Grammar for the Soul – Using Language for Personal Change
By Lawrence A. Weinstein.
155 Pages | First Quest edition 2008 | Hardcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. – ISBN 9780835608657
As unlikely as little punctuation marks and other grammatical elements may seem as tools for personal change, author Lawrence Weinstein shows how we use them can make a big difference in who we are and how we live. Consider these sentences of a job applicant:
‘What a great pleasure it was to meet you today!! The position sounds absolutely perfect for me!’
Such overuse of italics and intensifiers reflects a lack of trust in being heard. By cutting back on those devices – and discovering they aren’t needed – a person can begin to increase his or her capacity for trust in life. Topics of the book include:
- Grammar to restore the Ego
- Grammar for Mindfulness
- Tolerating ambiguity
- Getting out of one’s own way
Weinstein used to teach at Harvard, but don’t let that intimidate you. Though his book is ultimately serious in nature, drawing on both Western and Eastern traditions, his prose is witty, anecdotal, and packed with good, clear examples. He doesn’t claim that personal change occurs easily. But he muses, ‘for the right person, that mere featherweight, a comma can alter the course of a day’.
From the Introduction (p. 4):
” I have come to view the realm of grammar as a kind of rarified gymnasium, where – instead of weights, treadmill, mats, and a balance beam – one finds active verbs, periods, apostrophes, dashes and a thousand other pieces of linguistic equipment, each of which, properly deployed, can provide exercise for the spirit, like that which gym apparatus provides the body. Grammar can become a place to get in spiritual shape. “
Neurospeak – Transforms Your Body While You Read
107 Pages | A Quest Original, first edition 1994 | Softcover | Quest Books, U.S.A. | ISBN: 0835607070.
‘Body Games for the 21st Century’.
Neurospeak can radically change your body, your consciousness, the very essence of your being and all you have to do is read the book! A revolutionary technique – or body game – Neurospeak addresses the nervous system through the written word to elicit changes in muscles, body organs, and conceivably the mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions of life. It emerges at a confluence of psychological re-education and some kinds of communication speaking to deeper levels of the person than are reached by language as ordinarily used. Psychophysical re-education and such sub-cortical linguistics are natural allies and belong together as each expands and enriches the other.
From the Afterword:
” Neurospeak is one of the several main components of a larger system of neural and sensory re-education called ‘Psychophysical Method’ or ‘Masters Technique’. The Method was developed as a program of The Foundation for Mind Research during the almost thirty years I have worked as a Director of Research of that Foundation. The Method is part of a still larger inquiry aimed at defining and gaining productive access to latent or barely tapped human potentials. ‘Psychophysical Method’ mainly consists of the following:
Movement Work
Image Work
Altered States of Consciousness. “
Ganesha – Kleine Woordentolk der Geesteswetenschappen
Samengesteld door: Ir. A.J.H. van Leeuwen, A.P. Meyer-Gerhard en N.E. van der Schoot-Groot.
246 Pagina’s | Uitgegeven in 1969, tweede druk 1977, derde en herziene druk 2012 | Uitgeverij der Theosofische Vereniging in Nederland, Amsterdam | ISBN: 9789061750079.
De occulte literatuur is in de laatste decennia steeds meer in de belangstelling komen te staan. Vele nieuwe gebieden van occultisme, esoteriek, mysticisme, yoga, paranormale wetenschappen en aanverwante aspecten ervan worden in studie genomen. Meer dan vroeger houdt men zich thans bezig met het bestuderen van de verschillende Aziatische godsdiensten, waarbij soms talrijke woorden en begrippen voor de lezer onbekend blijven, zonder de mogelijkheid om de betekenis ervan in een woordenboek op te kunnen zoeken.
Dit kleine woordenboek, dat wij Ganesha noemden naar de hoogste van de Ganadevata’s, de olifantkoppige god, heer van kennis, uit-de-weg-ruimer van hinderpalen, heeft de bedoeling aan deze behoefte van de lezer tegemoet te komen. Het mag uiteraard geen aanspraak maken op volledigheid, maar door het benutten van zoveel mogelijk gegevens uit allerhande woordenboeken, woordenlijsten en andere publicaties, koesteren de samenstellers de hoop dat deze woordentolk enigszins van dienst zal zijn aan de gebruiker ervan.