Otherwhere, a Field Guide to Astral Travellers
Door Kurt Leland
274 Bladzijden | 2018 | Softcover | White Crow Books | ISBN 9781786770813
Welcome to Otherwhere…, welkom op een andere plek
Een niet-fysieke realiteit waar tijd en ruimte zich op een heel andere manier gedragen dan ze normaal doen – een plek vol verwondering, wijsheid en gevaar, waar het denken je ervaring min of meer onmiddellijk creëert.
In dit boek ontmoet je hogere wezens zoals poortwachters, gidsen, facilitators en toezichthouders en bezoek je alternatieve realiteiten waar het verleden, het heden en de toekomst kunnen veranderen afhankelijk van je levenslessen en behoeften. Je reist door het hiernamaals en bent getuige van het lot van de onlangs gestorvenen en het overzicht van de menselijke groei en evolutie, van eenvoudig overleven tot ultieme vervulling. Je leert van mysterieuze niet-menselijke aanwezigheden die deva’s worden genoemd over het lot van de mensheid en de aarde. En al die tijd word je uitgenodigd om deel te nemen aan deze kennisreis om dergelijke waarheden zelf te ontdekken en een Ranger te worden tussen de vele niet-fysieke werelden van Otherwhere.
De baanbrekende klassieker van Kurt Leland, al lang niet meer gedrukt en zeer gewild, vertelt hoe hij dit vreemde rijk twintig jaar in kaart heeft gebracht door middel van uittredingen, lucide dromen en astrale projecties. In de voetsporen van Robert Monroe als een onverschrokken ontdekkingsreiziger van de niet-fysieke realiteit, introduceert Leland de zones en wezens die je in deze niet-fysieke realiteit kunt tegenkomen, zodat je je eigen kaart kunt bouwen.
In deze herziene en uitgebreide versie van Otherwhere voegt de auteur een nieuwe sectie toe over hoe hij de taal van de niet-fysieke werkelijkheid heeft leren spreken, die hij voelen/denken noemt. Uitgebreide aantekeningen vullen de chronologie in van hoe zijn astrale projectievermogen zich ontwikkelde en geven resonanties aan met het model van gebieden en wezens dat in de theosofische literatuur wordt beschreven. Dankzij speciale indexen kunnen lezers de zones en wezens lokaliseren die in deze definitieve veldgids voor potentiële astrale reizigers worden beschreven
Kurt Leland heeft geschreven over astrale projectie, bijna-doodervaringen en de transcendente mogelijkheden van componeren, optreden en luisteren naar muziek. Wat is verlichting in 2007? tijdschrift rekende hem tot ‘de meest vooraanstaande OBE-experts ter wereld’. Leland is niet alleen nationaal docent voor de Theosophical Society in Amerika, maar is ook een in Boston gevestigde klassieke muzikant en bekroonde componist. Hij onderhoudt een advies- en onderwijspraktijk genaamd “Spiritual Orienteering”.
Leer Voelen!
Door Mieke Mosmuller
95 Pagina’s | 2022 | Softcover | Uitgeverij Occident | ISBN 9789075240634
Met de waarheid valt niet te spotten, niet te spelen, je kunt de waarheid niet anders maken dan zij is. De waarheid heeft met beleving te doen – in die beleving me je te weten van iets waar is, van iets niet waar is van dat je het niet kunt beoordelen. Waar kunnen we deze waarheidsbelevenis vinden?
Leer Voelen! beschrijvingen van de techniek om te komen tot een actieve waarheidsbelevenis. Dit leeft in het gevoel. Waarheidsgevoel is er vanzelf Je hoeft alleen te leren hoe je voor de beleving van de waarheid kunt openen. Van intuïtie naar sterke waarheidsbeleven: het ware gevoel kun je leren!
Mieke Mosmuller is kunst en filosoof. Zij heeft meer dan 60 boeken gepubliceerd, waarvan een aantal tevens in het Duits, Engels, Frans en Deens. Op haar website en op Youtube publiceert ze blogs en video’s over het denken en de actualiteiten.
The Reality of ESP – A Physicist’s Proof of Psychic Abilities
By Russel Targ. Foreword by Stephan A. Schwartz.
306 Pages | First Quest Edition 2012 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 9780835608848.
On February 4, 1974, members of The Symbionese Liberation Army kidnapped the nineteen-year-old newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst from her apartment situated in Berkeley, California. Desperate to find her, the police called physicist Russell Targ and Pat Price; a psychic retired police commissioner. As Price turned the pages of the police mug book filled with hundreds of pictures, he suddenly pointed out to one of them and announced: ‘That’s the ringleader’! The man’s name turned out Donald DeFreeze and he was indeed subsequently so identified. Price also described the type and location of the kidnap car, which then enabled the police to trace the vehicle within minutes.
This remarkable event depicts one reason Russell Targ believes, so the speak, in the existence of ‘extra sensory phenomena’ (ESP). Another reason is that his group earned $120.000,- by forecasting changes in the silver-commodity futures market for nine weeks in a row. In his research, with all the proof Targ has assembled (and there is more besides), he suggests all life is interconnected and interdependent. There is an aspect of human consciousness that exists independent of time and space, that is susceptible to volitional control; and there is an interconnection between all life forms, that must be understood if the universal impulse humans feel toward the spiritual component of their lives is to mature properly. This assertion is not just a scientific fact: it is a worldview. If you accept it, you will make different life choices. Targ’s proof is a beginning, not an end.
From Chapter 12 – ‘Naked Awareness’ (p. 242):
” From thirty-five hundred years ago the Hindu Vedas teach us that our awareness, or Self (Ātman), is one with and unseparated from ultimate transcendent reality, the physical and non-physical universe, or Brahman. We need experience, no separation from any aspect of the universe in consciousness. More recently, the great physicist Erwin Schrodinger, who perfected quantum mechanics, has written in his thoughtful monograph ‘What is Life’, that the teaching that Ātman equals Brahman is the greatest of all metaphysical principles. He goes on to write about non-separation: ‘Consciousness is a singular of which the plural is unknown. There is only one thing, and that which seems to be a plurality is simply a series of different aspects that one thing produced by a deception (Māyā). The same illusion is produced in a gallery of mirrors’. “

As a scientist, Targ demands proof. His experience is based on two decades of investigations at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), which he cofounded with physicist Harold Puthoff in 1972. This twenty-million dollar program launched during the Cold War was supported by the CIA, NASA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and Army and Air Force Intelligence. The experiments they conducted routinely presented results could have happened by chance less than once in a million. Targ describes four types of experiments: Remote Viewing, in which a person describes places and events independent of space and time. For example, while in California Price drew to scale a Soviet weapons factory at Semipalitinsk with great accuracy later confirmed by Satellite photography. In another remote viewing, Targ accurately sketched an airport in San Andreas, Columbia himself. Distant Mental Influence, where the thoughts of the experimenter can positively or negatively affect the physiology (heart rate, skin resistance, etc.) of a distant person. Whole field isolation, where someone in a state of sensory isolation accurately describes the visual experiences of someone else in another place. Precognition and retrocausality, showing that the future can affect the past. That is, the elephant you see on television in the morning can be the cause of your having dreamed about elephants the previous night. Final chapters present evidence for survival after death; explain how ESP works based on the Buddhist/Hindu view of ourselves as nonlocal, eternal awareness; discuss the ethics of exercising psychic abilities,and show us how to explore ESP ourselves. “I am convinced,” Targ says, “that most people can learn to move from their ordinary mind to one not obstructed by conventional barriers of space and time. Who would not want to try that?” This book contains, among many other things, a comprehensive yet concise description of the government programs the author helped developed to research psi phenomena. For this reason alone, the book is an historically important contribution. In addition, it contains many compelling first-person descriptions of psi. This is a book I can feel comfortable recommending to skeptical colleagues. Very important! — David E Presti, University of California, Berkeley This book, detailing its author’s many successful investigations into the paranormal, should make those who deny the possible existence of such phenomena think again”. — Brian Josephson, Nobel Laureate in Physics and Emeritus Professor, Physics, University of Cambridge Russell Targ is a physicist and author, and was a pioneer in the development of the laser and laser applications. He holds his B.S. in Physics from Queens College, and did graduate work in physics at Columbia University. Targ has received two National Aeronautics and Space Administration awards for inventions and contributions in lasers and laser communications, and has published over one hundred scientific papers on lasers, plasma physics and ESP research.
Truth and Actuality – Talks and Dialogues (1991 Edition)
By Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986).
171 Pages | Published in 1977, first published in Gollancz Paperbacks 1985; this edition was first published in 1991 | Softcover | Victor Gollancz Ltd., London | ISBN: 0575037652.
Truth and Actuality consists of both talks and dialogues by J. Krishnamurti. It opens with three discussions taken from a longer series with the eminent theoretical physicist Dr. David Bohm; these deal with the problem of truth, the actuality in which we live as perceived by the senses, reality as appears to our consciousness, and the relationship between them.
In the main part of the book, Krishnamurti considers how man’s consciousness is made up of all sorts of misconceptions about the ‘me’, or the ego centre; he also points out how solidly conditioned it is. ‘You cannot go through reality to come to truth; you must understand the limitation of reality, which is the whole process of thought’, he says. The book ends with some questions and answers which throw light on certain issues previously touched upon.
From Chapter 9 – ‘The Sacred, Religion, Meditation’ (p. 144 & 145):
” The many religions throughout the world have said that there is an enduring, everlasting truth, but the mere assertion of truth has little significance. One has to discover it for oneself, not theoretically, intellectually or sentimentally, but actually find out if one can live in a world that is completely truthful. We mean by religion the gathering together of all energy to investigate into something: to investigate if there is anything sacred. That is the meaning we are giving it, not the religion of belief, dogma, tradition or rituals with their hierarchical outlook. But we are using the word ‘religion’ in the sense: to gather together all energy, which will then be capable of investigating if there is a truth, which is not controlled, shaped, or polluted by thought. “
Truth and Actuality – Talks and Dialogues (2003 Edition)
By Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986).
171 Pages | Published in 1977, reprinted in 1992, 1995, 2000 & 2003 | Krishnamurti Foundation India | Softcover | ISBN: 8187326182.
Truth and Actuality consists of both talks and dialogues by J. Krishnamurti. It opens with three discussions taken from a longer series with the eminent theoretical physicist Dr. David Bohm; these deal with the problem of truth, the actuality in which we live as perceived by the senses, reality as appears to our consciousness, and the relationship between them.
In the main part of the book, Krishnamurti considers how man’s consciousness is made up of all sorts of misconceptions about the ‘me’, or the ego centre; he also points out how solidly conditioned it is. ‘You cannot go through reality to come to truth; you must understand the limitation of reality, which is the whole process of thought’, he says. The book ends with some questions and answers which throw light on certain issues previously touched upon.
From Chapter 9 – ‘The Sacred, Religion, Meditation’ (p. 144 & 145):
” The many religions throughout the world have said that there is an enduring, everlasting truth, but the mere assertion of truth has little significance. One has to discover it for oneself, not theoretically, intellectually or sentimentally, but actually find out if one can live in a world that is completely truthful. We mean by religion the gathering together of all energy to investigate into something: to investigate if there is anything sacred. That is the meaning we are giving it, not the religion of belief, dogma, tradition or rituals with their hierarchical outlook. But we are using the word ‘religion’ in the sense: to gather together all energy, which will then be capable of investigating if there is a truth, which is not controlled, shaped, or polluted by thought. “
How The World Can Be The Way It Is
By Steve Hagen.
343 Pages | A Quest Original, First Edition 1995 | Hardcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835607194.
An Inquiry for the New Millennium into Science, Philosophy, and Perception.
In this wise and original book, science writer and Zen priest Steve Hagen helps us learn to perceive the world directly – as it is, not merely as we conceive it to be. Using a provocative mix of examples from quantum physics and philosophy as well as Zen teaching stories, Hagen helps us see ourselves and the world with the clarity and wisdom born of a new innocence. When we are able to just see, we are able to live a life of beauty, awareness and Truth, in a world in which everything is utterly immediate and alive.
From page 1:
” All phenomena, existing and apparent,
Are ever transient, changing and unstable;
But more especially the worldly life
Hath no Reality, no permanent gain.
And so, instead of doing work that’s profitless,
The Truth Divine I’ll seek.
To the Dragkar-Taso Cave I’ll go,
to practice meditation. “
- Milarepa.