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28 april 2021

Theosophy and Social Justice

By Dr. Barbara B. Hebert, William Quan Judge (1851 – 1896) & Annie Besant (1847 – 1933).

89 Pages | 2019 | Paperback | Martin Firrell Company Ltd, Modern Theosophy, London | ISBN: 9781912622177.

Dr. Barbara B. Hebert is the President of the Theosophical Society in America. William Quan Judge was one of the original founders of the Theosophical Society. In 1907, Annie Besant was elected the society’s second International President.

This volume explores the insight modern Theosophy can offer into social activism and the struggle for greater social justice. It is part of a series of writings, published under the banner of ‘Modern Theosophy’, re-presenting important texts drawn from the history of the theosophical movement complemented by texts from contemporary authors and innovative thinkers.

Autor: Hebert, B.B. / Judge, W.Q. / Besant, A.
ISBN: 9781912622177
Author: Hebert, B.B. / Judge, W.Q. / Besant, A.
1: a:2:{s:3:"key";s:5:"Autor";s:5:"value";s:39:"Hebert, B.B. / Judge, W.Q. / Besant, A.";}
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Prijs: € 7,95

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Pluraliteit van de Levenskunsten

Door Tatjana Kochetkova, Nelleke Canters & Rico Sneller.

245 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 2017 | Softcover | Garant Uitgevers NV., Antwerpen – Apeldoorn | ISBN: 9789044135718.

We staan op de grens van twee grote culturele tijdperken. De opkomst van nieuwe technologieën, alsook de toenemende mondialisering van de wereld, openen de weg naar een nieuwe, nog niet geheel uitgekristalliseerde levenswijze. Wanneer oude maatschappelijk-culturele patronen tanende zijn, terwijl alternatieve vormen nog niet hun definitieve beslag hebben gekregen, is er een periode waarin de mens zich kan bevrijden van culturele maskers en kunstmatige constructies. Dit soort tussenperiodes zijn interessant voor persoonlijke ervaringen, innerlijke verdieping en doorbraken in de menselijke conditie.

Door de voortdurende maatschappelijke-technologische transformatie krijgen we voor het eerst in de geschiedenis de kans om de menselijke conditie radicaal te veranderen. Een van de kenmerken van dit historische proces is de opmars van wat inmiddels levenskunst is gaan heten: een actief zoeken naar manieren om het eigen leven adequaat vorm en richting te geven. Echter, er bestaat niet een levenskunst, maar er zijn verscheidene, waarvan sommige elkaar zelfs uitsluiten. Noemen we hier drie grote richtingen:

  1. Klassieke levenskunst (de oude Grieken: Aristoteles en de stoïcijnen; een voortzetting hiervan treffen we bij denkers als Simone de Weil, Foucault en Schmidt).
  2. Spirituele levenskunst (diepte- en transpersoonlijke psychologie, mindfulness, yoga, tai-chi, daoïsme, boeddhisme).
  3. Op techniek en wetenschap georiënteerde levenskunst, in het kielzog van de Verlichting.

Afkomstig uit Hoofdstuk 3 – ‘Daoïstische Levenskunst: Een Zoektocht naar Onsterfelijkheid’ (p. 70):

” Wie een rijkelijke portie Innerlijke Kracht in zich heeft, kan worden vergeleken met een zuigeling.

Zijn botten zijn zwak en zijn spieren zacht, maar hij balt stevige vuisten.

Dat wil zeggen dat zijn vitale essentie op zijn hoogtepunt is. Dat wil zeggen dat zijn innerlijke harmonie volmaakt is. Het begrijpen van deze harmonie noemen we bestendigheid. Het begrijpen van deze bestendigheid noemen we verlichting.

De levensenergie tot slaaf van de geest maken noemen we verstarring. Wanneer de dingen tot wasdom zijn gekomen, worden ze oud. Dat gaat in tegen de Weg. En wat ingaat tegen de Weg gaat vroeg ten onder. “

Uit: Dao De Ching, 55.


Prijs: € 28,30

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Plato: De Ideale Staat – Politeia

Door Plato (428/427 or 424/423 – 348/347 BC), vertaald door Gerard Koolschijn.

421 Pagina’s | Eerste druk 1975, 14de druk 2019 | Softcover | Athenaeum – Polak & Van Gennep, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9789025369880.

Plato’s filosofie heeft alle eeuwen overleefd. Zijn grootste werk staat als een monument overeind. Maakt dit misdaad gelukkig? Is democratie de beste staatsvorm? Plato stelt: leven is een vak dat onderwezen kan worden. Politieke macht komt alleen toe aan wie dat onderwijs met succes hebben gevolgd.

Afkomstig uit Hoofdstuk – ‘Het Verhaal van Er’ [614 – 621]’ (p. 387):

” We moeten, wat zulke dingen betreft, altijd de middenweg weten te kiezen en uitersten uit de weg gaan, zowel, zoveel mogelijk, in dit leven als in heel het volgende, want dan hebben wij als mens de meeste kans op geluk. Zo was volgens de berichtgever over wat daar gebeurt toen ook het volgende gezegd:

Ook voor de laatste, die naar voren komt, mits hij kiest met verstand en leeft met volledige inzet, is een aanvaardbaar leven weggelegd. Wie begint met kiezen moet niet zorgeloos zijn. Wie ermee eindigt niet moedeloos. “


Prijs: € 15,99

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A New Covenant with Nature – Notes on the End of Civilization and the Renewal of Culture

227 Pages | First Quest Edition 1996 | Hardcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835607461.
  • Has modern civilization really improved human lives?
  • Is money evil?
  • Is government necessary?
  • What can we each do to renew our connection with all that is wild, and generative, and free?

In this radical and thought-provoking book, ecophilosopher Richard Heinberg explores these questions with wit, perception, and refreshing insight. Each culture, Heinberg shows, makes a covenant or agreement with nature. Our culture’s agreement is obviously crumbling. If we are to create a new covenant, we must begin by rethinking the givens of society from the ground up – or even, quietly desert the existing social system and help birth a better one.

From Part III – ‘The Great Purification’ (p. 163):

” To speak of wilderness is to speak of wholeness. Human beings came out of that wholeness, and to consider the possibility of reactivating membership in the Assembly of All Beings is in no way regressive. “ – Gary Snyder.

Auteur: Heinberg, R.
ISBN: 0835607461

Prijs: € 18,50

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The Search for Freedom

By Rohit Mehta (1908 – 1995)

196 Pages | First edition 1957, second edition 2000 | Hardcover | Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar | ISBN: 817059345X.

This book consist of short essays dealing with various problems which mankind faces in daily life, within organizations, in society and politics in aspiration towards the spiritual life. The origin of those problems is identified in every case as lying not outside but within human beings themselves, in their unrealistic and self centred perception of people, things and events. Thus the solution of these problems also lies within each one of us.

From Chapter 16 – ‘The Path of Return’ (p. 112 & 113):

” The vices of the ordinary man pass through a subtle transformation and reappear with changed aspect in the heart of the disciple . . . The pure artist, who works for the love of his work is sometimes far more firmly planted on the right road than the Occultist, who fancies he has removed his interest from self, but who has in reality only enlarged the limits of experience and desire, and transferred his interest to things, which concern his larger span of life. “

auteur: Mehta, R.
ISBN: 817059345X
Additional DescriptionMore Details

An Adyar book, imported from India.


Prijs: € 7,50

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Think On These Things

By Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986), edited by Rajagopalacharya Desikacharya (commonly D. Rajagopal) (1900–1993).

258 Pages | Copyright 1964, first Perennial Library Edition 1970, reissued 1989 | Sofcover | Harper Perennial – A Division of Harper Collins Publishers, New York | ISBN: 0060916095.

Whether writing about a conversation with someone, or describing a sunset, or giving a public talk, Krishnamurti seems to have a way of addressing his remarks, not just to his immediate audience, but to anyone, anywhere, who will listen; and there are many, all over the world, who are eager to listen. For what he says is without bias, and universal, and in a strangely moving way reveals te very roots of our human problems.

The material contained in this Volume Think on These Things (Dutch translation: Denk daar maar eens over) was originally presented in the form of talks to students, teachers and parents in India, but its keen penetration and lucid simplicity will be deeply meaningful to thoughtful people everywhere, of all ages, and in every walk of life. Krishnamurti examines with characteristic objectivity and insight the expressions of what we are pleased to call our culture, our education, religion, politics and tradition; and he throws much light on such basic motivations as ambition, greed and envy, the desire for security and the lust for power – all of which he shows to be deteriorating factors in human society.

From Chapter 3 – ‘Freedom and Love’ (p. 19):

” To be free we have to revolt against all inward dependence and we cannot revolt if we don’t understand why we are dependent. Until we understand and really break away from all inward dependence we can never be free, for only in that understanding can there be freedom. But freedom is not a mere reaction. Do you know what a reaction is? If I say something that hurts you, if I call you an ugly name and you get angry with me, that is a reaction – a reaction born of dependence; and independence is a further reaction. But freedom is not a reaction, and until we understand reaction and go beyond it, we are never free. “

auteur: Krishnamurti, J. / Rajagopal, D. (ed.)
ISBN: 0060916095
Additional DescriptionMore Details

’ ‘Krishnamurti’s observations and explorations of modern man’s estate are penetrating and profound, yet given with a disarming simplicity and directness. To listen to him or to read his thoughts is to face oneself and the world with an astonishing morning freshness.’”– Anne Marrow Lindbergh


Prijs: € 18,00

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The Enlightened Society

By John L. Hill.

240 Pages | A Quest Original 1987 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835606155.

Whatever is our world coming to? The prophets of boom herald an age of plenty. The prophets of doom, a world in despair. Are these our only choices? There is also an enlightenment, suggests Hill, who writes about man as he is, and about man as he could, should and will be. The author believes that nature has an inherent propensity to evolve and flourish, and man, as a part of nature, is participating in the process. Thus, not only is the individual getting better, but so is society. The end result could be an enlightened society, one that has become integrated, non-judgemental, and compassionate. One that considers the world-at-large to be a sacred phenomenon.

Importantly – this is not merely a book of educated conjecture. Although the author’s contention that society will become enlightened makes good theoretical sense, Hill decided to strenghten his position with a personal experiment. Thus in his Chapter ‘A New Image of Humankind’ he relates the story of his own spiritual revitalization as he undertook a regimen of regular meditation.

From Chapter 9 – ‘A New Image of Humankind: A Personal Account’ (p. 9):

” To this point, this book has been theoretically oriented with an emphasis on outlining an underlying metaphysical and psychological theory of evolution. If one has had the impression that all this talk of self-transformation was only abstract ‘stuff and nonsense’ – a metaphysic without a reality, a rarefied world view to replace one or another previous paradigm, equally inefficient in winning genuine moral and existential conviction, I hope now to dispel that suspicion. I consider the last seven years of my life something of an objective, if not ‘scientific’ experiment. I believe, as a result of this experiment, that evolution is a process that may be augmented, encouraged along the lines that await us. We may take a part in our own evolution. Life should be – and can be – a process of always getting better. Everything we should do add up to making each of us more wise, compassionate, humane and, yes, happy as individuals. Life should be a process of accumulation , but it is Wisdom and love that should be accumulated. What follows is a very personal, idiosyncratic, and sometimes embarrassing account of my own experience with meditation and the effects it had on my life. ” 

auteur: Hill, J.L.
ISBN: 0835606155
uteur: Hill, J.L.

Prijs: € 9,75

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