaṃ kusumasara-tejo-huta-bhujaḥ ;
Rater līlāgāraṃ kim api tava nābhir giri-sute
biladvāraṃ siddher girisa-nayanānāṃ vijayate.
O Daughter of the Mountain! all glory to Thy navel (which may be characterized) in some such way (as) a motionless eddy of the Gangā, a trench for the growth of the creeper of the line of down, with the breasts as buds; the pit for maintaining the sacrificial Fire of the prowess of the flower-arrowed (Kusuma-Śāra); the pleasure-bower of Rati; the mouth of the cavern for the attainment (of Yoga) by Girisa’s eyes! “
O Hidden Life – An Exposition by Joy Mills
By Joy Mills (1920 – 2015).
14 Pages | Reprinted from The Theosophist, June 1976 | Softcover (Leaflet) | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170592410.
Sometime, in early 1923, Dr. Annie Besant (1847 – 1933), then President of The Theosophical Society, penned some lines that have since become familiar to members throughout the world, have been translated into several languages, and have, indeed, become a nearly indispensable part of ebery Theosophist’s vocabulary. The words have been set to music; they have been chanted and sung; and few gatherings of the Society that have been held since that year have not been opened with the recitation of these words. At every International Convention, successive Presidents of the Society have inaugurated the proceedings with the antiphonal recitation of what has come to be known as the ‘Universal Prayer’ or ‘ Universal Invocation’. Simple in the extreme, the words possess the magical power of a mantram:
” O Hidden Life, vibrant in every atom;
O Hidden Light, shining in every creature;
O Hidden Love, embracing all in Oneness;
May each who feels himself as one with Thee,
Know he is therefore one with every other. “
- (From page 2.)