The Real World of Fairies – A First-Person Account
Door Dora van Gelder (Dora Kunz)
180 Pagina’s | Second Edition Eight Printing 1999 | Softcover | Uitgeverij The Theosophical Publishing House | ISBN 9780835607797
The Real World of Fairies is een bevoorrechte blik in een blijmoedig en geanimeerd universum. Dora van Gelder’s betoverende beeld van haar ontmoetingen met het elfenrijk brengt de magische en mysterieuze wereld van de elfen op een vitale, aansprekende, en oprechte manier tot leven. Haar zachtmoedige verhalen zullen het kind in ons in verrukking brengen, onze volwassen verbeelding prikkelen, onze creativiteit en energie aanwakkeren ons gevoel van verbondenheid met de natuur verdiepen.
Deze nieuwe editie bevat een voorwoord van een expert op het gebied van Keltische folklore, Caitlin Matthews, wiens persoonlijke ervaringen en diepe kennis van de wereld van de elfen een frisse blik bijdragen aan dit opmerkelijke eerstehands verslag.
Als we geduldig en hoffelijk zijn, kunnen ook wij feeënbondgenoten vinden in de wilde plekken in de natuur, op de geheime paden van onze dromen, in de diepe wijsheid van de oude en voorouderlijke tradities van ons land, zoals Dora van Gelder heeft aangetoond.
Caitlin Matthews, uit het voorwoord
Dora van Gelder Kunz werd geboren in 1904 met helderziende vermogens, verder opgeleid tijdens haar samenwerking met C.W. Leadbeater. Ze is al vele jaren verbonden met nieuwe technieken voor genezing, inclusief het ontwikkelen van Therapeutic Touch, samen met Dr. Dolores Krieger. Dora van Gelder Kunz is voormalig voorzitter van The Theosophical Society in America, en auteur van The Chakras and Human Energy Fields (met Dr. Shafica Karagulla), The Personal Aura, en de bloemlezing Spiritual Healing.
Quest Books bij TPH:
A New Covenant with Nature – Notes on the End of Civilization and the Renewal of Culture
- Has modern civilization really improved human lives?
- Is money evil?
- Is government necessary?
- What can we each do to renew our connection with all that is wild, and generative, and free?
In this radical and thought-provoking book, ecophilosopher Richard Heinberg explores these questions with wit, perception, and refreshing insight. Each culture, Heinberg shows, makes a covenant or agreement with nature. Our culture’s agreement is obviously crumbling. If we are to create a new covenant, we must begin by rethinking the givens of society from the ground up – or even, quietly desert the existing social system and help birth a better one.
From Part III – ‘The Great Purification’ (p. 163):
” To speak of wilderness is to speak of wholeness. Human beings came out of that wholeness, and to consider the possibility of reactivating membership in the Assembly of All Beings is in no way regressive. “ – Gary Snyder.
A Divine Vision of Man, Nature and God
By Curuppumullage Jinarājadāsa (1875–1953).
76 Pages | First Edition 1928, 1st – 3rd reprints 1949-1954, second edition 1986 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170590329.
These three Lectures were delivered by the Author at the Queen’s Hall London in May 1927, and formerly published under the title ‘The Divine Vision’.
It is a true saying, and one experienced and proved by us all, that we rise to higher things on the stepping stones of our dead selves. The life of man is a continual change of vision; as experiences come to him one after another, it is as if he rose from one level to another as he climbs up a mountain side, and therefore his visions steadily changes.
We recognise that there are two kinds of vision possible for us, that of the ordinary man of the world, and that other vision, which is presented to us by the great leaders of humanity, the founders of the religions. But we are apt to imagine that that lofty vision of the great teachers is something reserved for them alone, that we men in these lower levels are not capable of a divine vision. Yet the whole purpose of the message of Theosophy is to show that what the greatest of mankind has achieved shall some day be the achievement of every human being. In the course of these three Lectures, I shall try to show there is possible for us a divine vision of man, of nature and of God.
From Page 26:
” The student of Nature wonders the more and is astonished the less, the more conversant he becomes with her operations; but of all the perennial miracles she offers to his inspection, perhaps the most worthy of admiration, is the development of a plant or of an animal from its embryo. Examine the recently laid egg of some common animal, such as the salamander or a newt. It is a minute spheriod in which the best microscope will reveal nothing but a structureless sac, enclosing a glairy fluid holding granules in suspension. But strange possibilities lie dormant in that semi-fluid globe. Let a moderate amount of warmth reach its watery cradle, and the plastic matter undergoes changes so rapid and yet so steady and purposelike in their succession, that one can only compare them to those operated by a skilled modeller upon a formless lump of clay. As with an invisible trowel, the mass is divided and sub-divided into smaller and smaller proportions until it is reduced to an aggregation of granules not too large to build withal the finest fabrics of the nascent organism. And, then, it is as if a delicate finger traced out the line to be occupied by the spinal column, and moulded the contour of the body, pinching up the head at one end, the tail at the other, and fashioning flank and limb into due salamandrine proportions in so artistic a way that, after watching the process hour by hour, one is almost involuntarily possessed by the notion that some more subtle aid to vision than an achromatic microscope would show the hidden artist, with his plan before him, striving with skilful manipulation to perfect his work. ” – Lay Sermons, Chapter – ‘The Origin of Species’.
Freedom through the Balisier (A Quest Miniature)
By Cyril H. Boynes.
113 Pages | First edition 1984 – A Quest Miniature | Softcover| Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835605841.
‘I go to prepare a place for you… that where I AM, there you may be also…’
The colorful balisier is indigenous to Trinidad. The fiery plant has taken on deep mystical overtones for many of the natives, because of its unusual characteristics. It represents a symbol of life’s conflicts and eventual victory over our temporal nature. It might be said, it represents eternity itself, because of its almost indestructable nature. Because of the snake, that makes the balisier its home, it represents the dangers we encounter in our search for Truth. All this and more is brought to light in this Quest Miniature booklet. A native of Trinidad, points to many symbolic correspondences between the balisier and Christianity in an ecumenical sense.
From Chapter 3 – ‘A Symbol for a full Heart (p. 31 & 32):
” I decided to take Emerson’s concept splitting a word and watching it bleed to study this silence that flows into our stilled Souls. So I broke the word ‘silence’ and watched it bleed:
S = See | I = Into | L = Life | E = Every | N = New | C = Creative | E = Experience.
That means to me that in silence we can look at life in a new way and see in every experience a newly created thing flowing out from God. Seeing this new creation, our hearts, which are the dwelling place of God, can both appreciate and participate in the creation of new experiences. This is what our natural Self yearns to do. “