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3 april 2019

Dreamscape – Voyage in an Alternate Reality

By Bruce A. Vance.

180 Pages | A Quest Original, first edition 1989 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN 0835606481.

This voyage into alternate reality acquaints you with your dreaming self and teaches you the tools, language and dimensions of the dreamscape.

Much can be discovered in the shadow of your dreams. However, no one can interpret your dreams for you. If you wish to understand your dreams, then you must embark on a prolonged and serious exploration. This book guides you into this alternate reality. The dreamer is taught to record details and impressions, employing intuition for interpretation. In this strange realm, time and space take on new aspects. Problems are explored from a variety of angles for possible answers. The dreamer encounters dream teachers, who instruct us in the art of creating our own reality by placing pupils in scenarios and then helping them find their way out. Focused consciousness brings about lucid dreams, waking dreams, or even out-of-body experiences. Deeper into the dreamscape, one encounters even stranger dimensions where colors are tasted and shapes have sound.

From Chapter 4 – ‘On the Shores of the Dreamscape’ (p. 64):

Frequently, within the Dreamscape, we manifest our desires, inclinations, hopes and fears in order to face and examine them. We may be wondering if we truly desire what we think we desire, and thus may be using the freedom of the Dreamscape to investigate. Therefore, though some fantasy scenarios require no deep interpretation, often on examination they will reveal clues to our personal drives and needs. Fantasy and adventure encounters within the Dreamscape are often private creations. We use the freedom we have in the dream environment to create things easily which we find hard or inadvisable to create in the physical environment. “

auteur: Vance, B.A.
ISBN: 0835606481

Prijs: € 10,96

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From Atom to Kosmos – Journey without End

By Lafayette Gordon Plummer (1904 – 1999).

121 Pages | First published in 1940, second revised edition 1987, first Quest edition 1989 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. co-published with Point Loma Publications, San Diego | ISBN: 0835603083.

There is a type of the true clairvoyance on the spiritual and cosmic planes‘, writes Plummer. ‘There one hears the symphony of eternal life’.

Ever look through a telescope and feel spellbound at the wonders of the heaven? Seeing is believing – and to help us truly see, this book shows us how to ‘don the winged cap and sandals of Hermes‘ and ‘soar far above the Earth, beyond the pale moon, passing at a step the confines of the Solar System, until we found ourselves lost in the velvet blackness of the night sky. ‘

The author offers a riveting condensation of the ancient Wisdom. He opens readers to the universal powers latent in people, powers far greater than any psychic abilities. He also reviews astronomy’s speculations about one stupendous Super Universe, a speculation that coincides with Theosophy’s occult teachings.

From Chapter IV – ‘Life Without End’ (p. 25):

” A Master of Life is one who is able, not only to draw upon his or her own resources, inner and outer, but through the medium of his or her inner constitution, to contact the inner planes, and draw upon the resources of the Divine Being whose ‘principles’ are these planes of consciousness, and therefore a part of whose nature he or she him/herself is. And these resources are exhaustless. “



auteur: Plummer, L.G.
ISBN: 0835603083

Prijs: € 7,50

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A Geometry of Space-Consciousness

By James S. Perkins (1899 – 1991).

147 Pages | First edition 1964, 2nd revised edition 1973, 3rd revised edition 1978, 1st reprint 1986 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170590205.

In this little volume, a new approach to the understanding of that ultimate mystery, Space, has been indicated. Physical space is viewed as the outer, visible appearance of an invisible ‘inner space’. The explanation given herein of major concepts are treated visually as well as verbally to render precisely the geometrical patterns of movement. There are two geometries:

  1. The geometry of form in physical space.
  2. The geometry of motion in man’s consciousness.

The object of this manual is to describe for practical use the movements of consciousness and their inter-orbital transpositions as a means of creative self-discovery.

From the Introduction (p. v):

” HERMES Trismegistus proclaimed that the greatest ill among men is ignorance of God. Since the greater sages and teachers of mankind have ever taught that the above is reflected in the below, the statement attributed to Hermes is tantamount to saying that the greatest ill among men is the ‘igorance of men’ – ignorance of man’s God-self. “

auteur: Perkins, J.S.
ISBN: 8170590205

Prijs: € 3,74

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Space, Time and Self

By Edward Norman Pearson (1887 – 1975).

288 Pages | First published in 1957, reprint 1964, second reprint 1994 | Softcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 8170592224.

It is the author’s thesis that all life’s problems arise from three illusions, which were drawn over mankind at the beginning of history when the Solar Deity, seeking to manifest, drew over himself three limitations giving rise to three primary illusions of:

  1. Space or objects existing in space as dimensions.
  2. Time as succession of events.
  3. Self as separated existence.

The mind of a human being vainly tries to measure Boundless Space dimensionally, Eternity in terms of our terrestial Time and fails to conceive Self except in terms of separate existence. Grasp of Infinity, Eternity and Unity appear to elude its grasp.

The author has sought to bring all the Theosophical Wisdom relating to Matter and Cosmogenesis, Involution and Evolution and the Laws governing these under the three sections 1. Illusions of Space, 2. Time and 3. Self. He contends that Science, Philosophy and Religion are the means for grappling with these illusions.

From Chapter – ‘Physical and Super-Physical’ (p. 61):

” Light, according to science, is either a wave undulating in a non-material medium or a succession of particles of energy known as ‘photons’. While the first three senses, we found, operated primarily for the benefit of the body and the next one contributed to the development of the mind, the sense of sight, which we now come to consider, extends its reaches still higher to contribute to the spiritual welfare of man. Who has not reveled in the ever-changing enchantments of Nature, the exquisite beauties she exhibits day by day? Through the sense of sight we can even break through the boundaries of earth and soar unhampered to lose ourselves in the sublimities of the vast empyrean. “


auteur: Pearson, E.N.
ISBN: 8170592224
classic-editor-remember: classic-editor

Prijs: € 10,66

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